539 research outputs found

    Analysis of different training models for handball goalkeepers

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    La importancia del portero para el rendimiento de un equipo es fundamental, sin embargo, las publicaciones sobre su preparación específica son poco numerosas, no existiendo pautas claras de trabajo. El presente estudio pretende analizar las diferentes metodologías utilizadas en el entrenamiento específico del portero de balonmano, estableciendo cuáles son los diferentes modelos de entrenamiento así como profundizar en las posibles aplicaciones de cada uno de ellos. Para ello, se ha llevado a cabo una amplia revisión bibliográfica, categorizando cada documento en función del factor de rendimiento sobre el que prioriza: físico-técnico, perceptivo y táctico. El análisis de resultados constató que no existían otros modelos diferentes a los categorizados, siendo más numerosas las publicaciones encuadradas en el entrenamiento físico-técnico, seguidas del perceptivo y existiendo muy pocas sobre entrenamiento táctico. A la luz de los resultados parece indispensable realizar un programa de entrenamiento específico para porteros, atendiendo a las variables más relevantes para su óptimo rendimiento. Ningún factor parece más relevante para alguna etapa del entrenamiento, debiéndose profundizar en ello.The importance of the goalkeeper for the team performance is critical, however, publications on specific preparation are few in number, with no clear lines of work. The present study aims to analyze the different methodologies used in the specific training handball goalkeeper, by setting what the different training models as well as deepen the potential applications of each .For this purpose, it was conducted an extensive literature review, categorizing each document based on the performance factor on which prioritizes: physical-technical, perceptual and tactical. The analysis of results found that there were no other models than those categorized, being more numerous publications falling under physical and technical training, followed by the perceptive and very few exist on tactical training. In light of the results seems essential to conduct a specific training program for goalkeeper, taking into account the most relevant variables for optimal performance. No single factor seems more relevant to any stage of training, it being necessary to deepen it.peerReviewe

    Ergogenic aids in competitive handball players: a narrative review.

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    Handball performance is a team-sport characterized by high intensity efforts interspersed with recovery periods. Due to high demands of handball performance, the use of ergogenic aids is a common strategy of handball players with the aim of enhancing handball performance, to allow more effective training, and to increase the rate of recovery. Although the use of ergogenic aids is generalized in the whole spectrum of competitive handball (e.g., from recreational to professional players), only a few ergogenic aids have been investigated to test their effectiveness to increase handball performance. In addition, no previous study has summarized the scientific literature on this topic to determine the ergogenic aids with good level of evidence regarding their effectiveness to increase handball physical performance. Thus, the aim of this narrative review was to describe the prevalence in the use of ergogenic aids in handball players and to analyse this information to identify which of these substances may increase physical performance in an intermittent sport such as competitive handball.post-print690 K

    Effects of beetroot juice intake on repeated performance of competitive swimmers.

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    Background: Beetroot juice is a sport supplement with a high level of evidence on the physical performance enhancement. However, in swimming, there is no clear data about the effects of beetroot juice on performance. Objective: To investigate whether an acute intake of beetroot juice (BJ) improves the performance of competitive swimmers in a repeated maximum swimming effort. Method: Thirteen national-level swimmers (six females and seven males), participated in this randomized, double-blind crossover study. In two different trials, swimmers ingested a 70-mL placebo shot (.04 mmol NO3−; PLA) or a 70-mL Beet-It shot (6.4 mmol of NO3−beet juice [BJ]) 3 h before undergoing a 6 × 100-m front-crawl maximal effort test with 7 min rest between each 100 m. Results: Overall, 100-m times showed no difference between the BJ and PLA groups (p = .364), although a possibly shorter time was observed for BJ in the last repetition (p = .104; mean difference [MD] = −.99 s, mean-based inference [MBI] = 49/51/0). Participants in the BJ condition showed a possibly lower rate of perceived exertion in the first (p = .242, MD = −.85, MBI = 70/28/2) and second repetitions (p = .165, MD = 1.15, MBI = 83/16/1), whereas Total Quality Recovery scale scores were likely higher in the first (p = .110, MD = 1.15, MBI = 83/16/1) and third (p = .082, MD = −.77, MBI = 70/29/1) repetitions compared with those in the PLA group. Blood lactate concentration [La+] levels showed no differences between groups in any of the repetitions (p > .05, unclear), and we observed an increase in 100-m times for both BJ and PLA (BJ: p = .014, MD = −1.51 s; PLA: p = .029, MD = −1.57 s) after the fifth repetition. Conclusion: No clear differences in performance were observed in a 6 × 100-m repeated sprint test by competitive swimmers when supplementing (or not) with BJ. However, there was a trend toward a better recovery between efforts and a better tolerance of fatigue when swimmers ingested BJ.post-print1,23 M

    An educational inclusion experience in a Body Expression course with undergraduate students.

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    Las últimas investigaciones en el ámbito de la Expresión Corporal (EC) como parte del currículum del área de Educación Física constatan la mejora de la calidad de enseñanza y aprendizaje en el aula (Archilla & Pérez, 2017; Coterón & Sánchez, 2013). Especialmente interesante son aquellas que utilizan el contexto de esta materia para crear entornos de aprendizajes inclusivos, pues al favorecerse las relaciones sociales, la expresión corporal y no verbal es posible contribuir a la eliminación de las barreras que impiden el aprendizaje y participación de todos los estudiantes (Booth & Ainscow, 2002). La posibilidad de vivenciar una clase universitaria plenamente inclusiva puede llegar a tener una incidencia positiva sobre el autoconcepto (Navajas, 2016) y sociabilización (Pérez & Urdampilleta, 2012). En este contexto, el objetivo planteado ha sido el de ofrecer una experiencia didáctica inclusiva en Expresión Corporal para el segundo curso del Grado de CAFyD. Participaron treinta y cinco alumnos de la asignatura de Actividades Físicas Artístico-Expresivas y siete alumnos con discapacidad intelectual durante cinco sesiones en las diferentes temáticas de la asignatura. Esta primera experiencia ha sido beneficiosa para atestiguar que es posible incluir al alumnado con discapacidad intelectual en las aulas universitarias y aprovechar los beneficios que ello conlleva para el resto del alumnado.post-print25,6 K

    Vehículos de guiado autónomo (AGV) en aplicaciones industriales: una revisión

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    A review of the state of the art is presented of the autonomous guidance vehicles (AGV) to transport objects and raw material in industrial applications. The literature review is focus in different topics as the identification of place, application in different environments, vehicle control and description of the software systems used for the programming of mobile robots, according to the requirements or needs to be resolved. Additionally, an analysis is made, based on the aforementioned references, of the contribution made by this type of technologies not only to the industry, but also to other types of business model, such as the health area, the systems of urban transport, etc.Se presenta una revisión del estado del arte de vehículos de guiado autónomo (AGV por sus siglas en inglés: Automated Guided Vehicle) para el transporte de objetos y materia prima en aplicaciones industriales. La revisión de literatura hace énfasis en varios aspectos como la identificación del lugar, aplicación en diferentes entornos, control del vehículo y descripción de los sistemas de software usados para la programación de los robots móviles, de acuerdo a los requisitos o necesidades a resolver. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis, con base a las referencias citadas, del aporte que hace este tipo de tecnologías no solo a la industria, sino también a otros tipos de modelo de negocio, como lo son el área de la salud, los sistemas de transporte urbano, entre otros. Se presenta una revisión del estado del arte de vehículos de guiado autónomo (AGV por sus siglas en inglés: Automated Guided Vehicle) para el transporte de objetos y materia prima en aplicaciones industriales. La revisión de literatura hace énfasis en varios aspectos como la identificación del lugar, aplicación en diferentes entornos, control del vehículo y descripción de los sistemas de software usados para la programación de los robots móviles, de acuerdo a los requisitos o necesidades a resolver. Adicionalmente, se hace un análisis, con base a las referencias citadas, del aporte que hace este tipo de tecnologías no solo a la industria, sino también a otros tipos de modelo de negocio, como lo son el área de la salud, los sistemas de transporte urbano, entre otros.  A review of the state of the art is presented of the autonomous guidance vehicles (AGV) to transport objects and raw material in industrial applications. The literature review is focus in different topics as the identification of place, application in different environments, vehicle control and description of the software systems used for the programming of mobile robots, according to the requirements or needs to be resolved. Additionally, an analysis is made, based on the aforementioned references, of the contribution made by this type of technologies not only to the industry, but also to other types of business model, such as the health area, the systems of urban transport, etc.

    Microcodium proliferation during Cenomanian-Turonian transition in southern Iberia: a consequence of OAE-2 in emerged areas?

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    En el sur de Iberia (Cordillera Ibérica meridional y Prebético) el tránsito Cenomaniense-Turoniense está definido por una sucesión de carbonatos marinos muy someros que presentan abundantes evidencias de exposición subaérea y paleosuelos (Fm.Alarcón). En esta sucesión se registra la primera aparición conocida en Iberia de Microcodium. Esta aparición es abrupta y podría estar relacionada con los cambios ambientales asociados a la perturbación global del ciclo del carbono que indujo el evento de anoxia oceánica OAE2In southern Iberia (southern Iberian chain and Prebetic Zone) the Cenomanian to Turonian transition is characterized by a sedimentary succession of very shallow marine carbonates with abundant evidences of subaerial exposure and paleosols (Alarcón Fm.). That succession records the oldest known Microcodium in Iberia. Its first appearance is abrupt and probably related to the environmental changes associated to the global perturbation in the C cycle that trigger the oceanic anoxic event OAE

    Danzas folclóricas: una forma de aprender y educar desde la perspectiva sociocultural.

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    Estudiar y vivenciar la danza folclórica desde una perspectiva sociocultural (Conesa, 2017), es una oportunidad para acercar el alumnado al contexto de movimientos que cobran sentido como forma de expresión, insertados en las danzas de distintas partes del mundo. Además, es una importante herramienta para la instrucción de futuros maestros de Educación Física que suelen verse poco capacitados para la enseñanza de este contenido (Cañabate, Rodríguez & Zagalaz, 2016). En este contexto, el objetivo planteado ha sido ofrecer una experiencia didáctica que aproxime al futuro profesorado de Educación Física al contenido de las danzas folclóricas, de tal manera que favorezca el conocimiento y la formación del mismo para la consecución del currículum. El proyecto se desarrolló en la asignatura de Actividades Físicas Artístico-Expresivas, con un total de 108 alumnos universitarios del grado de Ciencias de la Actividad Física y del Deporte. El diseño de la experiencia didáctica se dividió en: la construcción teórica, la vivencia práctica de danzas folclóricas de los cinco continentes y la experimentación de role play de los alumnos. A partir de esta experiencia dentro del aula universitaria se hizo una aproximación de los estudiantes con el contenido de danzas de distintos continentes. La vivencia teórico-práctico de danzas folclóricas es una alternativa a considerar, ya que colabora como herramienta educativa tanto para la formación y capacitación del profesorado de Educación Física como para el acercamiento del alumnado a la danza y su valor sociocultural.post-print39 K

    National Temporal Trend Analysis of Infective Endocarditis among Patients Infected with HIV in Spain (1997-2014): A Retrospective Study

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    BACKGROUND: People living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) (PLWH) form a vulnerable population for the onset of infective endocarditis (IE). We aimed to analyze the epidemiological trend of IE, as well as its microbiological characteristics, in PLWH during the combined antiretroviral therapy era in Spain. METHODS: We performed a retrospective study (1997-2014) in PLWH with data obtained from the Spanish Minimum Basic Data Set. We selected 1800 hospital admissions with an IE diagnosis, which corresponded to 1439 patients. RESULTS: We found significant downward trends in the periods 1997-1999 and 2008-2014 in the rate of hospital admissions with an IE diagnosis (from 21.8 to 3.8 events per 10,000 patients/year; p < 0.001), IE incidence (from 18.2 to 2.9 events per 10,000 patients/year; p < 0.001), and IE mortality (from 23.9 to 5.5 deaths per 100,000 patient-years; p < 0.001). The most frequent microorganisms involved were staphylococci (50%; 42.7% Staphylococcus aureus and 7.3% coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS)), followed by streptococci (9.3%), Gram-negative bacilli (8.3%), enterococci (3%), and fungus (1.4%). During the study period, we found a downward trend in the rates of CoNS (p < 0.001) and an upward trends in streptococci (p = 0.001), Gram-negative bacilli (p < 0.001), enterococci (p = 0.003), and fungus (p < 0.001) related to IE, mainly in 2008-2014. The rate of community-acquired IE showed a significant upward trend (p = 0.001), while the rate of health care-associated IE showed a significant downward trend (p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The rates of hospital admissions, incidence, and mortality related to IE diagnosis in PLWH in Spain decreased from 1997 to 2014, while other changes in clinical characteristics, mode of acquisition, and pathogens occurred over this time.This research has been supported by Instituto de Salud Carlos III (grant numbers PI15/01451 to ET), and “Gerencia de Salud, Consejería de Sanidad, Junta de Castilla y Leon” [grant number 773/A/13 to ET].S

    UE side Application Layer metrics For QoE-based Network Management.

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    Cellular networks are being improved by the automation of management tasks in order to optimize the performance while improving the efficiency. This is based on the vast amount of data which is available from the network side. Nonetheless, the network side perspective is limited and the focus is being redirected to the user side. Here, Drive Tests are in charge of collecting useful information, but at high costs. Thus, the present work presents a key source of information regarding network management: user side application layer metrics. In this regard, this work exploits this user side data by using different techniques to estimate the users’ quality of experience with the aim of network management.This work was supported by the project MUSE (Massive User Experience Assessment and Prediction for Mobile Networks) - Ref. UMA-CEIATECH-15, and the Spanish Ministry of economic affairs and Digital Transformation and European Union - NextGenerationEU within the framework “Recuperación, Transformación y Resiliencia y el Mecanismo de Recuperación y Resiliencia” - project MAORI, and Univer- sidad de Málaga through the “II Plan Propio de Investigación, Transferencia y Divulgación Científica” This work was possible thanks to the partnership with Metricell Limited to provide a very large dataset of anonymized metrics from real cellular network users. This work has been also funded by: Spanish Ministry of Universities - Ref. FPU20/02863