6,288 research outputs found

    Estudio histomorfométrico del hueso diafísario en la rata

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    Se ha realizado un estudio histomorfométrico de la diálisis femoral en la rata blanca cepa «Wistar» calculando las dimensiones del endostio y periostio, así como las modificaciones de las áreas de la corteza, cavidad medular y hueso total en relación a la actividad endóstica y perióstica del hueso durante el primer año de vida. Los resultados demuestran un crecimiento discontinuo con una fase de enlentecimiento entre los 25 y 45 días de vida. La evolución de los cambios diafisarios en la rata es superponible a la del hombre, considerándola un animal de experimentación válido para estudiar los fenómenos de remodelación ósea durante el crecimiento.A histomophometric study of the femoral diaphyseal bone was undertaken in «Wistar» albine rat. Measurements of the endosteal and periosteal thickness as weel as variations in cortical, medular and total bone areas in relation to the endosteal and periosteal bone activity during the first year of life were analyzed. The results showed a continuous growth increase with a phase of lower growth rate from the 25th to the 45th day of life. The pattern of diaphyseal growing changes resembled that found in humans. The rat can therefore be considered as a suitable experimental animal for the study of bone remodeling during growth

    Electrical field profile and doping in planar lead halide perovskite solar cells

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    Hybrid lead halide perovskites (PVKs) have emerged as novel materials for photovoltaics and have rapidly reached very large solar to electricity power conversion efficiencies. As occurring with other kind of solar technologies establishing the working energy-band diagram constitutes a primary goal for device physics analysis. Here, the macroscopic electrical field distribution is experimentally determined using capacitance-voltage and Kelvin probe techniques. Planar struc- tures comprising CH3NH3PbI3�����xClx PVK exhibit p-doping character and form a p-n heterojunc- tion with n-doped TiO2 compact layers. Depletion width at equilibrium within the PVK bulk has an extent about 300 nm (approximately half of the layer thickness), leaving as a consequence a significant neutral zone towards the anode contact. Charge collection properties are then accessi- ble relying on the relative weight that diffusion and drift have as carrier transport driven forces

    Recent reforms in Spanish housing markets: an evaluation using a DSGE model

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    After a long academic debate, Spain finally repealed in 2012 the deduction for home purchase. The abrogation took effect in 2013. In parallel, the VAT for the purchase of new housing was increased after a short period in which it had a reduced rate. The aim of this paper is to assess the macroeconomic effects of these two relevant housing market reforms. In order to do that, we use a dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE) model calibrated to capture the key ratios of the Spanish economy. The model includes a housing market, covering both the rental market side and the property market side and credit-constrained agents. We find that these measures drive down housing prices and have a negative impact on output and employment in the construction sector. However, in the long run, this last effect is offset by the benefits of a reduction in distortionary taxes

    Duration of heat treatment and true digestibility of amino acids in meat meal for Leghorn cockerels

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    Knowledge of the true digestibility of amino acids in the ingredients of a poultry ration is important in order to use them properly, especially the proteinic ingredients that have been heated during processing, such as meat meal. Protein solubility is a good indicator of heat damage. To estimate true digestibility, Leghorn White cockerels were fasted for 24 h and then force fed with meat meal autoclaved at 121°C and 1.5 kg/cm2 for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 minutes. A correction for endogenous amino acids was included. Nitrogen was determined by micro Kjeldahl; protein solubility by the methods of 2% KOH and coomassie blue; amino acids concentrations were also determined by HPLC. Treatments had an effect (P<.05) on meat meal protein solubility, means being 89% and 84% for the KOH and coomassie blue methods, respectively. However, protein solubility increased until 30 minutes and then decreased according to the KOH method, whereas it increased until 15 minutes (P<.05) and then remained constant by the coomassie blue method. Autoclaving had an effect on true digestibility of all amino acids, except methionine. There was a high and significant correlation (0.81) between protein solubility by the KOH method and true digestibility of amino acids

    Estudio teórico y experimental del sistema 9 Be + 51 V y sistemas similares

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    En este trabajo de tesis se presenta el estudio sistemático de los sistemas 7Li + 51V, 9Be + 51V y 8B + 58Ni. Para los sistemas ( 7Li, 9 Be) + 51V se midieron las secciones eficaces de fusión a energías cercanas a la barrera Coulombiana (EB,lab=11.75 y 16.16 MeV, respectivamente) empleando la técnica de rayos γ. El experimento para medir la fusión se llevó a cabo en el Laboratorio del Acelerador Tan- dem, del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Nucleares (ININ), siendo éstas las primeras mediciones realizadas para estos proyectiles a las energías consideradas. De forma simultánea, se hizo el análisis de los posibles núcleos residuales usando los códigos computacionales de fusión-evaporación PACE2, LILITA y CASCADE. Los resultados obtenidos fueron comparados con los datos experimentales me- didos. De forma preliminar, para el sistema 7Li + 51V, se hicieron cálculos usando la teoría de canales acoplados de reacción para estimar la contribución de la sección eficaz de transferencia de un protón a la producción del núcleo residual 52Cr. Para el sistema 8B + 58Ni, se hizo un análisis teórico de canales acoplados con el continuo discretizado y canales acoplados de reacción para estudiar los procesos de rompimiento y de transfe- rencia de un protón, 58Ni(8B,7Be)59Cu, a energías alrededor de la barrera Coulombiana (EB,lab=22.95 MeV). Para calcular las secciones eficaces correspondientes se usó un potencial de Modelo Óptico se- mimicroscópico, el cual combina un potencial real de doble convolución, un potencial de polarización y un potencial imaginario tipo Woods-Saxon. A partir de la comparación de nuestros cálculos con datos experimentales se determinaron los factores espectroscópicos Sexpt y astrofísicos S17(0) del protón en la interacción 8B → 7Be+p

    In vivo CRISPR/Cas9 targeting of fusion oncogenes for selective elimination of cancer cells

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    This work was supported by CaixaImpulse (CI18-00017;FuGe) to S.R-P. RT-R. is supported by a postdoctoral fellowship from the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC). J.C.S. is supported by the Spanish Cell Therapy cooperative research network (TERCEL)(RD16/0011/0011). P.M. also acknowledges the financial support from the Obra Social La Caixa-Fundaciò Josep Carreras. P.M. is an investigator of the Spanish Cell Therapy cooperative research network (TERCEL). A.M.C. acknowledges funding fromXarxa de Bancs de Tumors de Catalunya (XBTC; sponsored by Pla Director d'Oncologia de Catalunya).Fusion oncogenes (FOs) are common in many cancer types and are powerful drivers of tumor development. Because their expression is exclusive to cancer cells and their elimination induces cell apoptosis in FO-driven cancers, FOs are attractive therapeutic targets. However, specifically targeting the resulting chimeric products is challenging. Based on CRISPR/Cas9 technology, here we devise a simple, efficient and non-patient-specific gene-editing strategy through targeting of two introns of the genes involved in the rearrangement, allowing for robust disruption of the FO specifically in cancer cells. As a proof-of-concept of its potential, we demonstrate the efficacy of intron-based targeting of transcription factors or tyrosine kinase FOs in reducing tumor burden/mortality in in vivo models. The FO targeting approach presented here might open new horizons for the selective elimination of cancer cells

    Comprehensive analysis of the 9p21 region in neuroblastoma suggests a role for genes mapping to 9p21–23 in the biology of favourable stage 4 tumours

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    Chromosome 9p21 is frequently deleted in many cancers. Previous reports have indicated that 9p21 LOH is an uncommon finding in neuroblastoma (NB), a tumour of childhood. We have performed an extensive analysis of 9p21 and genes located in this region (cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 2A – CDKN2A/p16INK4a, CDKN2A/p14ARF, CDKN2B/p15INK4b, MTAP, interferon α and β cluster). LOH was detected in 16.4% of 177 NB. The SRO was identified between markers D9S1751 and D9S254, at 9p21–23, a region telomeric to the CDKN2A and MTAP genes. A significantly better overall and progression-free survival was detected in stage 4 patients displaying 9p21–23 LOH. Hemizygous deletion of the region harbouring the CDKN2A and CDKN2B loci was identified in two tumours by means of fluorescent in situ hybridisation and MTAP was present by immunostaining in all but one tumour analysed. The transcriptional profile of tumours with 9p21–23 LOH was compared to that of NB displaying normal 9p21–23 status by means of oligonucleotide microarrays. Four of the 363 probe sets downregulated in tumours with 9p21–23 LOH were encoded by genes mapping to 9p22–24. The only well-characterised transcript among them was nuclear factor I-B3. Our results suggest a role for genes located telomeric of 9p21 in good risk NB

    Sostenibilidad en la Ingeniería Civil. Una experiencia piloto de formación profesional y aprendizaje cooperativo

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    A Pilot Experience on Cooperative Learning was developed with vocational training students of Advanced Level in Building Construction and Civil Engineering of the Atenea Secondary School (Ciudad Real). The aim was to improve their professional skills in the field of sustainability and, in particular, wastewater treatment by planning, designing, projecting and building artificial wetlands; this a innovative and distinctive competence that will facilitate their employment in an environment with demand for skilled technicians in water purification systems that are more sustainable in both environmental, energy and economical terms. For this purpose, a transdisciplinary team of university professors was formed, who are specialized on building and civil engineering, environmental technology, ecology, ecological engineering, hydraulics, hydrology, geotechnics, geology, geomorphology, geography, territorial planning, teaching and pedagogy. The methodology used was Project Based Learning (PBL), that has been used for some of the team members since 1999 in the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Students were asked to propose, design and project an artificial wetland to treat wastewater from a rural home, museum or restaurant that they had projected earlier to rehabilitate the ruins of a 19th century water-energy-industrial foundry known as Martinete de Los Pozuelos de Calatrava (Ciudad Real). The major milestones of the pilot experience were: i) Pre-assessment of students knowledge, ii) Lectures to provide new theoretical concepts essential to develop foreseen specific, iii) Independent student work supervised by teachers from closed scripts and supply of teaching materials and literature, iv) Classroom and field workshops, v) Continuous assessment of individual work in class (interest, participation, success in the resolution of the issues raised by the teacher), final evaluation in group through oral presentation and written report, and issuing diplomas for further recognition of free credits, vi) Evaluation of the pilot experience was done by surveying students about methodology, content and development of classes, results obtained and other comments that they wished to include, vii) Dissemination by opening an account in the facebook social network, writing a press release for publication in local media, and professional editing a CD with graphic and teaching materials. The most remarkable result of the pilot is that PBL methodology is a revolution for vocational training students, used to deal with tools and practicalities commonly based on closed standards and protocols; instead, cooperative learning requires facing real limitations, such as a relative lack of information, developing the project with this uncertainty, and making decisions on the level of complexity of the solutions to adopt. This has resulted in an overall very positive experience for the students (over 95%), who were especially pleased with the results (100%) and the content and development of educational activities (more than 95%)