23 research outputs found

    Impact of confinement and polarizability on dynamics of ionic liquids

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    Polarizability is a key factor when it comes to an accurate description of different ionic systems. The general importance of including polarizability into molecular dynamics simulations was shown in various recent studies for a wide range of materials, ranging from proteins to water to complex ionic liquids and for solid–liquid interfaces. While most previous studies focused on bulk properties or static structure factors, this study investigates in more detail the importance of polarizable surfaces on the dynamics of a confined ionic liquid in graphitic slit pores, as evident in modern electrochemical capacitors or in catalytic processes. A recently developed polarizable force field using Drude oscillators is modified in order to describe a particular room temperature ionic liquid accurately and in agreement with recently published experimental results. Using the modified parameters, various confinements are investigated and differences between non-polarizable and polarizable surfaces are discussed. Upon introduction of surface polarizability, changes in the dipole orientation and in the density distribution of the anions and cations at the interface are observed and are also accompanied with a dramatic increase in the molecular diffusivity in the contact layer. Our results thus clearly underline the importance of considering not only the polarizability of the ionic liquid but also that of the surface

    Water, not salt, causes most of the Seebeck effect of nonisothermal aqueous electrolytes

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    When two electrolyte-immersed electrodes have different temperatures, a voltage Δψ\Delta \psi can be measured between them. This electrolyte Seebeck effect is usually explained by cations and anions flowing differently in thermal gradients. However, our molecular dynamics simulations of aqueous electrolytes reveal a large temperature-dependent potential drop χ\chi near blocking electrodes caused by water layering and orientation. The difference in surface potentials at hot and cold electrodes is more important to the Seebeck effect than ionic thermodiffusion, Δψ∌χhot−χcold\Delta \psi \sim \chi_{\rm hot}-\chi_{\rm cold}.Comment: Main text: 6 pages with 3 figures. Supplemental material: 5 pages with 5 figure

    Integrating Explainability into Graph Neural Network Models for the Prediction of X-ray Absorption Spectra

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    The use of sophisticated machine learning (ML) models, such as graph neural networks (GNNs), to predict complex molecular properties or all kinds of spectra has grown rapidly. However, ensuring the interpretability of these models’ predictions remains a challenge. For example, a rigorous understanding of the predicted X-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) generated by such ML models requires an in-depth investigation of the respective black-box ML model used. Here, this is done for different GNNs based on a comprehensive, custom-generated XAS data set for small organic molecules. We show that a thorough analysis of the different ML models with respect to the local and global environments considered in each ML model is essential for the selection of an appropriate ML model that allows a robust XAS prediction. Moreover, we employ feature attribution to determine the respective contributions of various atoms in the molecules to the peaks observed in the XAS spectrum. By comparing this peak assignment to the core and virtual orbitals from the quantum chemical calculations underlying our data set, we demonstrate that it is possible to relate the atomic contributions via these orbitals to the XAS spectrum

    Integrating Explainability into Graph Neural Network Models for the Prediction of X-ray Absorption Spectra

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    The use of sophisticated machine learning (ML) models, such as graph neural networks (GNNs), to predict complex molecular properties or all kinds of spectra has grown rapidly. However, ensuring the interpretability of these models’ predictions remains a challenge. For example, a rigorous understanding of the predicted X-ray absorption spectrum (XAS) generated by such ML models requires an in-depth investigation of the respective black-box ML model used. Here, this is done for different GNNs based on a comprehensive, custom-generated XAS data set for small organic molecules. We show that a thorough analysis of the different ML models with respect to the local and global environments considered in each ML model is essential for the selection of an appropriate ML model that allows a robust XAS prediction. Moreover, we employ feature attribution to determine the respective contributions of various atoms in the molecules to the peaks observed in the XAS spectrum. By comparing this peak assignment to the core and virtual orbitals from the quantum chemical calculations underlying our data set, we demonstrate that it is possible to relate the atomic contributions via these orbitals to the XAS spectrum

    Reconstructing the infrared spectrum of a peptide from representative conformers of the full canonical ensemble

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    Leucine enkephalin (LeuEnk), a biologically active endogenous opioid pentapeptide, has been under intense investigation because it is small enough to allow efficient use of sophisticated computational methods and large enough to provide insights into low-lying minima of its conformational space. Here, we reproduce and interpret experimental infrared (IR) spectra of this model peptide in gas phase using a combination of replica-exchange molecular dynamics simulations, machine learning, and ab initio calculations. In particular, we evaluate the possibility of averaging representative structural contributions to obtain an accurate computed spectrum that accounts for the corresponding canonical ensemble of the real experimental situation. Representative conformers are identified by partitioning the conformational phase space into subensembles of similar conformers. The IR contribution of each representative conformer is calculated from ab initio and weighted according to the population of each cluster. Convergence of the averaged IR signal is rationalized by merging contributions in a hierarchical clustering and the comparison to IR multiple photon dissociation experiments. The improvements achieved by decomposing clusters containing similar conformations into even smaller subensembles is strong evidence that a thorough assessment of the conformational landscape and the associated hydrogen bonding is a prerequisite for deciphering important fingerprints in experimental spectroscopic data.</p

    Photography-based taxonomy is inadequate, unnecessary, and potentially harmful for biological sciences

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    The question whether taxonomic descriptions naming new animal species without type specimen(s) deposited in collections should be accepted for publication by scientific journals and allowed by the Code has already been discussed in Zootaxa (Dubois & NemĂ©sio 2007; Donegan 2008, 2009; NemĂ©sio 2009a–b; Dubois 2009; Gentile & Snell 2009; Minelli 2009; Cianferoni & Bartolozzi 2016; Amorim et al. 2016). This question was again raised in a letter supported by 35 signatories published in the journal Nature (Pape et al. 2016) on 15 September 2016. On 25 September 2016, the following rebuttal (strictly limited to 300 words as per the editorial rules of Nature) was submitted to Nature, which on 18 October 2016 refused to publish it. As we think this problem is a very important one for zoological taxonomy, this text is published here exactly as submitted to Nature, followed by the list of the 493 taxonomists and collection-based researchers who signed it in the short time span from 20 September to 6 October 2016

    Osmotic Transport at the Aqueous Graphene and hBN Interfaces: Scaling Laws from a Unified, First-Principles Description

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    Osmotic transport in nanoconfined aqueous electrolytes provides alternative venues for water desalination and “blue energy” harvesting. The osmotic response of nanofluidic systems is controlled by the interfacial structure of water and electrolyte solutions in the so-called electrical double layer (EDL), but a molecular-level picture of the EDL is to a large extent still lacking. Particularly, the role of the electronic structure has not been considered in the description of electrolyte/surface interactions. Here, we report enhanced sampling simulations based on ab initio molecular dynamics, aiming at unravelling the free energy of prototypical ions adsorbed at the aqueous graphene and hBN interfaces, and its consequences on nanofluidic osmotic transport. Specifically, we predicted the zeta potential, the diffusio-osmotic mobility, and the diffusio-osmotic conductivity for a wide range of salt concentrations from the ab initio water and ion spatial distributions through an analytical framework based on Stokes equation and a modified Poisson–Boltzmann equation. We observed concentration-dependent scaling laws, together with dramatic differences in osmotic transport between the two interfaces, including diffusio-osmotic flow and current reversal on hBN but not on graphene. We could rationalize the results for the three osmotic responses with a simple model based on characteristic length scales for ion and water adsorption at the surface, which are quite different on graphene and on hBN. Our work provides fundamental insights into the structure and osmotic transport of aqueous electrolytes on 2D materials and explores alternative pathways for efficient water desalination and osmotic energy conversion