32 research outputs found

    Perancangan Alat Bantu Las Listrik untuk Mengurangi Keluhan Musculoskeletal Disorder Menggunakan Metode Loading on the Upper Body Assesment (LUBA)

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    Dunia industri di indonesia mengalami perkembangan yang pesat. Perkembangan industri ini tidak lepas dari sektor formal dan informal. Salah satu perkembangan industri informal yaitu bidang pengelasan. Pengelasan adalah teknik penyambungan antara dua buah logam atau lebih dengan memanfaatkan energi panas. Aktivitas para pekerja las tersebut dilakukan dengan posisi badan membungkuk dan jongkok selama ber jam-jam hingga proses pengerjaan suatu produk selesai. Hal ini dapat mengakibatkan pekerja mengalami keluahan otot dibeberapa bagian tubuhnya. Keluhan tersebut terjadi pada bagian leher, punggung, lutut, dan kaki. Salah satu dampak resiko pada kesehatan dan keselamatan kerja yang dihadapi oleh pekerja bengkel las adalah keluhan musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs). Penelitian bertujuan untuk Mengetahui tingkat resiko ergonomi berdasarkan metode loading on the Upper Body Assessment (LUBA) dan Merancang alat bantu cekam (Fixture) yang ergonomis. Metode LUBA (Loading on the Upper Limb Assesment) adalah metode pemberian kode postur tubuh duduk atau berdiri dengan memberikan bobot tambahan untuk postur yang sesuai dengan hasil percobaan dari kondisi ketidaknyamanan yang dirasakan oleh sendi dari individu, Loading on the Upper Limb Assesment merupakan suatu teknik untuk pembebanan postural pada penilaian atas tubuh


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    Identifying the relationship between user engagement, social media marketing, and word-of-mouth referrals to Gojek, an online transportation platform, was the objective of a study conducted in Indonesia. Using a quantitative causal method, researchers gauged the influence of factors like social media marketing and user engagement on customer loyalty. An exclusive group of 300 Instagram followers of Gojek, who had followed and liked their brand page for a minimum of six months, were handpicked for the research. Brand loyalty was identified as the most significant outcome produced through the use of structural equation modeling (SEM). The analysis highlighted a positive and significant effect from the exogenous variables on the endogenous variables. Social media marketing was the key factor contributing to this impact

    Imaging analysis 3D cone-beam computed tomography of a suspected infected radicular cyst in the mandible

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    Objectives: This article is aimed to report the use of cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) imaging analysis on a radiolucent lesion case. Case Report: A 24-year-old female patient was referred to dentomaxillofacial radiology installation, at Universitas Padjadjaran Dental Hospital for a CBCT examination of a lower jaw lesion. The CBCT result demonstrated a large radiolucent lesion at the periapical of tooth 37 with a mostly diffuse border that extended posteriorly to the ramus. There was a cortical thinning on the lingual side alveolar bone. Density analysis revealed an average density of –22,9 grayscale. Conclusion: CBCT 3D could analyze lesions from qualitative and quantitative approaches. Based on these approaches, the lesion of this case led to a suspect of infected radicular cyst

    Community Assistance to Improve the Ability to Use Basic Unity and Virtual Reality

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    During the pandemic of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) that hit Indonesia, all activities were very limited. Electrical Engineering Study Program of Universitas Kristen Maranatha was motivated  to share knowledge especially in the field of science about "Basic Unity and Virtual Reality (VR)" to the public. This has been realized through community service activities pursued by students and lecturers. VR refers to computer simulations that create images of the world that appear in human senses, in the same way as humans perceive the real world in reality. This community service used the Participatory Action Research (PAR) approach. From the results of a survey of community service activities that have been carried out, it is concluded that the success in providing mentoring to improve the ability of the community to use Basic Unity and VR online, is shown by the results of an increase in the score from an average of 5.85 before the activity, to 7.58 (from a total score of 10) after the activity. The community service committee team's service during the activity was also considered very good and worthy of being maintained in subsequent activities. Meanwhile, the implementation of providing teaching materials, the readiness of the trainers, and the implementation of organizing activities online, still need to be re-evaluated and improved in the future for better results

    A three-dimensional atlas of human dermal leukocytes, lymphatics, and blood vessels.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs), macrophages (Mφ), and T cells are major components of the skin immune system, but their interstitial spatial organization is poorly characterized. Using four-channel whole-mount immunofluorescence staining of the human dermis, we demonstrated the three-dimensional distribution of CD31(+) blood capillaries, LYVE-1(+) lymphatics, discrete populations of CD11c(+) myeloid DCs, FXIIIa(+) Mφ, and lymphocytes. We showed phenotypic and morphological differences in situ between DCs and Mφ. DCs formed the first dermal cellular layer (0-20 μm beneath the dermoepidermal junction), Mφ were located deeper (40-60 μm), and CD3(+) lymphocytes were observed throughout (0-60 μm). Below this level, DCs, T cells, and the majority of Mφ formed stable perivascular sheaths. Whole-mount imaging revealed the true extent of dermal leukocytes previously underestimated from cross-section views. The total area of apical dermis (0-30 μm) contained approximately 10-fold more myeloid DCs than the entire blood volume of an average individual. Surprisingly, <1% of dermal DCs occupied lymphatics in freshly isolated skin. Dermal DCs rapidly accumulated within lymphatics, but Mφ remained fixed in skin explants cultured ex vivo. The leukocyte architecture observed in normal skin was distorted in inflammation and disease. These studies illustrate the micro-anatomy of dermal leukocytes and provide further insights into their functional organization

    Human dermal CD14⁺ cells are a transient population of monocyte-derived macrophages.

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    Dendritic cells (DCs), monocytes, and macrophages are leukocytes with critical roles in immunity and tolerance. The DC network is evolutionarily conserved; the homologs of human tissue CD141(hi)XCR1⁺ CLEC9A⁺ DCs and CD1c⁺ DCs are murine CD103⁺ DCs and CD64⁻ CD11b⁺ DCs. In addition, human tissues also contain CD14⁺ cells, currently designated as DCs, with an as-yet unknown murine counterpart. Here we have demonstrated that human dermal CD14⁺ cells are a tissue-resident population of monocyte-derived macrophages with a short half-life of <6 days. The decline and reconstitution kinetics of human blood CD14⁺ monocytes and dermal CD14⁺ cells in vivo supported their precursor-progeny relationship. The murine homologs of human dermal CD14⁺ cells are CD11b⁺ CD64⁺ monocyte-derived macrophages. Human and mouse monocytes and macrophages were defined by highly conserved gene transcripts, which were distinct from DCs. The demonstration of monocyte-derived macrophages in the steady state in human tissue supports a conserved organization of human and mouse mononuclear phagocyte system


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    The role of polycomb group protein EZH2 in dendritic cell function.

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    Positively charged lysine residue is subjected to a plethora of post-translational modifications. Lysine methylation, while mostly studied on histone, was shown to play an exquisite role in the regulation of many cellular processes. Alone, or in combination with other post-translational modifications, lysine methylation was shown to critically alter the function, interaction properties and stability of its substrates. Lysine methyltransferase Ezh2 was found in the nucleus where it exerts its epigenetic silencing function through histone methylation, and in the cytosol where it plays an unexpected role in cytoskeletal rearrangements. In this report, we present evidence showing that Ezh2 regulates integrin signaling activity, which is critical for Dendritic Cell’s (DC’s) motility and recruitment. We observed that Ezh2 deficiency caused severe reduction of DC motility, and accordingly, Ezh2-deficient DCs formed long-lived focal adhesion complexes which are commonly found in slow migrating cells such as fibroblast and epithelial cells. Examination of integrin signaling which regulates focal adhesion formation and cell migration properties revealed that Ezh2 plays a critical role in integrin signaling, as shown by hyper-phosphorylation of Focal Adhesion Kinase (FAK), increased cell adhesion, and exaggerated cell spreading in Ezh2-deficient DCs. At the molecular level, we found that Ezh2 is associated together with Vav and Talin, and that Ezh2 were able to methylate Talin, as shown by in vitro methyl-transferase assay. Consequently, integrin-dependent transendothelial migration of Ezh2-deficient DCs is impaired, as seen in the attenuated induction of EAE, an animal model for multiple sclerosis. Our results demonstrate for the first time, that adhesion dynamic is regulated through lysine methylationDoctor of Philosophy (SBS