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    This study aims to find out, the factors that influence the perception of the customer value of Islamic Banks or IB in Indonesia. These factors are product knowledge by staff, service quality, and marketing communications. Customer value is one of the indicators of a company’s performance. The results show that the customer value of IB in Indonesia is perceived by its customers well by their understanding of IB products by staff, improving service quality and marketing communication. Service quality contributes greater than product knowledge by staff while marketing communication less than both. The method used in this study is descriptive which aims to obtain an overview of variable characteristics. Carried out through data collection, involving 200 respondents. The research methods used a descriptive survey and descriptive development. The type of investigation of this research is the analysis of quality. In this study analyzes the influence of independent variables on the dependent variable. The unit of analysis of this research is individuals, in this case, the prospective customers and customers of IB in Indonesia. The time period of data collection this research is a cross-section. Data collection is conducted from June to August 2018, where the data is processed using the SEM-PLS approach. The research results show that product knowledge, service quality and marketing communications have a positive and significant impact on customer value perceptions. Service quality has a more dominant influence on customer value perceptions than product knowledge and marketing communications


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    Indonesian tea industry has applied harvest mechanization to improve harvest productivity and profit due to a labor shortage. In order to maintain the sustainability of this mechanization, it is crucial to assess the balance of economic, environment, and social impact of the mechanization. This study aims at exploring the sustainability of mechanization in three tea industries in Indonesia using sustainability intensification (SI) indicators framework. Drawing on the case of three tea plantations industry in the West Java, this study applied a descriptive exploratory qualitative method. Data were collected through participant observation, in depth interviews, and focus group discussions. Data were analyzed using five domains of sustainability intensification (SI) indicators, namely productivity, economic, environment, human, and social domain. Findings of this study suggest that tea harvest mechanization increases productivity and economic profit, although the usage of fuel to operate the machine has contributed to the air pollution in the plantation area. Tea harvest mechanization also improve human domain by increasing workers household income. In social domain, it strengthens social capital among workers and promotes the formation of a new gender division of labor which is more inclusive. In order to enhance sustainability of mechanization in Indonesian tea industry, it is crucial to re-design the technology into a more gender friendly, increase women's capacity and access to resources, re-assure gender balance and equity in group work, and strengthen sustainable Occupational Health, and Safety (OHS) programs

    Poverty Analysis of Cassava Farmers in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia

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    Poverty is a central issue in development programs in Indonesia. Most people still depend on agriculture for their livelihoods with relatively low productivity and business income, so poverty are common in rural areas. Most of the Wonogiri residents work in agriculture, where one of the superior products is cassava, the largest producer in Central Java. Poverty reduction in agriculture is a critical factor in reducing poverty in Indonesia. This study examined the poverty status and determinants affecting the poverty status of cassava farmers in Wonogiri Regency, Indonesia. Purposive sampling techniques were used in 120 cassava farmers in Wonogiri Regency. Primary data were obtained with the aid of well-structured questionnaires and interviews. The data were analyzed using Foster-Greer Thorbecke (FGT) index and logistic regression (logit). The result of Foster Greer-Thorbecke's (FGT) analysis showed that headcount index (P0) was 0,3417, poverty gap index (P1) was 0,2092, poverty severity index (P2) was 0,1280. The logistic regression (logit) showed that determinants of the poverty status of cassava farmers were education, land area, household size, and farming experience. There needs to be an increase in education, land area, farming experience, and reduce the number of family dependents with family planning government programs


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    SWOT-AHP helps companies to develop and plan strategic alternatives to overcome all the challenges faced. The purpose of this study is to determine the public service strategy of the Makassar Laboratory Center. This research is a quantitative research, using the SWOT-AHP approach to determine the right strategy in improving organizational performance. Data is collected from the documentation results and then analyzed according to SWOT-AHP stages.  The results of data processing show that in the item of strength, having an international standard TB lab is the most dominant strength possessed by BBLK Makassar, in the item of weakness, the biggest weakness is the organizational culture that still tends to be negative (rigid, individual, passive, lack of empathy in providing services, so efforts need to be made for the organization to carry out public services based on public excellent. While the most dominant opportunity to be utilized is information technology support, while the biggest threat faced by BBLK Makassar is the entry of foreign investors in laboratory services that have more sophisticated systems and equipment (the threat of global competition in the AFTA era). After the SWOT-AHP analysis, 4 strategies emerged, namely: increasing the promotion and technology-based information services, building an integrated information technology system, improving the quality and quantity of human resources, and maximizing tool utilization by adding new types of examinations


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    This study aims to make a visual representation of how the Department of Occupation and Civil Records (Disdukcapil) Government of Bandung implemented public policy “BEDAS” (Bangkit, Edukasi, Dinamise, Agamis, and Sejahtera). This research belongs to qualitative research because it uses primary and secondary materials. The researchers in this study used vital actors who managed population registration services and samples. Essential personnel of this study includes the head of UPT, the head of Capil, and the head of DukCapil of Bandung. Secondary and primary data are used to compile the results of this research. Data collection techniques include open conversation, careful observation, and comprehensive documentation. (Pustaka). Data analysis is carried out descriptively and explained realistically; the research subject is the entire staff of Disdukcapil Districts of Bandung, with a total sample of 20 people selected randomly. And we used random samples taken from local government officials, religious figures, community members, and business owners in the region. (“Subjek”). The research findings showed that implementing the BEDAS policy by the Disdukcapil Districts of Bandung succeeded in carrying out various activities to help local communities access the administrative services they need. Based on the findings of this research, it can be concluded that the policy of BEDAS in the Disdukcapil district of Bandung is running smoothly and has improved the quality of services provided to the community


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    Management in each laboratory school is different from other schools in general. This research is a description of the policy evaluation on the regulation of laboratory schools that will provide educational services to students as expected (vision and mission of the lab school), become a place for developing various teacher and educational practices in teacher professional education, and a place for the development of various educational innovations. Laboratory schools are places where prospective professional teachers practice and develop educational innovations and act as model schools for creative and innovative learning practices for prospective professional teachers. By using a qualitative approach and a case study method, this study seeks to provide an overview of the laboratory school regulations in UPI. The results showed that, UPI PTNbh already has a special regulation on laboratory school governance, namely Rector Regulation No.4439 / UN40 / HK / 2019 concerning UPI School Organizing Bodies. Management of educational units at a certain level by educational units at other levels, needs to be affirmed by strong rules and needs to be operated effectively. Good and fair which is reflected in the dynamics of management, there is a proportional distribution of authority and a strategic distribution of power. The strategic division of power is characterized by the sharing of legal powers that are binding and obeyed which do not create multiple perceptions and harm the community using education


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    Tourism plays an important role in the Indonesian economy. It provides a country’s foreign exchange, as well as financial support for building the economy. Additionally, tourism encourages business growth and employment by providing labor needs. The increased number of visitors to Indonesia has spurred significant growth in the country’s tourism industry. This can be seen from the increase of hotels, restaurants, transportation and other services that focus on tourism. Additionally, this can be seen from the increasing number of visitors in Indonesia. This research looks at how Product and Price Policy influences customers’ choices. It does this by gathering data using a SEM-PLS approach and processing 150 respondents from the Fave Hotel Bandung. The study finds that customers’ choices in favor of a particular hotel or the hotel’s price policy directly influence their decisions


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    The complexity of problems in health services, especially the handling of Corona Virus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) requires government strategies and policies. Involving stakeholders through a network governance approach is a government policy in overcoming the spread of COVID-19. The purpose of this study is to provide an overview of local government policies and an explanation of network governance in health services, especially in the handling of COVID-19. The research was conducted in 2022 in Kolaka Regency, Southeast Sulawesi Province. This study uses a qualitative-descriptive research method. Research data was obtained through observation, literature study, interviews and official government websites and the mass media regarding the handling of COVID-19. The results of the study show that the local government policy of Kolaka Regency in handling COVID-19 is by forming a Task Force which involves multi-stakeholders, namely elements of the local government, elements of universities, TNI/Polri, State-owned enterprises (PT Antam and BRI Kolaka), BUMD (Perusda Kolaka, Bank Bahteramas and BPD Kolaka) Private Companies (PT Vale and PT Ceria, and Bank Mandiri), Professional Organizations (IDI Kolaka Regency, Indonesian National Nurses Association of Kolaka Regency, Association of Indonesian Environmental Health Experts, Indonesian Pharmacists Association of Kolaka Regency, and PWI of Kolaka Regency), religion organizations (MUI Kolaka, Gepsultra Klasisi Kolaka), social organizations (RAPI Kolaka, Association of Indonesian Hotels and Restaurants (PHRI) and PMI. The elements involved in the Task Force describe the network governance model. The network governance approach is the right model in public service. This perspective assumes that the actors involved are interdependent, exchange resources and have a clear framework. The focus of the network governance approach which lies on the coordination mechanism is apparently not sufficient in unifying the vision and mission of the actors. However, it must be supported by strong leadership and commitment from each actor


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    In the face of talent competition, companies compete to attract and retain talented employees to help achieve increasingly stringent organizational goals and a strength-based organization is needed. Performance appraisal cannot be used as a practical improvement tool; Most people may hesitate when a superior assesses performance differently. This research aims to analyze team member recruitment strategies using Strength-Based Assessment. This research method uses a literature review. The data sourced from secondary data, that is, it does not come from direct observation but is the result of research conducted by previous researchers. Data collection came from 20 journals and five books, analyzed according to existing problems. The analytical method is equipped with a description that describes the facts. This research results show that recruitment has a positive impact on business development that adapts to developing business trends, including information technology, and can expand access to information and HR competencies, triggering extraordinary performance with a talent-based approach that prioritizes stories of a person’s potential or strengths (strength-based). The research concludes the need for an evaluation strategy in employee placement and a Strength-Based Assessment evaluation model


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    Child marriage has become a growing issue in the last 20 years. Even the United Nations 10 years ago warned Indonesia of an emergency for child marriage. As is well known, the Ministry of PA released the number of child marriages in 2000 as many as 63,382 cases, decreased in 2021 to 61,459 cases, and in 2022 decreased drastically to 50,673 cases. The decline in child marriage or Marriage with dispensation is due to better socialization of changes to Law Number 16 of 2019 concerning Amendments to Law Number 1 of 1974 concerning Marriage and several efforts made by the government and regional governments. The decline occurred in several regions in Indonesia, as was the case in Central Java Province. The problem of child marriage is quite complex because it is not only an internal family problem but includes a complicated social security issue and requires collaboration to solve it. Collaboration between the government and stakeholders has been initiated but has not yet been strengthened, so it is necessary to find a way to overcome child marriage. This research was conducted using the mixed method, namely exploring children who were already married to find out conditions before and after Marriage and children’s responses to child marriage. The purpose of this research is to analyze the roles of the government and stakeholders in the prevention and management of child marriage. This research is expected to address how the government and stakeholders collaborate in preventing and dealing with child marriage. This study focuses on patterns of child marriage, children’s responses to child marriage, the role of government and stakeholders, and models of collaboration between local government and stakeholders in preventing and controlling child marriage with the locus of Central Java Province


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