665 research outputs found

    Pédagogies féministes et conscientisation

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    In this article, I provide an overview of a debate in contemporary U.S. feminist theories education, confrontingthinkers who support a pedagogy inspired by critical pedagogy and poststructuralists, focusing on the question of« conscientisation ». Since poststructuralist feminism is mainly negative, I will try to move beyond itsdeconstruction using pragmatist philosophy.L'objet de cet article est de revenir sur un débat au sein du féminisme états-unien contemporain entre les partisane-s d'une pédagogie critique ou pédagogie « libératrice » et les théoricien-ne-s qui se réclament du poststructuralisme.Une synthèse des principaux arguments sera proposée, et l'accent sera particulièrement mis sur lesdiscussions autour de la notion de « conscientisation ». Les écrits des féministes post-structuralistes ayant pour laplupart une teneur critique, un prolongement de ces travaux vers des pistes plus positives sera ensuite esquissé, dansune reconstruction qui emprunte à la philosophie pragmatiste

    Pourquoi (ne pas) faire une éducation féministe?: De la première à la deuxième vague, de l’individuel au collectif, du personnel au politique

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    Article en ligneInternational audienceL’idée que les différences entre femmes et hommes doivent être expliquées par la socialisation et l’éducation plutôt que par la nature est parmi les plus anciennes du féminisme : les études décelant le sexisme qui les traverse sont nombreuses. Cependant, en France, rares sont les écrits qui dépassent cette dimension critique pour chercher à élaborer de façon systématique une éducation alternative féministe. En analysant deux conceptions de la lutte contre l’injustice faite aux femmes – celle de Madeleine Pelletier, militante du début du XXe siècle, et celle du féminisme « de la domination » des années 1970 –, nous chercherons à mettre au jour les raisons théoriques qui peuvent justifier cette rareté. Nous nous concentrerons sur la rationalité de ces discours, rationalité qui fait qu’une élaboration positive et spécifiquement féministe de l’éducation est renvoyée hors de « ce qu’il y a à penser ». Cela nous conduira à relativiser l’importance de l’éducation dans la lutte féministe

    Role of intonation patterns in conveying emotion in speech

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    In a production and perception study the relation was studied between the emotion or attitude expressed in an utterance, and the intonation pattern realized on that utterance. In the production study, the pitch curves of emotional utterances were labelled in terms of the IPO intonation grammar. One intonation pattern, the `1&A', was produced in all emotions studied. Some other patterns were specifically used in expressing some of these emotions. In the perception study, in which the perceptual relevance of these findings was checked, the communicative role of the intonation patterns found in the database was tested. This listening test provided converging evidence on the contribution of specific intonation patterns to the perception of some of the emotions and attitudes studied. Some intonation patterns, such as final `3C' and `12', which were specifically produced in some emotion, also introduced a perceptual bias towards that emotion. In that sense, the results from the perception study supported those from the production study. 1

    How does the chromatin fiber deal with topological constraints?

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    In the nuclei of eukaryotic cells, DNA is packaged through several levels of compaction in an orderly retrievable way that enables the correct regulation of gene expression. The functional dynamics of this assembly involves the unwinding of the so-called 30 nm chromatin fiber and accordingly imposes strong topological constraints. We present a general method for computing both the twist and the writhe of any winding pattern. An explicit derivation is implemented for the chromatin fiber which provides the linking number of DNA in eukaryotic chromosomes. We show that there exists one and only one unwinding path which satisfies both topological and mechanical constraints that DNA has to deal with during condensation/decondensation processes.Comment: Presented in Nature "News and views in brief" Vol. 429 (13 May 2004). Movies available at http://www.lptl.jussieu.fr/recherche/operationE_fichiers/Page_figurePRL.htm

    Duration and intonation in emotional speech

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    Reversible hydrogen transfer reactions of cysteine thiyl radicals in peptides: the conversion of cysteine into dehydroalanine and alanine, and of alanine into dehydroalanine

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    The photodissociation of disulfide bonds in model peptides containing Ala and Ala-d3 generates a series of photoproducts following the generation of a CysS• thiyl radical pair. These photoproducts include transformations of Cys to dehydroalanine (Dha) and Ala, as well as Ala to Dha. Intramolecular Michael addition of an intact Cys with a photolytically generated Dha results in the formation of cyclic thioethers. The conversion of Cys into Dha likely involves a 1,3-H-shift from the Cys αC-H bond to the thiyl radical, followed by elimination of HS•. The conversion of Dha into Ala most likely involves hydrated electrons, which are generated through the photolysis of Cys, the photoproduct of disulfide photolysis. Prior to stable product formation, CysS• radicals engage in reversible hydrogen transfer reactions with αC-H and βC-H bonds of the surrounding amino acids. Especially for the βC-H bonds of Ala such hydrogen transfer reactions are unexpected based on thermodynamic grounds; however, the replacement of deuterons in Ala-d3 by hydrogens in H2O provides strong experimental evidence for such reactions

    Expression of emotion and attitude through temporal speech variations

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    The present study investigates temporal characteristics of speech conveying emotion and attitude. First, a production study was conducted at the global level of the whole utterance, determining the production values of "global speech rate" for each emotion and attitude involved in the study. A perception study was also carried out at this global level, seeking perceptually optimal "global speech rate" values for conveying each emotion and attitude. Perception and production values were compared. Second, as more local information inside utterances might be specific to particular emotions or attitudes, the study went a step further with the analysis of "local speech rate" relative to neutrality, considering accented and nonaccented speech segments separately. The perceptual relevance of variations in "local speech rate relative to neutrality" was then tested in a perception experiment. Both global and local variations appeared to be relevant for conveying emotions and attitudes in speech.</p

    Low-Temperature NMR Characterization of Reaction of Sodium Pyruvate with Hydrogen Peroxide

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    It was proposed that the reaction of sodium pyruvate and H2O2 generates the intermediate 2-hydroperoxy-2-hydroxypropanoate, which converts into acetate, CO2, and H2O (Aleksankin et al. Kernenergie 1962, 5, 362–365). These conclusions were based on the products generated in 18O-enriched water and H2O2 reacting with pyruvic acid at room temperature; however, the lifetime of 2-hydroperoxy-2-hydroxypropanoate at room temperature is too short for direct spectroscopic observation. Therefore, we applied the combination of low-temperature and 13C NMR techniques to verify, for the first time, the formation of 2-deuteroperoxy-2-deuteroxypropanoate in mixtures of D2O and methanol-d4 and to monitor directly each species involved in the reaction between D2O2 and 13C-enriched pyruvate. Our NMR results confirm the formation of 2-deuteroperoxy-2-deuteroxypropanoate, where the respective chemical shifts are supported by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. At near-neutral apparent pD (pD*) and −35 °C, the formation of 2-deuteroperoxy-2-deuteroxypropanoate occurred with k = 2.43 × 10−3 dm3·mol−1·s−1. The subsequent decomposition of 2-deuteroperoxy-2-deuteroxypropanoate into acetate, CO2, and D2O occurred with k = 2.58 × 10−4 s−1 at −35 °C. In order to provide a full kinetic analysis, we also monitored the equilibrium of pyruvate and methanol with the hemiacetal (2-deuteroxy-2-methoxypropanoate). The kinetics for the reaction of sodium pyruvate and D2O2 were fitted by taking into account all these equilibria and species

    Metal-Catalyzed Oxidation of Protein Methionine Residues in Human Parathyroid Hormone (1-34): Formation of Homocysteine and a Novel Methionine-Dependent Hydrolysis Reaction

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    The oxidation of PTH(1-34) catalyzed by ferrous ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) is site-specific. The oxidation of PTH(1-34) is localized primarily to the residues Met[8] and His[9]. Beyond the transformation of Met[8] and His[9] into methionine sulfoxide and 2-oxo-histidine, respectively, we observed a hydrolytic cleavage between Met[8] and His[9]. This hydrolysis requires the presence of FeII and oxygen and can be prevented by diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA) and phosphate buffer. Conditions leading to this site-specific hydrolysis also promote the transformation of Met[8] into homocysteine, indicating that the hydrolysis and transformation of homocysteine may proceed through a common intermediate
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