208 research outputs found

    Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) in the ovary

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    La proteïna transportadora de les hormones sexuals (SHBG) va ser descrita a finals dels anys seixanta amb les funcions de transportar els esteroides sexuals i de regular-ne la biodisponibilitat. Des de fa ja bastant temps, es coneix també que les cèll. ules testiculars de Sertoli expressen la proteïna que lliga els andrògens (androgen-binding protein oABP), que està codificada pel mateix gen que la SHBG, però glicosilada diferentment. Les funcions de l'ABP han estat àmpliament estudiades, i actualment se sap ja que l'ABP és un dels reguladors locals de l'espermatogènesi. Nogensmenys, la presència de la SHBG en l'ovari ha estat molt poc estudiada. L'objectiu del present article és el de revisar el que actualment es coneix sobre l'expressió de la SHBG en la gònada femenina, incloent-hi les troballes recents del nostre grup que demostren la presència de la SHBG en els foll. icles ovàrics, particularment en el citoplasma de les cèll. ules de la granulosa, en algunes cèll. ules de la teca i en els oòcits de foll. icles primordials, primaris i secundaris, i també en el cos luti. A més, l'expressió del gen de la SHBG s'ha evidenciat també en les cèll. ules granulosoluteíniques en pacients sotmeses a fertilització in vitro. Això suggereix que aquestes cèll. ules constitueixen una font local de SHBG en l'ovari humà. Aquestes noves dades suggereixen la implicació de la SHBG en la fisiologia ovàrica.Sex hormone-binding globulin (SHBG) was described in the late sixties as a hepatic carrier protein for sex steroids and was thought to regulate their bio-availability. It has also been known for many years that testicular Sertoli cells express androgen-binding protein (ABP), which is encoded by the same gene as SHBG, but which is differentially glycosylated. The possible roles of ABP have been extensively studied, and this protein may be one of the local regulators of spermatogenesis. In contrast, very few authors have investigated the presence of SHBG in the ovary. The aim of the present paper is to provide a survey of what is currently known about the expression of SHBG in the female gonad, including our own recent findings that SHBG was present in ovarian follicles. This was true, particularly in the cytoplasm of granulosa cells, some theca cells, and oocytes in primordial, primary, and early secondary follicles, as well as in the corpus luteum. Furthermore, the expression of the SHBG gene has been demonstrated in granulosa-lutein cells from in vitro fertilization patients, indicating that these cells are one of the local sources of SHBG in the human ovary. These new data suggest an involvement of SHBG in ovarian physiology

    Make the history of recent architecture

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    O texto apresenta uma reflexão crítica e propositiva acerca da história da arquitetura. Defende a necessidade de realização de uma história crítica da arquitetura recente, problematizando os limites da crônica e informações de divulgação. Assume como premissa que os edifícios, como outras produções materiais, são objeto de consumo e renovação/alteração muito rápidas. Desta forma, defende a construção de um projeto de história destes objetos recentes de forma a evitar ou minimizar o desaparecimento das fontes documentais, escritas ou orais, afeitas a estes objetos arquiteturais. Indica alguns critérios e procedimentos que viabilizariam a realização deste projeto, e propõe que o historiador desta arquitetura do passado recente deve ter também papel propositivo acerca de intervenções nestes objetos. O olhar profissional e qualificado sobre estes bens arquitetônicos, diferenciando- se da crônica e das posturas doutrinárias, deverá ser capaz de apresentar pontos de vistas inéditos que tragam esclarecimentos e visões renovadoras sobre estes edifícios modernos, presenças de um "passado recente".The paper presents a critical and propositive reflection about history of architecture. It points out the need for a critical history of recent architecture, questioning the limits of chronological record and mass- media information. Assuming that buildings, as well as other material productions, are subject to very quick consumption and renovation, it defends the construction of a historical approach of these recent architectural objects, in order to avoid or minimize the disappearance of documental sources, written or oral, related to them. It indicates some criteria and procedures that make feasible the realization of this project and proposes that the historian of this architecture of the recent past should also have a propositive role on the interventions on these objects. The professional and qualified look at their architectural assets, different from chronicles and doctrinary postures, shall bring renewing clarification and points of views on these modern buildings, material presences of a "recent past"

    O lugar da França na história da Arquitetura Moderna no século XX

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    O papel da França não se limita àquele de Le Corbusier. A tradição da "arte de construir" inspira a inovação tecnológica. A cultura de Jean Prouvé, aquela do homo faber, é entendida por diversos construtores, franceses e estrangeiros, de Peter Rice a Renzo Piano. Suas invenções tecnológicas, hoje em destaque, mostram os limites da doutrina pós-moderna. Desde a competição para o Centro Georges-Pompidou, em 1971, Paris retomou sua história de centro cultural cosmopolita. Interpretação moderna da vocação "republicana" da arquitetura européia, as obras públicas, com seus grandes espaços livres e seus potentes equipamentos de transporte, são símbolos brilhantes de uma confiança política na cidade

    Le Corbusier : l’œuvre plastique

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    Cet ouvrage présente les contributions aux XIIe Rencontres de la Fondation Le Corbusier, qui se sont tenues au Centre Georges Pompidou les 18 et 19 novembre 2004. On sait que la pratique du dessin et de la peinture est centrale chez Le Corbusier, qui s’exprime à ce sujet en 1956 avec virulence dans un court texte, « Dessiner », reproduit en tête de la publication. L’ouvrage montre à la fois le renouvellement du savoir historique sur la question et les interprétations récentes du statut de la..

    Que faire de l’édifice-événement ?

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    « Ce n’est pas dans les cendres du temps, mais dans les dangereuses flammes de l’événement que naissent les images valables de l’homme, dût celui qui a l’audace de les y arracher s’en brûler affreusement les mains, en être défiguré, en périr. »Louis Aragon, La fin du Monde réel, 1967 Dans le droit fil des travaux conduits autour de la réception de l’architecture contemporaine, je m’interroge aujourd’hui sur la production d’informations liées à l’actualité de l’architecture, dans une civilisat..

    O edifício, instrumento do evento: uma problemática

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    Posidonia oceanica restoration, a relevant strategy after boat anchoring degradation?

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    Trabajo presentado al 7th Mediterranean Symposium on Marine Vegetation, celebrado en Génova (Italia), los días 19 y 20 de septiembre de 2022.The anchoring of large pleasure boats constitutes one of the main threats in shallow marine habitats and particularly for seagrass beds. In the Mediterranean, this activity has seen constant development during the last decades, causing major physical disturbances in Posidonia oceanica meadows and associated ecosystem services, notably in terms of climate change mitigation (i.e. carbon fixation and sequestration capacities). In this context, the aims of the present study are to estimate the impact of these anchoring activities on P. oceanica meadows in a particularly highlyfrequented area (Sant’Amanza gulf, SE Corsica Island) and to set up a strategy to restore this major carbon sink. Since the last decade, time-series of marine habitat maps revealed an important regression of P. oceanica meadows, with a loss of 72.9 ha, corresponding to 11% of the meadow surface and 9% decline in the total carbon fixation and sequestration performed each year. Moreover, in the most impacted part of the bay (Balistra bay), a loss of 16.6 ha (28%) has been recorded between 2011 and 2022. Following recent enforcement of anchoring regulation, prohibiting the anchoring of large units (greater than 24 m), and the lockdown linked to the COVID-19 pandemic, anchorages in the seagrass reduced by 92%, between 2018 and 2022. Natural recovery was observed at the edge of the meadow (plagiotropic rhizomes) but this growth is slow and the areas to recover are large. As a result, a transplant experiment, from cuttings harvested from the adjacent meadows, was initiated in the spring 2021. Four restoration techniques are being tested in the some pilot sites and the development of these transplants will be monitored and compared to the natural recovery.This research has been co-financed by INTERREG program (GIREPAM), Collectivity of Corsica Corse (PADDUC-CHANGE), SETEC Foundation, Environment Office of Corsica and the French Office of Biodiversity (RenforC program)

    Recent Advancements in the LC- and GC-Based Analysis of Malondialdehyde (MDA): A Brief Overview

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    Malondialdehyde (MDA) is an end-product of lipid peroxidation and a side product of thromboxane A2 synthesis. Moreover, it is not only a frequently measured biomarker of oxidative stress, but its high reactivity and toxicity underline the fact that this molecule is more than “just” a biomarker. Additionally, MDA was proven to be a mutagenic substance. Having said this, it is evident that there is a major interest in the highly selective and sensitive analysis of this molecule in various matrices. In this review, we will provide a brief overview of the most recent developments and techniques for the liquid chromatography (LC) and gas chromatography (GC)-based analysis of MDA in different matrices. While the 2-thiobarbituric acid assay still is the most prominent methodology for determining MDA, several advanced techniques have evolved, including GC–MS(MS), LC–MS(MS) as well as several derivatization-based strategies

    Nouvelles données sur l’agglomération antique d’<i>Epomanduodurum</i> (Mandeure et Mathay, Doubs)

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    International audienceDem antiken Mandeure-Mathay (Epomanduodurum), dem aufgrund seiner Größe und seiner bedeutenden Monumentalbauten im Sequanerland der zweite Platz nach dem Civitas-Hauptort Besançon zukommt, ist seit 2001 ein pluridisziplinäres Forschungsprojekt gewidmet. Im Anschluß an einen im Jahrgang 2007 dieser Zeitschrift vorgelegten Beitrag berichtet das vorliegende Dossier über die Forschungen der Jahre 2005 bis 2011. Parallel zur Weiterführung und Vertiefung der im Bereich der Kult- und Monumentalbauten begonnenen Arbeiten, trieb das Forschungsteam während dieses zweiten Projektabschnittes verschiedene Studien zur gesamten antiken Stadtanlage und der sie umgebenden Mikroregion voran. Diese Untersuchungen liefern neue Einsichten zur Entstehung, Entwicklung und zum Niedergang von Epomanduodurum und tragen zu einem vertieften Verständnis der Gestalt dieser Stadt und ihrer religiösen, ökonomischen und sozialen Organisation im Zeitraum vom Ende der Eisenzeit bis zum Frühmittelalter bei.A collective research program is studying since 2001 the ancient agglomeration of Mandeure-Mathay (Epomanduodurum), considered as second one after the chief town Besançon, in the Sequani territory, by its size and its impressive monumental buildings. This article, following a previous paper published in Gallia in 2007, draws up a report of the researches completed between 2005 and 2011. In this second stage, alongside the ongoing in-depth investigations on cult and monumental area, the PCR (Collective Program Research) team intensified its different studies and researches on the ancient agglomeration and its microregional environment. These studies lead to a better understanding of the appearance, development and decline of Epomanduodurum ; a better knowledge of its morphology, and its religious, economic and social organization between the end of the Iron Age and the Early Middle Ages.L’agglomération antique de Mandeure-Mathay (Epomanduodurum), considérée comme la seconde du pays séquane par ses dimensions et l’ampleur de sa parure monumentale, derrière la capitale de cité, Besançon, fait l’objet d’un programme collectif de recherche (PCR), pluridisciplinaire, depuis 2001. Le présent dossier, qui fait suite à un précédent article paru dans Gallia en 2007, dresse un bilan des recherches réalisées entre 2005 et 2011. Dans cette seconde étape, parallèlement à la poursuite et à l’approfondissement des actions engagées sur le secteur cultuel et monumental, l’équipe du PCR a accentué les études et investigations de diverses natures portant sur l’ensemble de l’agglomération antique et sur l’espace microrégional dans lequel celle-ci s’insère. Ces recherches aboutissent à une meilleure compréhension des modalités d’émergence, de développement et de déclin de la ville d’Epomanduodurum, et à une connaissance plus approfondie de sa morphologie et de son organisation religieuse, économique et sociale, entre la fin de l’âge du Fer et le haut Moyen Âge

    New high statistics measurement of Ke4K_{e4} decay form factors and ππ\pi\pi scattering phase shifts

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    We report results from a new measurement of the Ke4K_{e4} decay K±π+πe±νK^{\pm} \rightarrow \pi^{+}\pi^{-}e^{\pm}\nu by the NA48/2 collaboration at the CERN SPS, based on a partial sample of more than 670000 Ke4K_{e4} decays in both charged modes collected in 2003. The form factors of the hadronic current (F, G, H) and ππ\pi\pi phase difference (δ=δsδp\delta=\delta_{s}-\delta_{p}) have been measured in ten independent bins of the ππ\pi\pi mass spectrum to investigate the variation. A sizeable acceptance at large ππ\pi\pi mass, a low background and a very good resolution contribute to an improved experimental accuracy, a factor two better than in the previous measurement, when extracting the ππ\pi\pi scattering lengths a00a^{0}_{0} and a02a^{2}_{0}. Under the assumption of isospin symmetry and using numerical solutions of the Roy equations, the following values are obtained in the plane (a00,a02):a00=0.233±0.016stat±0.007syst,a02=0.0471±0.011stat±0.004systa^{0}_{0}, a^{2}_{0}): a^{0}_{0}=0.233 \pm 0.016_{stat} \pm 0.007_{syst}, a^{2}_{0}=-0.0471 \pm 0.011_{stat} \pm 0.004_{syst}. The presence of potentially large isospin effects is also considered and will allow comparison with precise predictions from Chiral Perturbation Theory