5,174 research outputs found
Comparative study of the pathogenicity of seabed isolates of Fusarium equiseti and the effect of the composition of the mineral salt medium and temperature on mycelia growth
The pathogenicity of seven strains of Fusarium equiseti isolated from seabed soil was evaluated on different host plants showing pre and post emergence damage. Radial growth of 27 strains was measured on culture media previously adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NaCl (-1.50 to - 144.54 bars) at 15º, 25º and 35º C. Significant differences and interactive effects were observed in the response of mycelia to osmotic potential and temperature
Prevención cardiovascular y de la osteoporosis con terapia hormonal sustitutiva
Se recomienda actualmente que todo
médico -sea cual sea su especialidad- aproveche la oportunidad que supone la atención clínica a cualquier mujer postmenopáusica o que se halle en torno a la
menopausia para aconsejarle acerca de los beneficios y riesgos que supone la terapia hormonal sustitutiva (THS) con estrógenos y progesterona. Una vez que sea adecuadamente informada de estos beneficios y riesgos, debe ser la propia mujer quien decida
si va a iniciar o no esta terapia, teniendo en cuenta no sólo su propio perfil de riesgo sino también sus preferencias. Los beneficios más claros se refieren a
la reducción del riesgo de osteoporosis y de fracturas, así como al control y prevención de algunos síntomas frecuentes en la menopausia. Para prevenir la osteoporosis se requiere un uso continuado de IaTHS.
También existen cada vez más argumentos que sugieren una reducción del riesgo de un primer episodio coronario. No obstante, no hay pruebas de que laTHS sea útil en la prevención secundaria de la cardiopatía
isquémica o aporte alguna protección frente a los accidentes cerebrovasculares. Las desventajas más importantes de la THS se refieren a un mayor riesgo de hiperplasia de endometrio y de cáncer endometrial cuando se usan estrógenos solos, sin combinarlos con
progestágenos. También existe un pequeño incremento del riesgo de cáncer de mama cuando se prolonga la THS, también cuando se asocian progestágenos
Introducing a Human Activity Recognition Dataset Gathered on Real-Life Conditions
Cursos e Congresos, C-155[Abstract] Human activity recognition (HAR) has garnered significant scientific interest in recent
years. The widespread use of smartphones enabled convenient and cost-effective data collection,
eliminating the need for additional wearables. Given that, this paper introduces a novel HAR
dataset in which participants had freedom in choosing smartphone orientation and placement
during activities, ensuring data variability. It also includes contributions from diverse individuals,
reflecting unique smartphone usage habits. Moreover, it comprises measurements from
accelerometer, gyroscope, magnetometer, and GPS, corresponding to one of four activities: inactive,
active, walking, or driving. Unlike other datasets, the collected data in this study were
obtained from smartphones used in real-life scenariosThis work was funded by CITIC is funded by the Xunta de Galicia through the collaboration
agreement between the Consellería de Cultura, Educación, Formación Profesional
e Universidades and the Galician universities for the reinforcement of the research
centres of the Galician University System (CIGUS), Xunta de Galicia/FEDER-UE (ConectaPeme, GEMA: IN852A 2018/14), MINECO-AEI/FEDER-UE (Flatcity: TIN2016-77158-C4-3-R) and Xunta de Galicia/FEDER-UE (AXUDAS PARA A CONSOLIDACION E ESTRUTURACION DE UNIDADES DE INVESTIGACION COMPETITIVAS.GRC: ED431C 2017/58 and ED431C 2018/49).Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2017/58Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2018/4
From Microscopic to Macroscopic Description of Composite Thin Panels: A Roadmap for their Simulation in Time Domain
In this paper, we show a simulation strategy for
composite dispersive thin-panels, starting from their microscopic
characteristics and ending into a time-domain macroscopic
model. In a first part, we revisit different semianalytic methods
that may be used to obtain the S-parameter matrices. The
validity of them is assessed with numerical simulations and
experimental data. We also include some formulas that may be
used to tailor the shielding effectiveness of panels in a design
phase. In a second part, we present an extension to dispersive
media of a subgridding hybrid implicit–explicit algorithm finite
difference time domain (FDTD) devised by the authors to deal
with that kind of materials. The method, here presented and
applied to the FDTD method, is a robustly stable alternative
to classical impedance boundary condition techniques. For this,
a previous analytical procedure allowing to extract an equivalent
effective media from S-parameters is presented, thus making this
road map able to simulate any kind of dispersive thin layer.
A numerical validation of the algorithm is finally shown by
comparing with experimental data
Multiagent Systems in Automotive Applications
The multiagent systems have proved to be a useful tool in the design of solutions to problems of distributed nature. In a distributed system, it is possible that the data, the control actions or even both, be distributed. The concept of agent is a suitable notion for capturing situations where the global knowledge about the status of a system is complex or even impossible to acquire in a single entity. In automotive applications, there exist a great number of scenarios of distributed nature, such as the traffic coordination, routes load balancing problems, traffic negotiation among the infrastructure and cars, to mention a few. Even more, the autonomous driving features of the new generation of cars will require the new methods of car to car communication, car to infrastructure negotiation, and even infrastructure to infrastructure communication. This chapter proposes the application of multiagent system techniques to some problems in the automotive field
Following recent literature on the field of teacher education, this is considered as key factor in promoting school success. In this regard, most research has been dedicated to clarify which type of education is most effective to train successful teachers in order they can face properly the challenges of modern societies. This article contributes to this ongoing debate by providing the self-reported benefits among student teachers of the Rovira i Virgili University who have served as volunteers in Learning Communities where different Successful Educational Actions (SEAs) are executed. Learning Communities is an evidenced-based project which is widely implemented in schools worldwide. This project is based on the development of SEAs that have been investigated by different European competitive projects. Findings illustrate that these actions are improving children’s academic performance and school climate regardless of the context they are applied. In the present study, based on a mixed-method approach, three different data collection techniques have performed addressed to students teachers: group interviews, semi-structured interviews and open-ended questionnaires. Results demonstrate the impact of being volunteers in these schools which are summarized on two main facts. First, the quality of the student teacher’s training and professional experience improved through their involvement as volunteers in schools as Learning Communities. Second, this involvement in Successful Educational Actions has a great impact in the improvement of children’s and families’ learning. Drawing on these results a reformulation of teacher education is openly discussed. In fact, research evidences the benefits of construct teacher education programmes based on theories and practices that are scientifically effective to reduce educational inequalities. Partiendo de la literatura científica la formación del profesorado se haconsiderado como un factor clave para conseguir el éxito escolar. En estesentido, la investigación se ha centrado en aclarar qué tipo de educaciónes más efectiva para formar a las y los docentes para hacer frente deforma exitosa a los desafíos de la modernidad. Este artículo contribuye aeste debate informando sobre los beneficios que aporta al alumnado deeducación de la Universidad Rovira i Virgili su participación en calidadde voluntario/a en el proyecto Comunidades de Aprendizaje, en el cual seimplementan Actuaciones Educativas de Éxito (AEE). Las Comunidades deAprendizaje son un proyecto fundamentado en evidencias científicas que se lleva a cabo en diferentes escuelas de todo el mundo. Este proyecto se basa en el desarrollo de AEE que han sido investigadas por diferentes proyectos competitivos de la Comisión Europea. Los resultados de los análisis de las AEE ilustran que estas acciones están mejorando el rendimiento académico del alumnado y el clima escolar, independientemente del contexto en que se apliquen. En el presente estudio, forjado en una metodología mixta, se han realizado tres técnicas diferentes dirigidas a las y los estudiantes: entrevistas grupales, entrevistas semiestructuradas y cuestionarios abiertos.Los resultados muestran el impacto del voluntariado ejercido por elalumnado universitario resumido en dos aspectos principales. En primerlugar, la calidad de la formación recibida por el alumnado universitario ysu experiencia como futuros docentes mejoró a través de su voluntariadoen las escuelas transformadas en Comunidades de Aprendizaje. Segundo, la participación en AEE tiene un gran impacto en la mejora del aprendizajede los niños, niñas y familias. Finalmente, a partir de estos resultados, seprofundiza sobre la necesidad de una reformulación de la formación delprofesorado. De hecho, la investigación presentada en el artículo evidencialos beneficios de construir programas de formación docente basados enteorías y prácticas científicamente efectivas para reducir las desigualdadeseducativas
Cultivo en maceta de Iris xiphium L. (Iris de Holanda) con diferentes concentraciones de humus de lombriz y sus lixiviados
Se evaluaron tres variedades de Iris xiphium L. cultivadas en maceta en cuatro proporciones de humus de lombriz y se aplicaron los lixiviados diluidos como bioabono foliar. El experimento se realizó en un diseño completamente al azar con arreglo trifactorial y se midieron ocho variables: longitud de tallo (LT), longitud de botón (LB), longitud de flor (LF), diámetro de botón (DB), diámetro de flor (DF), biomasa (B), área foliar (AF) y días de cosecha (DDC). Los resultados indicaron que la variedad Telstar resultó ser la más precoz. El mejor tratamiento en dicha variedad para las variables LT, LB, B, DF y DDC correspondió a la proporción 30/70 (% lombrihumus / % suelo) y la dilución 1:10 de lixiviado; el segundo mejor tratamiento fue en la variedad Discovery en la proporción 40/60 (%lombrihumus / %suelo) y dilución 1:10 de lixiviado para las variables LT, AF y B. El presente trabajo aporta nueva información en cuanto al uso de sustratos y abono foliar orgánicos para el manejo sustentable, con bajo impacto ambiental, en cultivos florícolas
Psychoeducation as a strategy to improve family support perceived from patient with alcohol dependence and personality disorder
The aim of this study was to prospectively analyze the impact of psychoeducation with relatives of addicted patients with personality disorders. We measured the impact of the psychoeducational intervention using a self-report questionnaire designed to assess perceived familiar support. The sample was composed by 37 patients with alcohol dependence following outpatient treatment. They underwent a cognitive-behavioral therapy relapse prevention program especially tailored for addicted individuals with comorbid personality disorders. 56.8% of patients followed individual therapy, and 43.2% followed group therapy. The relatives of the subgroup patients following group therapy simultaneously received the psychoeducational intervention. The analyses of the familiar support questionnaire across treatment showed a significant difference between groups as a function of treatment modality. Patients whose relatives followed the psychoeducational intervention had greater perception of familiar support throughout the treatment process
The Interactive Effects of Temperature and Osmotic Potential on the Growth of Aquatic Isolates of Fusarium culmorum.
The mycelial growth of 10 Fusarium culmorum strains isolated
from water of the Andarax riverbed in the provinces of Granada
and Almeria in southeastern Spain was tested on potato-dextroseagar
adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or
NaCl (−1.50 to−144.54 bars) at 10◦C intervals ranging from15◦ to
35◦C. Fungal growth was determined by measuring colony diameter
after 4 d of incubation. Mycelial growth was maximal at 25◦C.
The quantity and capacity of mycelial growth of F. culmorum were
similar at 15 and 25◦C, with maximal growth occurring at −13.79
bars water potential and a lack of growth at 35◦C. The effect of
water potential was independent of salt composition. The general
growth pattern of Fusarium culmorum growth declined at potentials
below −13.79 bars. Fungal growth at 25◦C was always greater
than growth at 15◦C, at all of the water potentials tested. Significant
differences were observed in the response ofmycelia to water potential
and temperature as main and interactive effects. The number
of isolates that showed growth was increasingly inhibited as the
water potential dropped, but some growth was still observable at
−99.56 bars. These findings could indicate that F. culmorum strains
isolated from water have a physiological mechanism that permits
survival in environments with low water potential. Propagules of
Fusarium culmorum are transported long distances by river water,
which could explain the severity of diseases caused by F.culmorum
on cereal plants irrigated with river water and its interaction under
hydric stress ormoderate soil salinity. The observed differences
in growth magnitude and capacity could indicate that the biological
factors governing potential and actual growth are affected by
osmotic potential in different ways
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