334 research outputs found

    Calidad del Llenado de la Historia Clínica Perinatal (HCP) en el puesto de salud salida a Waslala del Municipio el Tuma La Dalia, II Semestre 2020

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    Se evalúa la Calidad del Llenado de la Historia Clínica Perinatal (HCP) en el puesto de salud salida a Waslala del Municipio el Tuma La Dalia, II Semestre 2020. específicamente se identifica el llenado de los datos de filiación de las embarazadas, así como también del segmento de antecedentes patológicos familiares, personales y obstétricos, datos de exámenes clínicos, laboratorios, datos de las consultas prenatal, curvas de ganancia de peso materno y altura uterina para la edad gestacional. Metodológicamente es un estudio descriptivo, con enfoque mixto, de longitudinal, prospectivo en el tiempo. El universo está constituido por 28 HCP que acuden a su puesto de salud y la muestra fueron las 28 en total ya que cumplen con los criterios de inclusión (que sean pacientes del centro de salud, que sean subsecuentes y que estén dentro del rango del periodo de estudio), su población es pequeña por consiguiente se aplica un muestre no probabilístico a conveniencia, se aplica un instrumento (tarjeta HCP – MINSA) para recolectar la información, para su análisis se divide en cuatro segmentos y se valora por ítem para dictaminar la calidad. Entre los principales Hallazgo están: la falta de legibilidad y llenado del nombre y domicilio de la paciente, el llenado de las casillas como gestas, embarazos múltiples o ectópicos, además del reporte de exámenes de laboratorios y clínicos entre otros, como también del reporte de la asignación de la próxima cita. Al final se concluye que en el puesto de salud no cumple con los estándares de calidad impuesto por las normativas del Minsa en los segmentos de filiación y atención prenatal, pero si en los de antecedentes obstétricos y la de control del embarazo, por lo tanto, se recomienda mejorar esencialmente en la actitud, adquisición de equipos técnico para la realización de exámenes, educación continua y recursos humanos

    Tumor espermatocítico: revisión de la literatura a propósito de un caso.

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    Los tumores testiculares representan alrededor del 1% de las neoplasias en varones. Actualmente su clasificación, según la OMS, ha sufrido sensibles variaciones, sobre todo en lo que atañe a los tumores derivados de células germinales; así, uno de los cambios más relevantes afecta al seminoma espermatocítico, que ahora pasa a denominarse tumor espermatocítico, debido a la diferente histogénesis que tiene en relación al seminoma clásico. En este trabajo presentamos el caso de un tumor espermatocítico estudiado en el HCU Lozano Blesa; explicamos sus características macroscópicas, microscópicas e inmunohistoquímicas más relevantes y comparamos nuestros hallazgos con los descritos en la literatura.<br /

    Propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de los refranes a través de El Quijote

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    Este artículo es una presentación del Proyecto de Investigación sobre una propuesta metodológica para la enseñanza de los refranes en los textos literarios, a través de los refranes de El Quijote. Este Proyecto se ha desarrollado en 2005 y ha sido financiado por la Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI, Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación), la Universidad de Guadalajara (México) y la Universidad Complutense de Madrid (España).This article is a presentation of the Research Project on a methodological proposal to teach proverbs used in literary texts through the ones in Don Quixote. The Project was developed in 2005 and financed by the Spanish Agency of International Cooperation (AECI, Spanish Foreign Office), the University of Guadalajara (Mexico) and the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain)

    Catalytic hydrodehalogenation of the flame retardant tetrabromobisphenol A by alumina-supported Pd, Rh and Pt catalysts

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    Tetrabromobisphenol A (TBBPA) is one of the most used BFRs, being characterized by a strong persistence and leading to negative effects on both the environment and human health. The aim of this work is to evaluate the feasibility of aqueous-phase catalytic hydrodehalogenation (HDH) for the fast and environmentally-friendly degradation of the brominated flame retardant TBBPA. Pd, Rh, and Pt on alumina commercial catalysts (1% wt.) were tested and reactions were performed under ambient operating conditions. TBBPA (1 mg L−1) was completely removed in short reaction times ( 95%) in 15 min using Pd/Al2O3. Nevertheless, employing Rh and Pt alumina-supported catalysts debromination of TBBPA increased progressively requiring much longer times and only 83% and 78% debromination yields were achieved after 2 h reaction, respectively. Bisphenol A (BPA), a well-known endocrine disruptor, was generated as reaction intermediate but it was further hydrogenated with both Pd and Rh catalysts, whereas it remained as reaction product with the Pt catalyst. A series reaction pathway considering both hydrodebromination and hydrogenation steps was proposed based on the obtained results. The experimental data obtained with the Pd/Al2O3 catalyst were successfully described by a pseudo-first order kinetic model, obtaining an apparent activation energy of 36 kJ mol−1. Notably, this catalyst showed a reasonable stability after three consecutive HDH run

    Prostaglandin transporter PGT as a new pharmacological target in the prevention of inflammatory cytokine-induced injury in renal proximal tubular HK-2 cells

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    Aims: Inflammatory cytokines contribute to proximal tubular cell (PTC) injury leading to the deterioration of renal function and acute kidney injury (AKI) development. They also stimulate cyclo‑oxygenase-2 (COX-2)- dependent production and release to the extracellular medium of prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), a mediator of PTC injury. However, in several settings PGE2 re-uptake by prostaglandin transporter (PGT) is critical for PGE2- mediated PTC injury. Here we investigated several deleterious effects of pro-inflammatory cytokines in PTC and their prevention by PGT targeting. Main methods: In human kidney-2 (HK-2) PTC exposed to an inflammatory cytokine cocktail, consisting of interleukins (IL) IL-1α, IL-1β and IL-2, tumour necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and interferon-γ (IFN-γ), were determined the changes in several parameters related to PTC injury, their dependency on PGE2 (through modulation by antagonists of PGE2 receptors) and the preventive effect of PGT inhibitor bromosulfophthalein. Key findings: The cytokine cocktail induced a COX-2-dependent increase in intracellular PGE2 (iPGE2) and cell death, together to a decrease in cell number and cell proliferation. There was also loss of adherent cells to collagen IV, changes in actin cytoskeleton and loss of monolayer integrity, together to an increase in paracellular permeability. All the changes were sensitive to antagonist of PGE2 receptors AH6809 and were fully prevented by bromosulfophthalein. Significance: These results indicate that PGT-, iPGE2-dependent mechanisms mediate inflammatory cytokineinduced HK-2 cell injury and suggest that treatment with PGT inhibitors might help to prevent AKI induced by sepsis, renal ischemia/reperfusion and other pathological conditions in which inflammatory cytokines contribute to PTC damageThis work was supported by a grant COVID-19 2021 2020/00003/ 016/001/009 from the Universidad de Alcala and a grant Ayudas a la Investigacion ´ Departamento de Biología UAM. This research is part of the project on COVID-19 and diabetes (REACT UE-CM2021-02) funded by the Community of Madrid in agreement with the University of Alcala, ´ and co-funded with REACT-EU resources from the European Regional Development Fund “A way to make Europe

    Economic profitability of agroforestry in nitrate vulnerable zones in Catalonia (NE Spain)

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    The impact of agricultural practices and the excess application of nitrogen can negatively impact the environment and cause human health problems. In Spain, the liquid manure applied in areas of intensive agriculture is creating groundwater nitrate pollution problems. The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the economic profitability of agroforestry practices in North East Spain. Therefore, it deals with an alternative land use that has attracted attention in recent years, considering its potential to reduce the negative impact of modern agriculture that combines concurrent forestry and agricultural production in the same area. Specifically, silvoarable practices, such as alley cropping (AC), edge row planting and riparian buffer (RB) strips were compared to conventional agricultural land use. Considering the current agricultural policy framework in Spain, which does not favour these practices, our results showed the economic profitability of alley-cropping practices in comparison to conventional barley production of 25 to 64 € ha-1 yr-1. However, AC systems presented negative results compared to the traditional wheat crop (-122 to -63 € ha-1 yr-1). The results for RB strips were strongly influenced by the high initial costs, both in irrigated and non-irrigated scenarios. Economic results were negative (between -137 and -85 € ha-1 yr-1) compared to the conventional crops, barley and corn. These figures could be greatly increased with a policy framework that promotes these practices based on the fundamental ecosystem services they provide. Moreover, these practices allow an economic diversification that could prove to be beneficial for the majority of farmers.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    New markers for human ovarian cancer that link platinum resistance to the cancer stem cell phenotype and define new therapeutic combinations and diagnostic tools

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    BACKGROUND: Ovarian cancer is the leading cause of gynecologic cancer-related death, due in part to a late diagnosis and a high rate of recurrence. Primary and acquired platinum resistance is related to a low response probability to subsequent lines of treatment and to a poor survival. Therefore, a comprehensive understanding of the mechanisms that drive platinum resistance is urgently needed. METHODS: We used bioinformatics analysis of public databases and RT-qPCR to quantitate the relative gene expression profiles of ovarian tumors. Many of the dysregulated genes were cancer stem cell (CSC) factors, and we analyzed its relation to therapeutic resistance in human primary tumors. We also performed clustering and in vitro analyses of therapy cytotoxicity in tumorspheres. RESULTS: Using bioinformatics analysis, we identified transcriptional targets that are common endpoints of genetic alterations linked to platinum resistance in ovarian tumors. Most of these genes are grouped into 4 main clusters related to the CSC phenotype, including the DNA damage, Notch and C-KIT/MAPK/MEK pathways. The relative expression of these genes, either alone or in combination, is related to prognosis and provide a connection between platinum resistance and the CSC phenotype. However, the expression of the CSC-related markers was heterogeneous in the resistant tumors, most likely because there were different CSC pools. Furthermore, our in vitro results showed that the inhibition of the CSC-related targets lying at the intersection of the DNA damage, Notch and C-KIT/MAPK/MEK pathways sensitize CSC-enriched tumorspheres to platinum therapies, suggesting a new option for the treatment of patients with platinum-resistant ovarian cancer. CONCLUSIONS: The current study presents a new approach to target the physiology of resistant ovarian tumor cells through the identification of core biomarkers. We hypothesize that the identified mutations confer platinum resistance by converging to activate a few pathways and to induce the expression of a few common, measurable and targetable essential genes. These pathways include the DNA damage, Notch and C-KIT/MAPK/MEK pathways. Finally, the combined inhibition of one of these pathways with platinum treatment increases the sensitivity of CSC-enriched tumorspheres to low doses of platinum, suggesting a new treatment for ovarian cancerSpanish Ministry of Education FPU12/01380Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitivity, Plan Estatal de I + D + I 2013–2016Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (RTI2018–097455-B-I00)CIBER de Cáncer (CD16/12/00275)Spanish Consejería de Salud of the Junta de Andalucia (PI-0397-2017

    Olor a Nenuco. Estímulos químicos de cría y su impacto en la madre

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    Una correcta conducta maternal es fundamental para la supervivencia de la descendencia y la maduración de su sistema nervioso. Esta investigación analiza el sustrato neuroendocrino de la conducta maternal en ratones, para ayudar a comprender la etiología de sus posibles alteraciones. El objetivo es entender por qué las madres muestran mayor motivación hacia las crías que las hembras vírgenes. Nuestra hipótesis plantea que, durante la gestación, factores endocrinos podrían estimular determinados centros del cerebro de las madres haciéndolos más sensibles a las feromonas de crías. Para poner a prueba esta hipótesis hemos expuesto a madres y a hembras vírgenes a dos tipos de estímulo, crías y botones. Mediante la detección inmunohistoquímica de c-Fos medimos la actividad neuronal de sus centros quimiosensoriales (bulbos olfativos principal y accesorio, córtex piriforme, amígdala medial y cortical). El análisis estadístico (anova de dos factores, hembra y estímulo) no mostró diferencias significativas entre madres y comadres en la activación de los centros quimiosensoriales al exponerlas a crías o botones, aunque sí una tendencia a una mayor actividad en la amígdala medial posterodorsal en madres, independiente del estímulo. Finalmente, observamos una correlación significativa entre conducta maternal y actividad neuronal en centros quimiosensoriales en el grupo de hembras expuestas a crías, que sugieren el uso de circuitos neuronales diferentes entre madres y vírgenes durante su interacción con las crías.Appropriate maternal behaviour is essential for offspring survival and for its neurodevelopment. This research analyses the neuroendocrine substrate of maternal behaviour in mice, to help understanding the aetiology of their possible disorders. Our goal is to understand why mothers show higher motivation towards offspring than virgin females. Our hypothesis postulates that changes induced by gestational hormones could sensitize specific mothers’ brain centres to pup pheromones. For this purpose, we exposed dams and virgin females to two different stimuli, pups and buttons. Through immunohistochemical detention of c-Fos, we assessed the neuronal activity in their chemosensory centres (main and accessory olfactory bulbs, piriform cortex, medial and cortical amygdala). A twoway ANOVA, with female and stimulus as factors, did not show differences between dams or virgins in the activation of chemosensory centres when exposed to pups or buttons, although it showed a nearly significant trend towards higher activation of the medial amygdala in dams, irrespective of the stimulus. Finally, we observed significant correlations between maternal behaviour and the activity of chemosensory centres in the group of females exposed to pups, which suggest the use of different neuronal circuits by dams and virgin females during their interaction with pups

    Assessing hydromorphological and floristic patterns along a regulated Mediterranean river : The Serpis River (Spain)

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    In the European context, several methodologies have been developed to assess the ecological status and, specifically, the hydromorphological status of running surface waters. Although these methodologies have been widely used, few studies have focused on hydrologically altered water bodies and the factors that may determine their status. In this study, the Serpis River was divided into 16 segments from the Beniarr'es dam (40 km from the river mouth) to the sea, all of which are affected by flow regulation, but with different severity. In each segment, an inventory of the flora was conducted, and hydromorphological indices (QBR, Riparian Habitat Quality Index; and IHF, River Habitat Index) were applied. The objectives of the study were (A) to identify relationships between floristic composition and QBR components and (B) between instream habitat characteristics and IHF components as well as (C) to determine the main factors controlling the floristic composition and riparian habitat quality (QBR) and the factors controlling instream habitat characteristics and heterogeneity (IHF). A cluster analysis allowed grouping sites according to their floristic composition and instream habitat characteristics, and non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) was used to ordinate the sites, obtaining the biotic and instream habitat characteristics, as well as the QBR and IHF subindices, which better explained the spatial patterns. Finally, a canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) with predictor variables (geographical, hydrological, geomorphological and human pressures) indicated the main factors controlling the spatial patterns of the floristic composition, instreamhabitat characteristics, riparian habitat quality and instream habitat heterogeneity. A gradient of riparian and instream habitat quality was identified. Our results suggest that physical constraints (presence of a gorge) have protected sites from severe human impacts, resulting in good ecological quality, despite hydrological alteration. This area, where there is geomorphological control, could be potentially reclassified into a different ecotype because regular monitoring could be using incorrect references for index scores, and naturally high scores could be confused with recovery from hydrological alteration or other pressures. The sites with the worst quality were near the river mouth and were characterised by an artificial and highly variable flow regime (related to large autumnal floods and frequent human-induced periods of zero flow). This artificial flow variability as well as the presence of lateral structures in the river channel and geomorphological characteristics were identified as the main factors driving the hydromorphological and floristic pattern in this regulated river.Diversas metodologías han sido desarrolladas en el contexto europeo para evaluar el estado ecológico, y específicamente el estado hidromorfológico de las aguas superficiales. Aunque éstas han sido ampliamente utilizadas, pocos estudios se han centrado en masas de agua hidrológicamente alteradas y en los factores que condicionan su estado. En este estudio, el río Serpis fue dividido en 16 segmentos desde la presa de Beniarrés (a 40 km de la desembocadura) hasta el mar, todos ellos afectados por la regulación de caudales con distinta severidad. En cada segmento se realizó un inventario florístico y se aplicaron índices hidromorfológicos (QBR, Calidad del Bosque de Ribera, e IHF, Índice de Hábitat Fluvial). Los objetivos del estudio fueron (A) identificar relaciones entre la composición florística y los componentes del QBR, (B) entre las caracteríısticas del hábitat fluvial y los componentes del IHF, (C) determinar los principales factores que controlan la composición florística y la calidad del hábitat ripario (QBR), y las características del hábitat fluvial y su heterogeneidad (IHF). Un cluster permitió agrupar los puntos de muestreo según su composición florística y las características del hábitat fluvial, y un escalado multidimensional no-métrico (NMDS) fue usado para ordenar los puntos, obteniendo las variables bióticas y características del hábitat y los subindices del QBR e IHF, respectivamente, que explicaban mejor los patrones espaciales. Finalmente, un análisis de correspondencias canónicas (CCA) con variables predictoras (geográficas, hidrológicas, geomorfológicas y presiones humanas) indicó los principales factores que controlan los patrones espaciales de la composición florística, las características del hábitat fluvial, la calidad del hábitat ripario y la heterogeneidad del hábitat fluvial. Se identificó un gradiente de calidad del hábitat ripario y fluvial. Los resultados sugieren que las limitaciones físicas (presencia de un cañón) han protegido a los tramos de impactos humanos severos, resultando en una buena calidad ecológica a pesar de la alteración hidrológica. Esta zona podría potencialmente ser reclasificada en un ecotipo diferente, ya que un monitoreo regular podría estar usando referencias incorrectas para los índices y sus altas puntuaciones naturales se podrían estar confundiendo con una recuperación de la alteración hidrológica o de otras presiones. Los puntos de muestreo con peor calidad estuvieron cerca de la desembocadura y tuvieron un régimen de caudales alterado y muy variable. Esta variabilidad artificial del caudal, junto con la presencia de estructuras laterales en el cauce y las características geomorfológicas fueron identificadas como los principales factores determinantes del patrón hidromorfológico y florístico en este río regulado