3,063 research outputs found

    Characterizing finite-dimensional quantum behavior

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    We study and extend the semidefinite programming (SDP) hierarchies introduced in [Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 020501] for the characterization of the statistical correlations arising from finite dimensional quantum systems. First, we introduce the dimension-constrained noncommutative polynomial optimization (NPO) paradigm, where a number of polynomial inequalities are defined and optimization is conducted over all feasible operator representations of bounded dimensionality. Important problems in device independent and semi-device independent quantum information science can be formulated (or almost formulated) in this framework. We present effective SDP hierarchies to attack the general dimension-constrained NPO problem (and related ones) and prove their asymptotic convergence. To illustrate the power of these relaxations, we use them to derive new dimension witnesses for temporal and Bell-type correlation scenarios, and also to bound the probability of success of quantum random access codes.Comment: 17 page

    Cadera dolorosa y coxartrosis en el adulto joven revisión bibliográfica a propósito de un caso

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    Existen indicaciones claras de prótesis de cadera, las mismas que incluyen daños articulares por artrosis primaria, secundarias o por traumatismos. Hoy en día, en el mundo se realizan un número alto de estas intervenciones incluyendo en nuestro medio, por ello se presenta una charla sobre los nuevos materiales que se están utilizando en los recambios articulares. Cada vez los pacientes que se someten a esta cirugía son de menor edad, lo que conlleva a un estudio minucioso en los aspectos de desgaste de la prótesis, intentando cumplir el objetivo de postergar al mayor tiempo posible, las reintervenciones de cirugías primarias. De esta manera las empresas que producen las prótesis de cadera, exhiben cada día, nuevos tipos de prótesis de cadera, con pares de fricción diferentes y materiales que han exhibido beneficios en estudios experimentales. Por la falta de evidencia científica y de estudios de seguimiento a largo plazo de prótesis primarias, existen grandes dilemas y discusiones como las nuevas alternativas, se están presentando complicaciones que llevan a demandas legales en países del primer mundo. La conferencia expone todos los aspectos correspondientes a nuevos materiales en prótesis de cadera, su relevancia clínica y social, así como pautas generales en el manejo de éstos pacientes

    Education, neighbourhood effects and growth: an agent based model approach

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    Endogenous, ideas-led, growth theory and agent based modelling with neighbourhood effects literature are crossed. In an economic overlapping generations framework, it is shown how social interactions and neighbourhood effects are of vital importance in the endogenous determination of the long run number of skilled workers and therefore of the growth prospects of an economy. Neighbourhood effects interact with the initial distribution of educated agents across space and play a key role in the long run stabilisation of the number of educated individuals. Our model implies a tendency towards segregation, with a possibly positive influence on growth, if team effects operate. The long run growth rate is also shown to depend on the rate of time preference. Initial circumstances are of vital importance for long run outcomes. A poor initial education endowment will imply a long run reduced number of skilled workers and a mediocre growth rate, so there no economic convergence tendency. On the contrary, poor societies will grow less, or will even fall into a poverty trap, and will diverge continuously from richer ones.Comment: 12 pages and 3 figure

    Imagery and Arguments Pertaining to the Issue of Free Immigration in the Anglo-Irish Press in Rio de Janeiro

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    This paper will examine the early relationship between a mid – to late nineteenth century Anglo-Irish newspaper, ‘The Anglo-Brazilian Times’ (1865- 1884), and the political élites of the Brazilian Second Empire (1840-1889). The argumentation departs from the hypothesis that Great Britain, from around 1865 onwards, had devised a plan whereby Brazil would be persuaded into abolishing slavery through the liberalization of her immigration policy. This way, the massive introduction of Europeans into the country would render slavery obsolete. The activities of the editor and proprietor of that newspaper, the Irish- born journalist William Scully, look consistent with that course of action and seem to have relied at least partially on the financial support of the British Government. This strategy was short-lived and seems to have generated a serious political crisis in Brazil, which would have accounted for the failure of an English-speaking colony that was established on the margins of the Itajahy- Mirim river valley, in 1867, in the southern Brazilian province of Santa Catarina. That colony was partially occupied by Irish settlers introduced in Brazil in connection with Scully.This paper will examine the early relationship between a mid – to late nineteenth century Anglo-Irish newspaper, ‘The Anglo-Brazilian Times’ (1865- 1884), and the political élites of the Brazilian Second Empire (1840-1889). The argumentation departs from the hypothesis that Great Britain, from around 1865 onwards, had devised a plan whereby Brazil would be persuaded into abolishing slavery through the liberalization of her immigration policy. This way, the massive introduction of Europeans into the country would render slavery obsolete. The activities of the editor and proprietor of that newspaper, the Irish- born journalist William Scully, look consistent with that course of action and seem to have relied at least partially on the financial support of the British Government. This strategy was short-lived and seems to have generated a serious political crisis in Brazil, which would have accounted for the failure of an English-speaking colony that was established on the margins of the Itajahy- Mirim river valley, in 1867, in the southern Brazilian province of Santa Catarina. That colony was partially occupied by Irish settlers introduced in Brazil in connection with Scully

    The territorial economic impact of entrepreneurial youthfulness

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    Entrepreneurship and youth population interact to enhance economic performance, and actions oriented to bring down social barriers linked to the fear to entrepreneurial failure are as important as policies focused on access to finance or human capital formation. Entrepreneurship generates opportunities for professional development, social and economic integration, the maintenance of the rural population and the attraction of new residents to these territories. Young entrepreneurs face more than financial constraints, as local economic conditions and their risk aversion are important barriers to engage in entrepreneurial activities. To achieve greater rates of entrepreneurship amongst rural youths, policy should mould the value system of the community in general, and not exclusively that of young adults.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Analysis and design of efficient techniques for video transmission in IEEE 802.11 wireless ad hoc networks

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    [EN] Wireless mobile ad ho networks, also known as MANETs, are omposed by independent mobile stations that ommuni ate without requiring any sort of infrastru ture for support. These networks are hara terized by variable bandwidth values and frequent path breaks, whi h are due to hannel noise, interferen e between stations and mobility. Su h fa tors require significant adaptation apabilites at different levels of the proto ol suites employed, enabling stations to qui kly respond to fast- hanging network onditions. Resear h on the most adequate proto- ols for the physi al, MAC and routing layers is still on-going, though some basi onsensus has already been rea hed and several testbeds have been setup around the world. To deploy real-time multimedia servi es, namely voi e and video, on top of su h an unreliable network environment is a very hallenging task. In this thesis we propose to a hieve that goal starting from urrently available Wi-Fi te hnology, and gradually finding the most adequate enhan ements to ea h proto ol layer of interest; we then ombine these enhan ements until we a hieve a omplete QoS framework for ad ho networks. By using urrently available te hnology we assure that the proposal of this thesis has an inherent high-level of appli ability on real life environments. Sin e our working field fo uses on video transmission over wireless ad ho networks, we will show how it is possible to support several QoS- onstrained video streams in MANET environments hara terized by moderate to high mobility levels, and by a significant amount of best efort traffic[ES] Las redes inalámbricas ad hoc, también conocidas como redes MANET, están compuestas por un conjunto de estaciones móviles independientes capaces de omunicarse entre sí sin necesidad de ningún tipo de infraestructura común de comunicaciones. Estas redes se caracterizan por tener un ancho de banda variable y pérdidas frecuentes de ruta que se pueden atribuir al ruido del anal inalámbrico, a la interferencia entre las estaciones móviles o bien a la movilidad de las estaciones. Dichos factores requieren una gran capacidad de adaptación en las diferentes capas de la arquitectura de protocolos, permitiendo a una estación responder rápidamente a posibles cambios bruscos en las condiciones de la red. A pesar de que aún se están realizando trabajos de investigación en bus a de los protocolos más adecuados para las capas físicas, a eso al medio (MAC) y encaminamiento, ha sido posible llegar a un nivel básico de consenso, lo cual ha permitido el despliegue de plataformas y entornos aplicados que utilizan tecnología de red MANET. Ofrecer servicios multimedia, como voz y vídeo, en redes con tan poca habilidad es un desafío importante. En esta tesis nos proponemos alcanzar este objetivo partiendo de la tecnología Wi-Fi actualmente disponible, encontrando de forma paulatina las mejoras más importantes en las diferentes capas de la arquitectura de red, para llegar, finalmente, a una solución integrada capaz de ofrecer calidad de servicio (QoS) en las redes MANET. Al utilizar la tecnología que disponemos actualmente nos aseguramos que las propuestas de esta tesis tengan un alto grado de aplicabilidad en entornos reales. Ya que la línea de trabajo de la tesis está aplicada a la transmisión de vídeo en redes MANET, demostraremos que es posible ofrecer calidad de servicio a varios flujos de vídeo en una red MANET caracterizada por altos grados de movilidad en sus nodos y un nivel significativo de tráfico o de tipo best effortTavares De Araujo Cesariny Calafate, CM. (2006). Analysis and design of efficient techniques for video transmission in IEEE 802.11 wireless ad hoc networks [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/135282TESI