19 research outputs found

    Vangstadviezen voor snoekbaars, baars, blankvoorn en brasem in het IJsselmeer en Markermeer

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    Het ministerie wil in het kader van de visserijwet en de Kaderrichtlijn Water komen tot wetenschappelijk onderbouwd beheer van de belangrijkste commerciële schubvisbestanden. In 2013 zijn vangstadviezen gegeven voor vier schubvissoorten in het IJsselmeer en Markermeer; snoekbaars, baars, brasem en blankvoorn. In het huidige rapport worden voor het visseizoen 2015/2016 opnieuw vangstadviezen gegeven. De doelstelling is aangescherpt van ‘voorkomen van achteruitgang’ naar ‘herstel’ van de bestanden. Bovendien zijn vanaf juli 2014 sterke vangstbeperkingen voor deze soorten.

    Divergent trends in ischaemic heart disease and stroke mortality in India from 2000 to 2015: a nationally representative mortality study.

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    INTRODUCTION: India accounts for about a fifth of cardiovascular deaths globally, but nationally representative data on mortality trends are not yet available. In this nationwide mortality study, we aimed to assess the trends in ischaemic heart disease and stroke mortality over 15 years using the Million Death Study. METHODS: We determined national and subnational cardiovascular mortality rates and trends by sex and birth cohort using cause of death ascertained by verbal autopsy from 2001 to 2013 among 2·4 million households. We derived mortality rates for ischaemic heart disease and stroke by applying mortality proportions to UN mortality estimates for India and projected the rates from 2000 to 2015. FINDINGS: Cardiovascular disease caused more than 2·1 million deaths in India in 2015 at all ages, or more than a quarter of all deaths. At ages 30-69 years, of 1·3 million cardiovascular deaths, 0·9 million (68·4%) were caused by ischaemic heart disease and 0·4 million (28·0%) by stroke. At these ages, the probability of dying from ischaemic heart disease increased during 2000-15, from 10·4% to 13·1% in men and 4·8% to 6·6% in women. Ischaemic heart disease mortality rates in rural areas increased rapidly and surpassed those in urban areas. By contrast, the probability of dying from stroke decreased from 5·7% to 5·0% in men and 5·0% to 3·9% in women. A third of premature stroke deaths occurred in the northeastern states, inhabited by a sixth of India's population, where rates increased significantly and were three times higher than the national average. The increased mortality rates of ischaemic heart disease nationally and stroke in the northeastern states were higher in the cohorts of adults born in the 1970s onwards, than in earlier decades. A large and growing proportion of the ischaemic heart disease nationally and stroke deaths in high-burden states reported earlier diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, but low medication use. INTERPRETATION: The unexpectedly diverse patterns of cardiovascular mortality require investigation to identify the role of established and new cardiovascular risk factors. Secondary prevention with effective and inexpensive long-term treatment and adult smoking cessation could prevent substantial numbers of premature deaths. Without progress against the control of cardiovascular disease in India, global goals to reduce non-communicable diseases by 2030 will be difficult to achieve. FUNDING: Fogarty International Center of the US National Institutes of Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Indian Council of Medical Research, and the Disease Control Priorities

    Cancer mortality in India: a nationally representative survey.

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    BACKGROUND: The age-specific mortality rates and total deaths from specific cancers have not been documented for the various regions and subpopulations of India. We therefore assessed the cause of death in 2001-03 in homes in small areas that were chosen to be representative of all the parts of India. METHODS: At least 130 trained physicians independently assigned causes to 122,429 deaths, which occurred in 1·1 million homes in 6671 small areas that were randomly selected to be representative of all of India, based on a structured non-medical surveyor's field report. FINDINGS: 7137 of 122,429 study deaths were due to cancer, corresponding to 556,400 national cancer deaths in India in 2010. 395,400 (71%) cancer deaths occurred in people aged 30-69 years (200,100 men and 195,300 women). At 30-69 years, the three most common fatal cancers were oral (including lip and pharynx, 45,800 [22·9%]), stomach (25,200 [12·6%]), and lung (including trachea and larynx, 22,900 [11·4%]) in men, and cervical (33,400 [17·1%]), stomach (27,500 [14·1%]), and breast (19,900 [10·2%]) in women. Tobacco-related cancers represented 42·0% (84,000) of male and 18·3% (35,700) of female cancer deaths and there were twice as many deaths from oral cancers as lung cancers. Age-standardised cancer mortality rates per 100,000 were similar in rural (men 95·6 [99% CI 89·6-101·7] and women 96·6 [90·7-102·6]) and urban areas (men 102·4 [92·7-112·1] and women 91·2 [81·9-100·5]), but varied greatly between the states, and were two times higher in the least educated than in the most educated adults (men, illiterate 106·6 [97·4-115·7] vs most educated 45·7 [37·8-53·6]; women, illiterate 106·7 [99·9-113·6] vs most educated 43·4 [30·7-56·1]). Cervical cancer was far less common in Muslim than in Hindu women (study deaths 24, age-standardised mortality ratio 0·68 [0·64-0·71] vs 340, 1·06 [1·05-1·08]). INTERPRETATION: Prevention of tobacco-related and cervical cancers and earlier detection of treatable cancers would reduce cancer deaths in India, particularly in the rural areas that are underserved by cancer services. The substantial variation in cancer rates in India suggests other risk factors or causative agents that remain to be discovered. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and US National Institutes of Health