411 research outputs found

    Auf der Suche nach Hatra: Einige Voranmerkungen zu Franz Altheims Forschungsreise im Nahen Osten

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    The German historian Franz Altheim’s interest for the Eastern frontier of the Roman Empire is reflected in his scholarly bibliography. This paper aims at providing some hints in order to investigate how this interest could be pursued through a research trip to Mesopotamia this scholar made in 1938 under the auspices of thee “Forschungsgemeinschaft Deutsches Ahnenerbe” Society

    Exploring enabling resources for place-based social entrepreneurship: a participatory study of Green Care practices in Finland

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    Enabling resources are the array of tangible and intangible assets that social entrepreneurs mobilize or create to bring forward novel place-based initiatives, to respond to unmet sustainability challenges and ideally contribute to virtuous processes of socio-economic transformation. Understanding the role of resources in constraining or enabling the development of social enterprises holds important implications not merely for the initiatives, but also for the places where they are embedded. Existing studies fail to provide a comprehensive, empirically grounded account of resources for place-based social entrepreneurship. This paper aims to fill this gap, by exploring the array of resources that enable and constrain the development of Green Care practice, i.e., nature-based activities with a social innovation purpose. Three communities of Finnish practitioners—a nature-tourism company, a care farm, and a biodynamic farm—were involved over the span of 3 years in research activities conducted with an in-depth qualitative approach. Participants were engaged in several stages of iterative learning combining conventional and action-research methods: semi-structured interviews, participatory mapping, and a co-creation workshop. Results show that entrepreneurs resort to a great variety of enabling resources, inclusive of both tangible and intangible assets, that are only marginally considered by relevant literature. Based on these findings, the paper proposes a novel set of enabling resources, comprehensive of nine clusters: infrastructural, institutional, material, place-specific, organizational culture-related, social, ethical, affective, and competence-related. Two concluding insights can be inferred: understanding resources is paramount to grasp possibilities and challenges of place-based entrepreneurship; in-depth participatory processes are needed for a thorough and grounded investigation of enabling resources in places

    Role of Rrp23 in the Formation of Ribosomal Subunits

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    [ES]Durante la formación de las subunidades ribosómicas pequeñas, los complejos pre-40S que se forman en el nucleolo son transportados rápidamente al citoplasma, el lugar donde completan su maduración. Los eventos que suceden durante el tránsito de dichos complejos por el nucleoplasma y los mecanismos que median su exportación son todavía muy pocos conocidos. En esta tesis nos propusimos aportar nueva información sobre estos procesos mediante el estudio de Rrp12, un factor que se asocia a los complejos pre-40S dentro del núcleo. El estudio se realizó en la levadura Saccharomyces cerevisiae, el organismo más utilizado para estudiar la ruta de síntesis de ribosomas. Hemos demostrado que Rrp12 es un factor necesario para el transporte de complejos pre-40S del núcleo al citoplasma, y para una maduración eficiente de pre-ribosomas 90S, los complejos que preceden a los pre-40S en la ruta. Así, la eliminación de Rrp12 causa una acumulación de pre-ribosomas 90S tardíos, un procesamiento anormal del pre-rRNA 35S, un retraso en la eliminación de fragmentos subproducto del procesamiento, y un bloqueo en la exportación de partículas pre-40S nucleares. También hemos demostrado que la exportina Crm1/Xpo1 es necesaria para los mismos pasos de maduración en los que interviene Rrp12. Por lo tanto, además de participar en la exportación, Rrp12 y Crm1 son necesarias para pasos de la ruta que suceden en el nucleolo y que son anteriores al paso de exportación. Los resultados obtenidos indican que, en la ruta de síntesis de subunidades 40S, el ensamblaje de partículas pre-40S, la degradación de productos de procesamiento, y la adquisición de competencia para la exportación nuclear tienen lugar de forma integrada, en un paso común, en partículas pre-ribosómicas 90S tardías.[EN]During the synthesis of small ribosomal subunits in eukaryotes, the pre‐40S particles formed in the nucleolus are rapidly transported to the cytoplasm. The mechanisms involved in the nuclear export of these particles and its coordination with other steps of the 40S synthesis pathway are mostly unknown. This thesis focused on the study of Rrp12, an evolutionary‐conserved protein previously found to be present in nuclear pre‐40S particles. The initial finding of the study was that the conditional depletion of Rrp12 in yeast impairs the production of 40S, but not 60S, ribosomal subunits. A detailed analysis of the depletion phenotype, using a combination of genetic, biochemical, cell‐biology and proteomic approaches, unveiled that Rrp12 is specifically required for the exit of pre‐40S particles to the cytoplasm. In addition, it was found that Rrp12, together with the Crm1/Xpo1 exportin, participates in processes that occur in early pre‐ribosomes in the nucleolus, including the processing of the pre‐rRNA and the elimination of processing byproducts. Thus, the two pre‐40S export factors Rrp12 and Crm1/Xpo1 participate in maturation steps that take place in the nucleolus, upstream of nuclear export. Altogether, the findings of this work indicate that, in the 40S subunit synthesis pathway, the completion of early pre‐40S particle assembly, the initiation of byproduct degradation and the priming for nuclear export occur in an integrated manner in nucleolar pre‐ribosomes

    Biographical and scientific notes about Mark Lidzbarski (1868-1928): A translation from Ludmila Hanisch, Aufzeichnungen von Mark Lidzbarski (1868-1928), edited by Pierre Motylewicz and Ute Pietruschka. Halle-Wittemberg: Universitäts- und Landesbibliothe

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    In 2015 Ludmilla Hanisch published a study featuring the outcomes of a survey she had conducted in the legacy of Mark Lidzbarski. This legacy is housed in the archive of the Deutsche Morgenländische Gesellschaft in Halle/Saale (Germany) and includes documents and evidence related to both the personal life and academic research of the renowned Semitist. In a terse and fluent style, the author provides an overview of the contents of the legacy interweaved with the life of Lidzbarski. The present translation aims at making this important contribution accessible to a wider audience and represents a tribute to the author, who passed away before it was published

    Investigating the inclusive transverse spectra in high-energy pppp collisions in the context of geometric scaling framework

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    The presence of geometric scaling within the pTp_T spectra of produced hadrons at high energy pppp collisions using small-xx kTk_T-factorization is investigated. It is proposed a phenomenological parameterization for the unintegrated gluon distribution in the scaling range which reproduces the features of the differential cross section both in the saturated and dilute perturbative QCD regimes. As the saturation scale acts as an effective regulator of the infrared region (IR), the extension of the model to quantities usually associated to soft physics is studied. The approach is applied to compute the average pTp_T and the rapidity distribution of produced gluons at high energies.Comment: 11 pages, 9 figure

    «Children go touch»: note sulle pratiche di appropriazione delle tecnologie («touch») dei più piccoli (0-10 anni) e sulla necessità di una didattica digitalmente aumentata

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    Our paper is divided into three parts: the first, analyzing the results of a recent report of the Academy of Sciences of France concerning the interactions between children and touch-screens, clarifies the epistemological-evolutionary background within which we develop our research about the way children manage this kind of technology. The second part begins with an analysis of the digital revolution impact on the macro-economic scenarios in order to better understand the following review of the most recent international and Italian researches concerning the use of touch-technology by children (0-10) in informal contexts such as family and peers. This review aims to demonstrate how the age of children access to technology in general – and especially to smartphone and tablet based on touch-screen interfaces – has significantly lowered. The third is concerned with understanding how and why the new educational models culturally enhanced by digital technology can't ignore the new informal touch-culture of children

    Rrp12 and the Exportin Crm1 Participate in Late Assembly Events in the Nucleolus during 40S Ribosomal Subunit Biogenesis

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    This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.During the biogenesis of small ribosomal subunits in eukaryotes, the pre-40S particles formed in the nucleolus are rapidly transported to the cytoplasm. The mechanisms underlying the nuclear export of these particles and its coordination with other biogenesis steps are mostly unknown. Here we show that yeast Rrp12 is required for the exit of pre-40S particles to the cytoplasm and for proper maturation dynamics of upstream 90S pre-ribosomes. Due to this, in vivo elimination of Rrp12 leads to an accumulation of nucleoplasmic 90S to pre-40S transitional particles, abnormal 35S pre-rRNA processing, delayed elimination of processing byproducts, and no export of intermediate pre-40S complexes. The exportin Crm1 is also required for the same pre-ribosome maturation events that involve Rrp12. Thus, in addition to their implication in nuclear export, Rrp12 and Crm1 participate in earlier biosynthetic steps that take place in the nucleolus. Our results indicate that, in the 40S subunit synthesis pathway, the completion of early pre-40S particle assembly, the initiation of byproduct degradation and the priming for nuclear export occur in an integrated manner in late 90S pre-ribosomes.This work is supported by grants from both the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BFU2011-23668, RD06/0020/0001 and RD12/0036/0002), the Samuel Solórzano Barruso Foundation (FS/17-2013) and the Castilla y León Autonomous Government (CSI039A12-1). GM and BN have been supported by graduate student contracts by the University of Salamanca and Santander Bank and, in the case of BN, by the RD06/0020/0001 grant. Spanish funding is co-sponsored by the European Union FEDER Program.Peer Reviewe


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    TCC (graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro de Ciências Físicas e Matemáticas. Matemática.O presente trabalho relata uma pesquisa que teve por objetivo apresentar o método empírico de metragem cúbica de madeira, contrastando com os métodos escolares ensinados atualmente. No desenvolvimento do trabalho fazemos algumas considerações sobre a Etnomatemática, por entendermos que essa pesquisa se aproxima, de alguma forma sobre o viés dessa teoria. O estudo gira em torno da apresentação e discussão de um método empírico utilizado para cubagem de madeira em uma cidade do interior do estado de Santa Catarina. Constatamos que o método empírico estudado oferece resultados muito próximos àqueles alcançados quando utilizada a matemática escolar. Inferimos que poderia ser profícuo para a aprendizagem e interesse dos alunos que essas discussões fossem levadas às aulas de Geometria Espacial em salas de aula do Ensino Médio