101 research outputs found

    The boy immigrant in the school of Extremadura

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    Este trabajo muestra la llegada del alumnado inmigrante a las aulas, añadiendo nuevas funciones al profesorado, atendidas a través de Planes y Programas. Para estudiar esta realidad hemos desarrollado una investigación que evalúa el nivel de lenguaje oral del alumnado inmigrante en Extremadura, siendo nuestro instrumento de evaluación BLOC-SR. Como resultados, destacar un desarrollo inferior a lo esperado en lenguaje del alumnado inmigrante, determinando niveles lingüísticos parecidos para lenguas maternas diferentes e indicando que este alumnado tiene comprometidos todos los niveles, habiendo diferencias significativas con respecto a la edad y al sexo. En relación al alumno inmigrante y el español se ha demostrado que no existen diferencias significativas respecto a los módulos de sintaxis y semántica. Palabras clave: Inmigrante, lenguaje oral, lengua maternal.This work shows the arrival of immigrant students to the classrooms, adding new functions to the teachers, carried out by means of different Plans and Programs. In order to study this reality, we have developed a deep research which assesses the level of oral language of the immigrant students in Extremadura, being our evaluation instrument BLOC-SR. As a result, we have to emphasize a development inferior to the expected one in the language of the immigrant student, determining similar linguistic levels for different mother tongues and indicating that these students have undertaken all the levels, having significant differences as regard the age and sex. In connection with the immigrant and Spanish student, it has been demonstrated that there are no significant differences regarding the modules of syntax and semantics.peerReviewe

    El escaso reflejo que todavía tiene en los medios de comunicación la imagen corporal de las chicas y el acoso escolar. Cuando se trata de algo más que causa y efecto

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    Con este trabajo pretendemos reseñar la poca transcendencia que tienen en los mass media al acoso escolar. Actualmente, el acoso escolar es casi un tema “tabú” no solo en los medios de comunicación, sino también en la educación, a pesar de que son actos que ocurren a diario en todos los centros educativos con más o menos frecuencia en el que predomina el género masculino como agresor y el femenino como víctima. Para profundizar en este asunto, hemos realizado una investigación basada en la siguiente triangulación: acoso escolar, chicas e imagen corporal, utilizando una muestra de 92 estudiantes de 6º curso de Ed. Primaria, pertenecientes a 4 Centros educativos de la localidad de Badajoz. Hemos utilizado dos cuestionarios para realizar dicha investigación; Cuestionario “Bullying en las clases de Ed. Física” y cuestionario “Body image” de Stunkard y Stellard (1990). Llegamos a la conclusión que hay un alumno agredido por aula y más de tres alumnos agredidos por centro educativo. Ser del sexo masculino es un factor de riesgo para la implicación del bullying como agresor, y ser de sexo femenino como víctima

    Competencia social y pragmática en el alumnado inmigrante

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    El estudio analiza la relación existente entre la competencia pragmática y la competencia social del alumnado inmigrante en la etapa de Educación Primaria, diferenciando entre aspectos facilitadores (liderazgo, jovialidad, sensibilidad social y respeto-autocontrol) y perturbadores/inhibidores (agresividad-terquedad, apatía-retraimiento y ansiedad-timidez) de la socialización. La muestra está compuesta por un total de 326 alumnos de origen inmigrante, de edades comprendidas entre los 6 y los 12 años escolarizados en colegios públicos. El instrumento utilizado para evaluar la socialización de los escolares, es la versión para profesores de la Batería de Socialización (BAS) y utilizamos la versión Screening Revisada de la Batería de Lenguaje Objetiva y Criterial (BLOCSR) para evaluar la competencia pragmática. Los resultados ponen de manifiesto la relación existente entre la competencia pragmática y las dimensiones facilitadoras y perturbadoras de la socialización en el alumnado inmigrante, señalando que los alumnos que dominan la competencia pragmática, muestran altas puntuaciones en liderazgo y a su vez puntúan menos en ansiedad-timidez.The study analyzes the relationship between pragmatic competence and social competence of immigrant students in Primary Education, differentiating between facilitators aspects (leadership, joviality, social sensibility, self-respect) and disruptive / inhibitors (aggressiveness, obstinacy, apathy -withdrawal and anxiety-shyness) socialization. The sample is made up of a total of 326 immigrant students, aged between 6 and 12 years enrolled in public schools. The instrument used to evaluate the socialization of school students is the version for teachers of the Socialization Test (BAS) and we used the Revised Screening version of the Objective Language Criteria Test (BLOC-SR) to evaluate the children’s pragmatic competence. The results show the relationship between pragmatic competence and enabling and disruptive dimensions of socialization in immigrant students, indicating that students who master the pragmatic competence, show high scores in leadership and in turn scored less anxiety-shyness

    Efficacy of Perceptual Learning-Based Vision Training as an Adjuvant to Occlusion Therapy in the Management of Amblyopia: A Pilot Study

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    A retrospective study was conducted to evaluate preliminarily the efficacy of perceptual learning (PL) visual training in medium-term follow-up with a specific software (Amblyopia iNET, Home Therapy Systems Inc., Gold Canyon, AZ, USA) for visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity (CS) recovering in a sample of 14 moderate to severe amblyopic subjects with a previously unsuccessful outcome or failure with patching (PL Group). This efficacy was compared with that achieved in a patching control group (13 subjects, Patching 2). At one-month follow-up, a significant VA improvement in the amblyopic eye (AE) was observed in both groups, with no significant differences between them. Additionally, CS was measured in PL Group and exhibited a significant improvement in the AE one month after the beginning of treatment for 3, 6, 12, and 18 cycles/º (p = 0.003). Both groups showed long-lasting retention of visual improvements. A combined therapy of PL-based visual training and patching seems to be effective for improving VA in children with amblyopia who did not recover vision with patching alone or had a poor patching compliance. This preliminary outcome should be confirmed in future clinical trials.The author David P Piñero has been supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain within the program Ramón y Cajal, RYC-2016-20471

    Terminology and classification of miracle slimming diets: A narrative review and new proposals

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    Introduction: In the last years, confusing or misleading use of the term called miracle or magic diets, using to weight loss treatment, has increased, along with several classification of them. Objectives: The purpose of this narrative review is to discuss miracle slimming diets and proposal new term and new classification for these diets. Methods: A narrative review up to September 2021 was carried out in the PubMed, Google Scholar, and Web of Knowledge. Furthermore, this strategy was complemented with a comprehensive search of the 'grey' literature [7] based in four different searching strategies: i) grey literature databases, ii) customized Google search engines, iii) targeted websites, and iv) consultation with contact experts. Results: Our proposal is to use the new concept called hazardous slimming diets defined as diets that propose rapid weight loss (> 1 kg/week), to be performed effortlessly, without the super-vision of a medical/nutritional professional, excessive energy restrictions and/or exclusion from the di-et of food or nutrients for the body. Furthermore, the development of a new algorithm reflected as is possible to classify the diet as non-effective, hazardous and effective diet. Conclusions: Our review could help to classify and develop a new terminology about the miracle slimming diets focusing in the knowledge to guarantee the quality in the treatments for weight loss

    La industria en la Argentina neoliberal de la Alianza Cambiemos

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    Este capítulo aborda los principales procesos sociopolíticos del país en el período iniciado con la asunción al gobierno nacional de la Alianza Cambiemos y sus consecuencias en la dinámica del sector industrial. La metodología de análisis empleada combinó análisis documental (bibliográfico, de fuentes periodísticas) y de series estadísticas. El capítulo se divide en cuatro partes. En la primera se describe la articulación política y social que conforma el bloque de poder financiero neoliberal; en la segunda se presentan las principales consecuencias para el sector industrial producidas por las políticas implementadas por la Alianza Cambiemos; en la tercera, las resistencias y estrategias de los actores sociales perjudicados por dichas políticas, y hacia el final del capítulo se plantean los desafíos que se presentan para un proyecto de reindustrialización del país.Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educació

    Glycemic Variability and Its Association With Demographics and Lifestyles in a General Adult Population

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    Objective: The objective was to investigate glycemic variability indices in relation to demographic factors and common environmental lifestyles in a general adult population. Methods: The A Estrada Glycation and Inflammation Study is a cross-sectional study covering 1516 participants selected by sampling of the population aged 18 years and over. A subsample of 622 individuals participated in the Glycation project, which included continuous glucose monitoring procedures. Five glycemic variability indices were analyzed, that is, SD, MAGE, MAG, CONGA1, and MODD. Results: Participants had a mean age of 48 years, 62% were females, and 12% had been previously diagnosed with diabetes. In the population without diabetes, index distributions were not normal but skewed to the right. Distributional regression models that adjusted for age, gender, BMI, alcohol intake, smoking status, and physical activity confirmed that all indices were positively and independently associated with fasting glucose levels and negatively with heavy drinking. SD, MAGE, and CONGA1 were positively associated with aging, and MAG was negatively associated with BMI. None of the GVI studied were influenced by physical activity. Age-group-specific reference values are given for the indices. Conclusions: This study yielded age-specific reference values for glucose variability indices in a general adult population. Significant increases were observed with aging. Heavy drinking of more than 140 g/week was associated with significant decreases in variability indices. No differences were found between males and females. These normative ranges provide a guide for clinical care, and may offer an alternative treatment target among persons with diabetesThe author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: This research project was supported by grants from Spain’s Carlos III Institute of Health (Instituto de Salud Carlos III/ISCIII) (PI11/02219 & PI13/02594) and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). PDV and MAS were supported by ISCIII Preventive Activity & Health Promotion Research Network (Red de Investigación en Actividades Preventivas y de Promoción de Salud/redIAPP) grants RD06/0018/0006 & RD12/0005/0007, respectively. CCS has been partially supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MTM2015-69068-REDT)S