103 research outputs found

    ESI-MS, ESI-MS/MS fingerprint and LC-ESI-MS analysis of proathocyanidins from Bursera simaruba sarg bark.

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    Direct flow injection/electrospray ionization/ion trap tandem mass spectrometry was used to investigate the presence of proanthocyanidins (PAs) in the methanolic extract of B. simaruba bark. Additionally, an LC-ESI-MS qualitative study was performed by using a monolithic stationary phase. The fragmentation pattern obtained evidenced the presence in B. simaruba bark of PAs belonging to the series of polymers of epicatechin, along with their glycosilated derivatives

    Qualitative profile and quantitative determination of flavonoids from Crocus sativus L. petals by LC-MS/MS

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    From the methanolic extract of Crocus sativus petals nine known flavonoids have been isolated and identified, including glycosidic derivatives of quercetin and kaempferol as major compounds (1–2), and their methoxylated and acetylated derivatives. Additionally, LC-ESI-MS qualitative and LC-ESI-MS/MS quantitative studies of the major compounds of the methanolic extract were performed. The high content of glycosylated flavonoids could give value to C. sativus petals, which are a waste product in the production of the spice saffron


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    The coal process is one of the most important activities in economic growth in the country, however, in recent years nature itself has given evidence that show the impacts on the soil due to mismanagement and lack of human awareness, such as deterioration and loss of fertility. Therefore, this study determined the physicochemical impacts on the organic layer of the soil caused by the dumping of wastewater from the carbon washing process in the surrounding soils to the washing plants, or direct sources of dumping. In this sense, and through a quantitative and qualitative study of wastewater, the presence of substances was determined by the near infrared spectrometer method, conductivity, pH with multiparameter, turbidity by the Nephelometer method and the Biological Oxygen Demand with the measurement of DBO BD 600. In the same way, for representative soil samples, pH, porosity, apparent density, saturation humidity was evaluated by the cylinder method of known volume, conductivity and organic matter empirically. The results showed the presence of heavy metals, pH from 3.45 to 8.64 within the acidity ranges, high values in heavy elements such as CA2 + in 23500 to 80 784 mg / kg of soil, demonstrating that it is a highly contaminated soil.El proceso de carbón es una de las actividades más importantes en el crecimiento económico en el país, sin embargo, en estos últimos años la propia naturaleza ha dado muestras que evidencian los impactos al suelo por la mala gestión y la falta de concientización del hombre, como el deterioro y la pérdida de fertilidad. Por lo tanto, en este estudio se determinó los impactos fisicoquímicos en la capa orgánica del suelo provocados por el vertimiento de aguas residuales del proceso de lavado de carbón en los suelos circunvecinos a las plantas de lavado, o fuentes directas de vertimiento. En este sentido, y por medio de un estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo del agua residual, se determinó la presencia de sustancias por el método de Espectrómetro infrarrojo cercano, conductividad, pH con multiparámetro, turbidez por el método de Nefelómetro y la Demanda Biológica de Oxígeno con la medición de DBO BD 600. De igual manera, para las muestras representativas del suelo se evaluó, pH, porosidad, densidad aparente, humedad de saturación por el método del cilindro de volumen conocido, conductividad y materia orgánica de forma empírica. Los resultados mostraron presencia de metales pesados, pH de 3,45 a 8,64 dentro de los rangos de acidez, valores altos en elementos pesados como el CA2+ en 23500 hasta 80 784 mg/kg de suelo, demostrando que es un suelo altamente contaminado

    A validated LC–MS/MS method for quantitative determination of L-dopa in Fagioli di Sarconi beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.)

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    An analytical method based on ultrasound assisted extraction (UAE) and liquid chromatography 36 coupled to electrospray tandem mass spectrometry (LC–ESI/MS/MS) was validated and applied for 37 determining L-dopa in four ecotypes of Fagioli di Sarconi beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), marked 38 with the European label PGI (Protected Geographical Indication). The selectivity of the proposed 39 method was ensured by the specific fragmentation of the analyte. Simple isocratic chromatographic 40 conditions and mass spectrometric detection in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) acquisition 41 mode were used for sensitive quantification. The LC–ESI/MS/MS method was validated within a 42 linear range of 0.001–5.000 μg/mL. Values of 0.4 and 1.1 ng/mL were obtained for limit of detection 43 and limit of quantification, respectively. The repeatability, inter-day precision and recovery values 44 ranges were 0.6-4.5%, 5.4-9.9%, 83-93 %, respectively. Fresh and dried beans cultivated exclusively 45 with organic methods avoiding any synthetic fertilizers and pesticides, as well as pods, were analyzed 46 showing a L-dopa content ranging from 0.020±0.005 μg/g to 2.34±0.05 μg/g dry weight

    RENEB accident simulation exercise

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    Purpose: The RENEB accident exercise was carried out in order to train the RENEB participants in coordinating and managing potentially large data sets that would be generated in case of a major radiological event. Materials and methods: Each participant was offered the possibility to activate the network by sending an alerting email about a simulated radiation emergency. The same participant had to collect, compile and report capacity, triage categorization and exposure scenario results obtained from all other participants. The exercise was performed over 27 weeks and involved the network consisting of 28 institutes: 21 RENEB members, four candidates and three non-RENEB partners. Results: The duration of a single exercise never exceeded 10 days, while the response from the assisting laboratories never came later than within half a day. During each week of the exercise, around 4500 samples were reported by all service laboratories (SL) to be examined and 54 scenarios were coherently estimated by all laboratories (the standard deviation from the mean of all SL answers for a given scenario category and a set of data was not larger than 3 patient codes). Conclusions: Each participant received training in both the role of a reference laboratory (activating the network) and of a service laboratory (responding to an activation request). The procedures in the case of radiological event were successfully established and tested

    Control genético de caracteres reproductivos bajo diferentes regímenes de temperatura en poblaciones segregantes de tomate

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    El aumento de temperatura producido por el calentamiento global del planeta tiene a la agricultura entre los principales sectores afectados, provocando una disminución en la producción de la mayoría de los cultivos de regiones templadas y tropicales. En el caso del tomate, ampliamente cultivado en esas áreas geográficas, las altas temperaturas producen daños tanto a nivel fisiológico como morfológico afectando a los órganos reproductivos. Por ello, en este trabajo, se ha estudiado el control genético de caracteres reproductivos en varias poblaciones de líneas consanguíneas derivadas de los cruces entre entradas de S. pimpinelifolium y cultivares de tomate (MoneyMaker x TO-937, E9xL5 and E6203xLA1589) y entre cultivares tolerantes y sensibles a altas temperaturas cultivadas en diferentes condiciones de estrés térmico

    Antinociceptive effects of an extract, fraction and an isolated compound of the stem bark of Maytenus rigida

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    The antinociceptive activity of the Maytenus rigida Mart. (Celastraceae) ethanol extract and its ethyl acetate fraction as well as of (-)-4'-methylepigallocatechin (1), a previously isolated compound, was demonstrated in vivo. ED50 for 1 in the writhing test was 14.14 mg/kg. The acetic acid-induced writhing was inhibited by 98.4, 84.4, and 58.3%, respectively, when mice were treated with the ethanol extract, ethyl acetate fraction, and 1. In the hot plate test, mice pretreated with 1 showed significantly increased reaction times (60-89%). Oral administration of 1 significantly inhibited first and second phases of the formalin-induced pain (50 and 26.5%, respectively), whereas indomethacin inhibited only the second phase of the test (41.2%). Ethanol extract and its fraction showed effects on inflammatory pain, while neurogenic and inflammatory pain suppression by 1 is a strong indication of the presence of both central and peripheral effects and suggests its analgesic and anti-inflammatory potential

    Plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa de prestación de servicios de restauración en hogares

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    [ES] Este Trabajo Final de Grado consiste en el plan de empresa necesario para la creación de la empresa que ofrece servicios de restauración en casa a través de una aplicación móvil. En este se hace un análisis total del entorno (tanto el micro como el macro entorno). Se analizan todos los punto débiles como las oportunidades de este negocio viendo así los inconvenientes que podrían encontrarse a la hora de desarrollarla. Asimismo, en este Trabajo Final de Grado se explica todo lo que se ha llevado a cabo para la puesta en marcha de la misma (plan de operaciones, plan de marketing, la organización interna de la empresa y de los puestos de trabajo), y por último se hace una explicación del plan financiero, explicando el modo en el que la empresa obtendrá beneficios, los costes y beneficios previstos, el análisis de los balances provisionales y análisis de rentabilidad.[EN] This Final degree work consists of the business plan necessary for the creation of the company that offers home catering services through a mobile application. It makes a total analysis of the environment (both the micro and the macro environment). All the weak points are analyzed as the opportunities of this business, thus seeing the inconveniences that could be found when developing it. Moreover, this Final degree work explains everything that has been carried out to implement it (plan of operations, marketing plan, internal organization of the company and jobs), and finally It makes an explanation of the financial plan, explaining the way in which the company will obtain benefits, the expected costs and benefits, the analysis of the provisional balance sheets and analysis of profitability.[CA] El present treball, consistix en un pla de negoci per a una empresa de servicis de restauració en llars particular s través d’una plataforma informática. Hui en dia és quasi imposible que algú no faça ús del seu telèfon móvil, per això i junt amb l’auge del servicis que es presten a través del smartphones, cada vegada apareixen més empreses que funcionen a través d’ells. Aquest projecte, consisteix en crear, una aplicación móvil crida meet&eat, per mitjà de la queal les persones que es registren en ella pugen, per una banda, oferir la seua casa per ha que baja gent a menjar, i per el altre costat, poder reservar lloc per a menjar a casa de les persones que oferixen el servei. Amb auxó es creará una empresa que realitze la gestió integral de les comandes, obtenint comissions de la gestió. La idea sorgix amb la necesitat de cobrir un buit que les empresas actuals no eferixen. Per un banda, tracta de facilitar als treballaors el haver que menjar sols en algún restaurant i el que això comporta, es ha dir, gastar-se més diners i menjar pitjor. Per altra banda, tarcta d’ajudar a les persones que oferisquen el ser servici de restauració a poder generar ingresos, en el cas que per exemple estiguen en desocupació. Amb aquest sistema, facilitará també la posisbilitat de poder probar de forma artesana el menjar típic de cada zona, en les regions més turístiques, com podría ser el cas de València, a un preu prou asequible Encara que la idea sorgisca a València, al ser un servici oferit online, es pordrà estendre a altres llocs. Amb la creació d’esta empresa, es tracta de potencia l’economía col.laborativa que actualmente i gràcies a les noves tecnologies està creixent a passos engegantits. Per a començar, és de vital importancia conéixer el sector tecnológic en este àmbit, la situaci´actual de les aplicacions móbils i la possible evolució que tinguen amb el pas del temps. Es realitzarà un análisis estratègic per mitjà de l’estudi del macroentorns a través d’un anàlis PESTEL, i del micrientorn a través d’un anàlisi DAFO. Es decidirá la ocalització de l’empresa i la seua forma jurídica més apropiada. També es fará un pla de màrqueting i un estudi economicofinancier per a completar el traball a realizar. Finalment, l’apartat de conclusión contindrà els aspectos més important de la creació de l’empresa i la seua futura utilitat.Montoro Folgado, CP. (2018). Plan de negocio para la creación de una empresa de prestación de servicios de restauración en hogares. http://hdl.handle.net/10251/110746TFG