288 research outputs found

    Structural characterization of core Region in Erwinia amylovora lipopolysaccharide.

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    Erwinia amylovora (E. amylovora) is the first bacterial plant pathogen described and demonstrated to cause fire blight, a devastating plant disease affecting a wide range of species including a wide variety of Rosaceae. In this study, we reported the lipopolysaccharide (LPS) core structure from E. amylovora strain CFBP1430, the first one for an E. amylovora highly pathogenic strain. The chemical characterization was performed on the mutants waaL (lacking only the O-antigen LPS with a complete LPS-core), wabH and wabG (outer-LPS core mutants). The LPSs were isolated from dry cells and analyzed by means of chemical and spectroscopic methods. In particular, they were subjected to a mild acid hydrolysis and/or a hydrazinolysis and investigated in detail by one and two dimensional Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) spectroscopy and ElectroSpray Ionization Fourier Transform-Ion Cyclotron Resonance (ESI FT-ICR) mass spectrometry

    An unidentified cluster of infection in the Peruvian Amazon region

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    Introduction: Bartonella bacilliformis is the etiological agent of Carrion’s disease, which is a neglected disease linked to people in low-socioeconomic populations in Andean valleys. An outbreak of B. bacilliformis was reported in a rural area of the Peruvian Amazon region. The aim of this study was to characterize this outbreak using molecular techniques. Methodology: Fifty-three blood samples from patients diagnosed with Carrion’s disease were analyzed by molecular tools, using both a Bartonella-specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and an universal PCR, both based on 16S rRNA gene amplification. Additional water samples from the area were also analyzed. Results: Unexpectedly, the samples were positive only when the universal PCR was used. Although environmental contamination cannot be ruled out, the results showed that Sphingomonas faeni was the possible causative agent of this outbreak, and that water was the most feasible infection source. Conclusions: Diagnosis by clinical criteria or microscopy may lead to misdiagnosis. There is a need to include molecular tools in the routine diagnosis of febrile syndromes, including Carrion’s disease

    Miradas colectivas departamento de Cundinamarca, ciudad de Bogotá, localidades Rafael Uribe Uribe, San Cristóbal y Chapinero

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    Identificar como una familia puede ser afectada por el entorno en que se desarrolla, puede ser entendido desde la óptica que enseña el presente documento, más aún si se puede evidenciar la afectación directa que tienen los grupos familiares de la comunidad En las localidades Rafael Uribe Uribe, San Cristóbal y Chapinero de la ciudad de Bogotá, se caracterizó la población por medio de la aplicación de instrumentos de recolección de información, para indagar sobre el desarrollo psicosocial de las familias, su calidad de vida y los niveles de satisfacción tanto de su entorno directo, como al interior de su núcleo familiar; De igual forma, se aplicó la técnica participativa de árbol de problemas con el fin de reconocer los aspectos que inciden negativamente en las comunidades, al mismo tiempo que se identificaron las causas y efectos de dichas problemáticas, lo cual permitió llegar a conocer los fenómenos centrales y críticos dentro de la comunidades. En este ejercicio se evidenciaron problemáticas puntuales como el consumo, abuso y adicción a sustancias Psicoactivas en jóvenes, La Baja colaboración de padres de familia en el proceso educativo de sus hijos, la inestabilidad Socioeconómica de Madres Cabeza de Hogar y los bajos niveles de comunicación al interior de los sistemas familiares. Debido al hallazgo de estas problemáticas se vio la necesidad de realizar esta propuesta de acompañamiento donde lo que se pretende es planificar conjuntamente con las comunidades la creación de proyectos, definir objetivos y plantear sus respectivas estrategias para el cumplimento de los mismos y posteriormente presentar alternativas de solución a las problemáticas identificadas.Identifying how a family can be affected by the environment in which it is developed, can be understood from the perspective presented in this document, especially if it can be seen the direct involvement of the family groups in the community In the communities of Rafael Uribe Uribe, San Cristobal and Chapinero in the city of Bogotá, the population was characterized by the application of information gathering instruments, to investigate the psychosocial development of families, their quality of life and levels Satisfaction both in their direct environment and within their family nucleus; Likewise, the participatory problem tree technique was applied in order to recognize aspects that negatively affect communities, while identifying the causes and effects of these problems, which allowed us to get to know the central phenomena And critics within the communities. In this exercise, specific problems such as the consumption, abuse and addiction to psychoactive substances in young people, the low collaboration of parents in the educational process of their children and the socioeconomic instability of Mothers Head of Home were evidenced, and the low levels of communication within the family systems. Due to the finding of these problems, it was necessary to carry out this proposal of accompaniment where the intention is to plan jointly with the communities the creation of projects, define objectives and propose their respective strategies for the fulfillment of the same and then present alternatives of Solution to the problems identified

    Plan piloto de competencias laborales de capacitación y entrenamiento para la empresa Ibal S.A. E.S.P. – Oficial

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    Tabla 1. Guía para la encuesta abierta individual.La presente propuesta investigativa tiene como fin desarrollar una propuesta estratégica de gestión humana, basada en prácticas de alto rendimiento para mejorar las competencias laborales de capacitación y entrenamiento para la empresa IBAL SA. E.S. P – OFICIAL. Para cumplir con lo anterior, este trabajo utiliza una metodología cualitativa que requiere de un arqueo analítico bajo matrices prospectivas que se insertan en modelos de gestión inteligente. Por lo tanto, la recolección y análisis de los datos se utiliza un sistema prospectivo DOFA con el fin de destacar aquellos aspectos de mayor importancia para este estudio en términos de entrenamiento y capacitación. De esta manera, esta labor investigativa se orienta hacia el mejoramiento de las competencias laborales de capacitación y entrenamiento con el fin de satisfacer la necesidad existente en el personal del área de facturación y recaudo. Permitiendo que se logre mejorar la productividad y se reduzca el número de peticiones que se venían realizando a la entidad como consecuencias de las inconformidades. Por último, este trabajo ratifica que los procesos de capacitación y entrenamiento deben ser una constante en las empresas debido a que cualifica la labor de los empleados, al mismo tiempo que minimiza los errores y termina mejorando la percepción de los usuarios.The purpose of this research proposal is to develop a strategic proposal for human management, based on high-performance practices to improve training and training skills for the company IBAL SA. E.S. P – OFFICIAL. To comply with the above, this work uses a qualitative methodology that requires analytical oaring under prospective matrices that are inserted into intelligent management models. Therefore, data collection and analysis is used a prospective DOFA system in order to highlight those aspects of greatest importance for this study in terms of training and training. In this way, this research work is oriented towards improving training and training skills in order to meet the need in the staff of the billing and collection area. In this way, productivity is improved and the number of requests that had been made to the entity as a result of nonconformities is reduced. Finally, this work confirms that training and training processes must be a constant in companies because it qualifies employee work, while minimizing errors and improving user perception

    Identfication of viral and bacterial etiologic agents of the pertussis-like syndrome in children under 5 years old hospitalized

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    Background: Acute respiratory infections (ARIs) represent an important cause of morbidity and mortality in children, remaining a major public health concern, especially affecting children under 5 years old from low-income countries. Unfortunately, information regarding their epidemiology is still limited in Peru. Methods: A secondary data analysis was performed from a previous cross-sectional study conducted in children with a probable diagnosis of Pertussis from January 2010 to July 2012. All samples were analyzed via Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for the following etiologies: Influenza-A, Influenza-B, RSV-A, RSV-B, Adenovirus, Parainfluenza 1 virus, Parainfluenza 2 virus, Parainfluenza 3 virus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and Chlamydia pneumoniae. Results: A total of 288 patients were included. The most common pathogen isolated was Adenovirus (49%), followed by Bordetella pertussis (41%) from our previous investigation, the most prevelant microorganisms were Mycoplasma pneumonia (26%) and Influenza-B (19.8%). Coinfections were reported in 58% of samples and the most common association was found between B. pertussis and Adenovirus (12.2%). Conclusions: There was a high prevalence of Adenovirus, Mycoplasma pneumoniae and other etiologies in patients with a probable diagnosis of pertussis. Despite the presence of persistent cough lasting at least two weeks and other clinical characteristics highly suspicious of pertussis, secondary etiologies should be considered in children under 5 years-old in order to give a proper treatment.Revisión por pare

    Etiology, epidemiology and clinical characteristics of acute diarrhea in hospitalized children in rural Peru

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    Introduction: Diarrhea remains one of the main causes of morbidity and mortality in children under five years of age especially in low-income countries. In Peru, epidemiological reports about enteropathogens related to acute diarrhea are scarce in rural areas. The aim of this study was to describe the etiology, epidemiology, and clinical characteristics of the principal causes of acute infectious diarrhea in in a northern rural region of Peru. Methodology: A prospective study was conducted from January 2011 to December 2012 to describe the main pathogens causing acute diarrhea using PCR assay. Results: A total of 117 children diagnosed with acute diarrhea were included in the study. A single etiological agent was identified in 41.03% of samples, being rotavirus followed by norovirus and Shigella. Co-infections containing virus and bacteria were found in 22.22% of samples. Vomiting was most commonly found symptoms in 58.97% cases followed by fever (54.70%). Malnutrition was detected in 14.53% of the children. Conclusions: High prevalence of rotavirus, as well as adenovirus and norovirus, was observed in the present study. Shigella was the most common bacteria found in acute diarrhea in the area. The implementation of a better surveillance system is mandatory in order to identify the principal etiologies of gastroenteritis in the rural areas of Peru and to develop of better prevention strategies and reduce diarrhea-associated mortalities.Revisión por pare

    Bordetella pertussis diagnosis in children under five years of age in the Regional Hospital of Cajamarca, Northern Peru

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    Introduction: Bordetella pertussis is an important human pathogen that causes whooping cough (pertussis), an endemic illness responsible of significant morbidity and mortality, especially in infants and children. Worldwide, there are an estimated of 16 million cases of pertussis, resulting in about 195,000 child deaths per year. In Peru, pertussis is a major health problem that has been on the increase despite immunization efforts. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of B. pertussis among children under five years of age suspected to have whopping cough in Cajamarca, Peru. Methodology: Children diagnosed with whooping cough admitted to the Hospital Regional de Cajamarca from August 2010 to July 2013 were included. Nasopharyngeal samples were obtained for B. pertussis culture and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection. Results: In 133 children, the pertussis toxin and IS481 gene were detected in 38.35% (51/133) of the cases by PCR, while only 9.02% (12/133) of the Bordetella cultures were positive. The most frequent symptoms in patients with positive B. pertussis were paroxysm of coughing 68.63% (35/51), cyanosis 56.86% (29/51), respiratory distress 43.14% (22/51), and fever 39.22% (20/51). Pneumonia and acute bronchial obstructive syndrome were present in 17.65% (9/51) and 13.72% (7/51) of the cases, respectively. Conclusions: B. pertussis is responsible for an important proportion of whooping cough in hospitalized children in Cajamarca. Epidemiologic surveillance programs for B. pertussis are essential in Peru, especially in children who could most benefit from the vaccine.This work was partially supported by Sanofi Aventis del Peru. The authors thank Javier Vega for the language editin

    Precision health: A nursing perspective

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    Precision health refers to personalized healthcare based on a person's unique genetic, genomic, or omic composition within the context of lifestyle, social, economic, cultural and environmental influences to help individuals achieve well-being and optimal health. Precision health utilizes big data sets that combine omics (i.e. genomic sequence, protein, metabolite, and microbiome information) with clinical information and health outcomes to optimize disease diagnosis, treatment and prevention specific to each patient. Successful implementation of precision health requires interprofessional collaboration, community outreach efforts, and coordination of care, a mission that nurses are well-positioned to lead. Despite the surge of interest and attention to precision health, most nurses are not well-versed in precision health or its implications for the nursing profession. Based on a critical analysis of literature and expert opinions, this paper provides an overview of precision health and the importance of engaging the nursing profession for its implementation. Other topics reviewed in this paper include big data and omics, information science, integration of family health history in precision health, and nursing omics research in symptom science. The paper concludes with recommendations for nurse leaders in research, education, clinical practice, nursing administration and policy settings for which to develop strategic plans to implement precision health
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