14 research outputs found


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    The objective of this study was to elucidate adhesion property and the effect of cytotoxicity studies of Bifibobacterium in vitro. Bifidobacterium strains were isolated from milk and milk products, around twelve strains were isolated in which four strains were identified they are- Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium bifidum and Bifidobacterium infantis. The identification was done by morphological features and biochemical tests. The isolated strains were then assayed for the adherence and antitumor activities. The Bacteria showed good adherence pattern on the HT-29 cell lines and exhibited profound inhibitory activity on cancer cell lines (Human adeno -carcinoma cell lines)

    Brzi dokaz vrste Mycobacterium bovis u kliničkim uzorcima uporabom stanične linije THP-1.

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    The rapid isolation of M. bovis was attempted in THP-1 cells (Macrophage cell line). THP-1 cells infected with M. bovis showed characteristic cytopathic effect 48 hr after infection. The bacteria had grown very well in the first passage itself, without any blind passages in cell culture. The presence of bacteria in the cell culture fluid was confirmed by Ziehl-Neelsen staining and nested PCR amplification of insertion sequences.Brzo izdvajanje vrste Mycobacterium bovis pokušano je na staničnoj liniji makrofaga THP-1. Stanice THP-1 zaražene tom vrstom pokazivale su karakterističan citopatski učinak 48 sati nakon infekcije. Bakterije su se vrlo dobro razmnožavale već u prvoj pasaži bez potrebe za daljnjim uzgojem. Prisutnost bakterija u hranjivoj tekućini bila je potvrđena bojenjem po Ziehl-Nelseenu i umnožavanjem specifičnih sekvencija ugniježđenom lančanom reakcijom polimerazom

    Sustainable Waste-to-Energy Technologies: Bioelectrochemical Systems

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    The food industry produces a large amount of waste and wastewater, of which most of the constituents are carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and organic fibers. Therefore food wastes are highly biodegradable and energy rich. Bioelectrochemical systems (BESs) are systems that use microorganisms to biochemically catalyze complex substrates into useful energy products, in which the catalytic reactions take place on electrodes. Microbial fuel cells (MFCs) are a type of bioelectrochemical systems that oxidize substrates and generate electric current. Microbial electrolysis cells (MECs) are another type of bioelectrochemical systems that use an external power source to catalyze the substrate into by-products such as hydrogen gas, methane gas, or hydrogen peroxide. BESs are advantageous due to their ability to achieve a degree of substrate remediation while generating energy. This chapter presents an extensive literature review on the use of MFCs and MECs to remediate and recover energy from food industry waste. These bioelectrochemical systems are still in their infancy state and further research is needed to better understand the systems and optimize their performance. Major challenges and limitations for the use of BESs are summarized and future research needs are identified