2,541 research outputs found

    A statistical mechanics framework for the large-scale structure of turbulent von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n flows

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    In the present paper, recent experimental results on large scale coherent steady states observed in experimental von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n flows are revisited from a statistical mechanics perspective. The latter is rooted on two levels of description. We first argue that the coherent steady states may be described as the equilibrium states of well-chosen lattice models, that can be used to define global properties of von K{\'a}rm{\'a}n flows, such as their temperatures. The equilibrium description is then enlarged, in order to reinterpret a series of results about the stability of those steady states, their susceptibility to symmetry breaking, in the light of a deep analogy with the statistical theory of Ferromagnetism. We call this analogy "Ferro-Turbulence

    Numerical Analysis of Markov-Perfect Equilibria with Multiple Stable Steady States: A Duopoly Application with Innovative Firms

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    Dawid H, Keoula M, Kort PM. Numerical Analysis of Markov-Perfect Equilibria with Multiple Stable Steady States: A Duopoly Application with Innovative Firms. Dynamic Games and Applications. 2017;7(4):555-577

    A statistical mechanics framework for the large-scale structure of turbulent von Kármán flows

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    In the present paper, recent experimental results on large scale coherent steady states observed in experimental von Kármán flows are revisited from a statistical mechanics perspective. The latter is rooted on two levels of description. We first argue that the coherent steady states may be described as the equilibrium states of well-chosen lattice models, that can be used to define global properties of von Kármán flows, such as their temperatures. The equilibrium description is then enlarged, in order to reinterpret a series of results about the stability of those steady states, their susceptibility to symmetry breaking, in the light of a deep analogy with the statistical theory of Ferromagnetism. We call this analogy ''Ferro-Turbulence'

    Beyond seek and destroy: How to generate allelic series using genome editing tools

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    Genome editing tools have greatly facilitated the functional analysis of genes of interest by targeted mutagenesis. Many usable genome editing tools, including different site-specific nucleases and editor databases that allow single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) to be introduced at a given site, are now available. These tools can be used to generate high allelic diversity at a given locus to facilitate gene function studies, including examining the role of a specific protein domain or a single amino acid. We compared the effects, efficiencies and mutation types generated by our LbCPF1, SpCAS9 and base editor (BECAS9) constructs for the OsCAO1 gene. SpCAS9 and LbCPF1 have similar efficiencies in generating mutations but differ in the types of mutations induced, with the majority of changes being single-nucleotide insertions and short deletions for SpCAS9 and LbCPF1, respectively. The proportions of heterozygotes also differed, representing a majority in our LbCPF1, while with SpCAS9, we obtained a large number of biallelic mutants. Finally, we demonstrated that it is possible to specifically introduce stop codons using the BECAS9 with an acceptable efficiency of approximately 20%. Based on these results, a rational choice among these three alternatives may be made depending on the type of mutation that one wishes to introduce, the three systems being complementary. SpCAS9 remains the best choice to generate KO mutations in primary transformants, while if the desired gene mutation interferes with regeneration or viability, the use of our LbCPF1 construction will be preferred, because it produces mainly heterozygotes. LbCPF1 has been described in other studies as being as effective as SpCAS9 in generating homozygous and biallelic mutations. It will remain to be clarified in the future, whether the different LbCFP1 constructions have different efficiencies and determine the origin of these differences. Finally, if one wishes to specifically introduce stop codons, BECAS9 is a viable and efficient alternative, although it has a lower efficiency than SpCAS9 and LbCPF1 for creating KO mutations

    The Dunning-Kruger Effect on Organizational Agility

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    Designing organizations to quickly adapt to changing conditions, agility, has become a key dynamic capability for success in the 21st century. The Dunning-Kruger effect suggests that people overestimate their ability and that of the organization because they are ignorant of unknown, unkowns. Said another way, people tend to overestimate their ability because they do not know what they do not know. Conversely, executives tend to underestimate the ability of subordinates in the organization. This research project used the Performance Triangle model and accompanying diagnostic instrument to analyze the difference in perceptions between executives and workers in 374 organizations to identify possible disconnects in important capabilities of organizational agility: success, leadership, systems, culture, people, and resilience, along with 27 underlying individual elements. The results show that executives consistently, and significantly, overestimate the ability of themselves and their organization to adapt a change while underestimating the capabilities of workers. Executives were significantly overconfident in the dimensions of success, culture, people, and resilience. Differences in trust emerged as the single most statistically significant element that drives organizational agility. The authors conclude with a discussion of the managerial implications on how this condition influences the ability of organizations to quickly adapt to changing conditions …agility

    Organizational Culture: A Systems Approach

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    The influence of organizational culture on performance is increasingly being recognized as a major force driving success in the 21st Century. Many models for organizational culture are widely employed by consultants worldwide. A fundamental weakness in most existing culture models is that they view culture as a stand-alone element within the organization. Accordingly, the tools used to provide insight to executives focus on the culture to the exclusion of other dynamic, interrelated, forces within the organization. We believe that this stand-alone view of culture contributes to the high failure rate of efforts to change the culture. This chapter introduces the Performance Triangle Model as a holistic approach to view organizational culture as part of an intricate, dynamic, interrelated triad of culture, leadership, and systems. We will describe the Performance Triangle and many underlying dimensions that comprise the triad and chart the emergence and development of the model. The later parts of the chapter will discuss practical applications that have been proven using a statistically validated diagnostic instrument that enable executives to recognize what is going in in their organizations then take effective, quick, targeted action. The PTM approach helps executive design agile organizations fit for the 21st Century

    "Preferred reading" of Legal Texts

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    In the 1970s, British cultural theorist Stuart Hall introduced a concept known as preferred reading. It combines the ideological influence of mass media and dominant ways of understanding any text. This article focuses on mass media as a source of ideological background or context of legal interpretation and of any reading of legal texts. Law operates in culture and culture represents limitations in the law, according to the needs of dominant ideology. Culture introduces structures of domination which manipulate law. An important role is also given to popular culture and mass culture. These parts of the culture industry create borders in which the recipients (audience) think of law. Through mass media – rather than through other channels – dominant ideology infiltrates law. Legal consciousness is formed by dominant cultural frames formed by dominant ideology. Through this formation of mass media, law becomes a commodity. It shares the same values or contents as that of cultural industry and is the place where the theory of preferred reading can be introduced. According to the aforementioned theory, there are methods of interpretation that are more accurate than others are. This is simply because they lead to a result that is more preferred by ‘common opinion’ disseminated by mass culture.V roce 1970, britský kulturní teoretik Stuart Hall představil koncept známý jako preferovaného čtení. Ten v sobě spojuje ideologický vliv masových médií a dominantní způsoby chápání jakéhokoli textu. Tento článek se zaměřuje masová média jako zdroj ideologického pozadí nebo kontextu právního výkladu. Právo působí v kultuře a kultura představuje omezení právo dle potřeb dominantní ideologie. Kultura vytváří struktury dominace, které manipulují právem. Důležitou roli také sehrává populární a masová kultura. Tyto části kulturního průmyslu vytváří hranice, ve kterých příjemci (publikum) uvažují o právu. Prostřednictvím masových médií - spíše než prostřednictvím jiných kanálů - dominantní ideologie infiltruje právo. Právní vědomí je tvořeno dominantními kulturními rámci vytvořenými dominantní ideologií. Prostřednictvím této formace vytvářené masovými médii se právo stává komoditou. Sdílí proto stejné hodnoty, nebo obsah jaké definuje kulturní průmysl. Proto lze i v právním kontextu uvažovat o tzv. preferovaném čtení. Proto lze identifikovat paradigmata výkladu, které jsou mnohem "použeitelnější" než jiné, protože vedou k očekávaným výsledkům. K výsledkům, které odpovídají očekávání masového publika.In the 1970s, British cultural theorist Stuart Hall introduced a concept known as preferred reading. It combines the ideological influence of mass media and dominant ways of understanding any text. This article focuses on mass media as a source of ideological background or context of legal interpretation and of any reading of legal texts. Law operates in culture and culture represents limitations in the law, according to the needs of dominant ideology. Culture introduces structures of domination which manipulate law. An important role is also given to popular culture and mass culture. These parts of the culture industry create borders in which the recipients (audience) think of law. Through mass media – rather than through other channels – dominant ideology infiltrates law. Legal consciousness is formed by dominant cultural frames formed by dominant ideology. Through this formation of mass media, law becomes a commodity. It shares the same values or contents as that of cultural industry and is the place where the theory of preferred reading can be introduced. According to the aforementioned theory, there are methods of interpretation that are more accurate than others are. This is simply because they lead to a result that is more preferred by ‘common opinion’ disseminated by mass culture

    Probing quantum and classical turbulence analogy through global bifurcations in a von K\'arm\'an liquid Helium experiment

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    We report measurements of the dissipation in the Superfluid Helium high REynold number von Karman flow (SHREK) experiment for different forcing conditions, through a regime of global hysteretic bifurcation. Our macroscopical measurements indicate no noticeable difference between the classical fluid and the superfluid regimes, thereby providing evidence of the same dissipative anomaly and response to asymmetry in fluid and superfluid regime. %In the latter case, A detailed study of the variations of the hysteretic cycle with Reynolds number supports the idea that (i) the stability of the bifurcated states of classical turbulence in this closed flow is partly governed by the dissipative scales and (ii) the normal and the superfluid component at these temperatures (1.6K) are locked down to the dissipative length scale.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figure

    Rediseño de la red wan de la empresa Epsel S.A.

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    El Proyecto denominado Rediseño de la Red WAN de la Entidad EPSEL S.A. queda detallado en los siguientes capítulos. En el CAPITULO I, realizamos un análisis detallado de la empresa; pasamos luego al CAPITULO II, en este capítulo se detalla un análisis de la realidad problemática de la empresa, para hallar cual es el motivo principal del problema; al llegar al CAPITULO III, desarrollamos la temática correspondiente al tema a investigar. Se evalúa en el CAPITULO IV, todo lo referente a la metodología a utilizar. En el CAPITULO V, el desarrollo está directamente relacionado con la Metodología. En el CAPITULO VI, realizamos un análisis costo - beneficio del rediseño de la red WAN de la entidad; presentamos un Plan de Seguridad, en el CAPITULO VII; en el CAPITULO VIII y IX presentamos las conclusiones y recomendaciones respectivamente; finalizamos con el CAPITULO X cuyo contenido tiene referencias bibliográficas.Tesi