278 research outputs found

    Metal-responsive RNA polymerase extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors

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    In order to survive, bacteria must adapt to multiple fluctuations in their environment, including coping with changes in metal concentrations. Many metals are essential for viability, since they act as cofactors of indispensable enzymes. But on the other hand, they are potentially toxic because they generate reactive oxygen species or displace other metals from proteins, turning them inactive. This dual effect of metals forces cells to maintain homeostasis using a variety of systems to import and export them. These systems are usually inducible, and their expression is regulated by metal sensors and signal-transduction mechanisms, one of which is mediated by extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors. In this review, we have focused on the metalresponsive ECF sigma factors, several of which are activated by iron depletion (FecI, FpvI and PvdS), while others are activated by excess of metals such as nickel and cobalt (CnrH), copper (CarQ and CorE) or cadmium and zinc (CorE2). We focus particularly on their physiological roles, mechanisms of action and signal transduction pathways.This work has been supported by the Spanish Government, grant BFU2016-75425-P to Aurelio Moraleda-Muñoz (70% funded by FEDER)

    In depth analysis of the mechanism of action of metal-dependent sigma factors: characterization of CorE2 from Myxococcus xanthus

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    Extracytoplasmic function sigma factors represent the third pillar of signal-transduction mechanisms in bacteria. The variety of stimuli they recognize and mechanisms of action they use have allowed their classification into more than 50 groups. We have characterized CorE2 from Myxococcus xanthus, which belongs to group ECF44 and upregulates the expression of two genes when it is activated by cadmium and zinc. Sigma factors of this group contain a Cys-rich domain (CRD) at the C terminus which is essential for detecting metals. Point mutations at the six Cys residues of the CRD have revealed the contribution of each residue to CorE2 activity. Some of them are essential, while others are either dispensable or their mutations only slightly affect the activity of the protein. However, importantly, mutation of Cys174 completely shifts the specificity of CorE2 from cadmium to copper, indicating that the Cys arrangement of the CRD determines the metal specificity. Moreover, the conserved CxC motif located between the sigma2 domain and the sigma4.2 region has also been found to be essential for activity. The results presented here contribute to our understanding of the mechanism of action of metal-dependent sigma factors and help to define new common features of the members of this group of regulators.Spanish Government [CSD2009-00006, BFU2012-33248, 70% funded by FEDER]. Funding for open access charge: Grupo BIO318, Junta de AndalucĂ­a

    Mechanisms of Action of Non-Canonical ECF Sigma Factors

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    Extracytoplasmic function (ECF) sigma factors are subunits of the RNA polymerase specialized in activating the transcription of a subset of genes responding to a specific environmental condition. The signal-transduction pathways where they participate can be activated by diverse mechanisms. The most common mechanism involves the action of a membrane-bound anti-sigma factor, which sequesters the ECF sigma factor, and releases it after the stimulus is sensed. However, despite most of these systems following this canonical regulation, there are many ECF sigma factors exhibiting a non-canonical regulatory mechanism. In this review, we aim to provide an updated and comprehensive view of the different activation mechanisms known for non-canonical ECF sigma factors, detailing their inclusion to the different phylogenetic groups and describing the mechanisms of regulation of some of their representative members such as EcfG from Rhodobacter sphaeroides, showing a partner-switch mechanism; EcfP from Vibrio parahaemolyticus, with a phosphorylation-dependent mechanism; or CorE from Myxococcus xanthus, regulated by a metal-sensing C-terminal extension.Spanish Government (PID2020-112634GB-I00)FEDER funds (grant A-BIO-126-UGR20

    p27Kip1 V109G as a biomarker for CDK4/6 inhibitors indication in hormone receptor–positive breast cancer

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    Biomarker; Hormone receptor-positive; Breast cancerBiomarcador; Cáncer de mama; Receptor hormonal positivoBiomarcador; Càncer de mama; Receptor hormonal positiuCDK4/6 inhibitors benefit a minority of patients who receive them in the breast cancer adjuvant setting. p27Kip1 is a protein that inhibits CDK/Cyclin complexes. We hypothesized that single-nucleotide polymorphisms that impaired p27Kip1 function could render patients refractory to endocrine therapy but responsive to CDK4/6 inhibitors, narrowing the patient subpopulation that requires CDK4/6 inhibitors. We found that the p27Kip1 V109G single-nucleotide polymorphism is homozygous in approximately 15% of hormone-positive breast cancer patients. Polymorphic patients experience rapid failure in response to endocrine monotherapy compared with wild-type or heterozygous patients in the first-line metastatic setting (progression-free survival: 92 vs 485 days, P < .001); when CDK4/6 inhibitors are added, the differences disappear (progression-free survival: 658 vs 761 days, P = .92). As opposed to wild-type p27Kip1, p27Kip1 V109G is unable to suppress the kinase activity of CDK4 in the presence of endocrine inhibitors; however, palbociclib blocks CDK4 kinase activity regardless of the p27Kip1 status. p27Kip1 genotyping could constitute a tool for treatment selection.MM is supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (RTI2018-095582-B-100; PLEC2021-007892 and RED2018-102723-T), AES (DTS21/00132) and Comunidad de Madrid (B2017/BMD-3884 and Y2020/BIO-6519). MQF is a recipient of the following grants: AES—PI 19/00454 funded by the ISCIII and co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and B2017/BMD3733 (Immunothercan-CM) – Call for Coordinated Research Groups from the Madrid Region—Madrid Regional Government—ERDF funds. This study was also funded by a donation from CRIS Contra El Cancer Foundation

    Serological evolution in women with positive antiphospholipid antibodies

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    Objectives To explore the clinical and serological course of fertile women with positive antiphospholipid (aPL), and the factors and therapeutic implications associated with aPL negativization. Methods Retrospective study including 105 women with a positive aPL serology between 1995 and 2013 attending the obstetric autoimmune pathology clinic of a tertiary facility. Patients were classified into the following 3 groups: patients with primary antiphospholipid syndrome (pAPS, 49), patients with a positive serology for aPL, not meeting clinical criteria (42), and patients with systemic lupus erythematosus and a positive aPL serology (14). They were also classified according to the serological aPL evolution: persistently negative aPL, transiently positive serology, and persistently positive serology according to established criteria. Results After a mean follow-up of 114.4 ± 37.2 months, 59% of patients had persistently negative antibodies, while 25.7% of patients presented persistently positive aPL serology. Multivariate analysis confirmed that smoking (OR = 4; 95% CI: 1.45?11.08; p = 0.008) was an independent risk factor for positive persistence. Persistent positivity as well as a higher antibody load was associated with higher risk for further pregnancy morbidity. In 29 patients, with persistently negative serology who were asymptomatic, treatment with low-dose aspirin was discontinued. No clinical events related to APS were reported after treatment withdrawal, during the 40.95 months of follow-up. Conclusions A significant proportion of fertile women with aPL antibodies became negative during follow-up. Tobacco use and the number of positive antibodies are associated with persistently positive serology. Patients with persistently positive aPL serology suffer more obstetric complications. Treatment withdrawal might be safe in selected patients

    Myxococcus xanthus predation: an updated overview

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    Bacterial predators are widely distributed across a variety of natural environments. Understanding predatory interactions is of great importance since they play a defining role in shaping microbial communities in habitats such as soils. Myxococcus xanthus is a soil-dwelling bacterial predator that can prey on Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and even on eukaryotic microorganisms. This model organism has been studied for many decades for its unusual lifecycle, characterized by the formation of multicellular fruiting bodies filled with myxospores. However, less is known about its predatory behavior despite being an integral part of its lifecycle. Predation in M. xanthus is a multifactorial process that involves several mechanisms working synergistically, including motility systems to efficiently track and hunt prey, and a combination of short-range and contact-dependent mechanisms to achieve prey death and feed on them. In the short-range attack, M. xanthus is best known for the collective production of secondary metabolites and hydrolytic enzymes to kill prey and degrade cellular components. On the other hand, contact-dependent killing is a cell-to-cell process that relies on Tad-like and type III secretion systems. Furthermore, recent research has revealed that metals also play an important role during predation, either by inducing oxidative stress in the prey, or by competing for essential metals. In this paper, we review the current knowledge about M. xanthus predation, focusing on the different mechanisms used to hunt, kill, and feed on its prey, considering the most recent discoveries and the transcriptomic data available

    EvaluaciĂłn de calidad en datos abiertos: mejora de procesos : Sistemas resilientes en la gobernanza digital

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    El III-LIDI (Instituto de Investigación en Informática LIDI) posee una línea de investigación orientada a la calidad de software, mejora de procesos y gobernanza digital. Esta línea abarca temas relacionados con la calidad de software, en particular la evaluación de calidad de producto y calidad de datos y la viabilidad de la aplicación de los estándares internacionales ISO/IEC en bases de datos abiertas. Por otro lado, la línea abarca conceptos relacionados con mejora de procesos, gobernanza digital y sistemas resilientes.Red de Universidades con Carreras en InformáticaInstituto de Investigación en Informátic

    Keys for digital transformation of pymes

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    La transformación digital de una pyme en la actualidad es uno de los procesos que más interés despierta en la mayoría de sectores empresariales. Según un estudio de market research para el BBVA, publicado en 2017, el 60% de las empresas españolas consideran imprescindible la digitalización para obtener mayores beneficios y más éxito en sus negocios. Sin embargo, muchas veces se confunde el término de transformación digital y los empresarios creen que implica poco más que usar las redes sociales o tener una página web. Lo que está claro es que hay que adaptarse a la nueva forma de consumo y llegar allí donde se encuentra nuestro cliente. Si no estamos en su mismo nivel, será difícil destacar y hacerse un hueco entre la competencia, cada vez más está más preparada y que se actualiza constantemente. Lo primero que debes saber es qué es exactamente la transformación digital, es decir, cuando hablamos de un proceso que implica no sólo a los directivos de la organización sino a cada uno de los departamentos y empleados, que debes involucrarse al máximo. En términos generales, consiste en aprovechar las nuevas tecnologías para aumentar la eficiencia y productividad de nuestro negocio y encontrar nuevas oportunidades encaminadas al éxito empresarial.The digital transformation of an pyme today is one of the processes that arouses most interest in most business sectors. According to a market research study for BBVA, published in 2017, 60% of Spanish companies consider digitalization essential to obtain greater benefits and more success in their businesses. However, the term digital transformation is often confused and entrepreneurs believe that it implies little more than using Social Networks or having a web page. What is clear is that you have to adapt to the new form of consumption and get where our customer is. If we are not at the same level, it will be difficult to stand out and make a place among the competition, more and more it is more prepared and constantly updated. The first thing you should know is what exactly the digital transformation is, that is, when we talk about a process that involves not only the managers of the organization but each of the departments and employees, which you should get involved to the fullest. In general terms, it consists of taking advantage of new technologies to increase the efficiency and productivity of our business and find new opportunities aimed at business success

    A beam-beam monitoring detector for the MPD experiment at NICA

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    The Multi-Purpose Detector (MPD) is to be installed at the Nuclotron Ion Collider fAcility (NICA) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR). Its main goal is to study the phase diagram of the strongly interacting matter produced in heavy-ion collisions. These studies, while providing insight into the physics of heavy-ion collisions, are relevant for improving our understanding of the evolution of the early Universe and the formation of neutron stars. In order to extend the MPD trigger capabilities, we propose to include a high granularity beam-beam monitoring detector (BE-BE) to provide a level-0 trigger signal with an expected time resolution of 30 ps. This new detector will improve the determination of the reaction plane by the MPD experiment, a key measurement for flow studies that provides physics insight into the early stages of the reaction. In this work, we use simulated Au+Au collisions at NICA energies to show the potential of such a detector to determine the event plane resolution, providing further redundancy to the detectors originally considered for this purpose namely, the Fast Forward Detector (FFD) and the Hadron Calorimeter (HCAL). We also show our results for the time resolution studies of two prototype cells carried out at the T10 beam line at the CERN PS complex.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures. Updated to published version with added comments and correction
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