1,797 research outputs found

    The Thunderbolt

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    Stress management in work settings

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    "Scientific evidence was summarized and conceptual and practical issues were reviewed as they relate to stress management at the worksite. Topics included assessing occupational stress, organizational stress and health, organizational stress assessment instruments, designing workplace stress management programs, stress management training, worksite stress management measurement and evaluation, and observations on the management of worker stress. A listing of resources included periodicals, books, video cassettes and film media, training material sources, and miscellaneous agencies and groups. The authors suggest that time and effort should be spent in job redesign and changing of organizational structures. In order to develop an effective program at a company for dealing with stress on the job, efforts should be made to define the purpose of the program, and to establish and clearly define the goals of the program, both on an organizational and individual level." - NIOSHTIC-2"May, 1987."Also available via the World Wide Web.Includes bibliographies

    Synthesis and stereoselective oxidation of α-Thio-β- chloropropenyloxazolidin-2-ones

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    Investigation of the stereoselective reaction of α-thiopropanoyloxazolidin-2-ones with NCS to yield α-thio-β-chloropropenyloxazolidin-2-ones is described. Diastereoselective sulfur oxidation of the resulting α-thio-β-chloropropenyloxazolidin-2-ones is also discussed, with modest diastereocontrol achieved. However, through a combination of diastereoselective oxidation and subsequent kinetic resolution in the sulfoxide oxidation, diastereoselectivities of up to 94% de are achieved

    The necessary future of chiropractic education: a North American perspective

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    The chiropractic educational system in North America is currently in a state of flux. The attempted conversion of some chiropractic schools into "universities" and the want of university affiliation for chiropractic schools suggests that we are searching for a better alternative to the present system. In the early 20(th )century, the Flexner Report helped transform modern medical education into a discipline that relies on scientific and clinical knowledge. Some have wondered if it is time for a Flexner-type report regarding the education of doctors of chiropractic. This article outlines the current challenges within the chiropractic educational system and proposes positive changes for that system

    Addition-substitution reactions of 2-thio-3-chloroacrylamides with carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and selenium nucleophiles

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    Synthetically versatile conjugate addition of a range of carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, sulfur and selenium nucleophiles to the highly functionalised 2-thio-3-chloroacrylamides is described. The stereochemical and synthetic features of this transformation are discussed in detail. In most instances, the nucleophile replaces the chloro substituent with retention of stereochemistry. With the oxygen nucleophiles, a second addition can occur leading to acetals, while with the nitrogen nucleophiles, E-Z isomerism occurs in the resulting enamine derivatives. The ratio of the E/Z isomers can be rationalised on the basis of the substituent and the level of oxidation

    Laser frequency comb techniques for precise astronomical spectroscopy

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    Precise astronomical spectroscopic analyses routinely assume that individual pixels in charge-coupled devices (CCDs) have uniform sensitivity to photons. Intra-pixel sensitivity (IPS) variations may already cause small systematic errors in, for example, studies of extra-solar planets via stellar radial velocities and cosmological variability in fundamental constants via quasar spectroscopy, but future experiments requiring velocity precisions approaching ~1 cm/s will be more strongly affected. Laser frequency combs have been shown to provide highly precise wavelength calibration for astronomical spectrographs, but here we show that they can also be used to measure IPS variations in astronomical CCDs in situ. We successfully tested a laser frequency comb system on the Ultra-High Resolution Facility spectrograph at the Anglo-Australian Telescope. By modelling the 2-dimensional comb signal recorded in a single CCD exposure, we find that the average IPS deviates by <8 per cent if it is assumed to vary symmetrically about the pixel centre. We also demonstrate that series of comb exposures with absolutely known offsets between them can yield tighter constraints on symmetric IPS variations from ~100 pixels. We discuss measurement of asymmetric IPS variations and absolute wavelength calibration of astronomical spectrographs and CCDs using frequency combs.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Age structure, dispersion and diet of a population of stoats (Mustela erminea) in southern Fiordland during the decline phase of the beechmast cycle

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    The dispersion, age structure and diet of stoats (Mustela erminea) in beech forest in the Borland and Grebe Valleys, Fiordland National Park, were examined during December and January 2000/01, 20 months after a heavy seed-fall in 1999. Thirty trap stations were set along a 38-km transect through almost continuous beech forest, at least 1 km apart. Mice were very scarce (nights, C/100TN) along two standard index lines placed at either end of the transect, compared with November 1999 (>60/100TN), but mice were detected (from footprints in stoat tunnels) along an 8 km central section of the transect (stations 14-22). Live trapping with one trap per station (total 317.5 trap nights) in December 2000 caught 2 female and 23 male stoats, of which 10 (including both females) were radio collared. The minimum range lengths of the two females along the transect represented by the trap line were 2.2 and 6.0 km; those of eight radio-tracked males averaged 2.9 ± 1.7 km. Stations 14-22 tended to be visited more often, by more marked individual stoats, than the other 21 stations. Fenn trapping at the same 30 sites, but with multiple traps per station (1333.5 trap nights), in late January 2001 collected carcasses of 35 males and 28 females (including 12 of the marked live-trapped ones). Another two marked males were recovered dead. The stoat population showed no sign of chronic nutritional stress (average fat reserve index = 2.8 on a scale of 1-4 where 4 = highest fat content); and only one of 63 guts analysed was empty. Nevertheless, all 76 stoats handled were adults with 1-3 cementum annuli in their teeth, showing that reproduction had failed that season. Prey categories recorded in descending frequency of occurrence were birds, carabid beetle (ground beetle), weta, possum, rat, and mouse. The frequencies of occurrence of mice and birds in the diet of these stoats (10% and 48%, respectively) were quite different from those in stoats collected in Pig Creek, a tributary of the Borland River (87%, 5%), 12 months previously when mice were still abundant. Five of the six stoat guts containing mice were collected within 1 km of stations 14-22

    Process evaluation of a sport-for-health intervention to prevent smoking amongst primary school children: SmokeFree Sports

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    Background: SmokeFree Sports (SFS) was a multi-component sport-for-health intervention aiming at preventing smoking among nine to ten year old primary school children from North West England. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the process and implementation of SFS, examining intervention reach, dose, fidelity, acceptability and sustainability, in order to understand the feasibility and challenges of delivering such interventions and inform interpretations of intervention effectiveness.&nbsp; Methods: Process measures included: booking logs, 18 focus groups with children (n=95), semi-structured interviews with teachers (n=20) and SFS coaches (n=7), intervention evaluation questionnaires (completed by children, n=1097; teachers, n=50), as well direct observations (by researchers, n=50 observations) and self-evaluations (completed by teachers, n=125) of intervention delivery (e.g. length of sessions, implementation of activities as intended, children's engagement and barriers). Descriptive statistics and thematic analysis were applied to quantitative and qualitative data, respectively.&nbsp; Results: Overall, SFS reached 30.8% of eligible schools, with 1073 children participating in the intervention (across 32 schools). Thirty-one schools completed the intervention in full. Thirty-three teachers (55% female) and 11 SFS coaches (82% male) attended a bespoke SFS training workshop. Disparities in intervention duration (range=126 to 201 days), uptake (only 25% of classes received optional intervention components in full), and the extent to which core (mean fidelity score of coaching sessions=58%) and optional components (no adaptions made=51% of sessions) were delivered as intended, were apparent. Barriers to intervention delivery included the school setting and children's behaviour and knowledge. SFS was viewed positively (85% and 82% of children and teachers, respectively, rated SFS five out of five) and recommendations to increase school engagement were provided.&nbsp; Conclusion: SFS was considered acceptable to children, teachers and coaches. Nevertheless, efforts to enhance intervention reach (at the school level), teachers' engagement and sustainability must be considered. Variations in dose and fidelity likely reflect challenges associated with complex intervention delivery within school settings and thus a flexible design may be necessary. This study adds to the limited scientific evidence base surrounding sport-for-health interventions and their implementation, and suggests that such interventions offer a promising tool for engaging children in activities which promote their health