5,914 research outputs found

    Inference of mixed information in Formal Concept Analysis

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    Negative information can be considered twofold: by means of a negation operator or by capturing the absence of information. In this second approach, a new framework have to be developed: from the syntax to the semantics, including the management of such generalized knowledge representation. In this work we traverse all these issues in the framework of formal concept analysis, introducing a new set of inference rules to manage mixed (positive and negative) attributes.TIN2014-59471-P of the Science and Innovation Ministry of Spain, co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). UNIVERSIDAD DE MÁLAGA. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The mechanism of the gas-phase elimination kinetics of the β,γ-unsaturated aldehyde 2,2–dimethyl-3-butenal: a theoretical study

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    The study on the mechanism of the gas-phase elimination or thermal decomposition kinetics of 2, 2-dimethyl-3-butenal has been carried out by using theoretical calculation at MP2, combined ab initio CBSQB3 and DFT (B3LYP, B3PW91, MPW1PW91, PBEPBE, PBE1PBE, CAMB3LYP, M06, B97d) levels of theory. A good reasonable agreement between experimental and calculated parameters was obtained by using CAMB3LYP/6-311G(d,pd) calculations. The contrasted calculated parameters against experimental values suggested decarbonylation reaction to proceed through a concerted five-membered cyclic transition state type of mechanism, involving the hydrogen transfer from the carbonyl carbon to the gamma carbon, consistent with observed kinetic isotope effect. The breaking of alpha carbon–carbonyl carbon bond to produce carbon monoxide is 50% advanced in the transition state. The reaction mechanism may be described as a concerted moderately non-synchronous process. Examination of the Atoms in Molecules (AIM) analysis of electron density supports the suggested mechanism

    Superplasticity and Joining of Zirconia-Based Ceramics

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    Steady-state creep and joining of alumina/zirconia composites containing alumina volume fractions of 20, 60, and 85% have been investigated between 1,250 and 1,350 C. Superplasticity of these compounds is controlled by grain-boundary sliding and the creep rate is a function of alumina volume fraction, not grain size. Using the principles of superplasticity, pieces of the composite have been joined by applying the stress required to achieve 5 to 10% strain to form a strong interface at temperatures as low as 1,200 C

    Butyltin compounds in a sediment core from the old Tilbury basin, London, UK

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    Sections from a sediment core taken from the River Thames were analysed for butyltin species using gas chromatography with species-specific isotope dilution mass spectrometry. Results demonstrated that in most samples tributyltin concentrations of 20–60 ng/g accounted for <10% of the total butyltin species present, which is in agreement with data from other sediment samples which were historically contaminated with tributyltin. Vertical distribution of the organotin residues with depth throughout the core, with data on organochlorine compounds and heavy metals allowed for the construction of a consistent hypothesis on historical deposition of contaminated sediments. From this it was possible to infer that the concentrations of tributyltin in sediments deposited during the early 1960s were in the order of 400–600 lg/g by using degradation rate constants derived by other workers. Such values fall well within the range quoted for harbour sediments in the literature

    Vigilancia y preparacion para prevenir la raza 4 tropical de la marchitez por Fusarium de las bananas en la region.

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    Concepto región implica el Continente Americano y el Caribe, especialmente Latinoamérica como la principal zona productora y exportadora de banano en el mundo. La coordinación de Organismos Nacionales de Protección fitosanitaria (ONPFs) representadas por las Direcciones de Sanidad Vegetal con sus Organismos Regionales (ORPFs), así como la cadena de producción y exportación del banano y la sumatoria de cuadros de científicos y técnicos especializados son equipo esencial en las medidas de exclusión para la marchitez de las bananas (Foc R4T) en esta región. El aporte de OIRSA y de centros de investigación y académicos tiene como productos a dos planes, uno para enfrentar la eventualidad de un brote en la región y el otro para definir las estrategias de prevención o exclusión, que fueron actualizados en 2016. El análisis de Riesgo de plagas a Foc R4T coincide en la necesidad de preparación de las ONPFs para fortalecer las capacidades legales, de diagnóstico, cuarentena, y vigilancia para la preparación en primer lugar de minimizar el riesgo de introducción de Foc R4T y posteriormente para enfrentar los primeros brotes o diseminaciones localizadas. Estas estrategias son preparadas por un ?Comando Latinoamericano para la atención de Foc R4T?, conformado a la fecha por funcionarios de las ONPFs, ORPF-OIRSA, e Investigadores de EMBRAPA, CORBANA y académicos, que estará disponible como ente asesor de los gobiernos en las medidas de exclusión, prevención y manejo de la plaga. La capacitación a más de 2000 técnicos de cuarentena y al fortalecimiento de diagnóstico se realizará en el primer semestre de 2017, al igual los simulacros de R4T para evaluar la capacidad de respuesta de los países, donde se espera las mejoras pertinentes y la armonización de las medidas en los países del continente

    SeqCode: a nomenclatural code for prokaryotes described from sequence data

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    Most prokaryotes are not available as pure cultures and therefore ineligible for naming under the rules and recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP). Here we summarize the development of the SeqCode, a code of nomenclature under which genome sequences serve as nomenclatural types. This code enables valid publication of names of prokaryotes based upon isolate genome, metagenome-assembled genome or single-amplified genome sequences. Otherwise, it is similar to the ICNP with regard to the formation of names and rules of priority. It operates through the SeqCode Registry (https://seqco.de/), a registration portal through which names and nomenclatural types are registered, validated and linked to metadata. We describe the two paths currently available within SeqCode to register and validate names, including Candidatus names, and provide examples for both. Recommendations on minimal standards for DNA sequences are provided. Thus, the SeqCode provides a reproducible and objective framework for the nomenclature of all prokaryotes regardless of cultivability and facilitates communication across microbiological disciplines.Funding was provided by the US National Science Foundation (DEB 1841658, DEB 1557042 and EAR 1516680) to B.H., A.-L.R. and A.M.; the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (GM103440) from the National Institutes of Health to B.H.; the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PGC2018-096956-B-C41 and PID2021-126114NB-C42) to R.R.; the Australian Research Council (FL150100038) to P.H.; the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, SFB 1439/1 2021—426547801) and European Regional Development Funds (FEDER) to A.P.; and the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME) to all authors

    Development of the SeqCode: A proposed nomenclatural code for uncultivated prokaryotes with DNA sequences as type

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    Over the last fifteen years, genomics has become fully integrated into prokaryotic systematics. The genomes of most type strains have been sequenced, genome sequence similarity is widely used for delineation of species, and phylogenomic methods are commonly used for classification of higher taxonomic ranks. Additionally, environmental genomics has revealed a vast diversity of as-yet-uncultivated taxa. In response to these developments, a new code of nomenclature, the Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes Described from Sequence Data (SeqCode), has been developed over the last two years to allow naming of Archaea and Bacteria using DNA sequences as the nomenclatural types. The SeqCode also allows naming of cultured organisms, including fastidious prokaryotes that cannot be deposited into culture collections. Several simplifications relative to the International Code of Nomenclature of Prokaryotes (ICNP) are implemented to make nomenclature more accessible, easier to apply and more readily communicated. By simplifying nomenclature with the goal of a unified classification, inclusive of both cultured and uncultured taxa, the SeqCode will facilitate the naming of taxa in every biome on Earth, encourage the isolation and characterization of as-yet-uncultivated taxa, and promote synergies between the ecological, environmental, physiological, biochemical, and molecular biological disciplines to more fully describe prokaryotes.Funding was provided by the US National Science Foundation (DEB 1841658 and EAR 1516680), the US National Institute of General Medical Sciences (P20 GM103440) from the National Institutes of Health, the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (PID2021-126114NB-C42), the Australian Research Council (FL150100038), the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG, German Research Foundation, SFB 1439/1 2021 – 426547801) also supported with European Regional Development Funds (FEDER), and the International Society for Microbial Ecology (ISME

    NG2 antigen is involved in leukemia invasiveness and central nervous system infiltration in MLL-rearranged infant B-ALL

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    Mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL)-rearranged (MLLr) infant B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (iMLLr-B-ALL) has a dismal prognosis and is associated with a pro-B/mixed phenotype, therapy refractoriness and frequent central nervous system (CNS) disease/relapse. Neuron-glial antigen 2 (NG2) is specifically expressed in MLLr leukemias and is used in leukemia immunophenotyping because of its predictive value for MLLr acute leukemias. NG2 is involved in melanoma metastasis and brain development; however, its role in MLL-mediated leukemogenesis remains elusive. Here we evaluated whether NG2 distinguishes leukemia-initiating/propagating cells (L-ICs) and/or CNS-infiltrating cells (CNS-ICs) in iMLLr-B-ALL. Clinical data from the Interfant cohort of iMLLr-B-ALL demonstrated that high NG2 expression associates with lower event-free survival, higher number of circulating blasts and more frequent CNS disease/relapse. Serial xenotransplantation of primary MLL-AF4 + leukemias indicated that NG2 is a malleable marker that does not enrich for L-IC or CNS-IC in iMLLr-B-All. However, NG2 expression was highly upregulated in blasts infiltrating extramedullar hematopoietic sites and CNS, and specific blockage of NG2 resulted in almost complete loss of engraftment. Indeed, gene expression profiling of primary blasts and primografts revealed a migratory signature of NG2 + blasts. This study provides new insights on the biology of NG2 in iMLLr-B-ALL and suggests NG2 as a potential therapeutic target to reduce the risk of CNS disease/relapse and to provide safer CNS-directed therapies for iMLLr-B-ALL