394 research outputs found

    A new spesies of the cestode echeneibothrium benedeni n.sp from rhynchobatus djeddensis at panji, goa state, india

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    The present communication deals with the description of new species of genus Echeneibothrium benedeni n.sp. comes closer E. flexile Linton, 1890 [1] on the basis of number of loculi on each bothridium, however it differs from them in number of loculi;  number of testes cirrus, position, genital, pore, and vittellaria.  Â

    A new cestode Carpobothrium bombayensis n.sp. (Cestoda - phyllobothridae) from Carchar1as acutvs at bombay (m.s.), india

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    The present form deals with description of new species of genus Carpobothrium bombayensis n.sp. differs from Carpobohrium megaphallam [1] Subhapradha, 1955 and Carpobothrium subhapradhi [2] Deshmukh and Shinde, 1978 in many characters as in the size of the worms, presence or absence of loculi on the margin of flaps, number of testes, presence or absence of receptaculum seminis, position of uterus and position of ootype

    A New Species of the Cestode Echenibothrium benedeni N.SP Rhynchobatus djeddensis at Panji, Goa state, (M.S. INDIA)

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    ABSTRACT The present communication deals with the description new species of genus Echeneibothrium benedeni n.sp. comes closer to E

    The extreme melt across the Greenland ice sheet in 2012

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    The discovery of the 2012 extreme melt event across almost the entire surface of the Greenland ice sheet is presented. Data from three different satellite sensors – including the Oceansat-2 scatterometer, the Moderate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer, and the Special Sensor Microwave Imager/Sounder – are combined to obtain composite melt maps, representing the most complete melt conditions detectable across the ice sheet. Satellite observations reveal that melt occurred at or near the surface of the Greenland ice sheet across 98.6% of its entire extent on 12 July 2012, including the usually cold polar areas at high altitudes like Summit in the dry snow facies of the ice sheet. This melt event coincided with an anomalous ridge of warm air that became stagnant over Greenland. As seen in melt occurrences from multiple ice core records at Summit reported in the published literature, such a melt event is rare with the last significant one occurring in 1889 and the next previous one around seven centuries earlier in the Medieval Warm Period. Given its rarity, the 2012 extreme melt across Greenland provides an exceptional opportunity for new studies in broad interdisciplinary geophysical research

    Progesterone action in human tissues: regulation by progesterone receptor (PR) isoform expression, nuclear positioning and coregulator expression

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    Progesterone is a critical regulator of normal female reproductive function, with diverse tissue-specific effects in the human. The effects of progesterone are mediated by its nuclear receptor (PR) that is expressed as two isoforms, PRA and PRB, which are virtually identical except that PRA lacks 164 amino acids that are present at the N-terminus of PRB. Considerable in vitro evidence suggests that the two PRs are functionally distinct and in animals, tissue-specific distribution patterns of PRA and PRB may account for some of the diversity of progesterone effects. In the human, PRA and PRB are equivalently expressed in most target cells, suggesting that alternative mechanisms control the diversity of progesterone actions. PR mediates the effects of progesterone by association with a range of coregulatory proteins and binding to specific target sequences in progesterone-regulated gene promoters. Ligand activation of PR results in redistribution into discrete subnuclear foci that are detectable by immunofluorescence, probably representing aggregates of multiple transcriptionally active PR-coregulator complexes. PR foci are aberrant in cancers, suggesting that the coregulator composition and number of complexes is altered. A large family of coregulators is now described and the range of proteins known to bind PR exceeds the complement required for transcriptional activation, suggesting that in the human, tissue-specific coregulator expression may modulate progesterone response. In this review, we examine the role of nuclear localization of PR, coregulator association and tissue-specific expression in modulating progesterone action in the human

    Spectral quantification of nonlinear behaviour of the nearshore seabed and correlations with potential forcings at Duck, N.C., U.S.A

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    Local bathymetric quasi-periodic patterns of oscillation are identified from monthly profile surveys taken at two shore-perpendicular transects at the USACE field research facility in Duck, North Carolina, USA, spanning 24.5 years and covering the swash and surf zones. The chosen transects are the two furthest (north and south) from the pier located at the study site. Research at Duck has traditionally focused on one or more of these transects as the effects of the pier are least at these locations. The patterns are identified using singular spectrum analysis (SSA). Possible correlations with potential forcing mechanisms are discussed by 1) doing an SSA with same parameter settings to independently identify the quasi-periodic cycles embedded within three potentially linked sequences: monthly wave heights (MWH), monthly mean water levels (MWL) and the large scale atmospheric index known as the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) and 2) comparing the patterns within MWH, MWL and NAO to the local bathymetric patterns. The results agree well with previous patterns identified using wavelets and confirm the highly nonstationary behaviour of beach levels at Duck; the discussion of potential correlations with hydrodynamic and atmospheric phenomena is a new contribution. The study is then extended to all measured bathymetric profiles, covering an area of 1100m (alongshore) by 440m (cross-shore), to 1) analyse linear correlations between the bathymetry and the potential forcings using multivariate empirical orthogonal functions (MEOF) and linear correlation analysis and 2) identify which collective quasi-periodic bathymetric patterns are correlated with those within MWH, MWL or NAO, based on a (nonlinear) multichannel singular spectrum analysis (MSSA). (...continued in submitted paper)Comment: 50 pages, 3 tables, 8 figure

    The state of the Martian climate

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    60°N was +2.0°C, relative to the 1981–2010 average value (Fig. 5.1). This marks a new high for the record. The average annual surface air temperature (SAT) anomaly for 2016 for land stations north of starting in 1900, and is a significant increase over the previous highest value of +1.2°C, which was observed in 2007, 2011, and 2015. Average global annual temperatures also showed record values in 2015 and 2016. Currently, the Arctic is warming at more than twice the rate of lower latitudes

    Amphiregulin Mediates Estrogen, Progesterone, and EGFR Signaling in the Normal Rat Mammary Gland and in Hormone-Dependent Rat Mammary Cancers

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    Both estrogen (E) and progesterone (P) are implicated in the etiology of human breast cancer. Defining their mechanisms of action, particularly in vivo, is relevant to the prevention and therapy of breast cancer. We investigated the molecular and cellular mechanisms of E and/or P-induced in vivo proliferation, in the normal rat mammary gland and in hormone-dependent rat mammary cancers which share many characteristics with the normal human breast and hormone-dependent breast cancers. We show that E+P treatment induced significantly greater proliferation in both the normal gland and mammary cancers compared to E alone. In both the normal gland and tumors, E+P-induced proliferation was mediated through the increased production of amphiregulin (Areg), an epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) ligand, and the activation of intracellular signaling pathways (Erk, Akt, JNK) downstream of EGFR that regulate proliferation. In vitro experiments using rat primary mammary organoids or T47D breast cancer cells confirmed that Areg and the synthetic progestin, R5020, synergize to promote cell proliferation through EGFR signaling. Iressa, an EGFR inhibitor, effectively blocked this proliferation. These results indicate that mediators of cross talk between E, P, and EGFR pathways may be considered as relevant molecular targets for the therapy of hormone-dependent breast cancers, especially in premenopausal women