61 research outputs found

    A capability perspective on sustainable employability:A Dutch focus group study on organizational, work and personal conversion factors

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    Objective In the field of work, there is a shift towards more value-based approaches to study the sustainable employability of the present-day worker. The capability approach offers a value based and innovative conceptualisation and framework of sustainable employability characterized by contextuality, normativity and diversity. The capabilities of Dutch employees have been established and validated, yet it is not known which conversion factors on a personal, work and organizational level enable employees to achieve value in work in different Dutch occupational sectors. Methods Our qualitative approach included seven focus groups in different occupational sectors including elderly care, higher education, insurance work, facility management and the oil-, car- and chemical industry. Each focus group included 5–11 participants and took approximately one and a half hour. A qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the data, by combining deductive and inductive coding respectively. Deductive coding involved assigning themes to the conversion of resources into capabilities at the organizational, work and personal level. Results On the organizational conversion level, important themes were cultural aspects, power relations, shortage of personnel and policies for self-management. On the work conversion level, social contacts, communication and workload, tasks and schedules were identified. Social contacts were described as a work value in itself, but also conditional for achieving other work values. On the personal conversion level, experienced work stress, motivation and the ability to achieve values informally within the company. Conclusion From our findings it follows that focus groups are sensitive to identify conversion factors on all three levels of conversion. In addition, companies and their employees might effectively increase work capabilities by being sensitive to all three conversion levels simultaneously. Further research is necessary to study the effect of a capability-based intervention at the work floor

    A biological question and a balanced (orthogonal) design: the ingredients to efficiently analyze two-color microarrays with Confirmatory Factor Analysis

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    BACKGROUND: Factor analysis (FA) has been widely applied in microarray studies as a data-reduction-tool without any a-priori assumption regarding associations between observed data and latent structure (Exploratory Factor Analysis). A disadvantage is that the representation of data in a reduced set of dimensions can be difficult to interpret, as biological contrasts do not necessarily coincide with single dimensions. However, FA can also be applied as an instrument to confirm what is expected on the basis of pre-established hypotheses (Confirmatory Factor Analysis, CFA). We show that with a hypothesis incorporated in a balanced (orthogonal) design, including 'SelfSelf' hybridizations, dye swaps and independent replications, FA can be used to identify the latent factors underlying the correlation structure among the observed two-color microarray data. An orthogonal design will reflect the principal components associated with each experimental factor. We applied CFA to a microarray study performed to investigate cisplatin resistance in four ovarian cancer cell lines, which only differ in their degree of cisplatin resistance. RESULTS: Two latent factors, coinciding with principal components, representing the differences in cisplatin resistance between the four ovarian cancer cell lines were easily identified. From these two factors 315 genes associated with cisplatin resistance were selected, 199 genes from the first factor (False Discovery Rate (FDR): 19%) and 152 (FDR: 24%) from the second factor, while both gene sets shared 36. The differential expression of 16 genes was validated with reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction. CONCLUSION: Our results show that FA is an efficient method to analyze two-color microarray data provided that there is a pre-defined hypothesis reflected in an orthogonal design

    Effectiveness of life skills training on increasing self-esteem of high school students

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    AbstractObjective This study designed to investigate effectiveness of training life skills on adolescents’ students. Method This study is a pseudo-experimental study which accomplished on 160 students in Karaj city. Subjects of the study selected randomly from list of students in all of the schools of Karaj; then they divided randomly in two groups. Trained counsellors taught the life skills to students of the study group, and 80 reminder subjects assigned as control group. After educating the training program, subjects administered Cooper Smith self-esteem questionnaire (58-items version). Results Findings of the study indicated that life skills training lead to significant increase of self-esteem in study group in contrast to control group subjects. Conclusion Psycho education and mental health programs such as life skills training could cause to increase the necessary skills in students and decline school and educational problems

    The global naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database

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    This dataset provides the Global Naturalized Alien Flora (GloNAF) database, ver-sion 1.2. Glo NAF represents a data compendium on th e occurrence and identit y of naturalizedalien vascular plant taxa across geographic regions (e.g. countries, states, provinces, districts,islands) around the globe. The dataset includes 13,939 taxa and covers 1,029 regions (including381 islands). The dataset is based on 210 data sources. For each ta x on-b y-region combination, wepr ovide information on whether the tax on is consider ed to be naturalized in the specific region(i.e. has established self-sustaining popula tions in the wild). Non-native taxa are marked as“alien”, when it is not clear whether they are naturalized. To facilitate alignment with other plantdatabases, we pro v ide f or each taxon the name as given in the original data source and the stan-dardized taxon and family names used by The Plant List Version 1.1 (http://www.theplantlist.org/). We pro vide an ESRI shapefile including polygons f or each region and informa tion on whetherit is an island or a mainland region, the country and the Taxonomic Databases Working Group(TDWG) regions it is part of (TDWG levels 1–4). We also provide several variables that can beused to filter the data according to quality and completeness of alien taxon lists, which varyamong the combinations of regions and da ta sources. A pre vious version of the GloNAF dataset(version 1.1) has already been used in several studies on, for example, historical spatial flows oftaxa between continents and geographical patterns and determinants of naturalization across dif-ferent taxonomic groups. We intend the updated and expanded GloNAF version presented hereto be a global resource useful for studying plant inv asions and changes in biodiversity from regio-nal to global scales. We release these data into the public domain under a Crea ti ve CommonsZer o license waiver (https://creati v ecommons.org/share-y our -work/public-domain/cc0/). Wheny ou use the da ta in your publication, we request that y ou cite this da ta paper. If GloN AF is amajor part of the data analyzed in your study, you should consider inviting the GloNAF coreteam (see Metadata S1: Originators in the Overall project description) as collaborators. If youplan to use the GloNAF dataset, we encourage y ou to contact the GloNAF core team to checkwhether there have been recent updates of the dataset, and whether similar analyses are already ongoing

    Unraveling the Regulatory Mechanisms Underlying Tissue-Dependent Genetic Variation of Gene Expression

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    It is known that genetic variants can affect gene expression, but it is not yet completely clear through what mechanisms genetic variation mediate this expression. We therefore compared the cis-effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) on gene expression between blood samples from 1,240 human subjects and four primary non-blood tissues (liver, subcutaneous, and visceral adipose tissue and skeletal muscle) from 85 subjects. We characterized four different mechanisms for 2,072 probes that show tissue-dependent genetic regulation between blood and non-blood tissues: on average 33.2% only showed cis-regulation in non-blood tissues; 14.5% of the eQTL probes were regulated by different, independent SNPs depending on the tissue of investigation. 47.9% showed a different effect size although they were regulated by the same SNPs. Surprisingly, we observed that 4.4% were regulated by the same SNP but with opposite allelic direction. We show here that SNPs that are located in transcriptional regulatory elements are enriched for tissue-dependent regulation, including SNPs at 3′ and 5′ untranslated regions (P = 1.84×10−5 and 4.7×10−4, respectively) and SNPs that are synonymous-coding (P = 9.9×10−4). SNPs that are associated with complex traits more often exert a tissue-dependent effect on gene expression (P = 2.6×10−10). Our study yields new insights into the genetic basis of tissue-dependent expression and suggests that complex trait associated genetic variants have even more complex regulatory effects than previously anticipated