164 research outputs found

    Christoph Schlingensief und der Nationalsozialismus

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    Christoph Schlingensief verwendet im Großteil seiner Arbeit NS-Symbole als Versatzstücke oder verweist anhand kritischer Kommentare auf die nationalsozialistische Vergangenheit. Obwohl viele seiner Arbeiten durchaus zur Aufarbeitung der NS-Vergangenheit nützlich sind, ist dies nicht Schlingensiefs Intention. Einerseits will er mit seinen Filmen, wie Menu Total oder 100 Jahre Adolf Hitler die Zuschauer zum Lachen bringen. Anderseits will er – im Sinne der Selbstprovokation – Ängste in sich zerstören. Eines seiner Anliegen stellt die Abnutzung des Hitlerbildes respektive der Mythen um die NS-Zeit dar. Diese Abnutzung kann durch die perma-nente Einsetzung von Hakenkreuzfahnen oder Nazi-Darstellern bewirkt werden. Ebenso übt Schlingensief oftmals Kritik am Wirken von rechtspopulistischen Parteien. In seinen Arbeiten setzt er rechte Parolen ein und indem er dieses Bild von rechtspopulistischen Agitatoren überzeichnet, wird es so der Lächerlichkeit und Übertreibung preisgegeben und wirkt somit überhöht. Im Rahmen der „Container-Aktion“ nimmt er den xenophoben Parolen der FPÖ den Wind aus den Segeln. Die SVP und eine Gruppe von rechtsradikalen Jugendlichen wurden in Zürich bei der „Hamlet-Inszenierung“ von Schlingensief in einem kritischen Licht dargestellt. Seit Christoph Schlingensief im Jahre 2008 schwer erkrankt ist, nehmen diese Themenkomplexe – Nationalsozialismus, Neonazismus und rechtspopulistische Parteien – keinen Schwerpunkt in seinen Arbeiten ein. Derzeit verarbeitet Schlingensief intensiv seine Krankheit sowie sein wachsendes afrikanisches Operndorf in seinen Werken.In major parts of his work, Christoph Schlingensief uses symbols of the National Socialist party as pawn or refers to National Socialist history via critical comments. Even though many of his works can be used to account to the NS past, it is not his intention to do so. On the one hand, he wants to amuse the spectator with films such as „Menu Total“ or „100 Jahre Adolf Hitler“. On the other hand, he wants to destroy fear in the sense of self provocation. One of his intentions is the abrasion of Hitler’s image and the myths surrounding the Nazi era. This abrasion can be achieved by the permanent use of swastika flags or Nazi actors. In the same rein, Schlingensief criticizes the actions of right wing parties. Slogans of right wing parties are used in his works to exaggerate the image of these populist politicians thus ridiculing their actions. With his „Container Aktion“, he takes the wind out of the sails of the Austria Free-dom Party’s xenophobic slogans. His production of „Hamlet“ in Zurich sheds a critical light on the SVP and radical right wing youth groups. Since Christoph Schlingensief’s cancer diagnosis in 2008, the thematic clusters- National Social-ism, neo-National Socialism and right wing parties – have lost their importance in his oeuvre. At the moment, he is involved in coming to terms with his disease as well as in the development of his opera village in Africa

    Allergy / Prevention of allergy by viruslike nanoparticles (VNP) delivering shielded versions of major allergens in a humanized murine allergy model

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    Background: In highrisk populations, allergenspecific prophylaxis could protect from sensitization and subsequent development of allergic disease. However, such treatment might itself induce sensitization and allergies, thus requiring hypoallergenic vaccine formulations. We here characterized the preventive potential of viruslike nanoparticles (VNP) expressing surfaceexposed or shielded allergens. Methods: Fulllength major mugwort pollen allergen Art v 1 was selectively targeted either to the surface or to the inner side of the lipid bilayer envelope of VNP. Upon biochemical and immunological analysis, their preventive potential was determined in a humanized mouse model of mugwort pollen allergy. Results: Viruslike nanoparticles expressing shielded version of Art v 1, in contrast to those expressing surfaceexposed Art v 1, were hypoallergenic as they hardly induced degranulation of rat basophil leukemia cells sensitized with Art v 1specific mouse or human IgE. Both VNP versions induced proliferation and cytokine production of allergenspecific T cells in vitro. Upon intranasal application in mice, VNP expressing surfaceexposed but not shielded allergen induced allergenspecific antibodies, including IgE. Notably, preventive treatment with VNP expressing shielded allergenprotected mice from subsequent sensitization with mugwort pollen extract. Protection was associated with a Th1/Tregdominated cytokine response, increased Foxp3+ Treg numbers in lungs, and reduced lung resistance when compared to mice treated with empty particles. Conclusion: Viruslike nanoparticles represent a novel and versatile platform for the in vivo delivery of allergens to selectively target T cells and prevent allergies without inducing allergic reactions or allergic sensitization.DKW1248SFB F4605SFB F4609(VLID)313247

    The extract of syngeneic keratinocytes enhances IgE production from BALB/c mouse splenic lymphocytes in vitro.

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    Background: The increase of serum IgE levels is closely associated with atopic dermatitis. We have previously revealed that cellular extract of PAM212 cells (PAM-extract), BALB/c mouse keratinocyte cell line, induced a remarkable increase of serum IgE levels, in vivo, when subcutaneously injected into BALB/c mice. However, precise mechanism of IgE-increasing activity was unclear. Objective: To elucidate the mechanism of IgE-increase in sera of BALB/c mice induced by PAM-extract, we explored the direct influence of PAM-extract on immunoglobulin production and class-switching in the culture of splenic lymphocytes and purified B-cells, in vitro. Methods: Splenic lymphocytes or purified B-cells obtained from BALB/c mice were cultured with various combinations of IL-4, anti-CD40 antibody, and PAM-extract for seven days. IgE and IgG concentrations of culture supernatants were measured by ELISA. Epsilon germ-line transcriptions were assessed by RT-PCR from the cultured cells. Results: IgE and IgG concentrations in culture supernatant of splenic lymphocytes were increased by an addition of PAM-extract in the presence of both IL-4 and anti-CD40 antibody. Epsilon germ-line transcript was also induced in parallel to the increase of IgE production. Similar results were obtained when purified B-cells were employed in stead of whole splenic lymphocytes. Conclusion: The cellular extract of keratinocyte promotes immunoglobulin class-switching to IgE and IgE production from mouse splenic B-cells in an IL-4- and CD40-stimuli-dependent manner. Such enhancement may account for the increase of serum IgE in patients with dermatitis in association with a Th2 microenvironment

    Mesenteric lymph node transcriptome profiles in BALB/c mice sensitized to three common food allergens

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Food allergy is a serious health concern among infants and young children. Although immunological mechanism of food allergy is well documented, the molecular mechanism(s) involved in food allergen sensitization have not been well characterized. Therefore, the present study analyzed the mesenteric lymph node (MLN) transcriptome profiles of BALB/c mice in response to three common food allergens.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Microarray analysis identified a total of 1361, 533 and 488 differentially expressed genes in response to β-lactoglobulin (BLG) from cow's milk, ovalbumin (OVA) from hen's egg white and peanut agglutinin (PNA) sensitizations, respectively (p < 0.05). A total of 150 genes were commonly expressed in all antigen sensitized groups. The expression of seven representative genes from microarray experiment was validated by real-time RT-PCR. All allergens induced significant ear swelling and serum IgG1 concentrations, whereas IgE concentrations were increased in BLG- and PNA-treated mice (p < 0.05). Treatment with OVA and PNA significantly induced plasma histamine concentrations (p < 0.05). The PCA demonstrated the presence of allergen-specific IgE in the serum of previously sensitized and challenged mice.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Immunological profiles indicate that the allergen dosages used are sufficient to sensitize the BALB/c mice and to conduct transcriptome profiling. Microarray studies identified several differentially expressed genes in the sensitization phase of the food allergy. These findings will help to better understand the underlying molecular mechanism(s) of food allergen sensitizations and may be useful in identifying the potential biomarkers of food allergy.</p

    Analysis of the Effects of Polymorphism on Pollen Profilin Structural Functionality and the Generation of Conformational, T- and B-Cell Epitopes

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    An extensive polymorphism analysis of pollen profilin, a fundamental regulator of the actin cytoskeleton dynamics, has been performed with a major focus in 3D-folding maintenance, changes in the 2-D structural elements, surface residues involved in ligands-profilin interactions and functionality, and the generation of conformational and lineal B- and T-cell epitopes variability. Our results revealed that while the general fold is conserved among profilins, substantial structural differences were found, particularly affecting the special distribution and length of different 2-D structural elements (i.e. cysteine residues), characteristic loops and coils, and numerous micro-heterogeneities present in fundamental residues directly involved in the interacting motifs, and to some extension these residues nearby to the ligand-interacting areas. Differential changes as result of polymorphism might contribute to generate functional variability among the plethora of profilin isoforms present in the olive pollen from different genetic background (olive cultivars), and between plant species, since biochemical interacting properties and binding affinities to natural ligands may be affected, particularly the interactions with different actin isoforms and phosphoinositides lipids species. Furthermore, conspicuous variability in lineal and conformational epitopes was found between profilins belonging to the same olive cultivar, and among different cultivars as direct implication of sequences polymorphism. The variability of the residues taking part of IgE-binding epitopes might be the final responsible of the differences in cross-reactivity among olive pollen cultivars, among pollen and plant-derived food allergens, as well as between distantly related pollen species, leading to a variable range of allergy reactions among atopic patients. Identification and analysis of commonly shared and specific epitopes in profilin isoforms is essential to gain knowledge about the interacting surface of these epitopes, and for a better understanding of immune responses, helping design and development of rational and effective immunotherapy strategies for the treatment of allergy diseases. [EN]This study was supported by the following European Regional Development Fund co-financed grants: MCINN BFU 2004-00601/BFI, BFU 2008-00629, BFU2011-22779, CICE (Junta de Andalucía) P2010-CVI15767, P2010-AGR6274 and P2011-CVI-7487, and by the coordinated project Spain/Germany MEC HA2004-0094. JCJ-L thanks Spanish CSIC and the European Marie Curie research program for his I3P-BPD-CSIC, and PIOF-GA-2011-301550 grants, respectively.Peer reviewe

    Characterization of Profilin Polymorphism in Pollen with a Focus on Multifunctionality

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    Profilin, a multigene family involved in actin dynamics, is a multiple partners-interacting protein, as regard of the presence of at least of three binding domains encompassing actin, phosphoinositide lipids, and poly-L-proline interacting patches. In addition, pollen profilins are important allergens in several species like Olea europaea L. (Ole e 2), Betula pendula (Bet v 2), Phleum pratense (Phl p 12), Zea mays (Zea m 12) and Corylus avellana (Cor a 2). In spite of the biological and clinical importance of these molecules, variability in pollen profilin sequences has been poorly pointed out up until now. In this work, a relatively high number of pollen profilin sequences have been cloned, with the aim of carrying out an extensive characterization of their polymorphism among 24 olive cultivars and the above mentioned plant species. Our results indicate a high level of variability in the sequences analyzed. Quantitative intra-specific/varietal polymorphism was higher in comparison to inter-specific/cultivars comparisons. Multi-optional posttranslational modifications, e.g. phosphorylation sites, physicochemical properties, and partners-interacting functional residues have been shown to be affected by profilin polymorphism. As a result of this variability, profilins yielded a clear taxonomic separation between the five plant species. Profilin family multifunctionality might be inferred by natural variation through profilin isovariants generated among olive germplasm, as a result of polymorphism. The high variability might result in both differential profilin properties and differences in the regulation of the interaction with natural partners, affecting the mechanisms underlying the transmission of signals throughout signaling pathways in response to different stress environments. Moreover, elucidating the effect of profilin polymorphism in adaptive responses like actin dynamics, and cellular behavior, represents an exciting research goal for the future

    Molecular allergen profiling in horses by microarray reveals Fag e 2 from buckwheat as a frequent sensitizer.

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    BACKGROUND Companion animals are also affected by IgE-mediated allergies, but the eliciting molecules are largely unknown. We aimed at refining an allergen microarray to explore sensitization in horses and compare it to the human IgE reactivity profiles. METHODS Custom-designed allergen microarray was produced on the basis of the ImmunoCAP ISAC technology containing 131 allergens. Sera from 51 horses derived from Europe or Japan were tested for specific IgE reactivity. The included horse patients were diagnosed for eczema due to insect bite hypersensitivity, chronic coughing, recurrent airway obstruction and urticaria or were clinically asymptomatic. RESULTS Horses showed individual IgE-binding patterns irrespective of their health status, indicating sensitization. In contrast to European and Japanese human sensitization patterns, frequently recognized allergens were Aln g 1 from alder and Cyn d 1 from Bermuda grass, likely due to specific respiratory exposure around paddocks and near the ground. The most prevalent allergen for 72.5% of the tested horses (37/51) was the 2S-albumin Fag e 2 from buckwheat, which recently gained importance not only in human but also in horse diet. CONCLUSION In line with the One Health concept, covering human health, animal health and environmental health, allergen microarrays provide novel information on the allergen sensitization patterns of the companion animals around us, which may form a basis for allergen-specific preventive and therapeutic concepts