730 research outputs found

    How change agents and social capital influence the adoption of innovations among small farmers: Evidence from social networks in rural Bolivia

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    "This paper presents results from a study that identified patterns of social interaction among small farmers in three agricultural subsectors in Bolivia—fish culture, peanut production, and quinoa production—and analyzed how social interaction influences farmers' behavior toward the adoption of pro-poor innovations. Twelve microregions were identified, four in each subsector, setting the terrain for an analysis of parts of social networks that deal with the diffusion of specific sets of innovations. Three hundred sixty farmers involved in theses networks as well as 60 change agents and other actors promoting directly or indirectly the diffusion of innovations were interviewed about the interactions they maintain with other agents in the network and the sociodemographic characteristics that influence their adoption behavior. The information derived from this data collection was used to test a wide range of hypotheses on the impact that the embeddedness of farmers in social networks has on the intensity with which they adopt innovations. Evidence provided by the study suggests that persuasion, social influence, and competition are significant influences in the decisions of farmers in poor rural regions in Bolivia to adopt innovations. The results of this study are meant to attract the attention of policymakers and practitioners who are interested in the design and implementation of projects and programs fostering agricultural innovation and who may want to take into account the effects of social interaction and social capital. Meanwhile, scholars of the diffusion of innovations may find evidence to further embrace the complexity and interdependence of social interactions in their models and approaches." from Author's AbstractSocial networks, Agricultural innovation, Change agent, Social capital,

    Erythropoietin but not VEGF has a protective effect on auditory hair cells in the inner ear

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    It has recently been shown that the oxygen-regulated factors erythropoietin (Epo) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) confer protection on different cells, including neuronal-derived ones. The receptors for Epo and VEGF are widely expressed in different organs. Since mammalian auditory hair cells can irreversibly be damaged by different agents, we aimed to identify otoprotective compounds. We focused on the role of Epo and VEGF in the inner ear and review the recent studies. Epo and its receptor are expressed in the inner ear. In vitro experiments on auditory hair cells showed a protective effect of Epo in ischemia- and gentamicin-induced hair cell damage. In contrast, an in vivo study using an animal model of noise-induced hearing loss showed a negative effect of Epo. Also VEGF and its receptors are expressed in the inner ear. Changes in the expression of VEGF or its receptors have been found in the cochlea after noise exposure, transcranial vibration and diabetic or aged animals. Until now, there are no studies about a direct effect of VEGF on auditory hair cells in vitro or in vivo. We could exclude a protective effect of VEGF on gentamicin-induced auditory hair cell damage in vitro. Thus, we conclude that Epo but not VEGF has a protective effect on auditory hair cell damage at least in vitro. (Part of a multi-author review.

    Diseño preliminar de una marquesina fotovoltaica multifunción

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    El objetivo principal de este TFG consiste en la realización del predimensionado de una marquesina para automóviles a partir de los datos de cargas permanentes y variables que afectan la estructura y su posterior dimensionado y verificación de conformidad ante las mismas. El desarrollo de este se ha realizado siguiendo un orden muy concreto. A partir del cálculo teórico de cargas basándonos en el Código Técnico de la Edificación se realiza el dimensionado de la estructura y se compara con el predimensionado para observar las posibles mejoras. Posteriormente se comprueban las tensiones que va a soportar las correas en la marquesina mediante el software de cálculo de tensiones ThinSecBeam, debido a que son uno de los elementos más susceptibles en la estructura. Por último, se realiza el renderizado de la estructura mediante el software de diseño en tres dimensiones Catia V5-6 para su concepciónThe main objective of this TFG is to carry out the pre-dimensioning of a car shelter based on the data of permanent and variable loads that affect the structure and its subsequent dimensioning and verification of conformity to them. The development of this has been carried out following a very specific order. Starting with the theoretical calculation of loads based on the Technical Building Code, the dimensioning of the structure is carried out and compared with the pre-dimensioning to observe possible improvements. Subsequently, the stresses to be supported by the purlins in the canopy are checked using ThinSecBeam stress calculation software, as they are one of the most susceptible elements in the structure. Finally, the structure is rendered using the three-dimensional design software Catia V5-6 for its conception.Departamento de Construcciones Arquitectónicas, Ingeniería del Terreno y Mecánica de los Medios Continuos y Teoría de EstructurasGrado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    (Re)Produce: desarrollo profesional docente en una comunidad de práctica virtual informal de Educación Física

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    The aim of the study is to analyze a virtual community of physical education practice, called (Re)Produce, as a tool for teacher training. To this end, a case study was carried out focusing on the vision of 15 of the 63 members (including university professors, active physical education teachers and students in initial training). The data emerge from the first three years of community functioning from analysis of the content of the forums, semi-structured interviews, and participant comments on the research report presented to them. The results show certain advantages and problems of asynchrony and ubiquity (possibility to participate at a distance and problem of lack of personal contact); written interaction (knowledge accessible over time, more elaboration of the discourse but, on the other hand, more time and more self-control); and flexibility and the voluntary and open character of the community (adjustment to personal interests and needs at the expense of a lack of systematicity and continuity in the development of the themes).El objetivo del estudio es analizar una comunidad de práctica virtual no formal (carácter voluntario, no institucionalizado y sin programa) de Educación Física llamada (Re)Produce, como herramienta para la formación del profesorado. Para ello se llevó a cabo un estudio de caso centrado en la visión de 15 de los 63 miembros (entre los que se encuentran profesores universitarios, maestros de Educación Física en activo y alumnos en formación inicial). Los datos emergen de los tres primeros años de funcionamiento de la comunidad a partir del análisis del contenido de los foros, entrevistas semiestructuradas, y comentarios de los participantes al informe de investigación que se les presentó. Los resultados muestran ciertas ventajas y problemas de la asincronía y ubicuidad (posibilidad de participar a distancia y problema de la falta de contacto personal); la interacción escrita (conocimiento accesible en el tiempo, más elaboración del discurso pero, por otra parte más tiempo y más autocontención); y la flexibilidad y el carácter voluntario y abierto de la comunidad (ajuste a los intereses y necesidades personales a costa de una falta de sistematicidad y continuidad en el desarrollo de los temas)

    Relação entre níveis sanguíneos de vitamina D e dor lombar

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    A dor lombar é um importante problema de saúde pública e a grande maioria das pessoas apresentará esse problema em algum momento. Apesar da dor lombar não ter uma causa clara, a doença degenerativa discal é implicada muitas vezes como uma das principais responsáveis por esse sintoma. Durante muito tempo se acreditou que a degeneração do disco intervertebral seria um fenômeno mecânico e que o disco seria apenas um elemento passivo, sofrendo lesão a partir de cargas mecânicas elevadas. Evidências mais recentes tem mostrado, porém, que a doença do disco intervertebral é um desequilíbrio entre anabolismo e catabolismo, mediado por elementos como citocinas e enzimas. Como a vitamina D está envolvida na regulação de alguns desses elementos, levantamos a hipótese de que ela possa estar relacionada a dor lombar e degeneração discal. Nesse contexto, planejamos fazer um estudo piloto no modelo caso-controle para avaliar se existe ou não relação entre níveis de vitamina D e doença da coluna lombar

    Interpretaciones teóricas de la sociedad Latinoamericana

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    Capítulo de la sección -Crítica al mito de la igualdad y la pazLa Ciencia Social en América Latina ha pasado por variadas y sugerentes etapas. Del ensayo social y político cuyo origen se remonta a los primeros momentos de la historia del pensamiento latinoamericano se pasa, al mediar el siglo, al cientificismo o época de la sociología empírica. Es la época en que José Ingenieros, José Vasconcelos, José Carlos Mariátegui, Vicente Sáenz, Alberto Masferrer y otros autores que fueron capaces de visualizar grandes intuiciones acerca de la sociedad latinoamericana, son abandonados y sustituidos por nuevos héroes, esta vez de habla inglesa y de origen sajón: Talcott Parsons, Robert Merton y sus interpretadores y traductores —a veces más esto que aquello— que surgieron abundantes en los países latinoamericanos. Se inicia la etapa de la sociología llamada científica, la cual gira alrededor de un leitmotiv: la medición. Los estudios devienen científicos en cuanto sean capaces de medir algo. No escapa a nadie la raigambre neo-positivista de esta tendencia que se arraiga fuertemente en la ciencia social latinoamericanaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Sociales::Facultad de Ciencias Sociales::Escuela de Sociologí

    NF-κB is Required for Survival of Immature Auditory Hair Cells In Vitro

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    Damage to auditory hair cells in the inner ear as a consequence of aging, disease, acoustic trauma, or exposure to ototoxins underlies most cases of hearing impairment. Because the mammalian ear cannot replace damaged hair cells, loss of hearing is irreversible and progressive throughout life. One of the current goals of inner ear biology is to develop therapeutic strategies to prevent hair cell degeneration. Although important progress has been made in discovering factors that mediate hair cell death, very little is known about the molecular pathway(s) that signal survival. Here we considered the role of NF-κB, a ubiquitous transcription factor that plays a major role in the regulation of many apoptosis- and stress-related genes, in mediating hair cell survival. NF-κB was detected in a constitutively active form in the organ of Corti of 5-day-old rats. Selective inhibition of NF-κB through use of a cell-permeable inhibitory peptide in vitro caused massive degeneration of hair cells within 24h of inhibitor application. Hair cell death occurred through an apoptotic pathway through activation of caspase-3 and may involve transcriptional down-regulation of the gadd45β gene, an anti-apoptotic NF-κB target. In view of our results, it seems likely that NF-κB may participate in normal hair cell functio

    “Modelo de gestión para la prevención de interrupciones en la disponibilidad de la red de telefonía fija – caso de estudio O&M Guayas”

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    El desarrollo de este estudio para realizar un modelo de gestión para la prevención de interrupciones en la disponibilidad de la red de telefonía fija del Guayas, está basado en el modelo de mejora continua de Deming PHVA (Planificar, Hacer, Verificar, Actuar). El capítulo 1, hace referencia a una sistematización del problema motivo de estudio, fijando antecedentes y planteando los objetivos. El capítulo 2, denominado marco teórico, hace referencias conceptuales básicas, sobre la caracterización de la empresa en la que situamos el estudio y el modelo de gestión para el mejoramiento continuo, propuesto por Deming. En la fase de planificación correspondiente al capítulo 3, se detectan las falencias de la red de telefonía fija del Guayas, se realiza un análisis histórico de la problemas que han causado interrupción de servicio en la red en el año 2015 y el índice de disponibilidad obtenida para ese año, además se analiza la situación actual de la red, para que sirva de referencia para la comparación de la situación de la red una vez implementado el modelo de gestión propuesto. En la fase Hacer correspondiente al capítulo 4, se corrigen las fallas detectadas y se plantea el modelo de gestión que se deberá seguir por el personal de CNT EP, para conseguir las metas de índices de disponibilidad propuestas por la Gerencia de O&M Guayas