27 research outputs found

    Rural Development and Food diversity in France

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    In France today, there can be no rural development without food diversity, just as there is no food diversity without rural development. Food diversity through rural development is best illustrated by labels of quality and origin. In this way, we can see that food diversity is promoted by policies for rural development. Nonetheless, food diversity is sometimes hindered by rural development policy. A good example would be regulations concerning seed and seedlings, which can only be marketed after registration in the official catalogue. However, the criteria for registration exclude de facto certain types of seed, particularly those from seed saving practices, which leads to a decrease in food diversity. On closer examination, rural development promotes food diversity as much as it hinders it. In contrast, food diversity helps foster rural development. Producers try to both consolidate structurally and to become involved in every step of the marketing of their produce. Their aim is quite simple: to remove distribution intermediaries as much as possible by developing closer links to the end consume

    Rural development and food diversity in France

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    In France today, there can be no rural development without food diversity, just as there is no food diversity without rural development. Food diversity through rural development is best illustrated by labels of quality and origin. In this way, we can see that food diversity is promoted by policies for rural development. Nonetheless, food diversity is sometimes hindered by rural development policy. A good example would be regulations concerning seed and seedlings, which can only be marketed after registration in the official catalogue. However, the criteria for registration exclude de facto certain types of seed, particularly those from seed saving practices, which leads to a decrease in food diversity. On closer examination, rural development promotes food diversity as much as it hinders it. In contrast, food diversity helps foster rural development. Producers try to both consolidate structurally and to become involved in every step of the marketing of their produce. Their aim is quite simple: to remove distribution intermediaries as much as possible by developing closer links to the end consume

    Restauração do pavilhão, cúpula metálica e luneta equatorial de 32 cm: conjunto arquitetônico do Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST)

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    MAST is a science and technology museum located in the grounds and architectural\ud complex belonging to the former Observatório Nacional in Rio de Janeiro. This complex, concluded\ud in 1921, comprises of 16 buildings, and was listed by the Artistic and Historic National (1986)\ud and State (1987) Heritage. This complex features three pavilions sheltering the equatorial\ud telescopes, typical examples of Architecture and Engineering buildings for Astronomic purposes.\ud Two of these pavilions, all of which are under the care of MAST, shelter the 21 cm and 32 cm\ud telescopes, plus a third, part of the National Observatory, which houses the 46 cm equatorial\ud telescope. The present study is the result of the work undertaken by MAST to preserve and restore\ud the historical buildings under its responsibility. Thanks to a partnership set up with the Vitae\ud Foundation, it has been possible to develop restoration work covering all aspects of the pavilions\ud (moving metal dome, building, scientific instrument), as well as the areas museography, with a\ud view to informing visitors about the restoration work undertaken. The project, based on the\ud historical research on the complex, was carried out by a multidisciplinary team over two years.\ud Each stage of the work was comprehensively photographed, including the intervention project\ud design, which was based on architectural surveys and the diagnosis of the complexs state of\ud repair, plus the restoration per se. This is a groundbreaking initiative in Latin America and will\ud serve as an example for future actions to be taken on historical buildings, especially those built\ud for scientific and technological purposes

    Non-linear evolution of tidally forced inertial waves in rotating fluid bodies

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    We perform one of the first studies into the non-linear evolution of tidally excited inertial waves in a uniformly rotating fluid body, exploring a simplified model of the fluid envelope of a planet (or the convective envelope of a solar-type star) subject to the gravitational tidal perturbations of an orbiting companion. Our model contains a perfectly rigid spherical core, which is surrounded by an envelope of incompressible uniform density fluid. The corresponding linear problem was studied in previous papers which this work extends into the non-linear regime, at moderate Ekman numbers (the ratio of viscous to Coriolis accelerations). By performing high-resolution numerical simulations, using a combination of pseudo-spectral and spectral element methods, we investigate the effects of non-linearities, which lead to time-dependence of the flow and the corresponding dissipation rate. Angular momentum is deposited non-uniformly, leading to the generation of significant differential rotation in the initially uniformly rotating fluid, i.e. the body does not evolve towards synchronism as a simple solid body rotator. This differential rotation modifies the properties of tidally excited inertial waves, changes the dissipative properties of the flow and eventually becomes unstable to a secondary shear instability provided that the Ekman number is sufficiently small. Our main result is that the inclusion of non-linearities eventually modifies the flow and the resulting dissipation from what linear calculations would predict, which has important implications for tidal dissipation in fluid bodies. We finally discuss some limitations of our simplified model, and propose avenues for future research to better understand the tidal evolution of rotating planets and star