1,120 research outputs found

    Theta synchronization over occipito‐temporal cortices during visual perception of body parts

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    Categorical clustering in the visual system is thought to have evolved as a function of intrinsic (intra-areal) and extrinsic (interareal) connectivity and experience. In the visual system, the extrastriate body area (EBA), an occipito-temporal region, responds to full body and body part images under the organizational principle of their functional/semantic meaning. Although frequency-specific modulations of neural activity associated with perceptive and cognitive functions are increasingly attracting the interest of neurophysiologists and cognitive neuroscientists, perceiving single body parts with different functional meaning and full body images induces time-frequency modulations over occipito-temporal electrodes are yet to be described. Here, we studied this issue by measuring EEG in participants who passively observed fingers, hands, arms and faceless full body images with four control plant stimuli, each bearing hierarchical analogy with the body stimuli. We confirmed that occipito-temporal electrodes (compatible with the location of EBA) show a larger event-related potential (ERP, N190) for body-related images. Furthermore, we identified a body part-specific (i.e. selective for hands and arms) theta event-related synchronization increase under the same electrodes. This frequency modulation associated with the perception of body effectors over occipito-temporal cortices is in line with recent findings of categorical organization of neural responses to human effectors in the visual system

    Quark-lepton mass unification at TeV scales

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    A scenario combining a model of early (TeV) unification of quarks and leptons with the physics of large extra dimensions provides a natural mechanism linking quark and lepton masses at TeV scale. This has been dubbed as early quark-lepton mass unification by one of us (PQH) in one of the two models of early quark-lepton unification, which are consistent with data, namely SU(4)_PS \otimes SU(2)_L \otimes SU(2)_R \otimes SU(2)_H. In particular, it focused on the issue of naturally light Dirac neutrino. The present paper will focus on similar issues in the other model, namely SU(4)_PS \otimes SU(3)_L \otimes SU(3)_H.Comment: Accepted for publication in PRD: The new version is in agreement with the accepted manuscrip

    The interplay between helicity and rotation in turbulence: implications for scaling laws and small-scale dynamics

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    Invariance properties of physical systems govern their behavior: energy conservation in turbulence drives a wide distribution of energy among modes, observed in geophysical or astrophysical flows. In ideal hydrodynamics, the role of helicity conservation (correlation between velocity and its curl, measuring departures from mirror symmetry) remains unclear since it does not alter the energy spectrum. However, with solid body rotation, significant differences emerge between helical and non-helical flows. We first outline several results, like the energy and helicity spectral distribution and the breaking of strict universality for the individual spectra. Using massive numerical simulations, we then show that small-scale structures and their intermittency properties differ according to whether helicity is present or not, in particular with respect to the emergence of Beltrami-core vortices (BCV) that are laminar helical vertical updrafts. These results point to the discovery of a small parameter besides the Rossby number; this could relate the problem of rotating helical turbulence to that of critical phenomena, through renormalization group and weak turbulence theory. This parameter can be associated with the adimensionalized ratio of the energy to helicity flux to small scales, the three-dimensional energy cascade being weak and self-similar

    Novel cyclic di-GMP effectors of the YajQ protein family control bacterial virulence

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    Bis-(3 ',5 ') cyclic di-guanylate (cyclic di-GMP) is a key bacterial second messenger that is implicated in the regulation of many critical processes that include motility, biofilm formation and virulence. Cyclic di-GMP influences diverse functions through interaction with a range of effectors. Our knowledge of these effectors and their different regulatory actions is far from complete, however. Here we have used an affinity pull-down assay using cyclic di-GMP-coupled magnetic beads to identify cyclic di-GMP binding proteins in the plant pathogen Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris (Xcc). This analysis identified XC_3703, a protein of the YajQ family, as a potential cyclic di-GMP receptor. Isothermal titration calorimetry showed that the purified XC_3703 protein bound cyclic di-GMP with a high affinity (K-d similar to 2 mu M). Mutation of XC_3703 led to reduced virulence of Xcc to plants and alteration in biofilm formation. Yeast two-hybrid and far-western analyses showed that XC_3703 was able to interact with XC_2801, a transcription factor of the LysR family. Mutation of XC_2801 and XC_3703 had partially overlapping effects on the transcriptome of Xcc, and both affected virulence. Electromobility shift assays showed that XC_3703 positively affected the binding of XC_2801 to the promoters of target virulence genes, an effect that was reversed by cyclic di-GMP. Genetic and functional analysis of YajQ family members from the human pathogens Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Stenotrophomonas maltophilia showed that they also specifically bound cyclic di-GMP and contributed to virulence in model systems. The findings thus identify a new class of cyclic di-GMP effector that regulates bacterial virulence

    The curious case of NG2 cells: transient trend or game changer?

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    It has been 10 years since the seminal work of Dwight Bergles and collaborators demonstrated that NG2 (nerve/glial antigen 2)-expressing oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (NG2 cells) receive functional glutamatergic synapses from neurons (Bergles et al., 2000), contradicting the old dogma that only neurons possess the complex and specialized molecular machinery necessary to receive synapses. While this surprising discovery may have been initially shunned as a novelty item of undefined functional significance, the study of neuron-to-NG2 cell neurotransmission has since become a very active and exciting field of research. Many laboratories have now confirmed and extended the initial discovery, showing for example that NG2 cells can also receive inhibitory GABAergic synapses (Lin and Bergles, 2004) or that neuron-to-NG2 cell synaptic transmission is a rather ubiquitous phenomenon that has been observed in all brain areas explored so far, including white matter tracts (Kukley et al., 2007; Ziskin et al., 2007; Etxeberria et al., 2010). Thus, while still being in its infancy, this field of research has already brought many surprising and interesting discoveries, and has become part of a continuously growing effort in neuroscience to re-evaluate the long underestimated role of glial cells in brain function (Barres, 2008). However, this area of research is now reaching an important milestone and its long-term significance will be defined by its ability to uncover the still elusive function of NG2 cells and their synapses in the brain, rather than by its sensational but transient successes at upsetting the old order established by neuronal physiology. To participate in the effort to facilitate such a transition, here we propose a critical review of the latest findings in the field of NG2 cell physiology – discussing how they inform us on the possible function(s) of NG2 cells in the brain – and we present some personal views on new directions the field could benefit from in order to achieve lasting significance

    A nonsmooth frictional contact formulation for multibody system dynamics

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    We present a new node-to-face frictional contact element for the simulation of the nonsmooth dynamics of systems composed of rigid and flexible bodies connected by kinematic joints. The equations of motion are integrated using a nonsmooth generalized-α time integration scheme and the frictional contact problem is formulated using a mixed approach, based on an augmented Lagrangian technique and a Coulomb friction law. The numerical results are independent of any user-defined penalty parameter for the normal or tangential component of the forces and, the bilateral and the unilateral constraints are exactly fulfilled both at position and velocity levels. Finally, the robustness and the performance of the proposed algorithm are demonstrated by solving several numerical examples of nonsmooth mechanical systems involving frictional contact.Fil: Galvez, Javier. Université de Liège; BélgicaFil: Cavalieri, Federico José. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales; ArgentinaFil: Cosimo, Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales; Argentina. Université de Liège; BélgicaFil: Brüls, Olivier. Université de Liège; BélgicaFil: Cardona, Alberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Santa Fe. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales. Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Centro de Investigaciones en Métodos Computacionales; Argentin

    Characteristics, Diagnosis and Prognosis of Acute-on-Chronic Liver Failure in Cirrhosis Associated to Hepatitis B

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    The study was supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), grant number: 30770962, 30971333, 81170421, 81470869 and Chinese High Technology “863” programme, grant number: 2006AA02A411 (Hai.Li); The CLIF Consortium Data Management Center is supported by an unrestricted grant from Grifols

    Self-structuring of lamellar bridged silsesquioxanes with long side spacers

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    Diurea cross-linked bridged silsesquioxanes (BSs) C(10)C(11)C(10) derived from organosilane precursors, including decylene chains as side spacers and alkylene chains with variable length as central spacers (EtO)(3)Si- (CH(2))(10)-Y(CH(2))(n)-Y-(CH(2))(10)-Si(OEt)(3) (n = 7, 9-12; Y = urea group and Et = ethyl), have been synthesized through the combination of self-directed assembly and an acid-catalyzed sol gel route involving the addition of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO) and a large excess of water. This new family of hybrids has enabled us to conclude that the length of the side spacers plays a unique role in the structuring of alkylene-based BSs, although their morphology remains unaffected. All the samples adopt a lamellar structure. While the alkylene chains are totally disordered in the case of the C(10)C(7)C(10) sample, a variable proportion of all-trans and gauche conformers exists in the materials with longer central spacers. The highest degree of structuring occurs for n = 9. The inclusion of decylene instead of propylene chains as side spacers leads to the formation of a stronger hydrogen-bonded urea-urea array as evidenced by two dimensional correlation Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic analysis. The emission spectra and emission quantum yields of the C(10)C(n)C(10) Cm materials are similar to those reported for diurea cross-linked alkylene-based BSs incorporating propylene chains as side spacers and prepared under different experimental conditions. The emission of the C(10)C(n)C(10) hybrids is ascribed to the overlap of two distinct components that occur within the urea cross-linkages and within the siliceous nanodomains. Time-resolved photoluminescence spectroscopy has provided evidence that the average distance between the siliceous domains and the urea cross-links is similar in the C(10)C(n)C(10) BSs and in oxyethylene-based hybrid analogues incorporating propylene chains as side spacers (diureasils), an indication that the longer side chains in the former materials adopt gauche conformations. It has also allowed us to demonstrate for the first time that the emission features of the urea-related component of the emission of alkylene-based BSs depend critically on the length of the side spacers

    Inherited biotic protection in a Neotropical pioneer plant

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    Chelonanthus alatus is a bat-pollinated, pioneer Gentianaceae that clusters in patches where still-standing, dried-out stems are interspersed among live individuals. Flowers bear circum-floral nectaries (CFNs) that are attractive to ants, and seed dispersal is both barochorous and anemochorous. Although, in this study, live individuals never sheltered ant colonies, dried-out hollow stems - that can remain standing for 2 years - did. Workers from species nesting in dried-out stems as well as from ground-nesting species exploited the CFNs of live C. alatus individuals in the same patches during the daytime, but were absent at night (when bat pollination occurs) on 60.5% of the plants. By visiting the CFNs, the ants indirectly protect the flowers - but not the plant foliage - from herbivorous insects. We show that this protection is provided mostly by species nesting in dried-out stems, predominantly Pseudomyrmex gracilis. That dried-out stems remain standing for years and are regularly replaced results in an opportunistic, but stable association where colonies are sheltered by one generation of dead C. alatus while the live individuals nearby, belonging to the next generation, provide them with nectar; in turn, the ants protect their flowers from herbivores. We suggest that the investment in wood by C. alatus individuals permitting stillstanding, dried-out stems to shelter ant colonies constitutes an extended phenotype because foraging workers protect the flowers of live individuals in the same patch. Also, through this process these dried-out stems indirectly favor the reproduction (and so the fitness) of the next generation including both their own offspring and that of their siblings, alladding up to a potential case of inclusive fitness in plants