3,956 research outputs found

    Five Years of Experimental Warming Increases the Biodiversity and Productivity of Phytoplankton

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    Phytoplankton are key components of aquatic ecosystems, fixing CO2 from the atmosphere through photosynthesis and supporting secondary production, yet relatively little is known about how future global warming might alter their biodiversity and associated ecosystem functioning. Here, we explore how the structure, function, and biodiversity of a planktonic metacommunity was altered after five years of experimental warming. Our outdoor mesocosm experiment was open to natural dispersal from the regional species pool, allowing us to explore the effects of experimental warming in the context of metacommunity dynamics. Warming of 4°C led to a 67% increase in the species richness of the phytoplankton, more evenly-distributed abundance, and higher rates of gross primary productivity. Warming elevated productivity indirectly, by increasing the biodiversity and biomass of the local phytoplankton communities. Warming also systematically shifted the taxonomic and functional trait composition of the phytoplankton, favoring large, colonial, inedible phytoplankton taxa, suggesting stronger top-down control, mediated by zooplankton grazing played an important role. Overall, our findings suggest that temperature can modulate species coexistence, and through such mechanisms, global warming could, in some cases, increase the species richness and productivity of phytoplankton communities

    Seroprevalencija Dirofilaria immitis u pasa iz skloništa za životinje u kolumbijskoj regiji kave (Eje Cafetero)

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    In Colombia, there are reports of approximately 6.4 million pets, making this the fourth country in Latin America and leading the pet sector with an annual growth of 13%. This study aimed to determine the seroprevalence of Dirofilaria immitis, a parasitic nematode, in 170 canines from the municipalities of Pereira, Santa Rosa de Cabal, and La Virginia, located in the department of Risaralda and the municipalities of Calarca and Armenia in the department of Quindio. A cross-sectional study was carried out on canines from animal shelters during the period 2021–2022. Blood samples were taken, and in vitro immunochromatography was performed to detect specific lesions for Dirofilaria immitis. A peripheral blood smear confirmed positive patients, and a chest x-ray was performed to show changes in the morphology of the heart and blood vessels. Seroprevalence was determined by calculating proportions with the 95% confidence interval determined by the exact or Clopper-Pearson method for a proportion based on sample size and the number of positive cases. The seroprevalence of the test for Dirofilaria immitis was 0.62% (95% CI = 0.016–3.42%). This parasite is a nematode of low distribution in areas of the coffee region. However, surveillance programmes that help control and reduce its transmission should be established.Postoje izvješća o gotovo 6.400.000 kućnih ljubimaca u Kolumbiji i to je četvrta zemlja u Latinskoj Americi u sektoru kućnih ljubimaca, s godišnjim rastom od 13 %. Cilj je ove studije jest utvrditi seroprevalenciju Dirofilaria immitis u 170 pasa iz općina Pereira, Santa Rosa de Cabal i La Virginia, koje se nalaze u departmanu Risaralda i u općinama Calarca i Armenia u departmanu Quindio. Provedena je presječna studija na psima iz skloništa za životinje tijekom godine 2021.-2022. Uzeti su uzorci krvi i obavljena je in vitro imunokromatografija za detekciju lezija specifičnih za Dirofilaria immitis. Razmaz periferne kriv potvrdio je pozitivne pacijente i obavljen je RTG prsnog koša da bi se vidjele promjene u morfologiji srca i krvnih žila. Seroprevalencija je utvrđena izračunom omjera uz interval pouzdanosti od 95% određen preciznom ili Clopper-Pearson metodom za omjer na temelju veličine uzorka i broja pozitivnih slučajeva. Seroprevalencija testa na Dirofilaria immitis bila je 0,62 % (95% CI = 0,016-3,42 %). Ovaj je parazit oblić u područjima regije kave niske rasprostranjenosti, ali predlaže se uspostaviti programe nadzora koji će pomoći kontrolirati i reducirati njegov prijenos

    Phytotoxins from Tithonia diversifolia

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    Tithonia diversifolia (Mexican sunflower) is a dominant plant of the Asteraceae family, which suggests it produces allelochemicals that interfere with the development of surrounding plants. The study described herein was conducted to identify the compounds that have phytotoxic activity in T. diversifolia extracts. Ethyl acetate extracts of the leaves, stems, and roots showed significant inhibition of wheat coleoptile growth, and the leaf extract had similar inhibitory effects to a commercial herbicide. Fourteen compounds, 12 of which were sesquiterpene lactones, have been isolated. Two sesquiterpene lactones are reported for the first time and were isolated as an inseparable mixture of 8β-O-(2-methylbutyroyl)- tirotundin (4) and 8β-O-(isovaleroyl)tirotundin (5). Their structures were determined by spectroscopic analysis, including NMR techniques and mass spectrometry. The sesquiterpene lactones 1β methoxydiversifolin (6), tagitinin A (7), and tagitinin C (8) were the major products identified. These compounds were active on etiolated wheat coleoptiles, seed germination, and the growth of STS and weeds. The phytotoxic activity shown by these sesquiterpene lactones indicates that they are the compounds responsible for the activity exhibited by the initial extracts

    Contribution of common and rare variants to bipolar disorder susceptibility in extended pedigrees from population isolates.

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    Current evidence from case/control studies indicates that genetic risk for psychiatric disorders derives primarily from numerous common variants, each with a small phenotypic impact. The literature describing apparent segregation of bipolar disorder (BP) in numerous multigenerational pedigrees suggests that, in such families, large-effect inherited variants might play a greater role. To identify roles of rare and common variants on BP, we conducted genetic analyses in 26 Colombia and Costa Rica pedigrees ascertained for bipolar disorder 1 (BP1), the most severe and heritable form of BP. In these pedigrees, we performed microarray SNP genotyping of 838 individuals and high-coverage whole-genome sequencing of 449 individuals. We compared polygenic risk scores (PRS), estimated using the latest BP1 genome-wide association study (GWAS) summary statistics, between BP1 individuals and related controls. We also evaluated whether BP1 individuals had a higher burden of rare deleterious single-nucleotide variants (SNVs) and rare copy number variants (CNVs) in a set of genes related to BP1. We found that compared with unaffected relatives, BP1 individuals had higher PRS estimated from BP1 GWAS statistics (P = 0.001 ~ 0.007) and displayed modest increase in burdens of rare deleterious SNVs (P = 0.047) and rare CNVs (P = 0.002 ~ 0.033) in genes related to BP1. We did not observe rare variants segregating in the pedigrees. These results suggest that small-to-moderate effect rare and common variants are more likely to contribute to BP1 risk in these extended pedigrees than a few large-effect rare variants

    Tenofovir Nephrotoxicity: 2011 Update

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    Tenofovir is an acyclic nucleotide analogue reverse-transcriptase inhibitor structurally similar to the nephrotoxic drugs adefovir and cidofovir. Tenofovir is widely used to treat HIV infection and approved for treatment of hepatitis B virus. Despite initial cell culture and clinical trials results supporting the renal safety of tenofovir, its clinical use is associated with a low, albeit significant, risk of kidney injury. Proximal tubular cell secretion of tenofovir explains the accumulation of the drug in these mitochondria-rich cells. Tenofovir nephrotoxicity is characterized by proximal tubular cell dysfunction that may be associated with acute kidney injury or chronic kidney disease. Withdrawal of the drug leads to improvement of analytical parameters that may be partial. Understanding the risk factors for nephrotoxicity and regular monitoring of proximal tubular dysfunction and serum creatinine in high-risk patients is required to minimize nephrotoxicity. Newer, structurally similar molecular derivatives that do not accumulate in proximal tubules are under study

    Metallic elements in foliar material and fruits of three tree species as bioindicators

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    This study aimed to determine the presence of metal elements in fruits and leaves of three tree species as bioindicators in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Ninety fruit and 90 leaf samples (30 per tree species) were collected at five sites (agricultural, suburban, commercial and services, urban, and mining), using the site and the presence of P. laevigata, S. molle, and A. farnesiana as references. Total concentrations of 13 metal elements were determined using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The species were significantly affected by Co, As, and Pb (ANOVA, p≤0.05). Considering the land use and the species, the contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species had sufficient and phytotoxic contents of Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, Ti, and Cr, and excessive ranges with the possible phytotoxic effect of As, Cu, Pb, Zn, V, and Fe. The A. farnesiana had the highest concentrations of 12 heavy metals analyzed (HM). The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06%, with V, As, and Cr being prominent. The functionality of these tree species as phytoremediators and bioindicators is reviewed to evaluate environmental impacts on land use. Highlights Tree species represent a potential bioindicator for studying environmental pollutants due to their ability to accumulate heavy metals. The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06% The contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species trees had sufficient and phytotoxic HM contents. The tree species have phytoremediators capacity to evaluate environmental impacts and environmental contamination of land use.This study aimed to determine the presence of metal elements in fruits and leaves of three tree species as bioindicators in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Ninety fruit and 90 leaf samples (30 per tree species) were collected at five sites (agricultural, suburban, commercial and services, urban, and mining), using the site and the presence of P. laevigata, S. molle, and A. farnesiana as references. Total concentrations of 13 metal elements were determined using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The species were significantly affected by Co, As, and Pb (ANOVA, p≤0.05). Considering the land use and the species, the contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species had sufficient and phytotoxic contents of Al, Cd, Co, Ni, Mn, Ti, and Cr, and excessive ranges with the possible phytotoxic effect of As, Cu, Pb, Zn, V, and Fe. The A. farnesiana had the highest concentrations of 12 heavy metals analyzed (HM). The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06%, with V, As, and Cr being prominent. The functionality of these tree species as phytoremediators and bioindicators is reviewed to evaluate environmental impacts on land use. Highlights Tree species represent a potential bioindicator for studying environmental pollutants due to their ability to accumulate heavy metals. The variation in total metal concentrations between leaves and fruits ranged from 84.70 to 99.06% The contents determined in the leaves and fruits of the three species trees had sufficient and phytotoxic HM contents. The tree species have phytoremediators capacity to evaluate environmental impacts and environmental contamination of land use

    Otimização da extração de ácidos nucleicos de material de punção aspirativa por agulha fina de tiroide obtido de lâminas coradas, tecidos fixados em formalina e emblocados em parafina e amostras de sangue estocadas por longo período

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    OBJECTIVE: Adequate isolation of nucleic acids from peripheral blood, fine-needle aspiration cells in stained slides, and fresh and formalin-fixed/paraffin-embedded tissues is crucial to ensure the success of molecular endocrinology techniques, especially when samples are stored for long periods, or when no other samples can be collected from patients who are lost to follow-up. Here, we evaluate several procedures to improve current methodologies for DNA (salting-out) and RNA isolation. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used proteinase K treatment, heat shock, and other adaptations to increase the amount and quality of the material retrieved from the samples. RESULTS: We successfully isolated DNA and RNA from the samples described above, and this material was suitable for PCR, methylation profiling, real-time PCR and DNA sequencing. CONCLUSION: The techniques herein applied to isolate nucleic acids allowed further reliable molecular analyses. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(9):618-26OBJETIVO: O isolamento adequado de ácidos nucleicos a partir de sangue periférico, lâmina corada de punção aspirativa por agulha fina, tecido fixado em formalina e emblocado em parafina e tecido fresco é fundamental para assegurar o sucesso de técnicas aplicadas em endocrinologia molecular, principalmente quando lidamos com amostras estocadas por longos períodos ou quando há impossibilidade de nova coleta de amostra de pacientes que perderam o seguimento. Neste trabalho, objetivamos otimizar as metodologias clássicas para a extração de DNA (salting-out) e RNA. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Utilizamos proteinase K, choque térmico, dentre outras modificações, com o objetivo de aumentar a quantidade e a qualidade do material recuperado a partir das amostras descritas acima. RESULTADOS: Isolamos com sucesso DNA e RNA de tais amostras e o material obtido foi adequado para a realização de PCR, perfil de metilação, PCR em tempo real e sequenciamento de DNA. CONCLUSÃO: As técnicas aplicadas neste estudo para isolar ácidos nucleicos permitiram a realização posterior de análises moleculares consistentes e confiáveis. Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab. 2012;56(9):618-26Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP) Escola Paulista de MedicinaFaculdade de Medicina do ABC Department of Morphology and PhysiologyUNIFESP, EPMSciEL

    Bone remodeling in the longest living rodent, the naked mole-rat : interelement variation and the effects of reproduction

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    The pattern of bone remodeling of one of the most peculiar mammals in the world, the naked mole-rat (NMR), was assessed. NMRs are known for their long lifespans among rodents and for having low metabolic rates. We assessed long-term in vivo bone labeling of subordinate individuals, as well as the patterns of bone resorption and bone remodeling in a large sample including reproductive and non-reproductive individuals (n = 70). Over 268 undecalcified thin cross-sections from the midshaft of humerus, ulna, femur and tibia were analyzed with confocal fluorescence and polarized light microscopy. Fluorochrome analysis revealed low osteogenesis, scarce bone resorption and infrequent formation of secondary osteons (Haversian systems) (i.e., slow bone turnover), thus most likely reflecting the low metabolic rates of this species. Secondary osteons occurred regardless of reproductive status. However, considerable differences in the degree of bone remodeling were found between breeders and non-breeders. Pre-reproductive stages (subordinates) exhibited quite stable skeletal homeostasis and bone structure, although the attainment of sexual maturity and beginning of reproductive cycles in female breeders triggered a series of anabolic and catabolic processes that up-regulate bone turnover, most likely associated with the increased metabolic rates of reproduction. Furthermore, bone remodeling was more frequently found in stylopodial elements compared to zeugopodial elements. Despite the limited bone remodeling observed in NMRs, the variation in the pattern of skeletal homeostasis (interelement variation) reported here represents an important aspect to understand the skeletal dynamics of a small mammal with low metabolic rates. Given the relevance of the remodeling process among mammals, this study also permitted the comparison of such process with the well-documented histomorphology of extinct therapsids (i.e., mammalian precursors), thus evidencing that bone remodeling and its endocortical compartmentalization represent ancestral features among the lineage that gave rise to mammals. It is concluded that other factors associated with development (and not uniquely related to biomechanical loading) can also have an important role in the development of bone remodeling.CONICYT; National Research Foundation and DST-NRF.http://www.wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/joahj2022Mammal Research InstituteZoology and Entomolog

    Cortezas de Prosopis laevigata (Fabaceae) y Schinus molle (Anacardiaceae) como bioindicadoras de contaminación por metales pesados

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    The tree bark is a valuable component to diagnose heavy metal air pollution. In bark of P. laevigata and S. molle presence of eleven heavy metals was evaluated, as indicator of environmental impact in San Luis Potosí, México. Based on the presence of both species on a soil system fragmented agricultural uses, rural settlements, trade and services, urban settlements and mineral uses, bark samples were taken during summer, autumn, winter and spring seasons. In each species thirty exemplars were sampled. Concentrations of Al, As, Co, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Ti, V and Zn were determined by applying the ICP-MS technique, and for data analysis the General lineal model was applied. Results indicated that the average concentrations vary according to Ni> Al> Zn> Pb > Cu> As> Ti> V> Cd> Cr> Co. The presence of heavy metals was determined by the species effect, land use and season, and the relationship between these factors. The pepper tree bark was found to have higher concentrations of Al, As, Co, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb and Ti. The highest concentrations of Al, Cu, Cr, Co and Ni were in the fall season. The urban settlement showed higher concentrations of Al, Co, Cr, Ni, Ti and V; meanwhile in the mining soil use Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb were relevant. The potential bio-indicator value of bark of both species was evidenced. Consequently, it is convenient to continue with these studies to increase knowledge of the environmental conditions of the San Luis Potosí.La corteza arbórea constituye un elemento viable para diagnosticar la contaminación por metales pesados. Fue evaluada la presencia de once metales pesados en corteza de P. laevigata "mezquite" y S. molle "pirul" como indicador de impacto ambiental en San Luis Potosí, México. Basado en la presencia de estas dos especies sobre un sistema fragmentado por usos de suelo agropecuario, asentamiento rural, comercial y servicio, asentamiento urbano y minero, se tomó muestras de corteza durante las estaciones de verano, otoño, invierno y primavera. Se aplicó la técnica ICP-MS y se determinó las concentraciones de Al, As, Co, Cu, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb, Ti, V y Zn, diseñando un modelo General Lineal para su análisis. Los resultados indicaron concentraciones promedio de Ni>Al>Z n>Pb>Cu>As>Ti>V>Cd>Cr>Co. La presencia de metales pesados fue condicionada por el efecto de la especie, uso de suelo y la temporada, así como la relación entre estos factores. Las cortezas de S. molle resultaron tener mayores concentraciones de Al, As, Co, Cd, Cr, Ni, Pb y Ti. En otoño se presentaron las mayores concentraciones de Al, Cu, Cr, Co y Ni. El uso de suelo para asentamiento urbano presentó las mayores concentraciones de Al,Co, Cr, Ni, Ti y V y el uso de suelo minero las de Cu, Cd, Zn y Pb. Se demuestra el potencial bioindicador de la corteza de ambas especies. Se sugiere continuar realizando estudios que permitan ampliar el conocimiento de las condiciones ambientales de la zona