309 research outputs found

    Integrating genomics and phylogenetics in understanding the history of Trichinella species

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    In 2004, funding was received by Washington University’s Genome Sequencing Center through NHGRI, to completely sequence several nematode genomes as part of a holistic effort to advance our understanding of the human genome and evolution within the Metazoa. Trichinella spiralis was among this group of worms because of its strategic location at the base of the phylum Nematoda, and the belief that extant species represented an ancient divergent event that occurred as early as the Paleozoic. At the same time, a concerted effort was put forth to solidify the phylogeny of extant species of Trichinella based upon molecular analyses of a multi-gene system to understand the history of the genus and thereby enhance utilization of the forthcoming sequence data. Since the inception of this research, several findings have emerged: (1) the size of T. spiralis genome estimated by flow cytometry (71.3 Mb) is substantially smaller than originally predicted (270 Mb); (2) to date, a subset of the total of 3,534,683 sequences have been assembled into a 59.3 Mb unique sequence; (3) 19% of the assembled sequence is comprised of repetitive elements; and (4) sequence data are predicated upon extant T. spiralis which probably diverged as little as 20 million years ago. Thus, the utility of the T. spiralis genome as representative of an archaic species must be tempered with the knowledge that encapsulated and non-encapsulated clades probably separated during the mid-Miocene as temperate ecosystems changed

    A tale of three kingdoms: Members of the Phylum Nematoda independently acquired the detoxifying enzyme cyanase through horizontal gene transfer from plants and bacteria

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    Horizontal gene transfer (HGT) has played an important role in the evolution of nematodes. Among candidate genes, cyanase, which is typically found only in plants, bacteria and fungi, is present in more than 35 members of the Phylum Nematoda, but absent from free-living and clade V organisms. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the cyanases of clade I organisms Trichinella spp., Trichuris spp. and Soboliphyme baturini (Subclass: Dorylaimia) represent a well-supported monophyletic clade with plant cyanases. In contrast, all cyanases found within the Subclass Chromadoria which encompasses filarioids, ascaridoids and strongyloids are homologous to those of bacteria. Western blots exhibited typical multimeric forms of the native molecule in protein extracts of Trichinella spiralis muscle larvae, where immunohisto- chemical staining localized the protein to the worm hypodermis and underlying muscle. Recombinant Trichinella cyanase was bioactive where gene transcription profiles support functional activity in vivo. Results suggest that: (1) independent HGT in parasitic nematodes originated from different Kingdoms; (2) cyanase acquired an active role in the biology of extant Trichinella; (3) acquisition occurred more than 400 million years ago (MYA), prior to the divergence of the Trichinellida and Dioctophymatida, and (4) early, free-living ances- tors of the genus Trichinella had an association with terrestrial plants

    Novel antiinflammatory biologics shaped by parasite-host coevolution

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    Parasitic helminth infections, while a major cause of neglected tropical disease burden, negatively correlate with the incidence of immune-mediated inflammatory diseases such as inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD). To evade expulsion, helminths have developed sophisticated mechanisms to regulate their host\u27s immune responses. Controlled experimental human helminth infections have been assessed clinically for treating inflammatory conditions; however, such a radical therapeutic modality has challenges. An alternative approach is to harness the immunomodulatory properties within the worm\u27s excretory-secretory (ES) complement, its secretome. Here, we report a biologics discovery and validation pipeline to generate and screen in vivo a recombinant cell-free secretome library of helminth-derived immunomodulatory proteins. We successfully expressed 78 recombinant ES proteins from gastrointestinal hookworms and screened the crude in vitro translation reactions for anti-IBD properties in a mouse model of acute colitis. After statistical filtering and ranking, 20 proteins conferred significant protection against various parameters of colitis. Lead candidates from distinct protein families, including annexins, transthyretins, nematode-specific retinol-binding proteins, and SCP/TAPS were identified. Representative proteins were produced in mammalian cells and further validated, including ex vivo suppression of inflammatory cytokine secretion by T cells from IBD patient colon biopsies. Proteins identified herein offer promise as novel, safe, and mechanistically differentiated biologics for treating the globally increasing burden of inflammatory diseases

    Nematode.net update 2011: addition of data sets and tools featuring next-generation sequencing data

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    Nematode.net (http://nematode.net) has been a publicly available resource for studying nematodes for over a decade. In the past 3 years, we reorganized Nematode.net to provide more user-friendly navigation through the site, a necessity due to the explosion of data from next-generation sequencing platforms. Organism-centric portals containing dynamically generated data are available for over 56 different nematode species. Next-generation data has been added to the various data-mining portals hosted, including NemaBLAST and NemaBrowse. The NemaPath metabolic pathway viewer builds associations using KOs, rather than ECs to provide more accurate and fine-grained descriptions of proteins. Two new features for data analysis and comparative genomics have been added to the site. NemaSNP enables the user to perform population genetics studies in various nematode populations using next-generation sequencing data. HelmCoP (Helminth Control and Prevention) as an independent component of Nematode.net provides an integrated resource for storage, annotation and comparative genomics of helminth genomes to aid in learning more about nematode genomes, as well as drug, pesticide, vaccine and drug target discovery. With this update, Nematode.net will continue to realize its original goal to disseminate diverse bioinformatic data sets and provide analysis tools to the broad scientific community in a useful and user-friendly manner

    Investigating hookworm genomes by comparative analysis of two Ancylostoma species

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    Background Hookworms, infecting over one billion people, are the mostly closely related major human parasites to the model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Applying genomics techniques to these species, we analyzed 3,840 and 3,149 genes from Ancylostoma caninum and A. ceylanicum. Results Transcripts originated from libraries representing infective L3 larva, stimulated L3, arrested L3, and adults. Most genes are represented in single stages including abundant transcripts like hsp-20 in infective L3 and vit-3 in adults. Over 80% of the genes have homologs in C. elegans, and nearly 30% of these were with observable RNA interference phenotypes. Homologies were identified to nematode-specific and clade V specific gene families. To study the evolution of hookworm genes, 574 A. caninum / A. ceylanicum orthologs were identified, all of which were found to be under purifying selection with distribution ratios of nonsynonymous to synonymous amino acid substitutions similar to that reported for C. elegans / C. briggsae orthologs. The phylogenetic distance between A. caninum and A. ceylanicum is almost identical to that for C. elegans / C. briggsae. Conclusion The genes discovered should substantially accelerate research toward better understanding of the parasites' basic biology as well as new therapies including vaccines and novel anthelmintics

    The prevalence of species and strains in the human microbiome: A resource for experimental efforts

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    Experimental efforts to characterize the human microbiota often use bacterial strains that were chosen for historical rather than biological reasons. Here, we report an analysis of 380 whole-genome shotgun samples from 100 subjects from the NIH Human Microbiome Project. By mapping their reads to 1,751 reference genome sequences and analyzing the resulting relative strain abundance in each sample we present metrics and visualizations that can help identify strains of interest for experimentalists. We also show that approximately 14 strains of 10 species account for 80% of the mapped reads from a typical stool sample, indicating that the function of a community may not be irreducibly complex. Some of these strains account for >20% of the sequence reads in a subset of samples but are absent in others, a dichotomy that could underlie biological differences among subjects. These data should serve as an important strain selection resource for the community of researchers who take experimental approaches to studying the human microbiota

    Genome sequences of 12 bacterial isolates obtained from the urine of pregnant women

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    The presence of bacteria in urine can pose significant risks during pregnancy. However, there are few reference genome strains for many common urinary bacteria. We isolated 12 urinary strains of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Citrobacter, Gardnerella, and Lactobacillus. These strains and their genomes are now available to the research community

    Nematode.net update 2008: improvements enabling more efficient data mining and comparative nematode genomics

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    Nematode.net (http://nematode.net) is a publicly available resource dedicated to the study of parasitic nematodes. In 2000, the Genome Center at Washington University (GC) joined a consortium including the Nematode Genomics group in Edinburgh, and the Pathogen Sequencing Unit of the Sanger Institute to generate expressed sequence tags (ESTs) as an inexpensive and efficient solution for gene discovery in parasitic nematodes. As of 2008 the GC, sampling key parasites of humans, animals and plants, has generated over 500 000 ESTs and 1.2 million genome survey sequences from more than 30 non-Caenorhabditis elegans nematodes. Nematode.net was implemented to offer user-friendly access to data produced by this project. In addition to sequence data, the site hosts: assembled NemaGene clusters in GBrowse views characterizing composition and protein homology, functional Gene Ontology annotations presented via the AmiGO browser, KEGG-based graphical display of NemaGene clusters mapped to metabolic pathways, codon usage tables, NemFam protein families which represent conserved nematode-restricted coding sequences not found in public protein databases, a web-based WU-BLAST search tool that allows complex querying and other assorted resources. The primary aim of Nematode.net is the dissemination of this diverse collection of information to the broader scientific community in a way that is useful, consistent, centralized and enduring