7 research outputs found

    Pressurized Liquid (PLE) Truffle Extracts Have Inhibitory Activity on Key Enzymes Related to Type 2 Diabetes (α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase)

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    An optimized PLE method was applied to several truffle species using three different solvent mixtures to obtain bioactive enriched fractions. The pressurized water extracts contained mainly (1 ? 3),(1 ? 6)-?-D-glucans, chitins, and heteropolymers with galactose and mannose in their structures. The ethanol extracts included fatty acids and fungal sterols and others such as brassicasterol and stigmasterol, depending on the species. They also showed a different fatty acid lipid profile depending on the solvent utilized and species considered. Ethanol:water extracts showed interesting lipids and many phenolic compounds; however, no synergic extraction of compounds was noticed. Some of the truffle extracts were able to inhibit enzymes related to type 2 diabetes; pressurized water extracts mainly inhibited the ?-amylase enzyme, while ethanolic extracts were more able to inhibit ?-glucosidase. Tuber brumale var. moschatum and T. aestivum var. uncinatum extracts showed an IC50 of 29.22 mg/mL towards ?-amylase and 7.93 mg/mL towards ?-glucosidase. Thus, use of the PLE method allows o bioactive enriched fractions to be obtained from truffles with antidiabetic properties.This research was funded by the fellowship Ibercaja-CAI Estancias de Investigación number CA 1/20. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union under “Horizon 2020—the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (2014–2020)”. Grant Agreement of the Project: “Innovation in truffle cultivation, preservation, processing and wild truffle resources management”, INTACT, Project number 101007623.trufflesβ-D-glucansergosterolfatty acidsantidiabeticamylaseglucosidasePublishe

    Relationship between facial growth patterns and dental and skeletal maturartion in growing patients

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    El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar una revisión bibliográfica para evaluar la posible relación entre los patrones de crecimiento facial con la maduración dental y esquelética en pacientes en crecimiento. La maduración dental y esquelética son dos indicadores que nos permiten establecer en qué momento del desarrollo se encuentra el paciente en crecimiento. Actualmente, para la valoración de la maduración esquelética se emplea la visualización de las vértebras cervicales en la radiografía lateral de cráneo, ya que es un método que permite disminuir la exposición radiológica del paciente que se encuentra en estudio ortodóncico, en comparación con la radiografía de muñeca, la cual suponía la realización de una radiografía adicional. Para el análisis de la maduración dental, la radiografía panorámica es la más empleada mediante la visualización del desarrollo de los siete dientes mandibulares izquierdos. Los pacientes que se encuentran en edad infantil presentan diversos patrones de crecimiento facial, entre los que podemos encontrar, braquifacial, mesofacial y dolicofacial. Para poder establecer el patrón de crecimiento que presenta el paciente existen diversos métodos que, a través de mediciones cefalométricas, nos clasifican al paciente en uno de los tres grupos. Existen diversos trabajos que estudian la posible relación entre los patrones de crecimiento facial y la maduración dental y esquelética. Según la literatura revisada podemos concluir que los pacientes que presentan un patrón de crecimiento vertical muestran una maduración dental y esquelética más avanzada en comparación con los pacientes que presentan un patrón de crecimiento horizontal.The objective of this paper is to present a bibliographical review to evaluate the possible relationship between facial growth patterns and dental and skeletal maturation in growing patients. Dental and skeletal maturation are two indicators that allow us to establish at what point the patient is in his growth. Currently, for the evaluation of skeletal maturation, the visualisation of the cervical vertebrae in the lateral x-ray of the skull is used, since this is a method that diminishes the radiological exposure of the patient undergoing an orthodontic study, in comparison with the x-ray of the wrist, which means taking an additional x-ray. For the analysis of dental maturation, the panoramic x-ray is the most used through visualisation of the development of the seven left jaw teeth. Children in young ages present different facial growth patterns, among which we can find brachyfacial, mesofacial and dolichofacial. In order to establish the growth pattern the patient presents, there are different methods that, through cephalometric measurements, classify the patient in one of the three groups. Different papers study the possible relationship between facial growth patterns and dental and skeletal maturation. According to the reviewed literature, we can conclude that the patients who present a vertical growth pattern show more advanced dental and skeletal maturation in comparison with the patients who present a horizontal growth pattern.Sin financiaciónNo data 2022UE

    Pressurized Liquid (PLE) Truffle Extracts Have Inhibitory Activity on Key Enzymes Related to Type 2 Diabetes (α-Glucosidase and α-Amylase)

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    2022 Descuento MDPIAn optimized PLE method was applied to several truffle species using three different solvent mixtures to obtain bioactive enriched fractions. The pressurized water extracts contained mainly (1 → 3),(1 → 6)-β-D-glucans, chitins, and heteropolymers with galactose and mannose in their structures. The ethanol extracts included fatty acids and fungal sterols and others such as brassicasterol and stigmasterol, depending on the species. They also showed a different fatty acid lipid profile depending on the solvent utilized and species considered. Ethanol:water extracts showed interesting lipids and many phenolic compounds; however, no synergic extraction of compounds was noticed. Some of the truffle extracts were able to inhibit enzymes related to type 2 diabetes; pressurized water extracts mainly inhibited the α-amylase enzyme, while ethanolic extracts were more able to inhibit α-glucosidase. Tuber brumale var. moschatum and T. aestivum var. uncinatum extracts showed an IC50 of 29.22 mg/mL towards α-amylase and 7.93 mg/mL towards α-glucosidase. Thus, use of the PLE method allows o bioactive enriched fractions to be obtained from truffles with antidiabetic properties.European CommissionDepto. de Farmacia Galénica y Tecnología AlimentariaFac. de VeterinariaTRUEpubDescuento UC

    Estimating the Quantity of Non-Tariff Measures SADC Meat and Milk Trade

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    Global trade protection in the form of tariffs has been on the downward trend since the conclusion of the World Trade Organisation Uruguay Round of negotiations. The same pattern was observed in SADC as well as other regional integration groups. In SADC the declining trade protection was not accompanied by improvement in trade performance. If anything, the share of intra-SADC trade has actually declined during the phase down of tariffs in the eight year period. This study explores the possible reason for poor trade performance in the tariff reducing environment using meat and dairy markets as case studies over the period 2000 to 2010. It is hypothesised that non tariff measures (NTMs) are more trade restricting that tariffs. The statistics show that on average each agricultural product traded is affected by about ten NTM. These vary from country to country, with Mozambique having the highest incidence of NTMs, and the lowest being Malawi. On a product level, fruits are the most affected products with more about 40% of all NTMs applied. The gravity model was used to estimate intra-SADC trade and to evaluate the quantity impacts of NTMs on tariffs. The NTMs applied to meat products were found to be as high as 400% compared to roughly 200% for dairy. Furthermore, it was found that in the case of dairy tariffs and NTMs were used jointly as means of protection. This implies that there is a need to focus attention, both in research and policy on the NTMs

    Implantación del identificador ORCID en las universidades andaluzas

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    Se describe el proceso de implantación del sistema de identificación para autores ORCID por parte de las Bibliotecas del Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA). Se hace un análisis de la organización del trabajo y se describen las fases para la implantación e integración de este identificador en los sistemas institucionales, así como las repercusiones en el PDI y en la propia institució

    Implantación del identificador ORCID en las universidades andaluzas

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    Se describe el proceso de implantación del sistema de identificación para autores ORCID por parte de las Bibliotecas del Consorcio de Bibliotecas Universitarias de Andalucía (CBUA). Se hace un análisis de la organización del trabajo y se describen las fases para la implantación e integración de este identificador en los sistemas institucionales, así como las repercusiones en el PDI y en la propia institució

    La expresión oral y escrita, objetivo fundamental de calidad de la enseñanza

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    Convocatoria de Proyectos de innovación de Extremadura 2017/2018Se describe un proyecto llevado a cabo en el IES Miguel Durán (Azuaga, Badajoz) desarrollado dentro del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad del centro, que tenía como objetivo principal que los alumnos adquirieran las competencias necesarias para una correcta expresión oral y escrita (mejora de la competencia informacional y las competencias comunicativa e idiomática). Para conseguir el objetivo se organizaron distintas actividades promovidas por el Grupo de Trabajo de la Biblioteca del centro: fomento de la lectura, feria del libro, Día de la poesía, diversas actividades de lectura en la biblioteca, club de lectura con libros digitales, etc., así como la realización de otras actividades y la elaboración de materiales por parte de los distintos departamentos del instituto como: exposiciones de los alumnos ante el aula, lectura en distintos soportes, realización de trabajos de investigación, actividades de enriquecimiento del vocabulario, etc.ExtremaduraES