191 research outputs found

    Demografia i conservació de Simethis mattiazzi (Liliaceae), espècie d’interès per a la flora vascular de Catalunya

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    We provide new chorological, demographic, phenological, phytosociological, ecological and environmental management data of Simethis mattiazzi in Catalonia, a threatened vascular plant in the Mediterranean region. We have located 27 stands in the region of la Selva which counting give us an estimation of 176,052 individuals (22 stands). The area of occupancy is 43,594 m2 which are distributed in 10 UTM squares of 1 km per side. Simethis is a characteristic species of Lavandulo stoechadis-Ericetum scopariae association and can be found in three different habitats (32k Erica scoparia heaths, 45b Quercus suber forests with undergrowth of acidophilous scrub and 45i Mixed forest of Q. suber and Pinus spp.), clearly preferring the 32k. However, it produces more flowers per individual in environments that are less favourable (45b and 45i). By all appearances, the predominant distribution factor in Europe and Africa is climate, which always has to be Atlantic or Submediterranean with oceanic trend. Likewise, we give conservation proposals and confirm the current IUCN status “endangered” (EN) of Simethis in Catalonia.Aportamos nuevos datos corológicos, demográficos, fenológicos, fitosociológicos, ecológicos y de gestión ambiental sobre Simethis mattiazzi en Cataluña, una planta vascular amenazada en la región mediterránea. En la comarca de la Selva hemos localizado 27 rodales, cuyos recuentos nos dan una estimación de 176.052 individuos (22 rodales). El área de ocupación es de 43.594 m2 y se distribuyen en 10 cuadrados UTM de 1 km de lado. Simethis es una especie característica de la asociación Lavandulo stoechadis-Ericetum scopariae y se puede encontrar presente en tres hábitats diferentes (32k Brezales de Erica scoparia, 45b Bosques de Quercus suber con sotobosque de matorral acidófilo y 45i Bosques mixtos de Q. suber y Pinus spp.), prefiriendo claramente el 32k. Aun así, produce más flores por individuo en los ambientes que le son menos favorables (45b y 45i). Por lo que parece, el factor predominante de su distribución en Europa y África es el clima, el cual siempre tiene que ser atlántico o submediterráneo con tendencia oceánica. Asimismo, damos propuestas para su conservación y confirmamos el estatus actual UICN de «En Peligro» (EN) de Simethis en Cataluña. [ca] Aportem noves dades corològiques, demogràfiques, fenològiques, fitosociològiques, ecològiques i de gestió ambiental sobre Simethis mattiazzi a Catalunya, una planta vascular amenaçada a la regió mediterrània. A la comarca de la Selva hem localitzat 27 rodals, els recomptes dels quals ens donen una estimació de 176.052 individus (22 rodals). L’àrea d’ocupació és de 43.594 m2 i es distribueix en 10 quadrats UTM d’1 km de costat. Simethis és una espècie característica de l’associació Lavandulo stoechadis-Ericetum scopariae i es pot trobar present en tres hàbitats distints (32k Bruguerars d’Erica scoparia, 45b Boscos de Quercus suber amb sotabosc de brolla acidòfila i 45i Boscos mixtos de Q. suber i Pinus spp.), tenint una clara preferència pel 32k. Malgrat això, produeix més flors per individu en els ambients que li resulten menys favorables (45b i 45i). D’altra banda, pel que sembla, el factor predominant de la seva distribució a Europa i Àfrica és el clima, el qual sempre ha de ser atlàntic o submediterrani de tendència oceànica. Així mateix, donem propostes de conservació i confirmem l’estatus actual UICN de «En Perill» (EN) de Simethis a Catalunya

    Impact of extracellular vesicle isolation methods on downstream mirna analysis in semen: A comparative study

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    Seminal plasma (SP) contains a unique concentration of miRNA, mostly contained in small extracellular vesicles (sEVs) such as exosomes, some of which could be clinically useful for diagnosis and/or prognosis of urogenital diseases such as prostate cancer (PCa). We optimized several exosome-EV isolation technologies for their use in semen, evaluating EV purifying effectiveness and impact on the downstream analysis of miRNAs against results from the standard ultracentrifugation (UC) method to implement the use of SP sEV_miRNAs as noninvasive biomarkers for PCa. Our results evidenced that commercial kits designed to isolate exosomes/EVs from blood or urine are mostly applicable to SP, but showed quantitative and qualitative variability between them. ExoGAG 3500x g and the miRCURY Cell/Urine/CSF 1500x g methods resulted as equivalent alternative procedures to UC for isolating exosomes/sEVs from semen for nanoparticle characteristics and quality of RNA contained in vesicles. Additionally, the expression profile of the altered semen sEV-miRNAs in PCa varies depending on the EV isolation method applied. This is possibly due to different extraction techniques yielding different proportions of sEV subtypes. This is evidence that the exosome-EV isolation method has a significant impact on the analysis of the miRNAs contained within, with important consequences for their use as clinical biomarkers. Therefore, miRNA analysis results for EVs cannot be directly extrapolated between different EV isolation methods until clear markers for delineation between microvesicles and exosomes are established. However, EV extraction methodology affects combined models (semen exosome miRNA signatures plus blood Prostate specific antigen (PSA) concentration for PCa diagnosis) less; specifically our previously described (miR-142-3p + miR-142-5p + miR-223-3p + PSA) model functions as molecular marker from EVs from any of the three isolation methods, potentially improving the efficiency of PSA PCa diagnosis

    Fifteen years controlling unwanted thoughts: A systematic review of the thought control ability questionnaire (TCAQ)

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    Thought control ability is a vulnerability factor implicated in the etiology and maintenance of emotional disorders. This manuscript aims to systematically review the use and psychometric performance of the Thought Control Ability Questionnaire (TCAQ), designed to assess people's ability to control unwanted thoughts. Three electronic databases were searched for papers administering the TCAQ published in indexed peer-reviewed journals. Data (participants characteristics, country, study design, etc.) were extracted from the results for qualitative synthesis. The TCAQ's content validity, dimensionality, internal consistency, test-retest reliability, convergent/divergent validity, floor/ceiling effects, and interpretability were summarized. Two reviewers independently screened articles and assessed quality taking COSMIN criteria into account. Finally, the review included 17 papers. The TCAQ has been administered to healthy individuals, students, and adult patients, in six languages from nine countries. We found that the TCAQ, and its shorter versions, demonstrate robust reliability and adequate content validity. Of interest is the TCAQ's capacity to predict performance in diverse experimental tasks focused on thought control. The TCAQ unidimensionality has been supported in exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses. Regarding construct validity, the TCAQ is significantly related to a wide range of psychopathological measures of anxiety, worry, depression, obsessive-compulsive symptoms, etc. However, as only a few of the included studies had a longitudinal design, we are unable to draw firm conclusions about the measure's temporal stability. Moreover, psychometric aspects such as factorial invariance across different samples have not been analyzed. Despite these limitations, based on available psychometric evidence we can recommend using the TCAQ for measuring perceived control of unwanted thoughts

    Differences between individuals with schizophrenia or obsessive-compulsive disorder and healthy controls in social cognition and mindfulness skills: A controlled study

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    The study of social cognition (SC) has emerged as a key domain of mental health, supporting the notion that poorer performance in SC tasks is linked to psychopathology, although most studies have primarily addressed only schizophrenia (SZ). Some recent studies have also shown deficits of SC in obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) patients; however, little is known about how individuals with OCD may differ on SC performance from individuals with SZ. Moreover, initial research in this field suggests that mindfulness skills may be related to SC abilities such as theory of mind (ToM), emotion processing and empathy. Given the potential benefits of mindfulness for treating OCD and SZ, further efforts are needed to understand the association between mindfulness and SC in these populations. The main objective of this study was to compare samples of patients with SZ and OCD to healthy controls (HCs) on several social cognition (SC) domains and mindfulness measures. In total, 30 outpatients diagnosed with SZ, 31 outpatients diagnosed with OCD and 30 healthy controls were assessed in emotion recognition (the Eyes Test), ToM (the Hinting Task), attributional style (the Ambiguous Intentions and Hostility Questionnaire), empathy (the Interpersonal Reactivity Index) and dispositional mindfulness (the MAAS and the FFMQ). Both clinical groups showed poorer performance in emotion recognition and ToM than the HCs. The OCD and SZ patients did not significantly differ in impairment in SC, but the OCD group had higher scores in attributional style (intentionality and anger bias). With regard to mindfulness, the results found lower levels of acting with awareness for the HCs than for either clinical group and higher non-reactivity to inner experience for the HCs than for the individuals with OCD; the results also yielded significant correlations between SC and mindfulness. In conclusion, these findings revealed that SC abilities were impaired in the SZ and OCD groups compared to the HC group, suggesting a similar disrupted pattern in both clinical groups. Aspects of dispositional mindfulness were differentially associated with SC, which may suggest their potential role in novel transdiagnostic interventions

    Female patients with follicular lymphoma have a better prognosis if primary remission lasts over 24 months

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    Findings regarding the role of sex in follicular lymphoma (FL) are contradictory and the prognostic value of sex among patients with early progression of disease (POD) remains unclear. We collected real-life data from nine hospitals in Finland and Spain including 1020 FL patients to study the influence of sex on disease outcome. The median follow-up duration was 67 months (range 0-226 months). Female patients showed better progression-free survival (PFS) (hazard ratio [HR], 0.720; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.588-0.881), disease-specific survival (DSS) (HR, 0.653; 95% CI, 0.448-0.951), and overall survival (OS) (HR, 0.653; 95% CI, 0.501-0.853) than male patients. However, there were no significant sex differences in prognosis in patients with early POD. This study strengthens the understanding that male sex is an adverse prognostic factor for FL. However, this difference does not apply to patients with early POD.Peer reviewe

    Dangerous drug interactions leading to hemolytic uremic syndrome following lung transplantation

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>To report our experience of a rather uncommon drug interaction, resulting in hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Two consecutive cases of hemolytic uremic syndrome were diagnosed in our service. In both patients the use of macrolides in patients taking Tacrolimus, resulted in high levels of Tacrolimus.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>The first patient was a 48 years old female with Bilateral emphysema. She underwent Single Sequential Lung Transplantation. She developed reperfusion injury requiring prolonged stay. Tacrolimus introduced (Day 51). The patient remained well up till 5 months later; Erythromycin commenced for chest infection. High Tacrolimus levels and a clinical diagnosis of HUS were made. She was treated with plasmapheresis successfully.</p> <p>The second case was a 57 years old female with Emphysema & A1 Antithrypsin deficiency. She underwent Right Single Lung Transplantation. A2 rejection with mild Obliterative Bronchiolitis diagnosed 1 year later and she switched to Tacrolimus. She was admitted to her local Hospital two and a half years later with right middle lobe consolidation. The patient commenced on amoxicillin and clarithromycin. Worsening renal indices, high Tacrolimus levels, hemolytic anemia & low Platelets were detected. HUS diagnosed & treated with plasmapheresis.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>There are 21 cases of HUS following lung transplantation in the literature that may have been induced by high tacrolimus levels. Macrolides in patients taking Cyclosporin or Tacrolimus lead to high levels. Mechanism of action could be glomeruloconstrictor effect with reduced GFR increased production of Endothelin-1 and increased Platelet aggregation.</p

    Autologous stem cell transplantation may be curative for patients with follicular lymphoma with early therapy failure without the need for immunotherapy

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    Objective/Background: Patients with follicular lymphoma (FL) with early therapy failure (ETF) within 2 years of frontline therapy have poor overall survival (OS). We recently reported the results of autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT) in patients from the Grupo Español de Linfomas y Trasplantes de Médula Ósea (GELTAMO) registry treated with rituximab prior to ASCT and with ETF after first-line immunochemotherapy, leading to 81% 5-year OS since ASCT. We explored whether ASCT is also an effective option in the pre-rituximab era—that is, in patients treated in induction and rescued only with chemotherapy. Methods: ETF was defined as relapse/progression within 2 years of starting first-line therapy. We identified two groups: the ETF cohort (n = 87) and the non-ETF cohort (n = 47 patients receiving ASCT but not experiencing ETF following first-line therapy). Results: There was a significant difference in 5-year progression-free survival between the ETF and non-ETF cohorts (43% vs. 57%, respectively; p = .048). Nevertheless, in patients with ETF with an interval from first relapse after primary treatment to ASCT of <1 year, no differences were observed in 5-year progression-free survival (48% vs. 66%, respectively; p = .44) or in 5-year OS (69% vs. 77%, p = .4). Patients in the ETF cohort transplanted in complete remission showed a plateau in the OS curves, at 56%, beyond 13.7 years of follow-up. Conclusion: ASCT may be a curative option for ETF in patients who respond to rescue chemotherapy, without the need for immunotherapy or other therapies, and should be considered as an early consolidation, especially in patients with difficult access to rituximab

    Frequency and clinical impact of CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B gene deletions as assessed by in-depth genetic analyses in adult T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Altres ajuts: This project was supported by the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer, AECC (project ref.: GC16173697BIGA), Obra Social "La Caixa" and by Celgene Spain. A. Gonzalez-Perez is supported by a Ramon y Cajal fellowship (RYC-2013-14554) of the Educational Ministry (Madrid, Spain). This work was also partially supported by FEDER funds from CIBERONC (CB16/12/00284 and CB16/12/00400), Madrid, Spain).Recurrent deletions of the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B genes encoded at chromosome 9p21 have been described in both pediatric and adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), but their prognostic value remains controversial, with limited data on adult T-ALL. Here, we investigated the presence of homozygous and heterozygous deletions of the CDKN2A/ARF and CDKN2B genes in 64 adult T-ALL patients enrolled in two consecutive trials from the Spanish PETHEMA group. Alterations in CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B were detected in 35/64 patients (55%). Most of them consisted of 9p21 losses involving homozygous deletions of the CDKNA/ARF gene (26/64), as confirmed by single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) arrays and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (iFISH). Deletions involving the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B locus correlated with a higher frequency of cortical T cell phenotype and a better clearance of minimal residual disease (MRD) after induction therapy. Moreover, the combination of an altered copy-number-value (CNV) involving the CDKN2A/ARF/CDKN2B gene locus and undetectable MRD (≤ 0.01%) values allowed the identification of a subset of T-ALL with better overall survival in the absence of hematopoietic stem cell transplantation

    Un fragmento de escultura monumental romana en mármol procedente del yacimiento de El Forau de la Tuta (Artieda, Jacetania, Zaragoza)

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    This paper deals with the archeometric and archaeological study of a tiny fragment of Roman monumental sculpture from the urban settlement of El Forau de la Tuta (Artieda, Zaragoza, Spain). This item, made of Luni-Carrara marble, represents a human left hand bearing a patera umbilicata belonging to a large-format statue, datable probably between the second half of the 1st and the beginning of the 2nd centuries, which would have been originally located in a public building, possibly a temple, of the city forum. According to the preserved iconographic parallels, we think that this statue would have been an Imperial Cult image, hypothetically a Lar Augusti or a Genius Augusti.El presente trabajo aborda el estudio arqueométrico y arqueológico de un pequeño fragmento de escultura monumental romana procedente del asentamiento urbano de El Forau de la Tuta (Artieda, Zaragoza, España). Dicha pieza, fabricada en mármol de Luni-Carrara, representa una mano izquierda con pátera umbilicata que formaría parte de una estatua de gran formato datable entre la segunda mitad del siglo I y comienzos del II procedente de un edificio público, un templo posiblemente, ubicado en el foro de la ciudad. A partir de los paralelos iconográficos conservados, pensamos que esta estatua podría haberse tratado de una imagen de culto imperial, hipotéticamente un Lar Augusti o un Genius Augusti

    Validation of the Spanish version of the Multidimensional State Boredom Scale (MSBS)

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    BACKGROUND: Boredom, which is a common problem in the general population, has been associated with several psychiatric disorders. The Multidimensional State Boredom Scale (MSBS) was developed, based on a theoretically and empirically grounded definition of boredom, to assess this construct. The aim of the present study was to assess the psychometric properties of the Spanish validated version of the MSBS in a multi-age sample recruited from the general population. METHODS: The patients (N = 303) were recruited from primary care settings. In addition to the sociodemographic variables and the MSBS, the General Health Questionnaire 28 items (GHQ-28), Positive and Negative Affect Scale (PANAS), Negative subscale and the Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) were administered. We used confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) to analyse the dimensionality of the MSBS. Cronbach’s α coefficient was used to analyse the internal consistency of the scale. The consistency of the MSBS over time (test-retest reliability) was assessed using the intra-class correlation coefficient. The construct validity was examined by calculating Pearson’s r correlations between the MSBS with theoretically related and unrelated constructs. Cronbach’s α for MSBS was 0.89 (95 % CI, 0.87–0.92), ranging from 0.75 to 0.83 for the 5 subscales. RESULTS: The characteristics of the final sample (N = 303) were that the participants were primarily female (66.77 %) with a mean age of 49.32 years (SD, 11.46) and primarily European (94.71 %). The CFA of the MSBS confirmed that the original five-factor model showed good fit indices: CFI = .96; GFI = .94; SRMR = .05; and RMSEA = .06 [.05–.08]. Cronbach’s α for MSBS was 0.89 (95 % CI, 0.87–0.92), ranging from 0.75 to 0.83 for the 5 subscales. The MSBS showed a test-retest coefficient measured with an ICC of 0.90 (95 % CI, 0.88–0.92). The ICC for the 5 subscales ranged from 0.81 to 0.89. The MSBS showed a significant negative correlation with MAAS and a significant positive correlation with the GHQ (total score and subscales) and PANAS-Negative Affect. CONCLUSIONS: The Spanish version of the MSBS has been validated as a reliable instrument for measuring boredom in the general population. This study will facilitate the assessment of boredom for clinical and research purposes in Spanish-speaking populations