19 research outputs found


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    This study aims to analyze the effect of television advertising on buying interest in savory noodle products that are influenced by endorsement with Syahrini as a celebrity endorser. In this study the population used was general consumers who had seen delicious noodles ads through television media in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This research is a quantitative research. Data collection using a questionnaire method (questionnaire) that has been tested for validity using CFA (Confirmatory Factor Analysis) and reliability testing using Crobach Alpha, while data analysis is performed using multiple linear regression analysis. The subjects of this study were general consumers who had seen advertisements of delicious Mie products on television media, the sampling technique used purposive sampling and incidental sampling methods, the number of samples used was 80 respondents. The results showed that (1) there was a significant influence between credibility on the interest in buying delicious noodle products, (2) there was a significant effect on the compatibility of buying interest in delicious noodle products. (3) There is a significant influence between the attractiveness of buying interest in delicious noodle products. There is a positive and significant influence between credibility, compatibility and attractiveness together to the interest in buying delicious noodle products


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    This study aims to determine the learning of story problems with a scientific approach. Learning with a scientific approach is a learning process that is designed so that students actively construct concepts, laws or principles through stages of observing, formulating, proposing or formulating hypotheses on the mathematics learning outcomes of grade 2 students of SDN 091 Cibeureum. This research is a type of qualitative research, with experiments. The population is all grade 2 students with a total of 32 students. A learning process has an important role in the success of a learning. To create meaningful mathematical learning, student activity is needed in constructing the concepts and structure of the material. Based on learning observations in class 2, the learning carried out was mechanistic. That is, the teacher dominates learning while students only receive the material delivered by the teacher. Learning like this results in students not actively constructing knowledge in the learning process, thus impacting on the low learning outcomes of students themselves. The scientific approach is very suitable for the problems found because it has referred to constructivist learning theory. Therefore, this study was carried out to describe the application of a scientific approach to mathematics learning with a type of classroom action research (CAR). The research subjects were grade 2 students. This research was carried out in 2 cycles. The steps taken by the scientific approach are to observe, ask, collect information, reason, and communicate


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    Kebutuhan modal suatu perusahaan akan semakin meningkat seiring dengan perkembangan dan pertumbuhan perusahaan, hal ini mengharuskan pihak  manajemen untuk memperoleh tambahan dana baru. Jika manajemen memutuskan   untuk  menambah   jumlah   kepemilikan   saham   maka   dapat dilakukan dengan berbagai cara, antara lain menjual kepada pemegang saham yang  sudah  ada Fenomena underpricing yang banyak terjadi pada penawaran saham perdana dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor. Beberapa penelitian telah dilakukan dan menunjukkan hasil yang beragam. Faktor-faktor yang diduga kuat dapat mempengaruhi tingkat underpricing antara lain ukuran perusahaan, financial leverage dan Return on Assets (ROA).Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini adalah pengaruh financial leverage , ROA ( Return On Asset ) dan Ukuran Perusahaan Terhadap Underpricing Saham Perdana di Bursa Efek Indonesia Dalam penelitian ini adalah pendekatan deskriptif dan asosiatif, karena ada variabel-variabel yang akan ditelaah hubungannya serta tujuannya untuk menyajikannya gambaran secara terstuktur, faktual, dan akurat mengenai fakta-fakta serta hubungan antar variable yang diteliti. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah Bagi investor yang akan berinvestasi dalam perusahaan yang telah melakukan IPO disarankan untuk memperhatikan ukuran perusahaan, financial leverage, dan profitabilitas perusahaan (ROA). Karena hal tersebut telah terbukti berpengaruh signifikan terhadap initial return (tingkat underpricing). Kata kunci : Financial Leverage , ROA ( Return On Asset ) Dan Ukuran Perusahaan , Tingkat Underpricin

    A review of eco-friendly functional road materials

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    Extensive studies on traditional and novel engineering materials and the increasing demands by growing traffic have led to tremendous changes of the function of roads. Roads, as an important part of the human living environment, have evolved from structures that were designed and built for passing vehicles, to ecological assets with significant economic importance. In addition to structural stability and durability, functions such as noise reduction, urban heat island mitigation, de-icing and exhaust gas absorption, are also expected. This study focused on state-of-the-art research on the performance, applications and challenges of six environment-friendly functional road materials, namely the permeable asphalt concrete, noise-reducing pavement materials, low heat-absorbing pavement materials, exhaust gas-decomposing pavement materials, de-icing pavement materials, and energy harvesting pavement materials. With this study, we aim to provide references to the latest relevant literatures of the design and development of environment-friendly functional pavement, and promote innovation in materials science and pavement design principles. For this purpose, this review compiled extensive knowledge in modern road construction and related disciplines, in order to promote the development of modern pavement engineering technologies

    Knowledge Discovery and Pavement Performance: Intelligent Data Mining

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    The main goal of the study was to discover knowledge from data about asphalt road pavement problems to achieve a better understanding of the behavior of them and via this understanding improve pavement quality and enhance its lifespan. Four pavement problems were chosen to be investigated; raveling of Porous Asphalt Concrete (PAC), cracking of Dense Asphalt Concrete (DAC), rutting of dense asphalt concrete, and determination of the stiffness of Cement Treated Bases (CTBs). At the moment, almost 75% of the Dutch motorways network has a PAC top layer. Raveling is the most dominant type of damage of PAC top layers. The DAC top layers which are mainly applied to the secondary roads in the Netherlands are the most commonly used top layers worldwide. The two main damage types of this top layer are cracking and rutting. Determination of the stiffness of the cement treated base layer stiffness is not an easy task. Therefore, a tool which can accurately calculate the stiffness of such base layers is desirable. Concerning data, the SHRP-NL databases provided the data for the three surface damages, being ravelling of PAC, cracking and rutting of DAC. The data for climate and traffic were obtained from databases of the Royal Dutch Meteorological Institute (KNMI), the Ministry of Transport and Water Management, and different provinces of the Netherlands. The data for the stiffness of CTBs was simulated using the multilayer linear-elastic computer program BISAR. During preparation of the data, the determination of outliers was a challenging task. Due to the low number of data points available for raveling, cracking, and rutting (in one case around 70 data points), an extensive variable selection was performed using eight different methods: decision trees, genetic polynomial, artificial neural network, rough set theory, correlation based variable selection with bidirectional and genetic search, wrappers of neural network with genetic search, and relief ranking filter. For development of models (data mining) from the mentioned data, four machine learning based techniques were employed. Two were prediction techniques; artificial neural networks and support vector machines. The other two were rule based techniques; decision trees and rough set theory. This study resulted in 20 intelligent models for the mentioned four problemsCivil Engineering and Geoscience

    Analyse van Burgers' elementen: Visco-elastische eigenschappen van asfalt onder een herhaalde drukbelasting

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    Design & ConstructionCivil Engineering and Geoscience