72 research outputs found

    The Digital Rosetta Stone Project

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    Presentation of the project «Digital Rosetta Stone», a pilot project to align languages (in this case: Middle Egyptian, Demotic, and Ancient Greek) on the base of a new 3D image of the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum. Furthermore, syntax and morphology of the three texts of the decree have been annotated to visualize the languages in a treebanking model, for the first time for Ancient Egyptian

    Gênero discursivo e as novas linguagens no ensino de língua portuguesa

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    As novas linguagens que circulam nos mais diversos gêneros suscitam possibilidades de leitura mais produtivas em sala de aula. Assim, o objetivo deste artigo é discutir a linguagem verbo-visual de uma reportagem impressa, com o intuito de observar as relações dialógicas que perpassam pelo enunciado e seus efeitos de sentido. A teoria que sustenta a análise é fundamentada em Bakhtin e no Círculo, no que diz respeito aos gêneros discursivos, recorrendo-se também a pesquisadores dessa linha teórica que têm tratado da verbo-visualidade em diversos gêneros, como propõe Sobral (2010), Puzzo (2011), Berti-Santos (2011), Brait e Pistori (2012), Brait (2013), Dondis (2003) e Guimarães (2004). Para cumprir esta proposta, foi selecionada a reportagem História de um olhar, de Eliane Brum, da coletânea A vida que ninguém vê (2006), que apresenta uma articulação significativa entre o texto verbal e a fotografia esteticamente trabalhada que integra o texto. Distancia-se, pela singularidade do estilo, das reportagens jorna-lísticas diárias numa linguagem marcada pela fragmentação sintática e pela expressividade, sem prejuízo da unidade enunciativa.Espera-se, com a análise desse exemplar, motivar estratégias de leitura de reportagens, observando a linguagem verbo-visual e seus efeitos de sentido em gêneros midiáticos.The new languages that circulate in different genres increase the possibilities of reading in classroom. So the purpose of this article is to discuss the meaning effects expressed by verbal-visual language of a printed report in order to observe the dialogical relationship that underlie the utterance and its meaning effect. To accomplish this, the analysis is based on Bakhtin’s Circle dialogical theory and also on some researchers’ theory about verbal-visual language in various genres, as proposed by Sobral (2010), Puzzo (2011), Berti-Santos (2011), Brait and Pistori (2012), Brait (2013), Dondis (2003) e Guimarães (2004). To accomplish this pro-posal it was selected a news report The history of a look of Eliane Brum’s from the collection The life that nobody sees (2006) which presents a significant relationship between the verbal text and the photography aesthetically crafted that integrates the utterance. Brum’s expressive style distinguishes her report from the daily newspaper, marked by syntactic fragmentation without damage the entire utterance. We hope that the analysis of this example suggests strategies of reading the verbal-visual language and its effects in media genres


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    The purpose of this article is to shed light on the issue of education in the current Brazilian context and how the problems are reflected and refracted in the printed media such as chronicles and cartoons. To discuss language, the responsive and responsible attitudes of its enunciators, as well as the axiological positioning of both, the dialogical theory of language is taken as a reference from the perspective of Bakhtin and the Circle, as well as authors who deal with the verb-visual language. Brait and Dondis. As an investigative object, we selected the chronicle “Tela, cautela, nutella”, by Antonio Prata, published in Folha de S. Paulo on 12/09/2020 and three cartoons signed by Caco Galhardo published in Piauí magazine, nº 164 of May 2020. El objetivo de este artículo es arrojar luz sobre el tema de la educación en el contexto brasileño actual y cómo los problemas se reflejan y refractan en los medios impresos como las crónicas y caricaturas. Para discutir el lenguaje, las actitudes receptivas y responsables de sus enunciadores, así como el posicionamiento axiológico de ambos, se utiliza la teoría dialogical del lenguaje desde la perspectiva de bakhtin y circle, así como los autores que se ocupan del lenguaje verbo-visual, Brait y Dondis. Como objeto de investigación, se seleccionaron la crónica "Tela, cautela, nutella", de Antonio Prata, publicada en Folha de São Paulo el 12 de septiembre de 2020, y tres caricaturas firmadas por Caco Galhardo publicadas en la revista piauí, número 164 de 2020.O objetivo deste artigo é lançar luz sobre a questão da educação no contexto atual brasileiro e como os problemas se refletem e se refratam na mídia impressa como as crônicas e as charges. Para discutir a linguagem, as atitudes responsivas e responsáveis de seus enunciadores, assim como o posicionamento axiológico de ambos, toma-se como referência a teoria dialógica da linguagem na perspectiva de Bakhtin e do Círculo, assim como autores que tratam da linguagem verbo-visual, Brait e Dondis. Como objeto investigativo, foi selecionada a crônica “Tela, cautela, nutella”, de Antonio Prata, publicada na Folha de S. Paulo em 12/09/2020 e três charges assinadas por Caco Galhardo publicadas na revista Piauí, nº 164 de maio 2020

    Characterization of patient falls according to the notification in adverse event reports

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    Este estudo foi desenvolvido com o objetivo de caracterizar as quedas de pacientes internados ocorridas em hospital terciário. Foram analisados 826 Boletins de Notificação de Eventos Adversos, de um período de 30 meses, que registraram 0,30 quedas por 1000 pacientes/dia. Quedas do leito foram mais frequentes (55%), com maior prevalência na enfermaria de neurologia. Maior frequência de quedas foi verificada no período noturno (63,7%), nos primeiros cinco dias da admissão (61,7%), nos pacientes de sexo masculino (57,5%) e na faixa etária maior de 60 anos (50%). Nos casos de quedas do leito, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a doenças infecciosas e parasitárias (18,2%), doenças do sistema nervoso (18,2%) e doenças do aparelho circulatório (13,7%). Nas quedas da própria altura, os diagnósticos relacionaram-se a neoplasias (19,4%) e doenças do aparelho geniturinário (16,1%). A caracterização desses eventos adversos auxilia no reconhecimento dos grupos de maior risco e na elaboração de propostas preventivas.Esta investigación fue desarrollada con el objetivo de verificar las características de las caídas sufridas por pacientes internados en un hospital privado. Fueron analizados 826 Boletines de Notificación de Eventos Adversos, en un período de 30 meses. Fueron registradas 0,30 caídas por cada 1000 pacientes/día. Las caídas de la cama fueron las más frecuentes (55%), con mayor prevalencia en la Enfermería de Neurología. Se verificó una mayor frecuencia de caídas en el período nocturno (63,7%), durante los primeros cinco días de admisión (61,7%), en los pacientes de sexo masculino (57,5%) y en la faja etaria de mayores de 60 años (50%). En los casos de caídas de la cama, los diagnósticos se relacionaban con enfermedades infecciosas y parasitarias (18,2%), enfermedades del sistema nervioso (18,2%) y enfermedades del aparato circulatorio (13,7%). En las caídas directas del cuerpo, se encontró relación con las neoplasias (19,4%) y enfermedades del aparato genitourinario (16,1%). La caracterización de esos eventos adversos coadyuva en el reconocimiento de los grupos de mayor riesgo y en la elaboración de propuestas de carácter preventivo.The objective of this study was to observe the characteristics of falls occurring in the inpatient population at a tertiary hospital. Eight hundred and twenty-six Adverse Events Notification Reports were analyzed over a 30 months period, and 0.30 falls per 1,000 patients/day were reported. Falls from beds were the most frequent (55%), showing the highest occurrence in the neurology ward. A higher frequency of falls was observed at night time (63.7%), during the first five hospitalization days (61.7%), in male patients (57.5%) over 60 years old (50%). In cases of falls from a bed, the diagnoses were related to infectious and parasitic diseases (18.2%), diseases affecting the nervous system (18.2%) and those affecting the circulatory system (13.7%). In cases of falls from one's own height, they were related to neoplasms (19.4%) and diseases affecting the genitourinary system (16.1%). It is concluded that high importance should be placed on studying the population to characterize those at high risk for falls to assist in the implementation of preventive measures

    Depth map of the Rosetta Stone

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    The Digital Rosetta Stone is a project developed at Leipzig University by the Chair of Digital Humanities and the Egyptological Institute/Egyptian Museum Georg Steindorff in collaboration with the British Museum and the Digital Epigraphy and Archaeology Project of the University of Florida. The aims of the project are to produce a collaborative digital edition of the Rosetta Stone, address standardization and customization issues for the scholarly community, create data that can be used by students to understand the document in terms of language and content, and produce a high-resolution 3D model of the inscription. The three versions of the text were transcribed and outputted in XML, according to the EpiDoc guidelines. Next, the versions were aligned with the Ugarit iAligner tool that supports the alignment of ancient texts with modern languages, such as English and German. All three texts were then parsed syntactically and morphologically through Treebank annotation. Finally, the project explored new 3D-digitization methodologies of the Rosetta Stone in the British Museum that enhances traditional archaeological methods and facilitates the study of the artifact. The results of this work were used in different courses in Digital Humanities, Digital Philology, and Egyptology

    Evaluating the impact of hydrometeorological conditions on E. coli concentration in farmed mussels and clams: experience in Central Italy.

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    Abstract Highly populated coastal environments receive large quantities of treated and untreated wastewater from human and industrial sources. Bivalve molluscs accumulate and retain contaminants, and their analysis provides evidence of past contamination. Rivers and precipitation are major routes of bacteriological pollution from surface or sub-surface runoff flowing into coastal areas. However, relationships between runoff, precipitation, and bacterial contamination are site-specific and dependent on the physiographical characteristics of each catchment. In this work, we evaluated the influence of precipitation and river discharge on molluscs' Escherichia coli concentrations at three sites in Central Italy, aiming at quantifying how hydrometeorological conditions affect bacteriological contamination of selected bivalve production areas. Rank-order correlation analysis indicated a stronger association between E. coli concentrations and the modelled Pescara River discharge maxima (r = 0.69) than between E. coli concentration and rainfall maxima (r = 0.35). Discharge peaks from the Pescara River caused an increase in E. coli concentration in bivalves in 87% of cases, provided that the runoff peak occurred 1–6 days prior to the sampling date. Precipitation in coastal area was linked to almost 60% of cases of E. coli high concentrations and may enhance bacterial transportation offshore, when associated with a larger-scale weather system, which causes overflow occurrence

    Adverse events: analysis of a notification instrument used in nursing management

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    La dirección de enfermería de un hospital universitario terciario de la región Centro-Sur del Estado de São Paulo, apuntando a la seguridad del paciente y el establecimiento de un medio de comunicación entre equipo y dirección, implementó en enero de 2004 el Boletín de Notificación de Eventos Adversos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la utilización del nombrado instrumento de comunicación e identificar: frecuencia, tipo, naturaleza y período de los incidentes/eventos adversos. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo de los datos de 826 boletines elaborados en el período de enero/2004 a junio/2006. Se verificó la adhesión a la utilización del instrumento. Predominaron notificaciones de ocurrencias asistenciales, aunque las notificaciones administrativas presentaron un número creciente de registros. Los eventos adversos más frecuentes fueron aquellos relacionados con la medicación, caídas, catéteres, sondas/drenajes e integridad de la piel. La practicidad del instrumento viabilizó su utilización también por parte de los auxiliares y técnicos de enfermería. El análisis sistematizado y el seguimiento de los eventos adversos asociados a los recursos de comunicación se mostraron fundamentales para la seguridad del paciente.The nursing management board of a tertiary university hospital located in Central-South São Paulo state implemented an Adverse Events Notification Instrument in January 2004 aiming at patient safety and at establishing a means of communication between the team and the administration board. The aim of this study was to analyze the use of the referred communication instrument and identify the frequency, type, nature and period of the incident/adverse events. A descriptive data analysis was performed on 826 instruments completed between January 2004 and June 2006. There was compliance to using the instrument. There was predominance of notifications regarding health care services, although there was an increase in reports on administrative issues in the referred period. The most frequent adverse events concerned medications, falls, catheters, probes and drains, and skin integrity. The practicality of the instrument made it feasible for use among nursing aides and technicians. Systematic analysis and follow-up of the adverse events associated with this means of communication appeared as fundamental issues for patient safety.A direção de enfermagem de um hospital universitário terciário da região Centro-Sul do Estado de São Paulo, visando a segurança do paciente e o estabelecimento de meio de comunicação entre equipe e direção, implementou em janeiro de 2004 o Boletim de Notificação de Eventos Adversos. O objetivo deste estudo foi analisar a utilização deste instrumento de comunicação e identificar: frequência, tipo, natureza e período dos incidentes/eventos adversos. Realizou-se análise descritiva dos dados de 826 boletins elaborados no período de janeiro/2004 a junho/2006. Verificou-se adesão à utilização do instrumento. Predominaram notificações de ocorrências assistenciais, embora notificações administrativas tenham apresentado número crescente de registros. Eventos adversos mais frequentes relacionaram-se à medicação, quedas, cateteres, sondas/drenos e integridade da pele. A praticidade do instrumento viabilizou sua utilização também por auxiliares e técnicos de enfermagem. A análise sistematizada e acompanhamento dos eventos adversos associados aos recursos de comunicação mostraram-se fundamentais para a segurança do paciente

    Potential Impact of Microplastics and Additives on the Health Status of Loggerhead Turtles (Caretta caretta) Stranded Along the Central Adriatic Coast

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    AbstractLoggerhead sea turtle (C. caretta) is the official European bioindicator of marine litter in the Mediterranean Sea. In 2019, 8 sea turtles, out of 28 specimens loggerhead on the Adriatic coast of Molise, were subjected to necropsy. The intestinal contents were collected and the microplastics until 0.45 μm were extracted. Qualitative and quantitative assessments were performed by stereomicroscope observation and spectroscopic analyses (attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, ATR-FTIR and Raman microspectroscopy, RMS). Moreover, the analytical quantification of polyethylene terephthalate (PET), polycarbonate (PC), para phthalic acid (PTA) and bisphenol A (BPA) in fat and liver tissues was performed by LC-MS/MS. Microparticles ranging from 0.45 μm to 1 mm were found in all turtles, for a total of 623, while plastic litter greater than 1 mm were found only in 4 specimens (ranging from 0.03 to 0.11 g). Nineteen different polymers and 10 pigments, including polyester (100% of animals), high-density polyethylene (50%) and polypropylene (50%) were identified. BPA, PTA and PET were detected in fat and liver tissues of all animals, while PC was found only in 50%. A major prevalence was registered in the abdominal fat tissue, although only PC compounds were significantly higher in abdominal tissue (p < 0.05), except for free PTA with liver tissue being the most contaminated (p < 0.05). Microplastics and additives surely impact the health status of turtles that showed gastrointestinal impairment and an important level of contamination in tissues. Graphical abstrac

    Particle profiling of EV‐lipoprotein mixtures by AFM nanomechanical imaging

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    The widely overlapping physicochemical properties of lipoproteins (LPs) and extracellular vesicles (EVs) represents one of the main obstacles for the isolation and characterization of these pervasive biogenic lipid nanoparticles. We herein present the application of an atomic force microscopy (AFM)-based quantitative morphometry assay to the rapid nanomechanical screening of mixed LPs and EVs samples. The method can determine the diameter and the mechanical stiffness of hundreds of individual nanometric objects within few hours. The obtained diameters are in quantitative accord with those measured via cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM); the assignment of specific nanomechanical readout to each object enables the simultaneous discrimination of co-isolated EVs and LPs even if they have overlapping size distributions. EVs and all classes of LPs are shown to be characterised by specific combinations of diameter and stiffness, thus making it possible to estimate their relative abundance in EV/LP mixed samples in terms of stoichiometric ratio, surface area and volume. As a side finding, we show how the mechanical behaviour of specific LP classes is correlated to distinctive structural features revealed by cryo-EM. The described approach is label-free, single-step and relatively quick to perform. Importantly, it can be used to analyse samples which prove very challenging to assess with several established techniques due to ensemble-averaging, low sensibility to small particles, or both, thus providing a very useful tool for quickly assessing the purity of EV/LP isolates including plasma- and serum-derived preparations