56 research outputs found


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    This paper gives accounts for some ancient insects, that were obtained in relation to funerarius deposits inside the La Chagüera cave, localized near Ticuman, Morelos state, Mexico, during the archaeological and archaeobotanical studies under Ticuman 94 Proyect. Fragments of three orders of insects were found: Coleoptera, Diptera and Lepidoptera, and also some fragments of Diplopoda, Polydesmida Rhachodesmidae. The following taxa were determined: the Coleoptera family Scarabaeidae, with the genera Dichotomius, Ontophagus, which are attracted by carrion and Copris, which prefers excreta; the family Trogidae, represented by the genus Omorgus, which has affinity for carrion. The family Melolonthidae with the phytophagous genus Cotinis and Hologymnetis; the family Dermestidae, represented by Dermestes, with preferences for dry organic matter. Fragments of Tenebrionidae, belonging to the genus Eleodes and Asidinae, as well as one prothorax of Elateridae and some elytra of Lampyridae or Meloidae were found. The order Diptera was represented by the family Calliphoridae with the genus Phormia that visits carrion; the family Stratiomyidae, represented by the genus Hermetia that frequent corpses; the subfamily Cuterebrinae with the genera Cuterebra and Hypoderma which are hypodermical parasites in vertebrate animals. The order Lepidoptera was determined only to the family Tinaeidae. It is difficult to explain the presence of Cotinis and Hologymnetis elytra, because they are phytofagous insects and cannot visit the dark areas inside the cave, but possibly they correspond to cultural activities of the ancient population, being very difficult to prove. The presence of Cuterebrinae can be explained because they parasitized some vertebrates that visited the cave. This is the first time the relationship between insects and funeral deposites with an age of 200 B.C.- 200 A.D. inside a cave, are registered for Mexico.En este trabajo se dan a conocer los insectos que se encontraron durante los estudios arqueobotánicos dentro del Proyecto Arqueobotánico Ticumán 94. Los insectos fueron hallados en relación con los depósitos funerarios y sus ofrendas (con una antigüedad aproximada de 200 A.C.-200 D.C.) que hicieron los antiguos pobladores dentro de la cueva la Chagüera que está en la cañada del mismo nombre, cerca de la población de Ticumán, Morelos, México (ver Alvarado et al. 1994). Los órdenes presentes fueron: Coleoptera, Diptera y Lepidoptera, además hubo restos de un diplópodo, Polydesmida Rhachodesmidae. De los Coleoptera se determinaron los géneros de Scarabaeidae, Dicothomius, Onthophagus, que acuden a materia orgánica en descomposición; Copris, que normalmente frecuenta a excreta. De Trogidae, el género Omorgus, que se encuentra en cadáveres. De Melolonthidae, los géneros Cotinis y Hologymnetis, que normalmente se alimentan en frutos. De Dermestidae, el género Dermestes, que viven en diferentes materiales muertos, o secos. De Tenebrionidae, Eleodes y un Asidinae. Un Elateridae y algunos élitros de Lampyridae o Meloidae. De los Diptera, la familia Calliphoridae, con el género Phormia. La familia Stratiomyidae, con el género Hermetia; de la familia Oestridae, Cuterebrinae, con los géneros Cuterebra e Hypoderma. De Lepidoptera, la familia Tinaeidae. Llamó la atención, la presencia de élitros de Cotinis y Hologymnetis que son de ambientes abiertos, por lo que no hay una buena explicación para su presencia en la obscuridad absoluta de la cueva, a menos que formen parte de las costumbres culturales antiguas, de lo cual no existen informes. El encontrar Cuterebrinae, indica que pudieron parasitar alguno de los vertebrados que penetraron en la cueva

    Using Automated Reasoning Tools in GeoGebra in the Teaching and Learning of Proving in Geometry

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    ABSTRACT: This document introduces, describes and exemplifies the technical features of some recently implemented automated reasoning tools in the dynamic mathematics software GeoGebra. The new tools are based on symbolic computation algorithms, allowing the automatic and rigorous proving and discovery of theorems on constructed geometric figures. Some examples of the use in the classroom of such commands are provided, including one describing how intuitive handling of GeoGebra automated reasoning tools may result in unexpected outputs. In all cases the emphasis is made in the potential utility of these tools as a guiding stick to foster student activities (exploration, reasoning) in the learning of elementary geometry. Moreover, a collection of appendices describing other, more sophisticated, low-level GeoGebra tools (Prove, ProveDetails), as well as instructions on how to obtain the translation of GeoGebra commands into other languages, and details about debugging, are included.Work partially supported by the grant MTM2017-88796-P from the Spanish MINECO and the ERDF (European Regional Development Fund)

    Multivariate Analysis to Relate CTOD Values with Material Properties in Steel Welded Joints for the Offshore Wind Power Industry

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    [EN] The increasingly mechanical requirements of offshore structures have established the relevance of fracture mechanics-based quality control in welded joints. For this purpose, crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) at a given distance from the crack tip has been considered one of the most suited parameters for modeling and control of crack growth, and it is broadly used at the industrial level. We have modeled, through multivariate analysis techniques, the relationships among CTOD values and other material properties (such as hardness, chemical composition, toughness, and microstructural morphology) in high-thickness offshore steel welded joints. In order to create this model, hundreds of tests were done on 72 real samples, which were welded with a wide range of real industrial parameters. The obtained results were processed and evaluated with different multivariate techniques, and we established the significance of all the chosen explanatory variables and the good predictive capability of the CTOD tests within the limits of the experimental variation. By establishing the use of this model, significant savings can be achieved in the manufacturing of wind generators, as CTOD tests are more expensive and complex than the proposed alternatives. Additionally, this model allows for some technical conclusions.S

    Una especie nueva de macrocopturus heller (Coleoptera: Curculionidae: Conoderinae) de Guerrero, México y descripción de sus estados inmaduros

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    A new species of Macrocopturus Heller found in Bursera citronella Mc Vaugh & Rzedowski in Guerrero, Mexico is described. M. bruserophagus, new species, is proportionally broader and more flattened above than other species of the genus, and has carinate femora armed with ventral teeth. Larvae and pupa are described alsoSe describe una especie nueva de Macrocopturus Heller encontrada en Bursera citronella Mc Vaugh & Rzedowski en Guerrero, México. M. bruserophagus, nueva especie, es más ancha y plana dorsalmente que otras especies del género, y tiene los fémures carenados y unidentados. Se describen también los estados inmaduros de larva y pupa

    Enunciados ni ciertos ni falsos en razonamiento automático en geometría

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    ABSTRACT: We investigate and generalize to an extended framework the notion of true on components labeled by Zhou, Wang and Sun in their paper "Automated Reducible Geometric Theorem Proving and Discovery by Gröbner Basis Method", J. Automat. Reasoning 59 (3), 331-344, 2017. A new, simple criterion is presented for a statement to be simultaneously not generally true and not generally false (i.e. true on components), and its performance is exemplified through the implementation of this test in the dynamic geometry program GeoGebra. This extended abstract is based on a recent work by the authors.Partially supported by the Spanish Research Project MTM2017-88796-P Computación simbólica: nuevos retos en álgebra y geometría y sus aplicaciones

    Hacia un autómata geómetra

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    Este artículo tiene como objetivo ilustrar al lector, muy particularmente a los colegas de la comunidad matemática española, de la RSME, de la evolución de nuestro grupo de investigación y de su trabajo a lo largo de los últimos 30 años, en pos de la creación de un autómata geómetra. Para ello, en las secciones siguientes se trazan unas pinceladas sobre la historia de las contribuciones del equipo de investigación creado en torno a los autores de este artículo, incluyendo, en particular, una descripción informal de los conceptos, problemas y métodos que fueron desarrollando. No pretende ser, no puede ser, una historia universal de la demostración automática de teoremas geométricos, pero creemos que el lector interesado encontrará datos relevantes a este respecto en las referencias que se incluyen a lo largo de este trabajo. Finalmente se presenta el resultado más «visible» de nuestro trabajo, el autómata geómetra AG, a través de diversos ejemplos, concluyendo con unas someras reflexiones acerca de su potencial impacto en el mundo educativo

    Cognitive vulnerability in mental disorders

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    ABSTRACT: Introduction: Modes of cognitive vulnerability were evaluated in outpatients of psychological services centers with diagnoses of mental disorders. Objective: To establish components of cognitive vulnerability in different mental disorders. Method: The participants were 490 users of psychological services centers from twelve universities in Colombia. To identify the presence or absence of mental disorders, they completed the MINI International Neuropsychiatric Interview.The Young Schemes Questionnaire, the Core Beliefs Questionnaire for Personality Disorders, the Inventory of Automatic Thoughts, and the Coping Strategies Questionnaire were also applied. To establish distinctive characteristics among actual major depression, generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, social anxiety, and non-alcoholic substance abuse, a logistic regression analysis was conducted. Results: The results showed cognitive distinctive vulnerability profiles, according to the disorder. Conclusion: The hypothesis of cognitive specificity for the different mental disorders is confirmed.RESUMEN: Introducción: Se evaluaron los modos de vulnerabilidad cognitiva en usuarios de consulta externa en psicología, diagnosticados con trastornos mentales. Objetivo: Establecer componentes de vulnerabilidad cognitiva en diferentes trastornos mentales. Método: Participaron 490 usuarios de servicios psicológicos de doce universidades de Colombia. Se aplicó la Entrevista Neuropsiquiátrica Internacional para identificar la presencia o no de trastornos mentales; igualmente, se aplicaron el Cuestionario de Esquemas de Young, el Cuestionario de Creencias Centrales de Trastornos de la Personalidad, el Inventario de Pensamientos Automáticos y el Cuestionario de Estrategias de Afrontamiento. Se realizaron análisis de regresión logística para establecer características distintivas en los trastornos de depresión mayor actual, ansiedad generalizada, angustia, ansiedad social y abuso de sustancias no alcohólicas. Resultados: Se reportaron perfiles cognitivos de vulnerabilidad diferenciados de acuerdo con el trastorno. Conclusión: Se confirma la hipótesis de especificidad cognitiva para los diferentes trastornos mentales

    A Biological and Procedural Review of Forensically Significant Dermestes Species (Coleoptera: Dermestidae)

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    The analyses of the insect species found on decomposing remains may provide useful information for the estimation of the minimum time elapsed since death and other parameters, such as causes and circumstances of death. The majority of research has focused on the early colonizing species, typically blowflies, while research concerning late colonizing insects is currently sparse. Dermestid beetles of the genus Dermestes L. (Coleoptera: Dermestidae) are one of the predominant insect species associated with decomposing remains during dry decay and skeletal stages of decomposition. In some dry environments, Dermestes species are likely to be the only necrophagous insects feeding on the decomposing remains. Furthermore, Dermestes species (immature and adults), their remains (cast skins and fecal material), and their artifacts (pupal chambers) are frequently found associated with ancient remains (e.g., mummies, fossils). Dermestes species have a worldwide distribution and are considered important in decomposition processes, forensic investigations, and economically as a known pest of stored products. Despite their recognized forensic importance, there is limited data documenting the ecology, biology, and the growth rates of the forensically relevant species. The aim of this review is to provide a comprehensive synopsis on the available literature concerning Dermestes species associated with forensic cases. In particular, aspects of colonization behavior, growth rates for forensic taxa and potential best practice guidelines for forensic casework encompassing late colonizing Dermestes species are discussed

    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array: Joint Contribution to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)

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    We have conducted three searches for correlations between ultra-high energy cosmic rays detected by the Telescope Array and the Pierre Auger Observatory, and high-energy neutrino candidate events from IceCube. Two cross-correlation analyses with UHECRs are done: one with 39 cascades from the IceCube `high-energy starting events' sample and the other with 16 high-energy `track events'. The angular separation between the arrival directions of neutrinos and UHECRs is scanned over. The same events are also used in a separate search using a maximum likelihood approach, after the neutrino arrival directions are stacked. To estimate the significance we assume UHECR magnetic deflections to be inversely proportional to their energy, with values 33^\circ, 66^\circ and 99^\circ at 100 EeV to allow for the uncertainties on the magnetic field strength and UHECR charge. A similar analysis is performed on stacked UHECR arrival directions and the IceCube sample of through-going muon track events which were optimized for neutrino point-source searches.Comment: one proceeding, the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference, 30 July - 6 August 2015, The Hague, The Netherlands; will appear in PoS(ICRC2015

    The IceCube Neutrino Observatory, the Pierre Auger Observatory and the Telescope Array:Joint Contribution to the 34th International Cosmic Ray Conference (ICRC 2015)

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