380 research outputs found


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    Employability has become a principal aim of universities in Europe and beyond. In this context, internships are a central strategy for the promotion of employability. This qualitative study, conducted in Spain and based on biographical-narrative interviews, focuses on the voices and experiences of 25 non-traditional university graduates, all from the field of social sciences, on employability, internships, and skills. The data collected are analysed based on four categories: training received at the university; the influence of internships on employability; assessment of the internships; and perspectives on skills in demand and mismatches between graduate profiles and labour market demands. Graduates feel the internships has not helped in the transition to the workplace. Graduates have criticised the lack of connection between university and workplace, the short duration of internships, and the insufficient focus on professional and transversal skills. The results also suggest that universities should develop more initiatives to improve internships, working in coordination with employers and other stakeholders.A empregabilidade tornou-se um objetivo principal das universidades na Europa e fora dela. Neste contexto, os estagios são uma estratégia central para a promoção da empregabilidade. Este estudo qualitativo, realizado na Espanha e baseado em entrevistas biográfico-narrativas, enfoca as vozes e experiências de 25 graduados universitários não tradicionais, todos do campo das ciências sociais, sobre empregabilidade, estágios e habilidades. Os dados coletados são analisados com base em quatro categorias: treinamento recebido na universidade; influência dos estágios na empregabilidade; avaliação dos estágios; e perspectivas sobre habilidades em demanda e desencontros entre perfis de graduados e demandas do mercado de trabalho. Os estagiários sentem que os estágios não têm ajudado na transição para o mercado de trabalho. Os graduados têm criticado a falta de conexão entre universidade e mercado de trabalho, a curta duração dos estágios e o foco insuficiente nas habilidades profissionais e transversais. Os resultados também sugerem que as universidades deveriam desenvolver mais iniciativas para melhorar os estágios, trabalhando em coordenação com empregadores e outras partes interessadas.    La empleabilidad se ha convertido en un objetivo importante de las universidades en Europa y fuera de ella. En este contexto, las prácticas son una estrategia fundamental para la promoción de la empleabilidad. Este estudio cualitativo, realizado en España y basado en entrevistas biográficas, se centra en las voces y experiencias de 25 graduados universitarios no tradicionales, todos ellos del ámbito de las ciencias sociales, sobre la empleabilidad, las prácticas y las competencias. Los datos recogidos se analizan sobre la base de cuatro categorías: la formación recibida en la universidad; la influencia de las prácticas en la empleabilidad; la evaluación de las prácticas; y las perspectivas sobre las competencias demandadas y los desajustes entre los perfiles de los graduados y las demandas del mercado de trabajo. Los graduados consideran que las prácticas no han ayudado a la transición al mercado laboral. Los graduados han criticado la falta de conexión entre la universidad y el mercado laboral, la corta duración de las prácticas y la insuficiente atención a las competencias profesionales y transversales. Los resultados también sugieren que las universidades deberían desarrollar más iniciativas para mejorar las prácticas, trabajando en coordinación con los empleadores y otros grupos interesados. &nbsp

    Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 1 (DUSP1) Has a Central Role in Redox Homeostasis and Inflammation in the Mouse Cochlea.

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    Stress-activated protein kinases (SAPK) are associated with sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) of multiple etiologies. Their activity is tightly regulated by dual-specificity phosphatase 1 (DUSP1), whose loss of function leads to sustained SAPK activation. Dusp1 gene knockout in mice accelerates SNHL progression and triggers inflammation, redox imbalance and hair cell (HC) death. To better understand the link between inflammation and redox imbalance, we analyzed the cochlear transcriptome in Dusp1-/- mice. RNA sequencing analysis (GSE176114) indicated that Dusp1-/- cochleae can be defined by a distinct profile of key cellular expression programs, including genes of the inflammatory response and glutathione (GSH) metabolism. To dissociate the two components, we treated Dusp1-/- mice with N-acetylcysteine, and hearing was followed-up longitudinally by auditory brainstem response recordings. A combination of immunofluorescence, Western blotting, enzymatic activity, GSH levels measurements and RT-qPCR techniques were used. N-acetylcysteine treatment delayed the onset of SNHL and mitigated cochlear damage, with fewer TUNEL+ HC and lower numbers of spiral ganglion neurons with p-H2AX foci. N-acetylcysteine not only improved the redox balance in Dusp1-/- mice but also inhibited cytokine production and reduced macrophage recruitment. Our data point to a critical role for DUSP1 in controlling the cross-talk between oxidative stress and inflammation

    Bases genéticas, moleculares y bioquímicas del envejecimiento auditivo ¿Qué nos enseñan los modelos experimentales

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    Age-related hearing loss (ARHL) affects one in three people older than 65 years and is the most prevalent sensorineural deficit. This type of hearing loss precedes and accelerates the onset of cognitive impairment and is associated with an increased risk for neurodegenerative diseases such as dementia and Alzheimer disease. The onset and progression of ARHL is influenced by genetic factors, which are still poorly understood, and environmental factors, which in particular include exposure to excessive noise and ototoxic substances. At present, no effective drug treatments are available for ARHL prevention or treatment, and therefore research in this field is a priority. In the research field, animal models offer a crucial tool for i) identifying new genes associated with ARHL, ii) understanding the cellular and molecular basis of auditory ageing and iii) defining new therapeutic targets and evaluating candidate treatments.La presbiacusia afecta a una de cada tres personas mayores de 65 años y constituye el déficit neurosensorial más prevalente. Antecede a la aparición de la fragilidad cognitiva, la acelera y se asocia con un mayor riesgo de padecer enfermedades neurodegenerativas como la demencia o el Alzheimer. La aparición y evolución de la presbiacusia están influidas por factores genéticos, todavía poco conocidos, y ambientales, entre los que destacan la exposición a ruido excesivo o a sustancias ototóxicas. En la actualidad no disponemos de tratamientos farmacológicos eficaces para prevenir o tratar la presbiacusia, por lo que la investigación en este campo es prioritaria. En este contexto, los modelos animales son una herramienta esencial para: a) identificar nuevos genes de presbiacusia, b) comprender las bases celulares y moleculares del envejecimiento auditivo, y c) definir nuevas dianas terapéuticas y evaluar posibles tratamientos

    Revisión taxonómica y filogenia molecular de Pisa (Decapoda: Majoidea: Epialtidae), incluyendo la descripción de un nuevo género de Pisinae

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    The spider crabs of the genus Pisa Leach, 1814 (Epialtidae: Pisinae) are reviewed in this study based on morphological and molecular data (16S and COI genes). From these results, a new genus, Afropisa n. gen., is established for the clade composed of Pisa carinimana Miers, 1879, Pisa calva Forest and Guinot, 1966 and Pisa sanctaehelenae Chace, 1966 based on carapace morphology, rostrum, pterygostomian tubercles and male gonopod 1. Additionally, Lissa chiragra (Fabricius, 1775) is transferred to Pisa based on morphological (adults and larvae) and molecular evidence. Furthermore, the status of Pisa hirticornis (Herbst, 1804) is discussed and clarified. The phylogenetic relationships between several Pisinae Dana, 1851 genera, as revealed by molecular data, are discussed. An illustrated identification key of eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean species of Pisinae is provided.Los cangrejos araña del género Pisa Leach, 1814 (Epialtidae: Pisinae) son revisados en este estudio basándonos en datos morfológicos y genéticos (genes 16S y COI). A partir de estos resultados, un nuevo género, Afropisa n. gen., es establecido para el clado compuesto por Pisa carinimana Miers, 1879, Pisa calva Forest and Guinot, 1966 y Pisa sanctaehelenae Chace, 1966 basado en la morfología del caparazón, rostro, tubérculos pterigostomianos y gonopodo 1 masculino. Además, Lissa chiragra (Fabricius, 1775) es transferida a Pisa basándonos en evidencias morfológicas (adultos y larvas) y moleculares. Adicionalmente, el estatus de Pisa hirticornis (Herbst, 1804) es discutido y clarificado. Se aporta una clave ilustrada de identificación para las especies de Pisinae Dana, 1851 del Atlántico oriental y del Mediterráneo

    New cytotoxic neolignans from the cobalt crust fungus

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    Terana coerulea (Phanerochaetaceae family) is known as the cobalt crust fungus and it is used for its antibiotic properties at the Irati’s Forest (Navarra, Spain). Previous mycochemical investigations reported the isolation of corticins A-C,[1] p-terphenyl neolignans related to the antitumoural telephoric acid.[2] In this job, from powdered dry fungi, six extracts of increasing polarity were obtained and tested for cytotoxicity against four human tumour cell lines and one non-tumour primary cell culture with the sulforhodamine B assay. From the most cytotoxic one, the EtOAc extract, we isolated and identified three p-terphenyl neolignans. One of them was previously described as corticin A by Briggs et al.,[1] whose earlier structure has been revised in this work using one- and two-dimensional NMR, HRMS, positive and negative MS/MS and its peracetyl derivative in comparison with 4’’-deoxy and 4,5-dimethoxy candidusines A.[3] The other two neolignans are new natural products, named corticins D and E. These neolignans were less cytotoxic than the EtOAc extract itself, maybe due to an aerial oxidation and degradation produced when these neolignans, with catechol moieties, are definitively purified.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    A theoretical study of the Pnma and R3m phases of Sb2S3, Bi2S3, and Sb2Se3

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    [EN] We report a comparative theoretical study of the Pnma and R3m phases of Sb2S3, Bi2S3, and Sb2Se3 close to ambient pressure. Our enthalpy calculations at 0 K show that at ambient pressure the R3m (tetradymite-like) phase of Sb2Se3 is energetically more stable than the Pnma phase, contrary to what is observed for Sb2S3 and Bi2S3, and irrespective of the exchange-correlation functional employed in the calculations. The result for Sb2Se3 is in contradiction to experiments in which all three compounds are usually grown in the Pnma phase. This result is further confirmed by free-energy calculations taking into account the temperature dependence of unit-cell volumes and phonon frequencies. Lattice dynamics and elastic tensor calculations further show that both the Pnma and R3m phases of Sb2Se3 are dynamically and mechanically stable at zero applied pressure. Since these results suggest that the formation of the R3m phase of Sb2Se3 should be feasible under close to ambient conditions, we provide a theoretical crystal structure and simulated Raman and infrared spectra to help in its identification. We also discuss the results of the two published works that have claimed to have synthesized tetradymite-like Sb2Se3. Finally, the stability of the R3m phase across the three group-15 A(2)X(3) sesquichalcogenides is analysed based on their van der Waals gap and X-X in-plane geometry.This publication is part of the MALTA Consolider Team network (RED2018-102612-T) (MINECO/AEI/10.13039/501100003329), and is supported by I + D + i project PID2019-106383GB41/42/43 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033), by the PROMETEO/2018/123(EFIMAT) and CIPROM/2021/075 (GREENMAT) projects (Generalitat Valenciana), and by the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under a Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement (785789-COMEX). E. L. d. S., A. M., and P. R.-H. acknowledge computing time provided on the MALTA-Cluster at the University of Oviedo and on the MareNostrum facility through Red Espanola de Supercomputacion (RES) with technical support provided by the Barcelona Supercomputing Center (QCM-2018-3-0032). E. L. d. S. also acknowledges the Network of Extreme Conditions Laboratories (NECL), financed by FCT and co-financed by NORTE 2020 through the Portugal 2020 and FEDER programmes. J. M. S. is grateful to UK Research and Innovation for the support of a Future Leaders Fellowship (MR/T043121/1) and to the University of Manchester for the previous support of a Presidential Fellowship.Da Silva, EL.; Skelton, JM.; Rodríguez-Hernández, P.; Muñoz, A.; Santos, MC.; Martínez-García, D.; Vilaplana Cerda, RI.... (2022). A theoretical study of the Pnma and R3m phases of Sb2S3, Bi2S3, and Sb2Se3. Journal of Materials Chemistry C. 10(40):15061-15074. https://doi.org/10.1039/d2tc01484j1506115074104

    Simuladores de Planificadores de Sistemas en Tiempo Real

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    En este artículo se presenta un simulador desarrollado que permite ejecutar diferentes planificadores de Tiempo Real, como el algoritmo de planificación cíclica, Algoritmo de la Razón Monótona (RMA) y EDF (Earliest Deadline First) para un conjunto de procesos con unos datos dados y muestra los resultados obtenidos. Mediante este simulador se facilita a los alumnos el aprendizaje de los algoritmos de planificación.This paper presents a simulator that has been developed to allow the execution of scheduling algorithms such as the Cyclic Non­preemptive Executive, Rate­monotonic scheduling (RMS) and Earliest Deadline First (EDF) for a given set of processes with different values and the simulator displays the results. With this simulator, students are able to learn about scheduling algorithms.Universidad de Granada: Departamento de Arquitectura y Tecnología de Computadores; Vicerrectorado para la Garantía de la Calidad

    A Study on Physical Exercise and General Mobility in People with Cerebral Palsy: Health through Costless Routines

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    [Abstract] Sedentary behavior (SB) is a common problem that may produce health issues in people with cerebral palsy (CP). When added to a progressive reduction in motor functions over time, SB can lead to higher percentages of body fat, muscle stiffness and associated health issues in this population. Regular physical activity (RPA) may prevent the loss of motor skills and reduce health risks. In this work, we analyzed data collected from 40 people (20 children and teenagers, and 20 adults) who attend two specialist centers in Seville to obtain an up-to-date picture regarding the practice of RPA in people with CP. Roughly 60% of the participants showed mostly mid/severe mobility difficulties, while 38% also had communicative issues. Most of the participants performed light-intensity physical activity (PA) at least once or twice a week and, in the majority of cases, had a neutral or positive attitude to exercising. In the Asociación Sevillana de Parálisis Cerebral (ASPACE) sample test, the higher the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF), the higher the percentage of negative responses to doing exercise. Conversely, in the Centro Específico de Educación Especial Mercedes Sanromá (CEEEMS), people likes PA but slightly higher ratios of positive responses were found at Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS) levels V and II, agreeing with the higher personal engagement of people at those levels. We have also performed a literature review regarding RPA in CP and the use of low-cost equipment. As a conclusion, we found that RPA produces enormous benefits for health and motor functions, whatever its intensity and duration. Costless activities such as walking, running or playing sports; exercises requiring low-cost equipment such as elastic bands, certain smartwatches or video-games; or therapies with animals, among many others, have all demonstrated their suitability for such a purpose.This research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, State Plan 2017–2020: Challenges—R&D&I Projects with grant codes PID2019-104323RB-C32 and PID2019-104323RB-C33

    Long-term hydrological changes in northern Iberia (4.9–0.9 ky BP) from speleothem Mg/Ca ratios and cave monitoring (Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, Spain)

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    An absolute-dated stalagmite from Kaite Cave (Ojo Guareña Karst Complex, N Spain) provides a nearly continuous, high-resolution record of a proxy of regional precipitation patterns through the 4.9–0.9 ka BP interval. This record is based on the Mg/Ca ratio of the calcite and its variation through the stalagmite stratigraphy, which is interpreted to be primarily driven by changes in precipitation amount. The calibration of the proxy is supported by the present-day monitoring carried out in the cave for the last 10 years, which reveals a robust inverse relationship between the inter-annual/inter-decadal variability of rainfall and the Mg concentration of dripwaters and precipitating speleothems. The record of paleoprecipitation, based on 2400 Mg/Ca measurements, shows strong variability at inter-annual to inter-decadal scales, and more subtle but significant changes at secular to millennial scales. This long-term paleohydrological evolution outlines five successive intervals with consistent trends, which are bounded by abrupt shifts in the regional precipitation. These shifts took place at 4.65, 4.2, 2.6, and 1.3 ka BP. Significantly, the intervals of maximum precipitation of the whole record (around 4.9–4.65, 2.6–2.45, and 1.3–1.1 ka BP) can be related with episodes of minimum solar activity and correlated with cold climatic events elsewhere.Contribution to research projects 28 CGL2010-21499-BTE and CGL2013-43257-R of the Spanish R+D National Program 29 (MINECO) and research groups ‘‘Paleoclimatology and Global Change’’ and ‘‘Laser Induced 30 Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)’’ from the UCM (Spain).Peer reviewe

    Storm Gloria: sea state evolution based on in situ measurements and modeled data and its impact on extreme values

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    Storm Gloria, generated on January 17th, 2020 in the Eastern North Atlantic, crossed the Iberian Peninsula and impacted the Western Mediterranean during the following days. The event produced relevant damages on the coast and the infrastructures at the Catalan-Balearic Sea, due to extraordinary wind and wave fields, concomitant with anomalously intense rain and ocean currents. Puertos del Estado (the Spanish holding of harbors) has developed and operates a complex monitoring and forecasting system (PORTUS System), in collaboration with the Spanish Met Office (AEMET). The present work shows how Gloria was correctly forecasted by this system, alerts were properly issued (with special focus to the ports), and the buoys were able to monitor the sea state conditions during the event, measuring several new records of significant wave height and exceptional high mean wave periods. The paper describes, in detail, the dynamic evolution of the atmospheric conditions, and the sea state during the storm. It is by means of the study of both in situ and modeled PORTUS data, in combination with the AEMET weather forecast system results. The analysis also serves to place this storm in a historical context, showing the exceptional nature of the event, and to identify the specific reasons why its impact was particularly severe. The work also demonstrates the relevance of the PORTUS System to warn, in advance, the main Spanish Ports. It prevents accidents that could result in fatal casualties. To do so, the wave forecast warning performance is analyzed, making special focus on the skill score for the different horizons. Furthermore, it is demonstrated how a storm of this nature results in the need of changes on the extreme wave analysis for the area. It impacts all sorts of design activities at the coastline. The paper studies both how this storm fits into existing extreme analysis and how these should be modified in the light of this particular single event. This work is the first of a series of papers to be published on this issue. They analyze, in detail, other aspects of the event, including evolution of sea level and description of coastal damages