1,276 research outputs found

    Trabajo Fin de Máster (Modalidad A) Learning Unit and Research Project: Critical Analysis

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    Trabajo Fin de Máster del Profesorado (2011-2012) Modalidad A - Learning Unit and Research Project: Critical Analysi

    When viruses play team sports : mixed infections in plants

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    Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya/CERCA ProgrammeThe pathological importance of mixed viral infections in plants might be underestimated except for a few well-characterized synergistic combinations in certain crops. Considering that the host ranges of many viruses often overlap and that most plant species can be infected by several unrelated viruses, it is not surprising to find more than one virus simultaneously in the same plant. Furthermore, dispersal of the majority of plant viruses relies on efficient transmission mechanisms mediated by vector organisms, mainly but not exclusively insects, which can contribute to the occurrence of multiple infections in the same plant. Recent work using different experimental approaches has shown that mixed viral infections can be remarkably frequent, up to the point that they could be considered the rule more than the exception. The purpose of this review is to describe the impact of multiple infections not only on the participating viruses themselves but also on their vectors and on the common host. From this standpoint, mixed infections arise as complex events that involve several cross-interacting players, and they consequently require a more general perspective than the analysis of single-virus/single-host approaches for a full understanding of their relevance

    Las universidades públicas autónomas mexicanas: licenciaturas en ingeniería y su relación con el fomento académico de ser emprendedor

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    Inside the school activity at a higher level degree in engineering have often attended as a second option, due to the difficulty of take that. One way to encourage greater participation of students is to promote within these races the creation of the new company. Therefore, the overall objective of this research is to analyze within the curricula of state public universities. What they have degrees in engineering materials for the development of new businesses. It was found that in general terms there is very little involvement of entrepreneurial subjects in engineering with 6% of entrepreneurial subjects of all that you must take. Public universities have 75 variants of degrees in engineering. 80 % have plans with less than three entrepreneurial subjects and 14 of them do not have any entrepreneurial subject.Dentro de la actividad escolar a nivel superior, las licenciaturas en Ingenierías presentan en muchas ocasiones una segunda opción de cursarse, debido a la dificultad de cursarlas. Una manera de fomentar mayor participación de alumnos es fomentar dentro de estas carreras la creación de su nueva empresa. Por ello, el objetivo general de esta investigación es analizar dentro de los planes de estudio de las universidades públicas estatales mexicanas. Qué licenciaturas en ingeniería presentan materias para el desarrollo de nuevas empresas. Se encontró que a nivel general es muy poca la participación de materias emprendedoras en las ingenierías con un 6% de materias emprendedoras de todas las que se tienen que cursar. Las universidades públicas presentan 75 variantes de licenciaturas en ingeniería. El 80 % presentan planes con menos de tres materias emprendedoras y 14 de ellas no presentan ninguna materia emprendedora.Au sein de l’activité scolaire à un plus haut niveau, les maîtrises en ingénierie ont souvent une deuxième option d´être validées, en raison de leur dégrée de difficulté. Une façon d’encourager une plus grande participation des étudiants est celle de promouvoir la création de leur nouvelle entreprise.Par conséquent, l’objectif général de cette recherche est d’analyser dans le programme des universités publiques de l’état mexicain, lesquelles parmi ces maîtrises en ingénierie comportent des unités d´enseignement pour le développement de nouvelles entreprises. Il a été constaté qu’à un niveau général, il est très faible la participation des unités d´enseignements d´entrepreneur en ingénierie avec un 6% des unités d´enseignement sur le total à suivre pendant la formation. Par ailleurs, les universités publiques ont 75 variantes des maîtrises en ingénierie. Le 80% des universités offrent des programmes avec moins de trois unités d´enseignement d’entrepreneur et 14 d’entre eux ne montrent aucun domaine entrepreneurial

    El genoma d'un blat ancestral de més de 3.000 anys

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    La investigadora del Centre de Recerca en Agrigenòmica (CRAG) Laura R. Botigué ha realitzat un estudi en col·laboració amb investigadors britànics, en què s'ha seqüenciat per primera vegada el genoma d'una mostra de blat de fa més de 3.000 anys. La recerca ha aportat valuosa informació sobre aquest cereal, que va ser el més popular en l'antic Egipte, i la seva domesticació.La investigadora del Centro de Investigación en Agrigenómica (CRAG) Laura R. Botigué ha realizado un estudio en colaboración con investigadores británicos, en el que se ha secuenciado por primera vez el genoma de una muestra de trigo de hace más de 3.000 años. La investigación ha aportado valiosa información sobre este cereal, que fue el más popular en el antiguo Egipto, y su domesticación.The researcher from the Centre for Research in Agricultural Genomics (CRAG) Laura R. Botigué has conducted a study in collaboration with British researchers in which the genome of a wheat sample from more than 3,000 years ago has been sequenced for the first time. This research has provided valuable information about this cereal, which was the most popular in ancient Egypt, and its domestication

    Co-occurrence Of Gardnerellavaginalis And Candida Sp. In Women With And Without Vulvovaginitis

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    To detect the co-occurrence of Gardnerellavaginalis and Candida sp. in women with and without vaginal symptoms. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed in women seeking treatment in a Brazilian city from March to November 2014. Data, such as age and symptoms, were noted from patients. Vaginal content samples were obtained with a swab of the vaginal wall and were fixed in ATTS (Ambient Temperature Transport System). The Affirm VPIII test (Becton Dickinson and Company, Sparks, MD, USA) was used to identify the pathogen. Fisher's exact test with a 95% confidence interval was used for the statistical analysis. Results: In total, 160 women were studied, and 13 cases were excluded. Of the 147 remaining women, fifty-two women were asymptomatic, and 95 women reported symptoms. An association between Gardnerellavaginalis(Gv) and Candida sp. (Ca) was noted in 9 cases (6.1%). Gv + Ca was observed in 1 case (1.9%) in the asymptomatic group and in 12 cases (12.6%) in the symptomatic group (p= 0,0361). Vaginal inflammation signs were observed in 8/8 (100%) cases ofcooccurrence (p<0.005). Conclusion: The co-occurrence of Gardnerellavaginalis and Candida sp. is not rare and is frequently associated with symptoms and mucosal inflammation signs.57323

    Assessing the impact on virus transmission and insect vector behavior of a viral mixed infection in melon

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    Altres ajuts: Generalitat de Catalunya/CERCA ProgrammeMixed viral infections in plants are common, and can result in synergistic or antagonistic interactions. Except in complex diseases with severe symptoms, mixed infections frequently remain unnoticed, and their impact on insect vector transmission is largely unknown. In this study, we considered mixed infections of two unrelated viruses commonly found in melon plants, the crinivirus cucurbit yellow stunting disorder virus (CYSDV) and the potyvirus watermelon mosaic virus (WMV), and evaluated their vector transmission by whiteflies and aphids, respectively. Their dynamics of accumulation was analyzed until 60 days postinoculation (dpi) in mixed-infected plants, documenting reduced titers of WMV and much higher titers of CYSDV compared with single infections. At 24 dpi, corresponding to the peak of CYSDV accumulation, similar whitefly transmission rates were obtained when comparing either individual or mixed-infected plants as CYSDV sources, although its secondary dissemination was slightly biased toward plants previously infected with WMV, regardless of the source plant. However, at later time points, mixed-infected plants partially recovered from the initially severe symptoms, and CYSDV transmission became significantly higher. Interestingly, aphid transmission rates both at early and late time points were unaltered when WMV was acquired from mixed-infected plants despite its reduced accumulation. This lack of correlation between WMV accumulation and transmission could result from compensatory effects observed in the analysis of the aphid feeding behavior by electrical penetration graphs. Thus, our results showed that mixed-infected plants could provide advantages for both viruses, directly favoring CYSDV dissemination while maintaining WMV transmission

    Application of protective cultures against Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken products packaged under modified atmosphere

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    To control the growth, or reduce the numbers, of food pathogens such as Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter jejuni in chicken products packaged under modified atmosphere (MAP), the effectiveness of protective cultures was evaluated in this study. Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides PCK18 reduced the counts of L. monocytogenes by 1.22 log cfu/g in chicken burgers under MAP after 24 d. Furthermore, a reduction of 1.16 log cfu/g in C. jejuni together with a delay in the growth of lactic acid bacteria was obtained in chicken legs inoculated with Bifidobacterium longum ssp. longum PCB133 and packaged under MAP after 9 d. The combination and concentration of gases in the MAP doubled the products’ shelf-life in comparison with air-packaged samples in both experiments. In conclusion, this study has shown the effectiveness of 2 protective culture strains against 2 foodborne pathogens, resulting in safer products with a longer shelf-life.This study forms part of the projects FOOD-CT-2005-007081 (PathogenCombat), supported by the European Commission through the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Development (Brussels. Belgium), and BU264A11-2, supported by the Consejería de Educación, Junta de Castilla y León (Valladolid. Spain

    Opioid use disorders national registries and opioids sales registries : a 10-year prevalence study from a middle-income country

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    Objectives: (1) To estimate the prevalence, geographic distribution, and demographic characteristics of patients diagnosed with mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of opioids in Colombia, between 2009 and 2018. (2) To describe the opioid sales trends in Colombia over the last few years. Methods: We conducted an observational study analyzing information from Individual National Registry of Health Services and the Colombian official database for pharmaceuticals prices and quantities sold. The included ICD-10 codes were mental and behavioral disorders due to the use of opioids (F11) codes subdivisions. Results: 12,557 cases of mental and behavioral disorders due to opioid use were reported, with a rate of 3.0 per 100,000 inhabitants for the studied period. Men represented 74.2 percent, with a male:female ratio of 2.9:1. The highest prevalence was found between 20 and 24 years, in the northwest Colombian area. A progressive increase in the total number of opioid units sold during the study period was found, and the most frequently sold opioids were tramadol (55 percent) and codeine (20 percent). Conclusions: Recognition of opioid use disorders has increased in the last 10 years; it affects more males than females, mostly young adults, and is higher in certain affluent regions of Colombia. We found a progressive annual increase in the sales of opioids in the country, which could be related to the increase in the rate of registries. Studies that have analyzed opioid abuse in Latin America are limited, and further studies are needed to evaluate this situation in middle-income countries from the region.Revista Internacional - Indexad

    Characterization of Campylobacter species in Spanish retail from different fresh chicken products and their antimicrobial resistance

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    Contaminated chicken products have been recognized as the primary vehicles of Campylobacter transmission to human. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) and antimicrobial resistance of Campylobacter isolates from fresh chicken products at retail were studied. A total of 512 samples including: thigh, breast, marinated and minced chicken were purchased from different retail stores. Half of the samples were packed and the other half were unpacked. The 39.4% of the samples were Campylobacter positive; being unpacked chicken products (45.3%) more contaminated than packed chicken (33.6%). PFGE typing showed a high diversity among isolates; clustering 204 isolates into 76 PFGE types: 55 clusters of C. jejuni, 19 of C. coli and 2 of C. lari. C. coli genotypes showed higher resistance than other Campylobacter species. Although modified atmosphere packaging can reduce the prevalence of Campylobacter spp., it does not avoid their presence in at least 33.6% of packed chicken products analyzed. Some pulsotypes might persist in the processing plant or butcher shops environment for longer than previously thought. More stringent control measures are needed in previous steps of the chicken food chain, in order to avoid the presence of Campylobacter spp. strains at retail that can compromise consumer's safety.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad” from the Spanish Government (AGL 2013–47694-R) and by “Junta de Castilla y Leon” (BU159U14