1,962 research outputs found

    High Fat/High Glucose Diet Induces Metabolic Syndrome in an Experimental Rat Model.

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    Metabolic syndrome (MetS) is defined as a constellation of many metabolic disorders such as hypertension, impaired glucose tolerance, dyslipidemia and obesity, being this last disorder a key factor in the etiology of the syndrome. The widespread of MetS in actual society, mainly in developed countries, is becoming an important health problem and is increasing the need to develop new treatments against this pathology is increasing fast. The main objective of the present study was to evaluate the MetS-associated alterations developed in a new glucose diet-induced-obesity (DIO) rodent model. These alterations were also compared to those alterations developed in a fructose-DIO rodent model. Wistar rats were divided into four groups: Control (C), High-fat (HF), High-fat/high-fructose (HFF) and High-fat/high-glucose (HFG). The animals were fed ad libitum for 20 weeks. At the end of the study, HFG animals showed lower expression of energy expenditure genes when compared to the other DIO groups. Oxidative stress biomarkers such as MDA and mitochondrial RT-qPCR analyses showed an increase of oxidative damage together with mitochondrial dysfunction in HFG group. This group also showed increased insulin and glucose plasma levels, though HFF animals showed the greatest increase on these parameters. All DIO groups showed increased plasma levels of triglycerides. Altogether, our results indicated a better impact of glucose than fructose, when combined with a high-fat diet, to induce most of the alterations associated with MetS in rats. In addition, our research facilitates a new animal model to evaluate future treatments for MetS.post-print2242 K

    Medidas de longitud: Propuesta para la comprensión del uso de la regla convencional

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    Children are usually familiar with the attribute of length. However, its measure with standard devices like rulers is not intuitive for them. The main obstacles are the lack of identification of the unit, as distance interval, as well as the role of the numbers contained in the ruler, with are not interpreted for the children as indicators of accumulation of the unit. Considering these difficulties, we propose that the use of the ruler need previous instruction, so it is designed a didactic sequence in which the standard ruler is being built from four others focused on these two elements: unit and numbers. We intend to achieve a better conceptualization of length measurements with ruler.La longitud es un atributo con el que los niños suelen estar familiarizados. Sin embargo, su medida con instrumentos convencionales como la regla no resulta intuitiva para ellos. Los principales obstáculos son la falta de identificación de la unidad como intervalo de distancia, así como el papel de los números contenidos en la regla, los cuales no son interpretados por los niños como indicadores de la acumulación de dicha unidad. Teniendo en cuenta estas dificultades, se propone que el uso de la regla necesita instrucción previa, y se diseña una secuencia didáctica en la que se va construyendo la regla convencional a partir de otras cuatro focalizadas en esos dos elementos: unidad y números. Con ello se pretende conseguir una mejor conceptualización de las mediciones de longitud con regla

    Wood density and anatomy of three Eucalyptus species: implications for hydraulic conductivity

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    Aim of the study: To characterize wood anatomical traits of three Eucalyptus species that differ in wood density and ecological requirements, and to examine the relationships between some anatomical features, wood density, and theoretical xylem hydraulic conductivity (Ks).Area of study: We analyzed 86 trees from three sites of Argentina (Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires Provinces).Methods: The sampled trees were Eucalyptus globulus, E. grandis and E. viminalis ranging from 11 to 15 years old. One stem disc was cut from each tree to determine wood density and identify quantitative anatomical features of vessels and fibers. Vessel composition (S, size - to-number ratio, a measure of vessel size distribution) and lumen fraction (F, the total sapwood area available for water transport) were estimated. Results: E. grandis, the species with the highest growth rates, presented the highest theoretical Ks. This was associated with anatomical features such as a high density of wide vessels resulting in high F. On the other hand, E. viminalis, the species with the lowest growth rates and highest resistance to environmental stress, showed lower Ks as a result of a low density of wide vessels. These two species differed not only greatly in wood density but also in fiber characteristics. In the case of E. globulus, vessels were relatively narrow, which resulted in the lowest theoretical Ks, fibers were small, and wood density intermediate.Research highlights: F had greater influence on Ks than S. The anatomical characteristics and wood density could only partly explain the differential growth or resistance to stress of the studied species

    Propuesta para la comprensión del uso de la regla convencional

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    La longitud es un atributo con el que los niños suelen estar familiarizados. Sin embargo, su medida con instrumentos convencionales como la regla no resulta intuitiva para ellos. Los principales obstáculos son la falta de identificación de la unidad como intervalo de distancia, así como el papel de los números contenidos en la regla, los cuales no son interpretados por los niños como indicadores de la acumulación de dicha unidad. Teniendo en cuenta estas dificultades, se propone que el uso de la regla necesita instrucción previa, y se diseña una secuencia didáctica en la que se va construyendo la regla convencional a partir de otras cuatro focalizadas en esos dos elementos: unidad números. Con ello se pretende conseguir una mejor conceptualización de las mediciones de longitud con regla.Children are usually familiar with the attribute of length. However, its measure with standard devices like rulers is not intuitive for them. The main obstacles are the lack of identification of the unit, as distance interval, as well as the role of the numbers contained in the ruler, which are not interpreted for the children as indicators of accumulation of the unit. Considering these difficulties, we propose that the use of the ruler need previous instruction, so it is designed a didactic sequence in which the standard ruler is being built from four others focused on these two elements: unit and numbers. We intend to achieve a better conceptualization of length measurements with ruler

    Wood density and anatomy of three Eucalyptus species: implications for hydraulic conductivity

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    Aim of the study: To characterize wood anatomical traits of three Eucalyptus species that differ in wood density and ecological requirements, and to examine the relationships between some anatomical features, wood density, and theoretical xylem hydraulic conductivity (Ks). Area of study: We analyzed 86 trees from three sites of Argentina (Entre Ríos and Buenos Aires Provinces). Methods: The sampled trees were Eucalyptus globulus, E. grandis and E. viminalis ranging from 11 to 15 years old. One stem disc was cut from each tree to determine wood density and identify quantitative anatomical features of vessels and fibers. Vessel composition (S, size - to-number ratio, a measure of vessel size distribution) and lumen fraction (F, the total sapwood area available for water transport) were estimated. Results: E. grandis, the species with the highest growth rates, presented the highest theoretical Ks. This was associated with anatomical features such as a high density of wide vessels resulting in high F. On the other hand, E. viminalis, the species with the lowest growth rates and highest resistance to environmental stress, showed lower Ks as a result of a low density of wide vessels. These two species differed not only greatly in wood density but also in fiber characteristics. In the case of E. globulus, vessels were relatively narrow, which resulted in the lowest theoretical Ks, fibers were small, and wood density intermediate. Research highlights: F had greater influence on Ks than S. The anatomical characteristics and wood density could only partly explain the differential growth or resistance to stress of the studied species.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Actuador con mecanismo de rigidez variable y par umbral

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    Número de publicación: ES2387228 A1 (18.09.2012) También publicado como: ES2387228 B2 (05.02.2013) Número de Solicitud: Consulta de Expedientes OEPM (C.E.O.) P201200712 (29.06.2012)Actuador con mecanismo de rigidez variable y par umbral, del tipo de los utilizados en articulaciones de revolución de brazos robóticos y que pueden modificar su rigidez. El actuador incorpora un motor (1) que se encarga de controlar la posición de equilibrio del eslabón de salida (13). El mecanismo contiene un resorte (18) y una palanca (12). La rigidez del mecanismo puede ser modificada variando la posición de esta palanca (12) mediante un motor (14). Dicha rigidez determina el valor del giro entre la posición de la polea (2) solidaria al eje de salida del motor (1) y la posición del eslabón (13). Dos tensores (5) y (6) permiten modificar la precarga de dos cables (3) y (4) respectivamente, de forma que el mecanismo no entra en funcionamiento hasta que no se ha sobrepasado un cierto valor de par sobre la articulación.Universidad de Almerí

    Direct and Indirect Effects of Function in Associated Variables Such as Depression and Severity on Pain Intensity in Women with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Objective To determine the direct and indirect effects of function on clinical variables such as age, pain intensity, years of the disease, severity of symptoms, and depression in women with electrodiagnostic and clinical diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS). Design A cross-sectional study. Setting Patients from an urban hospital referred to a university clinic. Methods Two hundred and forty-four (n = 224) women with CTS were included. Demographic and clinical data, duration of symptoms, function, symptom's severity of the symptoms, pain intensity, and depression were self-reported collected. Correlation and path analysis with maximum likelihood estimation were conducted to assess the direct and indirect effect of hand function on pain, age, years with the disease, symptoms severity, and depression. Results Significant positive correlations between function and pain intensity, years with pain and symptoms severity were observed. The path analysis found direct effects from depression, symptoms severity, and years with pain to function (all, P < 0.01). Paths between function and depression on pain intensity (both, P < 0.01) were also observed. The amount of function explained by all predictors was 22%. The indirect effects in the path analysis revealed that function exerted an indirect effect from depression to pain intensity (B = 0.18; P < 0.01), and from symptoms severity to the intensity of pain (B = 0.10; P < 0.01). Overall, the amount of current pain intensity explained by all predictors in the model was R2 = 0.22. Conclusions Our study demonstrated that function mediates the relationship between depression and symptoms severity with pain intensity in women with CTS. Future longitudinal studies will help to determine the clinical implications of these finding

    Interés de la elaboración de vídeos didácticos como material de prácticas en la asignatura de "Seguridad Química"

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    El presente trabajo tiene por objeto presentar el proceso seguido en la elaboración de una serie videográfica constituida por tres videos didácticos, que abordan los aspectos fundamentales de los riesgos derivados de la exposición a sustancias químicas y agentes biológicos en un labo - ratorio universitario. dicho material didáctico innovador, se utilizará en los seminarios teóricos de la asignatura seguridad Química, impartida por los profesores del área de toxicología de la universidad de sevilla. los objetivos fundamentales de dichos videos han sido despertar el mayor interés posible y favorecer la asimilación de conceptos básicos en el alumnado de dicha asignatura, haciendo especial hincapié en la correcta y segura manipulación, el adecuado almacenamiento y la correcta eliminación de las sustancias, contribuyendo en definitiva a la prevención de los riesgos derivados de su exposición.The present work aims to illustrate the process followed to elaborate a set of three didactic illustrate the process followed to elaborate a set of three didactic videos, which shows the main aspects of derived risks from the exposure to the chemical substances and biological agents present in a university laboratory. this innovator didactic material will be used in the subject “chemical security” seminaries lectured by the professors from toxicology area in the university of seville. the most important aims of these videos have been to implicate the students in their learning, making easier for them to assimilate the basic concepts of the subject, such as the correct and secure way of manipulate the chemical substances, its appropriate storage and its suitable elimination, contributing to the prevention of the risks derived from their exposure