38,998 research outputs found

    Ion yields and erosion rates for Si1−xGex(0x1) ultralow energy O2+ secondary ion mass spectrometry in the energy range of 0.25–1 keV

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    We report the SIMS parameters required for the quantitative analysis of Si1−xGex across the range of 0 ≤ x ≤ 1 when using low energy O2+ primary ions at normal incidence. These include the silicon and germanium secondary ion yield [i.e., the measured ion signal (ions/s)] and erosion rate [i.e., the speed at which the material sputters (nm/min)] as a function of x. We show that the ratio Rx of erosion rates, Si1−xGex/Si, at a given x is almost independent of beam energy, implying that the properties of the altered layer are dominated by the interaction of oxygen with silicon. Rx shows an exponential dependence on x. Unsurprisingly, the silicon and germanium secondary ion yields are found to depart somewhat from proportionality to (1−x) and x, respectively, although an approximate linear relationship could be used for quantification across around 30% of the range of x (i.e., a reference material containing Ge fraction x would give reasonably accurate quantification across the range of ±0.15x). Direct comparison of the useful (ion) yields [i.e., the ratio of ion yield to the total number of atoms sputtered for a particular species (ions/atom)] and the sputter yields [i.e., the total number of atoms sputtered per incident primary ion (atoms/ions)] reveals a moderate matrix effect where the former decrease monotonically with increasing x except at the lowest beam energy investigated (250 eV). Here, the useful yield of Ge is found to be invariant with x. At 250 eV, the germanium ion and sputter yields are proportional to x for all x

    Microarray sub-grid detection: A novel algorithm

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    This is the post print version of the article. The official published version can be obtained from the link below - Copyright 2007 Taylor & Francis LtdA novel algorithm for detecting microarray subgrids is proposed. The only input to the algorithm is the raw microarray image, which can be of any resolution, and the subgrid detection is performed with no prior assumptions. The algorithm consists of a series of methods of spot shape detection, spot filtering, spot spacing estimation, and subgrid shape detection. It is shown to be able to divide images of varying quality into subgrid regions with no manual interaction. The algorithm is robust against high levels of noise and high percentages of poorly expressed or missing spots. In addition, it is proved to be effective in locating regular groupings of primitives in a set of non-microarray images, suggesting potential application in the general area of image processing

    Renormalization Group Treatment of Nonrenormalizable Interactions

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    The structure of the UV divergencies in higher dimensional nonrenormalizable theories is analysed. Based on renormalization operation and renormalization group theory it is shown that even in this case the leading divergencies (asymptotics) are governed by the one-loop diagrams the number of which, however, is infinite. Explicit expression for the one-loop counter term in an arbitrary D-dimensional quantum field theory without derivatives is suggested. This allows one to sum up the leading asymptotics which are independent of the arbitrariness in subtraction of higher order operators. Diagrammatic calculations in a number of scalar models in higher loops are performed to be in agreement with the above statements. These results do not support the idea of the na\"ive power-law running of couplings in nonrenormalizable theories and fail (with one exception) to reveal any simple closed formula for the leading terms.Comment: LaTex, 11 page

    Performance of high-altitude, long-endurance, turboprop airplanes using conventional or cryogenic fuels

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    An analytical study has been conducted to evaluate the potential endurance of remotely piloted, low speed, high altitude, long endurance airplanes designed with 1990 technology. The baseline configuration was a propeller driven, sailplane like airplane powered by turbine engines that used JP-7, liquid methane, or liquid hydrogen as fuel. Endurance was measured as the time spent between 60,000 feet and an engine limited maximum altitude of 70,000 feet. Performance was calculated for a baseline vehicle and for configurations derived by varying aerodynamic, structural or propulsion parameters. Endurance is maximized by reducing wing loading and engine size. The level of maximum endurance for a given wing loading is virtually the same for all three fuels. Constraints due to winds aloft and propulsion system scaling produce maximum endurance values of 71 hours for JP-7 fuel, 70 hours for liquid methane, and 65 hours for liquid hydrogen. Endurance is shown to be strongly effected by structural weight fraction, specific fuel consumption, and fuel load. Listings of the computer program used in this study and sample cases are included in the report

    On the Excess Dispersion in the Polarization Position Angle of Pulsar Radio Emission

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    The polarization position angles (PA) of pulsar radio emission occupy a distribution that can be much wider than what is expected from the average linear polarization and the off-pulse instrumental noise. Contrary to our limited understanding of the emission mechanism, the excess dispersion in PA implies that pulsar PAs vary in a random fashion. An eigenvalue analysis of the measured Stokes parameters is developed to determine the origin of the excess PA dispersion. The analysis is applied to sensitive, well-calibrated polarization observations of PSR B1929+10 and PSR B2020+28. The analysis clarifies the origin of polarization fluctuations in the emission and reveals that the excess PA dispersion is caused by the isotropic inflation of the data point cluster formed by the measured Stokes parameters. The inflation of the cluster is not consistent with random fluctuations in PA, as might be expected from random changes in the orientation of the magnetic field lines in the emission region or from stochastic Faraday rotation in either the pulsar magnetosphere or the interstellar medium. The inflation of the cluster, and thus the excess PA dispersion, is attributed to randomly polarized radiation in the received pulsar signal. The analysis also indicates that orthogonal polarization modes (OPM) occur where the radio emission is heavily modulated. In fact, OPM may only occur where the modulation index exceeds a critical value of about 0.3.Comment: Accepted for publication in Ap

    Framed to fit? Challenging the domestic abuse ‘story’ in child protection

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    The current framing of domestic violence generates profound problems for those concerned with supporting change for all involved. In particular, the stress on the ‘equal vulnerability’ of all women to domestic abuse, irrespective of economic or social circumstances, is out of line with a developing evidence base and deprives policymakers and practitioners of the conceptual tools that are needed to situate actual identities, choices and challenges with differing implications for women as well as men. In this article, we note the relative lack of attention in the UK to the work of international researchers on how gendered inequalities intersect with those arising from a range of others, crucially, class and ‘race’. This body of work also draws attention to the importance of understanding the impact of state interventions on marginalised communities, an area also neglected in the UK

    Group velocity of neutrino waves

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    We follow up on the analysis of Mecozzi and Bellini (arXiv:1110:1253v1) where they showed, in principle, the possibility of superluminal propagation of neutrinos, as indicated by the recent OPERA result. We refine the analysis by introducing wave packets for the superposition of energy eigenstates and discuss the implications of their results with realistic values for the mixing and mass parameters in a full three neutrino mixing scenario. Our analysis shows the possibility of superluminal propagation of neutrino flavour in a very narrow range of neutrino parameter space. Simultaneously this reduces the number of observable events drastically. Therefore, the OPERA result cannot be explained in this frame-work.Comment: 10 pages revtex with 2 figures. Important changes have been made; in particular, it has been revised to include a discussion on the nature of the measurement and its impact on the resul
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