5,735 research outputs found

    La motivación, herramienta pedagógica para impulsar el trabajo educativo y comunitario

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    La educación preescolar es la base del desarrollo afectivo, social, cognoscitivo y psicomotor que favorece el desarrollo integral de la niñez, en el municipio de Estelí. Para desarrollar este trabajo se cuenta con 185 educadoras voluntarias (95 urbanas, 90 rurales) llamadas Educadoras Comunitarias, que atienden a 2,678 niños y niñas que equivalen al 65% de la niñez atendida en el nivel preescolar en el municipio. Para ser Educadora es un requisito contar con educación primaria aprobada. Estas educadoras trabajan en los preescolares entre 3 y 4 horas, cinco días por semana y no reciben salario. Están organizadas en el Movimiento de Educadoras de Preescolares Comunitarios (MOVEDUPCE). Esta investigación tiene como objetivo comprender las motivaciones individuales y colectivas que permiten que las educadoras comunitarias realicen una labor educativa integral con la niñez y la comunidad. Este estudio es de tipo cualitativo, se utilizaron métodos narrativos, como: grupos focales, y entrevistas abiertas. La investigación documental nos ubica en el contexto de la investigación y sus antecedentes históricos. Entre los resultados más significativos se identificaron dos tipos de motivaciones que las impulsa a trabajar con responsabilidad y compromiso: a) Las motivaciones personales que se relacionan con su comportamiento maternal que les permite proveer de amor a los niños y niñas que llegan a la escuela y proteger sus derechos con alegría y felicidad; b) La motivación colectiva relacionada con su compromiso con la comunidad y el desarrollo. Estas motivaciones les permiten sentirse parte importante de la comunidad y elevar su autoestima y valoración personal. La labor de estas educadoras comunitarias ha trascendido su rol pedagógico porque han demostrado su capacidad para autogestionar proyectos, realizar coordinaciones interinstitucionales, asumir liderazgo, y promover la participación comunitaria en la organización y movilización social para la defensa de los derechos de las niñas y de las mujeres. Palabras claves: pedagogía, trabajo educativo, trabajo comunitario, educadoras ABSTRACT Preschool education is the basis of affective, social, cognitive and psychomotor development, which promotes integral development of children, in the municipality of Estelí. To develop this research, has 185 volunteer educators (95 urban, 90 rural) called Educating Community, serving 2,678 children, equivalent to 65% of children treated at the preschool level in the municipality. To be Educator is a requirement to have passed primary school. These teachers work in the kindergarten around 3 and 4 hours, five days a week and they are not paid. They are organized in the Movement of Communitarians Preschool Educators (MOVEDUPCE). This research purpose is to understand the individual and collective motivations that permit to the community educators perform an integral educational work with children and the community. This study is qualitative, narrative methods were used, such as focus groups, and open interviews. The documental research places us in the context of the research and its historical background. Among the most significant results two types of motivation were identified, which takes them to work with responsibility and commitment: a) personal motivations that relate to maternal behavior that allows them to provide love to the children who come to school and protect their rights with joy and happiness, b) collective motivation related to their commitment to the community and development. These motivations lead them to feel part of the community and increase their self-esteem and personal value. The work of these communitarians educators has transcended their pedagogical role because they have established their ability to self-manage projects, conduct interagency coordination, to assume leadership, and to promote community participation in the organization and social mobilization for the rights of children and women. Keywords: pedagogy, educational work, community work, educator

    Life cicle assessment comparison between distillation and membrane system for bioethanol purification

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    This study is going to compare two different ways for the bioethanol purification. Distillation is nowadays the technique used by industry, but recent studies have demonstrated that more than 60 % of the energy used for bioethanol production is due to the distillation. In order to find a more efficient technique to separate bioethanol from water, there has been developed several techniques; among them membrane system is the best situated because their low energy requirements. However, for the manufacture of the membrane several chemical products are used and this could create environmental impacts that have to be studied previous its implementation. The main objective of this study is to determine by Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) which technique has lower environmental impacts. Related with this main objective it’s going to be studied the membrane synthesis process in detail. The membrane system used in this work is a hollow-fiber that consists in thousands of membranes with diameters of 0,1 mm inside a steel vessel. The membrane is silicalite-1 zeolite and its synthesis process is going to be studied to quantify materials and energy requirements.Graduado o Graduada en Ingeniería en Diseño Mecánico por la Universidad Pública de NavarraDiseinu Mekanikoko Ingeniaritzan Graduatua Nafarroako Unibertsitate Publikoa

    An assessment of emerging networks in the fruit sector: The case of Inca berry in Ecuador

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    The diversification of agri-food products through emerging chains has a fundamental social and economic role in Ecuador. A substantial amount of research focused only on examining critical factors in terms of agronomic and environmental performance. However, there is a shift in the agri-food chain perspective and study towards more sustainable models of production, logistics trade, and consumption. Aspects such as the socio-economic sustainability, level of collaboration between actors, an adequate chain configuration, and the employment of smart governance mechanisms show the weaknesses where stakeholders can propose enhancements. In this respect, socio-economic and productive factors are consequential and still affecting the progress of these chains. Also, the current growth of market opportunities at the local and international level is a driver to support them by setting sustainable strategies. This study aimed to analyze socio-economic and production aspects to understand the dynamic across the emerging Inca berry (Physalis peruviana) chain located in Ecuador and bring forward potential strategies. Thus, chain vertical and horizontal imensioning was introduced to contribute with relevant insights. The framework applied accounts with a revision of primary and support activities, and flows of high and low relevance. The investigation clustered pre-production, production, and post-production tiers. Also, it executed the food chain mapping, the identification of chain actors, and application of surveys at the supply chain levels to identify strengths and weaknesses based on specific socio-economic and productive variables. Results stated several viable long-term strategies. Examples of those strategies are the diversification of marketing channels, the intervention of academic institutions to improve efficiency, productivity, and the associations' empowerment. All of them aimed at circular economic models. The main research contribution is the application of the chain configuration to assess the chain performance comprehensively. Based on the results, our recommendation is incorporating new indicators to analyze the environmental and institutional components profoundly

    An Application of SVM to Lost Packets Reconstruction in Voice-Enabled Services

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    Voice over IP (VoIP) is becoming very popular due to the huge range of services that can be implemented by integrating different media (voice, audio, data, etc.). Besides, voice-enabled interfaces for those services are being very actively researched. Nevertheless the impoverishment of voice quality due to packet losses severely affects the speech recognizers supporting those interfaces ([8]). In this paper, we have compared the usual lost packets reconstruction method with an SVM-based one that outperforms previous results

    Value-chain configuration and socio-economic performance into fruit networks: an outlook on long-run insights

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    The diversification of agri-food products through emerging chains has a fundamental economic role in Ecuador. Socio-economic and productive factors are still affecting their progress and performance. Also, the current growth of market opportunities at the local and international level is a driver to support them. Therefore, this study aimed to analyze social and production aspects to understand the dynamic across the Peruvian groundcherry (Physalis peruviana) chain stages. The goal was to introduce the chain dimensioning to contribute with relevant insights. We performed the research applying a framework that accounts with chain configuration and descriptive tools. The boundaries clustered pre-production, production and post-production actors. We executed surveys at the supply chain levels to identify strengths and weaknesses based on specific socio-economic and productive variables. The paper points out that diversification of marketing channels and the strengthening of organizational structures are the main long-term strategies to reinforce the Peruvian groundcherry chain. The main contribution is the application of the chain configuration as a tool to assess food chain performance comprehensively.La diversificación de los productos agroalimentarios a través de las cadenas emergentes tiene un papel económico fundamental en el Ecuador. Los factores socioeconómicos y productivos siguen afectando su progreso y desempeño. Además, el crecimiento actual de las oportunidades de mercado a nivel local e internacional es un motor para apoyarlas. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar los aspectos sociales y de producción para comprender la dinámica de la cadena de la guchuva (Physalis peruviana) a través de sus etapas. El objetivo fue introducir el dimensionamiento de la cadena para contribuir con ideas relevantes. Realizamos la investigación aplicando un marco que considera la configuración de la cadena y herramientas descriptivas. Fronteras establecidas para el estudio agrupó a los actores de la preproducción, producción y posproducción. Realizamos encuestas en los niveles establecidos para identificar fortalezas y debilidades basadas en variables socioeconómicas y productivas específicas. Los resultados señalan que la diversificación de los canales de comercialización y el fortalecimiento de las estructuras organizativas son las principales estrategias a largo plazo para reforzar la cadena de guchuva. La contribución principal fue la aplicación de la configuración de la cadena como una herramienta para evaluar el rendimiento de la cadena alimentaria de manera integral.Gerencia de Comunicación Institucional, DG SICyP, INTAFil: Moreno Miranda, Carlos Santiago. Universidad Técnica de Ambato. Facultad de Ciencia e Ingeniería en Alimentos; Ecuador. Wageningen University and Research. Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group; HolandaFil: Pilamala-Rosales, Araceli Alexandra. Wageningen University and Research. Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group; HolandaFil: Ortiz, Jacqueline. Wageningen University and Research. Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group; HolandaFil: Moreno Miranda, Raúl. Universitat de Barcelona. Facultat de Farmacia y Ciencias de la Alimentación; EspañaFil: Molina-Sánchez, José Isaac. Wageningen University and Research. Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group; HolandaFil: Cerda-Mejía, Liliana. Wageningen University and Research. Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy Group; HolandaFil: Rama, Daniele. Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Alta Scuola di Management ed Economia Agro-Alimentare; Itali

    Aproximación a la medición de Revenue Management en destinos turísticos

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    Dada la gran importancia que tiene el turismo en la economía española, el presente trabajo se centra en la definición de indicadores de Revenue Management que permitan identificar los sectores que generan mayores ingresos y aquellos que conviene potenciar dentro del destino turístico. Todo ello con el fin de proponer mejoras para incrementar la rentabilidad a nivel de destino turístico mediante la medición y el análisis del indicador básico de Revenue Management. En este sentido, desde un punto de vista teórico, se ha explicado la ampliación del alcance del concepto de Revenue Management, centrándose en su aplicación en destinos turísticos. A continuación, se profundiza en la relevancia que tiene la gestión de destinos en la mejora de los ingresos de estos y se identifican los sectores en los que los turistas realizan un mayor gasto. Por último, se ha seleccionado un destino turístico concreto para medir a través del indicador el nivel de ingresos de sus sectores y subsectores.Due to the great importance of tourism in the Spanish economy, the current work focuses on the definition of Revenue Management indicators that allow to identify the sectors that generate higher incomes and those that should be promoted within the tourist destination. All this in order to propose improvements to increase the profitability of the tourist destination through the measurement and the analysis of the basic indicator of Revenue Management. In this way, from a theoretical point of view, the extension of the scope of the Revenue Management concept has been explained, focusing on its application in tourist destinations. Afterwards, the study reveals the relevance of destination management in improving its income level and the sectors in which tourists spend more money are identified. Finally, a specific tourist destination has been selected to measure the income level of its sectors and subsector

    La motivación, herramienta pedagógica para impulsar el trabajo educativo y comunitario

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    Preschool education is the basis of affective, social, cognitive and psychomotor development, which promotes integral development of children, in the municipality of Estelí. To develop this research, has 185 volunteer educators (95 urban, 90 rural) called Educating Community, serving 2,678 children, equivalent to 65% of children treated at the preschool level in the municipality. To be Educator is a requirement to have passed primary school. These teachers work in the kindergarten around 3 and 4 hours, five days a week and they are not paid. They are organized in the Movement of Communitarians Preschool Educators (MOVEDUPCE).This research purpose is to understand the individual and collective motivations that permit to the community educators perform an integral educational work with children and the community. This study is qualitative, narrative methods were used, such as focus groups, and open interviews. The documental research places us in the context of the research and its historical background.Among the most significant results two types of motivation were identified, which takes them to work with responsibility and commitment: a) personal motivations that relate to maternal behavior that allows them to provide love to the children who come to school and protect their rights with joy and happiness, b) collective motivation related to their commitment to the community and development. These motivations lead them to feel part of the community and increase their self-esteem and personal value. The work of these communitarians educators has transcended their pedagogical role because they have established their ability to self-manage projects, conduct interagency coordination, to assume leadership, and to promote community participation in the organization and social mobilization for the rights of children and women.La educación preescolar es la base del desarrollo afectivo, social, cognoscitivo y psicomotor que favorece el desarrollo integral de la niñez, en el municipio de Estelí. Para desarrollar este trabajo se cuenta con 185 educadoras voluntarias (95 urbanas, 90 rurales) llamadas Educadoras Comunitarias, que atienden a 2,678 niños y niñas que equivalen al 65% de la niñez atendida en el nivel preescolar en el municipio. Para ser Educadora es un requisito contar con educación primaria aprobada. Estas educadoras trabajan en los preescolares entre 3 y 4 horas, cinco días por semana y no reciben salario. Están organizadas en el Movimiento de Educadoras de Preescolares Comunitarios (MOVEDUPCE).Esta investigación tiene como objetivo comprender las motivaciones individuales y colectivas que permiten que las educadoras comunitarias realicen una labor educativa integral con la niñez y la comunidad. Este estudio es de tipo cualitativo, se utilizaron métodos narrativos, como: grupos focales, y entrevistas abiertas. La investigación documental nos ubica en el contexto de la investigación y sus antecedentes históricos.Entre los resultados más significativos se identificaron dos tipos de motivaciones que las impulsa a trabajar con responsabilidad y compromiso: a) Las motivaciones personales que se relacionan con su comportamiento maternal que les permite proveer de amor a los niños y niñas que llegan a la escuela y proteger sus derechos con alegría y felicidad; b) La motivación colectiva relacionada con su compromiso con la comunidad y el desarrollo. Estas motivaciones les permiten sentirse parte importante de la comunidad y elevar su autoestima y valoración personal. La labor de estas educadoras comunitarias ha trascendido su rol pedagógico porque han demostrado su capacidad para autogestionar proyectos, realizar coordinaciones interinstitucionales, asumir liderazgo, y promover la participación comunitaria en la organización y movilización social para la defensa de los derechos de las niñas y de las mujeres