829 research outputs found

    Ekonomi Syariah: Peluang dan Tantangan Bagi Ekonomi Indonesia

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    Dinamika perkembangan perbankan syariah, khususnya di Indonesia tidak akan terlepas dari perkembangan perbankan Nasional dan krisis global yang terjadi. Meskipun progres report bank syariah menunjukkan gejala positif dan terus mengalami kemajuan yang berarti, namun karena keterbatasan ukuran bank syariah yang masih terlalu kecil, masih sulit bagi bank syariah untuk berperan lebih besar dalam perekonomian NasionalDOI: 10.15408/aiq.v1i1.245


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui seberapa cepat penurunan kadar asam laktat setelah latihan berat anaerobik dengan menggunakan metode eksperimen dengan desain one group pretest and posttest design pada latihan small sided games 1 lawan 1 dengan intensitas tinggi selama 45 detik selama 4 kali perlakuan dengan durasi istirahat 1.30 detik pada anggota KOP sepakbola Universitas Negeri Jakarta yang berjumlah 50 orang sampel dan dipilih menjadi 20 sampel. Teknik pengumpulan data dilakukan setelah melakukan latihan small sided games untuk data awal dan setelah mendapatkan perlakuan sport massage atau pneumatic compression machine (recovery pump) untuk data akhir. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahawa (1) recovery massage dapat menurunkan kadar asam laktat tubuh sebesar (63%) pada anggota KOP sepakbola Universitas Negeri Jakarta (2) Pneumatic compession machine(recovery pump) dapat menurunkan kadar asam laktat tubuh sebesar (55%) pada anggota KOP sepakbola Universitas Negeri Jakarta (3) recovery sport massage lebih cepat dibandingkan dengan pneumatic compression machine (recovery pump) dalam penurunan kadar asam laktat tubuh pada mahasiswa anggota KOP sepakbola Universitas Negeri Jakarta. Kata Kunci: sports massage, pneumatic compression machine (recovery pump), asam laktat. This study aims to study how to reduce levels of lactic acid after anaerobic weight training by using an experimental method with the design of one group pretest and posttest design in a 1 to 1 small side game with high strength for 45 seconds for 4 times the increase with an increase of 1.30 seconds on members of the Jakarta State University football KOP who took a sample of 50 people and were chosen to become 20 samples. Data collection techniques were carried out after doing small side game exercises for the initial data and after getting a sports massage or pneumatic compression machine (recovery pump) for the final data. The results showed that (1) massage recovery can reduce body lactic acid levels by (63%) in KOP soccer members of Jakarta State University (2) Pneumatic machines (recovery pumps) can reduce body lactic acid levels by (55%) in KOP members soccer Jakarta State University (3) recovery of massage sports is faster compared to pneumatic compression machines (recovery pumps) in decreasing body lactic acid levels in student members Keywords : sports massage, pneumatic compression machine(recovery pump), lactic acid


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    Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk menganalisis dan merancang sistem yang menangani masalah pada bagian akademik SMA Patra Mandiri 1 , dimana analisis dan perancangan ini dapat menyelesaikan kesulitan kesulitan seperti dalam pencarian data, penyampaian informasi dan kegiatan – kegiatan akademik sekolah. Metode yang digunakan dalam penulisan laporan ini adalah metode Rational Unifed Process (RUP), dengan melakukan fase inception, fase elaboration, fase construction, dan fase transition, selain itu juga melakukan wawancara dan observasi serta pengumpulan data-data untuk memperoleh informasi yang dibutuhkan. Identifikasi masalah ditunjukkan dengan pembuatan kerangka PIECES, kebutuhan user digambarkan dengan use case diagram danglosarium use case. Metode perancangan proses dengan menggambarkan Diagram Sequencedan Diagram Activity, rancangan antarmuka program sebagai penghubung antara user dengan database. Hasil analisis ini diharapkan mampu membantu dalam pengelolahan data - data akademik dan terdapat pembagian hak akses sehingga keamanan data lebih terjamin


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    The shortage of pempek male goats due to high slaughter makes it difficult for partner breeders to carry out natural mating. The alternative is to use artificial insemination technology as a substitute for male pempek. The purpose of this service activity is to help partners who have difficulty mating their goats naturally. Using the artificial vagina of goat ejaculate, a 2.5 year old male stud was accommodated, mixed with coconut water diluent mixed with 10% egg yolk. Liquid semen was inseminated in 8 female recipients who were in heat. After days 19, 20, 21 post IB, the female recipients were observed for symptoms of estrus (NRR1), = 3 (37.5%) and NRR2 4 tails (50%) out of a total of 8 female recipients. Pregnant female = 2(25%)


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    Abstract The war verses contained in the Koran essentially have a content and purpose for a purpose. Thus it is not appropriate to confront between the verses of peace and the verses of war. Some people misunderstand that the verses of war have invalidated the verses about peace. He also reminded that do not ever think that a Muslim is obliged to Islamize the whole world. The war to convert people to Islam never existed. The war is to defend religion, to defend belief in order to achieve peace. He emphasized that the war verse was basically aimed at peace. Therefore, if there is a war between the Muslims and other people and then ask for peace, then the Muslims must accept the invitation for peace. Keywords: War and peac

    Comparison of Emotional Intelligence, Self-Development, Decision for Selecting a Profession and Work Productivity between Librarian with Education in Library Science and Inpassing Librarian in Indonesia

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    This study aims to determine the differences in emotional intelligence level, self-development, the decision to select a profession, and work productivity between librarians with education in library science and inpassing librarians. Librarians with library science education are those with a library science education background. In contrast, inpassing librarians are those with non-library education who decide to switch professions to become librarians by following librarianship recruitment and training procedures. This study uses a comparative approach. Collecting data uses a survey method by distributing an instrument in the form of a questionnaire with a Likert scale to 126 librarians who work in the State Islamic Religious College libraries in Indonesia. Samples were taken through a proportional random technique using the Slovin formula. The data analysis technique used bivariate comparative analysis with the statistical t test. The results show that the difference in emotional intelligence between librarians with education in library science and inpassing librarians has an average value of 60.43 and 58.71, respectively, with a Sig. of 0.647 \u3e 0.05, which means that it is homogeneous and the value is Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.380 \u3e 0.05, which means there is no significant difference. It also happens in career development between librarians educated in library science and inpassing librarians who have an average value of 48.15 and 46.55, respectively, with a Sig. of 0.231 \u3e 0.05 and the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.283 \u3e 0.05. Likewise, selecting a profession with an average value of 23.04 and 22.80, respectively, with a Sig. (2-tailed) of 0.743 \u3e 0.05. The comparison of work productivity has an average value of 89.44 and 86.57, respectively, with the Sig. (2-tailed) 0.256 \u3e 0.05. The conclusion is that there is no significant difference between librarians with education in library science and inpassing librarians in terms of emotional intelligence, career development, selecting a profession, and work productivity. They get the same opportunities to be able to develop their careers. It takes policies and supports from the leadership and the government to create a conducive environment so that they can compete, support, and complement each other, showing good achievements and performance in providing excellent service to the community

    Hypnotherapy to Reduce Post-Stroke Muscle Tension in Indonesia

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    Cerebrovascular disease or stroke is a group of brain dysfunctions related to disease of the blood vessels supplying the brain. According to data from the Health Research in Indonesia, pravalensi of disease according to the number of stokes in Indonesia from 2007 to 2013 tended to increase. Stroke patients is certainly abnormalities in various organ functions such as difficulty walking, and moving the hand or even difficult to speak. In addition through the process of physiological therapeutics, one that is comprehensive and holistic approach, which is through the process of hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy is a therapy that is performed on patients in a hypnotic state. Even some serious medical cases such as cancer and heart attacks, hypnotherapy accelerate recovery of a patient. It is very possible because directed hypnotherapy to boost the immune system and reprogram individual attitude towards her illness. In hypnotherapy there is a progressive relaxation technique, relaxation technique that is done by focusing on the contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the body. So the therapy for post-stroke patients using hypnotherapy, especially with the use of progressive relaxation techniques, can help reduce muscle tension in patients with post-stroke

    Pengaruh Net Operating Margin (Nom) terhadap Return On Asset (Roa) pada Perbankan Syariah Tahun 2013-2017

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    Tujuan studi : Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pengaruh Net Operating Margin (NOM) terhadap Return on Assets (ROA) pada perbankan syariah tahun 2013 – 2017. Metodologi : Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan memperoleh data dari laporan keuangan tahunan bank umum syariah yang terdaftar pada Bank Indonesia periode 2013-2017. Jumlah populasi dalam penelitian ini ialah 6 bank umum syariah diantaranya BCA Syariah, BNI Syariah, BRI Syariah, Bukopin Syariah, Mandiri Syariah, dan Muamalat Syariah. Selanjutnya analisis data menggunakan uji asumsi klasik dan regresi linier sederhana dengan menggunakan SPSS 18.   Hasil : variabel Net Operating Margin (NOM) memiliki nilai thitung sebesar 2,652. Nilai ini lebih besar dari ttabel 2,048 dan Sig  0,013 < 0,05. Hal ini berarti H0 ditolak dan Ha diterima, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel Net Operating Margin (NOM) berpengaruh positif signifikan terhadap Return On Assets (ROA) pada perbankan syariah di Indonesia. Besarnya Net Operating Margin (NOM) dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pendapatan operasi dikurang dana bagi hasil dikurangi biaya operasional lebih besar dari rata-rata aktiva produktif yang dikelola bank, maka kemungkinan suatu bank dalam kondisi bermasalah semakin kecil.                                                Manfaat : Diharapkan hasil penelitian ini bisa memberikan kontribusi bagi investor dalam berinvestasi dengan melihat Net Operating Margin (NOM), sebagai bahan pertimbangan keputusan berinvestasi di perusahaan perbankan


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    Drug abuse is mostly common in adolescents, because adolescence is a period of transition and adolescents begin to look for identity. Drugs are chemical substances that are inserted into the human body either swallowed through the mouth, inhaled through the nose, or injected through the blood vessels. Continuous use will result in physical and or psychological dependence. The most common risk is damage to the nervous system and important organs. This study aims to determine the relationship of knowledge, attitudes, family roles and social environment to efforts to prevent drug use at SMP N 1 Bangkinang in 2022. This type of research is a quantitative research, analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were students of class VIII SMPN 1 Bangkinang totaling 85 people. This study uses a total sampling technique with a total sample of 85 people. The variables in this study were knowledge, attitudes, family roles and social environment. Data analysis used was univariate and bivariate analysis using chi-square test. The results of the study using statistical tests showed that there was a significant relationship between family role factors and efforts to prevent drug use in students of SMP N 1 Bangkinang, namely with (p value = 0.000), students' social environment factors (p value = 0.005), student attitude factors (p value = 0.008), student knowledge factor (p value = 0.028). Efforts to prevent drug use can be prevented from the role of the family towards students that occur in the home. A good home education is a good action to determine the future of a student. And a good social environment is something that can be done to prevent drug use
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