608 research outputs found

    An enhanced fraction of starbursting galaxies among high Eddington ratio AGNs

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    We investigate the star-forming properties of 1620 X-ray selected active galactic nuclei (AGN) host galaxies as a function of their specific X-ray luminosity (i.e. X-ray luminosity per unit host stellar mass) – a proxy of the Eddington ratio. Our motivation is to determine whether there is any evidence of a suppression of star formation at high Eddington ratios, which may hint towards ‘AGN feedback’ effects. Star formation rates (SFRs) are derived from fits to Herschel-measured far-infrared spectral energy distributions, taking into account any contamination from the AGN. Herschel-undetected AGNs are included via stacking analyses to provide average SFRs in bins of redshift and specific X-ray luminosity (spanning 0.01≲LX/M∗≲100L⊙M−1. After normalizing for the effects of mass and redshift arising from the evolving galaxy main sequence, we find that the SFRs of high specific luminosity AGNs are slightly enhanced compared to their lower specific luminosity counterparts. This suggests that the SFR distribution of AGN hosts changes with specific X-ray luminosity, a result reinforced by our finding of a significantly higher fraction of starbursting hosts among high specific luminosity AGNs compared to that of the general star-forming galaxy population (i.e. 8–10 per cent versus 3 per cent). Contrary to our original motivation, our findings suggest that high specific luminosity AGNs are more likely to reside in galaxies with enhanced levels of star formation

    Determining patterns of student graduation using a bi-level learning framework

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    The practice of data science, artificial intelligence (AI) in general, has expanded greatly in terms of both theoretical and application domains. Many existing and new problems have been tackled using different reasoning and learning methods. These include the research subject, generally referred to as education data mining (or EDM). Among many issues that have been studied in this EMD community, student performance and achievement provide an interesting, yet useful result to shaping effective learning style and academic consultation. Specific to this work at Mae Fah Luang University, the pattern of students’ graduation is determined based on their profile of performance in different categories of courses. This course-group approach is picked up to generalize the framework for various undergraduation programmes. In that, a bi-level learning method is proposed in order to predict the length of study before graduation. At the first tier, clustering is applied to derive major types of performance profiles, for which classification models can be developed to refine the prediction further. With the experiments on a real data collection, this framework usually provides accurate predictive outcomes, using several conventional classification techniques

    Coupling angle variability in healthy and patellofemoral pain runners

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    Background Patellofemoral pain is hypothesized to result in less joint coordination variability. The ability to relate coordination variability to patellofemoral pain pathology could have many clinical uses; however, evidence to support its clinical application is lacking. The aim was to determine if vector coding's coupling angle variability, as a measure of joint coordination variability, was less for runners with patellofemoral pain than healthy controls as is commonly postulated. Methods Nineteen female recreational runners with patellofemoral pain and eleven healthy controls performed a treadmill acclimation protocol then ran at a self-selected pace for 15 min. 3-D kinematics, force plate kinetics, knee pain and rating of perceived exertion were recorded each minute. Data were selected for the: pain group at the highest pain reached (pain � 3/10) in a non-exerted state (exertion < 14/20), and; non-exerted healthy group from the eleventh minute. Coupling angle variability was calculated over several portions of the stride for six knee-ankle combinations during five non-consecutive strides. Findings 46 of 48 coupling angle variability measures were greater for the pain group, with 7 significantly greater (P <.05). Interpretation These findings oppose the theory that less coupling angle variability is indicative of a pathological coordinate state during running. Greater coupling angle variability may be characteristic of patellofemoral pain in female treadmill running when a larger threshold of pain is reached than previously observed. A predictable and directional response of coupling angle variability measures in relation to knee pathology is not yet clear and requires further investigation prior to considerations for clinical utility. © 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    Learning radiation oncology in Europe: Results of the ESTRO multidisciplinary survey

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    Introduction: Radiotherapy education can be very different across Europe, despite the publication of the ESTRO core curricula in 2011. The purpose of the current study is to map the different RO European education systems, to report their perceived quality and to understand what could be improved to better teach RO. Methods: An online survey consisting of 30 questions was sent to RO professionals under 40 years of age via email and social media. Clinicians, radiobiologists, physicists and radiation therapists (RTTs) were invited to answer questions regarding (1) demographics data, (2) duration, (3) organization, (4) content, (5) quality and potential improvements of national education programs. Results: Four hundred and sixty three questionnaires were received from 34 European countries. All disciplines were represented: 45% clinicians (n = 210), 29% physicists (n = 135), 24% RTTs (n = 108) and 2% radiobiologists (n = 10). Male and female participants were well-balanced in each speciality, except for radiobiologists (80% males). Median age was 31.5 years old (range 21–40). A large range of the duration of the National RO education programs was observed: median = 9 years (range: 3–15). In half of the surveyed countries the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS), that facilitates mobility for trainees, has been implemented. Participants declared only a minority of countries have implemented the ESTRO Core Curriculum (n = 5). A quarter of participants indicated that their national education program is insufficient. Conclusion: This is the first study to examine the different RO education systems in Europe. Large differences in organization and duration of national education programs have been found, along with perceived quality across Europe within each speciality. These results show the necessity of a discussion on how to move forward in this diversity of education programs and the potential contribution that the ESTRO may fulfil

    Evidence for a mass-dependent AGN Eddington ratio distribution via the flat relationship between SFR and AGN luminosity

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    The lack of a strong correlation between AGN X-ray luminosity (L X ; a proxy for AGN power) and the star formation rate (SFR) of their host galaxies has recently been attributed to stochastic AGNvariability. Studies using population synthesis models have incorporated this by assuming a broad, universal (i.e. does not depend on the host galaxy properties) probability distribution for AGN specific X-ray luminosities (i.e. the ratio of L X to host stellar mass; a common proxy for Eddington ratio). However, recent studies have demonstrated that this universal Eddington ratio distribution fails to reproduce the observed X-ray luminosity functions beyond z ~ 1.2. Furthermore, empirical studies have recently shown that the Eddington ratio distribution may instead depend upon host galaxy properties, such as SFR and/or stellarmass. To investigate this further, we develop a population synthesis model in which the Eddington ratio distribution is different for star-forming and quiescent host galaxies. We showthat, although this model is able to reproduce the observed X-ray luminosity functions out to z ~ 2, it fails to simultaneously reproduce the observed flat relationship between SFR and X-ray luminosity. We can solve this, however, by incorporating a mass dependency in the AGN Eddington ratio distribution for starforming host galaxies. Overall, our models indicate that a relative suppression of low Eddington ratios (λ Edd < ~0.1) in lower mass galaxies (M * < ~10 10-11 M⊙) is required to reproduce both the observed X-ray luminosity functions and the observed flat SFR/X-ray relationship

    The role of alexithymia and empathy on radiation therapists’ professional quality of life

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    Background and purpose: Physical and mental well-being are crucial for oncology professionals as they affect performance at work. Personality traits, as alexithymia and empathy, may influence professional quality of life. Alexithymia involves diminished skills in emotion processing and awareness. Empathy is pertinent to the ability to understand another's ‘state of mind/emotion’. The PROject on Burn-Out in RadiatioN Oncology (PRO BONO) investigates professional quality of life amongst radiation oncology professionals, exploring the role of alexithymia and empathy. The present study reports on data pertinent to radiation therapists (RTTs). Material and methods: An online survey targeted ESTRO members. Participants were asked to fill out 3 questionnaires for alexithymia, empathy and professional quality of life: (a) Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20); (b) Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI); (c) Professional Quality of Life Scale (ProQoL). The present analysis focuses on RTTS to evaluate compassion satisfaction (CS), secondary traumatic stress (STS) and Burnout and their correlation with alexithymia and empathy, using generalized linear modeling. Covariates found significant at univariate linear regression analysis were included in the multivariate linear regression model. Results: A total of 399 RTTs completed all questionnaires. The final model for the burnout scale of ProQoL found, as significal predictors, the TAS-20 total score (β = 0.46, p < 0 0.001), and the individual's perception of being valued by supervisor (β = −0.29, p < 0.001). With respect to CS, the final model included TAS-20 total score (β = −0.33, p < 0.001), the Empatic Concern domain (β = 0.23, p < 0.001) of the IRI questionnaire and the individual's perception of being valued by colleagues (β = 0.22, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Alexithymia increased the likelyhood to experience burnout and negatively affected the professional quality of life amongst RTTs working in oncology. Empathy resulted in higher professional fulfillment together with collegaues’ appreciation. These results may be used to benchmark preventing strategies and implement organization-direct and/or individual-directed interventions
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