6 research outputs found

    WCET Analysis of a Parallel 3D Multigrid Solver Executed on the MERASA Multi-Core

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    To meet performance requirements as well as constraints on cost and power consumption, future embedded systems will be designed with multi-core processors. However, the question of timing analysability is raised with these architectures. In the MERASA project, a WCET-aware multi-core processor has been designed with the appropriate system software. They both guarantee that the WCET of tasks running on different cores can be safely analyzed since their possible interactions can be bounded. Nevertheless, computing the WCET of a parallel application is still not straightforward and a high-level preliminary analysis of the communication and synchronization patterns must be performed. In this paper, we report on our experience in evaluating the WCET of a parallel 3D multigrid solver code and we propose lines for further research on this topic

    Evaluation of an Approach Stabilization Advisory system in a B737 full flight simulator

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    Unstabilized approach has been identified to be a major causal factor of approach and landing accidents (e.g. off runway touchdowns, tail strikes etc.). In the D3CoS project, we conducted experiments in order to analyze pilots workload during approaches. Therefore 15 type rated, commercial pilots flew 4 different approaches each in a B737 full flight simulator. Geometry characteristics, winds and weather conditions were manipulated in order to induce unstabilized approaches. The pilot flying‘s eye gaze, heart rate and subjective data (NASA TLX) were collected. Flight data were also recorded and aggregated with an algorithm to provide a stabilization performance indicator. Flight data analysis suggests that the scenarios were able to induce unstabilized approaches. Moreover, our results showed that only half of the unstabilized approaches were subjectively perceived as critical by the participants. Interestingly enough, a scenario at Dalaman airport was very efficient to induce unstabilized approach and elicited higher physiological responses, as well as higher Nasa TLX scores. The next step is to implement an Approach Stabilization Advisory System (AStA) that monitors aircraft performance/configuration and pilot’s behavior/cognitive state. When AStA detects a potential occurrence of an unstabilized approach, it suggests corrective actions to restabilize the approach or to go around. AStA will be tested in the next experimental campaign of D3CoS