11 research outputs found
Realitas Penyebaran Agama oleh Kaum Puritan
The study discusses Puritans migration process and religious intoleransce toward people of different divinity in Amerika sociaty, particularuy in the 19 and 20(/h century. This study employs library research in which the data were gathered from some sources: books, journals, novels, films, and internet. Besides, this study was conducted under interdisciplinary approach such as historical, cultural, sosiological, and micro to macro. The result of this study shows that the migration of Puritan society occures because they opposed absolute power of government and chruch. Having settled in Massachusetts, Amerika in order to find the religious freedom, the Puritan started to exploit other\'s religious freedom. Thus, the Puritan democracy left in paradox. Hawthorne and Miller criticized the Puritan through their literary work. The Puritan huntet, exiled, executed people who did not have same belief as they were. This kinds of ethic were against American\'s democracy, equality, andfreedom as written in the Declaration of Independence. Hawthorne dan Miller also interpreted that religious behavior, everyone has a different belief although it\'s in the same religion. Thus, the Puritan intolerance indicated the tyranny behavior in the states which appreciated democracy and freedom for human being as a goods creatio
(RETRACTED) Taboo of Madura Women: Patriarchal Construction in Madurese Tradition
Reason for Retraction (February 18th, 2022):This paper is retracted by the editors due to publication ethics misconduct by authors. The article is plagiarism from another author (plagiarism for authorship)
(RETRACTED) Taboo of Madura Women: Patriarchal Construction in Madurese Tradition
Reason for Retraction (February 18th, 2022):This paper is retracted by the editors due to publication ethics misconduct by authors. The article is plagiarism from another author (plagiarism for authorship)
Analisis Wacana Kritis Sara Mills tentang Stereotipe Terhadap Perempuan dengan Profesi Ibu Rumah Tangga dalam Film Rumput Tetangga
Film adalah media komunikasi massa yang mampu mempresentasikan dan mengonstruksi realitas sosial yang terjadi dalam masyarakat. Film dapat menampilkan potret kenyataan dalam bentuk simbolik yang mempunyai makna, pesan, dan nilai estetikanya. Tujuan dari tulisan ini adalah mendeskripsikan status dan peran perempuan yang memilih profesi ibu rumah tangga melalui analisis tokoh perempuan yang ditampilkan dalam film Rumput Tetangga serta resepsi penonton terhadap film. Penyusunan tulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan pisau analisis wacana kritis Sara Mills. Untuk metode pengumpulan data dalam penelitian ini dilakukan wawancara bersama informan sebagai validasi data. Dengan menganalisis setiap scene yang ada dalam film, tulisan ini menunjukkan bahwa masih terdapat ketimpangan sosial dan pandangan terhadap peran ibu rumah tangga baik dari budaya patriarki maupun dari sesama kaum perempuan. Film Rumput Tetangga adalah cerminan realita saat ini dan dialami oleh para perempuan di lingkungan kehidupannya. Ternyata yang lebih sering memberikan stereotipe buruk kepada peran ibu rumah tangga adalah para perempuan. Hal ini menunjukan bahwa pelaku ketidakadilan gender tidak terjadi di antara dua gender yang berbeda, tetapi dapat terjadi di sesama gender
INTOLERANSI KAUM PURITAN PADA MASA KOLONIAL DI AMERIKA: DITINJAU DARI FILM THE SCARLET LETTER DAN THE CRUCIBLE (The Puritan Intolerance in the Colonial Period in America: as Reflected in The Scarlet Letter and The
The study discusses Puritans migration process and religious intolerance toward people of different divinity in American society, particulary in the 19 and 20 century.
This study employs library research in which the data were gathered from some sources: books, journals, novels, films, and internet. Besides, this study was conducted under interdisciplinary approach such as historical, cultural, sociological, and micro to macro.
The result of this study shows that the migration of Puritan society occured because they opposed absolute power of government and church. Having settled in Massachusetts, America in order to find the religious free¬dom, the Puritan started to exploit other\u27s religious freedom. Thus, the Puri¬tan democracy left in paradox.
Hawthorne and Miller criticized the Puritan through their literary work. The Puritan hunted, exiled, executed people who did not have the same belief as they were. This kinds of ethic were against American\u27s democracy, equality, and freedom as written in the Declaration of Independence.
Hawthorne and Miller also interpreted that religious behaviorevery¬one has a different belief although if s in the same religion. Thus, the Puritan intolerance indicated the tyranny behavior in the states which appreciate democracy and freedom for human being as a God creation.
Keywords: Puritan - religious intoleranc
Strategi Adaptasi Ekonomi Pengerajin dan Tukang Ojek Pada Masa Kebijakan Penutupan Perbatasan Di Desa Jagoi Babang
Kebijakan penutupan perlintasan antarnegara menjadi satu kebijakan dalam pengcegahan dampak pandemi Covid-19. Namun kebijakan ini, telah memberikan dampak, terutama pada aspek ekonomi. Masyarakat yang menggantungkan hidupnya terhadap perlintasan perbatasan, adalah yang pertama menerima dampak dari kebijakan penutupan perbatasan. Oleh karena itu, studi ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dua kelompk masyarakat yang menerima dampak dari kebijakan tersebut. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Desa Jagoi Babang, perlintasan antarnegara Indonesia-Malaysia. Penelitian ini bertujuan menemukan praktik baik yakni strategi adaptasi ekonomi yang dilakukan oleh pengerajin dan tukang ojek di perlintasan antarnegara Indonesia-Malaysia. Menggunakan metode kulitatif dengan wawancara mendalam dan pengamatan langsung, ditemukan empat strategi adaptasi ekonomi yakni  (1)  Beralih ke Produk dalam Negeri (2) Menciptakan Alternatif Hidup Hemat, (3) Beralih Pekerjaan Lain dan (4) Meminta Bantuan Kerabat. Strategi ini tampak dalam dua bentuk yakni adaptasi material dan adaptasi nonmaterial. Adaptasi materi yakni perubahan konsumsi produk, yang kini telah beralih pada produk-produk dalam negeri, sementara adaptasi nonmaterial ialah pengatahuan ekonomi, keterampilan dan jaringan sosio-kultural
PKM Strategi Penguatan Literasi Digital Kritis untuk Pembinaan Perempuan di Lapas Kota Pontianak
Prison women are a group of people who are trained so that they do not repeat crimes when they reintegrate into society. Therefore, we conducted Tular Reason education activities for female Pontianak prison residents. The aim of the Tular Nalar digital literacy training at the Pontianak City women's prison is to (1) increase critical awareness to avoid crimes originating in the media, such as hoax traps and fraud, as well as incitement, hate speech, etc. (2) Provide the ability to check simple facts using several methods and tools. (3) Become a digital literacy agent in their environment. The activity participants are residents of the Pontianak Women's Penitentiary, most elderly. This activity was attended by 50 older women in prisons consisting of 45 prison residents and five prison officers. The participants were divided into five groups, each accompanied by one facilitator. The facilitators used the activity implementation guide module for the facilitator and the implementing team, templates of training props such as Stickers, Flyers, etc., which can be adjusted according to needs. The material presented to the participants included: (1) Understanding the basics of anti-hoax advocacy. (2) Understanding how to identify hoaxes, (3) Discussing digital fraud, (4) Discussing hate speech. The stages of the activity are using presentations, video screenings, and group discussions, practicing checking news hoaxes/facts, and filling out questionnaires to find out the participants' understanding accompanied by facilitators. The activity results were that the participants could identify hoaxes from the teaching materials used. The participants could present the results of group reflections and carry out simple fact checks.
Citra Bapak Rumah Tangga dalam Perubahan Nilai dan Keluarga pada Film “I Am Sam”
The family is the first place where children learn to be socially oriented, children begin to learn how to respond to the society and adapt in the midst of a wider social life later. The family environment is the main and first growing education center that can influence the development of children both in terms of character, and way of thinking. This research is taken from the movie "I Am Sam", which tells about the struggle of a father who raises his son, even though he has a disability. There are changes in the values contained in this movie. The method used in this research is descriptive method. Primary data in this research is contained in the movie "I Am Sam", and secondary data is obtained through literature study of several previous articles that discuss gender issues in films and gender anthropology. The literature study method is a research method carried out by studying written works or literature related to the topic under study. The result of the discussion and analysis is the representation of the image as a father who can nurture and not hesitate to show demonstrating affection to children and family
Dalam penelitian ini penulis menganalisis tentang beban kerja ganda yang dijalankan oleh ibu yang berstatus Single Parents berprofesi sebagai penyapu jalanan yang ada di Kota Samarinda. Penulis dalam penelitian ini menggunakan studi kepustakaan. Fokus penelitian ini merupakan beban kerja yang di lakukan ibu single parent di ruang lingkup domestik dan publik. Sumber data yang disajikan bersifat primer yaitu berupa artikel jurnal ilmiah yang terakreditasi dan teknik analisis datanya menggunakan content analysis. Teori yang digunakan penulis sebagai pisau analisis ialah teori perubahan sosial yang dikemukakan oleh Talcot Parson. Sebagai seorang ibu rumah tangga yang di tinggal suami yang mengurus seluruh keluarganya serta memenuhi kebutuhan ekonominya karena kurangnya pendapatan. Maka di tarik kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini dapat penulis ketahui bahwa kurang maksimalnya seorang Single Parent yang bekerja dalam pemenuhan kebutuhan diluar rumah, sulit menjalankan perannya sebagai seorang ibu di rumah dikarenakan desakan ekonomi serta keadaan keluarga yang tidak utuh seperti keluarga lain