35 research outputs found

    Repoblación de Terrenos Agrícolas (15 ha) para la Producción de Madera de Calidad en el Término Municipal de Dueñas (Palencia)

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    Con este proyecto se pretende cambiar el uso de un terreno agrícola para la obtención de madera de calidad, ya que los elevados precios que alcanzan estas maderas en el mercado, las hacen una alternativa interesante a cualquier otro aprovechamiento a largo plazo. La especie propuesta a emplear es el fresno (Fraxinus angustifolia), su madera presenta una alta flexibilidad y resistencia ideal para la fabricación de material deportivo, ebanistería…etc.Grado en Ingeniería Forestal y del Medio Natura

    Influence of Food Matrices and the Population of Interfering Microorganisms on the Determination of Listeria monocytogenes by Conventional Methods and VIDAS

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    In this study, the possible influence of the food matrix and the interfering population of microorganisms on the detection and count of Listeria monocytogenes in three common foods of the Spanish diet (Spanish omelette, fresh cheese and vegetable salad) was determined. Four groups were assayed: one control, two groups with interfering microorganisms (Salmonella Enteritidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Proteus mirabilis) with different levels of L. monocytogenes and a final group only contaminated with L. monocytogenes. The samples were analyzed with the normalized method (UNE-EN ISO 11290:2018) and with an alternative technique (VIDAS). The results show that the presence of interfering microorganisms did not seem to interfere with the determination of L. monocytogenes. Furthermore, the type of food did not seem to influence the determination of L. monocytogenes, but the culture media used showed differences. In fact, regardless of the type of food, the ALOA medium showed higher sensitivity than the other media, with higher recovery in 100% of samples (only for the Spanish omelette in Group B was the result the same as that for PALCAM, −8.11 log cfu/g). The results obtained using the VIDAS were not influenced by any of the factors or conditions used and show 100% efficiency


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    Actualmente, en países occidentales la dieta se caracteriza por el consumo elevado de alimentos refinados con alto aporte energético, relacionado con el incremento alarmante de enfermedades crónicas degenerativas. En México, los casos de diabetes e hipertensión son cada vez más comunes a temprana edad; además poseemos el primer lugar mundial en obesidad infantil y el segundo en adultos. La prevención y atención temprana de estas enfermedades es clave para disminuir los casos, y conocer el estado de salud de una población constituye parte de la estrategia de prevención. En la Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición (ENSANUT) 2012, se reporta que un alto porcentaje de los mexicanos no conoce su condición general de salud, por ejemplo: solamente el 50% de la población conoce sus niveles de colesterol en sangre. Por otro lado, sólo el 30% de los hogares mexicanos cuentan con condiciones de seguridad alimentaria y aún prevalecen enfermedades infecciosas diarreicas y respiratorias agudas. En el presente escrito se presenta un análisis de los datos más recientes del estado de salud en México, incluyendo aspectos de inseguridad alimentaria y mostrando alternativas basadas en la modificación de hábitos alimenticios para prevenir y disminuir la presencia de enfermedades crónicas degenerativas. ABSTRACT Nowadays, the diets in occidental countries are characterized by a high intake of refined and high-energy foods, which are directly related to an increase in incidence and prevalence of chronic degenerative diseases. In Mexico, early-age diabetes and hypertension incidence are increasing markedly; furthermore we have the first position in childhood obesity and the second place in adults worldwide. Prevention and early attention of chronic degenerative diseases is the key to diminish the number of cases, and knowing any population’s health status is important to reach this objective. In Mexico, in the National Health and Nutrition Survey (ENSANUT) 2012, has reported that a high percentage of the population does not know their general health condition, for example: only 50% of the people know their cholesterol levels. Moreover, only 30% of Mexican families have conditions of food security and acute diarrheal and respiratory diseases still prevail. In this report, we present an analysis about the most recent health status and food insecurity data in Mexico, and we show some alternatives based in food habits modification mainly, to decrease the high rate of chronic degenerative diseases

    Morphological and Physicochemical Characterization of Agglomerates of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles in Cell Culture Media

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    Titanium dioxide nanoparticles (TiO2 NP) are possible carcinogenic materials (2B-IARC) and their toxicity depends on shape, size, and electrical charge of primary NP and on the system formed by NP media. The aim of this work was to characterize agglomerates of three TiO2 NP by evaluating their morphometry, stability, and zeta potential (ζ) in liquid media and their changes with time. Sizes of agglomerates by dynamic light scattering (DLS) resulted to be 10–50 times larger than those obtained by digital image analysis (DIA) given the charged zone around particles. Fractal dimension (FD) was highest for agglomerates of spheres and belts in F12K, and in E171 in FBS media. E171 and belts increased FD with time. At time zero, using water as dispersant FD was larger for agglomerates of spheres than for of E171. Belts suspended in water had the smallest values of circularity (Ci) which was approximately unchanged with time. All dispersions had ζ values around −30 mV at physiological pH (7.4) and dispersions of NP in water and FBS showed maximum stability (Turbiscan Lab analysis). Results help in understanding the complex NP geometry-size-stability relationships when performing in vivo and in vitro environmental-toxicity works and help in supporting decisions on the usage of TiO2 NP

    Holoprosencefalia Alobar. Reporte de un caso

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    The congenital brain disorder called holoprosencephaly is defined by insufficient division of the cerebral hemispheres during early fetal development. This causes the brain to grow incompletely or partially, which can lead to various facial abnormalities, as well as cognitive and neurodevelopmental problems. Holoprosencephaly can range in intensity from mild cases with barely noticeable facial features to severe cases that make life impossible. Case presentation: it was a 28-year-old patient with a direct family history of chromosomopathy, who presented a product with Alobar Holoprosencephaly at 13.1 weeks of gestation, which is why, through mutual informed consent between physicians and family members, they decided to perform abortus modus partus.; Among the findings, a product with a severe defect in the cranial cellar was found. The patient remained for 48 hours and was discharged in good clinical and post-surgical condition. It is concluded that, based on the evidence, prenatal exposure to specific toxins, viral diseases, and genetic abnormalities are risk factors for holoprosencephaly and that, depending on the severity, they can be treated with surgery, occupational therapy, and other medical and social treatments.El trastorno cerebral congénito llamado holoprosencefalia se define por una división insuficiente de los hemisferios cerebrales durante el desarrollo fetal temprano. Esto hace que el cerebro crezca de forma incompleta o parcial, lo que puede provocar diversas anomalías faciales, así como problemas cognitivos y de neurodesarrollo. La holoprosencefalia puede variar en intensidad, desde casos leves con rasgos faciales apenas perceptibles hasta casos graves que imposibilitan la vida. Presentación de caso: se trató de una paciente de 28 años con antecedente familiar directo de cromosomopatía, que presento producto con Holoprosencefalia Alobar a las 13.1 semanas de gestación motivo por el cual mediante consentimiento informado mutuo entre galenos y familiares deciden realizar abortus modus partus; dentro de los hallazgos se encontró producto con defecto severo de la bodega craneal. La paciente permaneció durante 48horas y fue dada el alta en buenas condiciones clínicas y postquirúrgicas. Se concluye que en base a la evidencia la exposición prenatal a toxinas específicas, las enfermedades víricas y las anomalías genéticas son factores de riesgo de holoprosencefalia y que dependiendo de la gravedad pueden ser tratadas con cirugía, terapia ocupacional y otros tratamientos médicos y sociales


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    The identity of a territory is built day by day and is reflected through its history via expression of culture and language. Therefore, linguistic-cultural preservation represents a pillar for the nation's own identity. However, facts coexist contrary to good cultural policies that protect the native and national identity: the invasion and dissemination of globalized foreign cultures and a polluting lexicon for Spanish. Other ―ungrammatical― linguistic phenomena are added, supported by a certain “fashionable stereotyped language”. Unfortunately, great responsibility for this falls on the mass media, where professionals who use this type of language that permeates and echoes in society work; it is observed, even, in the scientific, academic language used by teachers. This can be confirmed orally and in documents written by professors from the Villa Clara University of Medical Sciences, Cuba. Consequently, to face and reverse this situation, the present study was carried out, whose objective is to defend the norms and principles of the language for the preservation of linguistic identity in the academy. Methodologically, it constitutes a qualitative, descriptive and synchronous study, which covers from 2019 to the first semester of 2022. The textual sample was made up of 12 papers belonging to professors of different specialties belonging to the aforementioned university. Significant data taken from orality was also recorded. The theoretical analysis-synthesis and induction-deduction methods were used, as they were significant in the process; in addition to the empirical methods of observation and documentary review to discover and accumulate the necessary data. An essential aspect was the systematic observation and recording of the language used by professionals who carry out their work in different mass media. In the results, 216 facts were collected that constitute insufficiencies in the language of the university students participating in the research ―138 of them fall on the orality (63%), while 78, on the writing (36%)―. This is because oral language is spontaneous, fast and situational, while writing is more exposed to revision and correction. An unavoidable conclusion: in the phenomena shown, it is verified how permeated the deficiencies are in the language of these teachers, as well as the influence exerted by the mass media on the events described.La identidad de un territorio se cimenta día a día y se ve reflejada a través de su historia mediante la expresión de cultura y lenguaje. Por tanto, la preservación lingüístico-cultural representa un pilar para la propia identidad de la nación. Sin embargo, coexisten hechos contrarios a las buenas políticas culturales que protegen lo autóctono y la identidad nacional: la invasión y divulgación de culturas foráneas globalizadas, así como la penetración de un léxico contaminante para la lengua materna. Se suman otros fenómenos lingüísticos ―agramaticales―, sustentados por cierto “lenguaje estereotipado de moda”. Penosamente, gran responsabilidad de ello recae en los medios de comunicación masiva, donde se desempeñan profesionales que utilizan ese tipo de lenguaje, el cual se impregna y se hace eco en la sociedad; inclusive, en el ámbito científico, académico. Esto puede constatarse en la oralidad y en documentos escritos por profesores de la Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Villa Clara, Cuba. Consecuentemente, para afrontar y revertir esta situación, se realizó el presente estudio cuyo objetivo fue defender las normas y principios del idioma para la preservación de la identidad lingüística en la academia. Metodológicamente, constituye un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo y sincrónico, el cual se enmarca entre 2019 y primer semestre de 2022. La muestra textual estuvo integrada por 12 ponencias pertenecientes a profesores de distintas especialidades impartidas en la universidad mencionada. También se registraron datos significativos tomados de la oralidad. Se emplearon los métodos teóricos análisis-síntesis e inducción-deducción, por ser significativos en el proceso, además, los métodos empíricos de observación y revisión documental para descubrir y acumular los datos necesarios. Un aspecto indispensable fue la observación y registro sistemático del lenguaje utilizado por periodistas y profesionales que desempeñan su labor en distintos medios de difusión masiva. En los resultados se recogieron 216 hechos que constituyen insuficiencias en el lenguaje de los universitarios participantes en la investigación ―138 de ellos recaen en el plano oral (63%), mientras 78, en la escritura (36%)―. Ello se debe a que el lenguaje oral es espontáneo, rápido y situacional, mientras que la escritura está más expuesta a la revisión y corrección. Una conclusión insoslayable: en los fenómenos mostrados se constata lo permeado de carencias en que se encuentra el lenguaje de dichos docentes, así como la influencia ejercida por los medios de difusión masiva en los hechos descritos

    Organotypic 3D Cell-Architecture Impacts the Expression Pattern of miRNAs–mRNAs Network in Breast Cancer SKBR3 Cells

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    Background. Currently, most of the research on breast cancer has been carried out in conventional two-dimensional (2D) cell cultures due to its practical benefits, however, the three-dimensional (3D) cell culture is becoming the model of choice in cancer research because it allows cell–cell and cell–extracellular matrix (ECM) interactions, mimicking the native microenvironment of tumors in vivo. Methods. In this work, we evaluated the effect of 3D cell organization on the expression pattern of miRNAs (by Small-RNAseq) and mRNAs (by microarrays) in the breast cancer SKBR3 cell line and analyzed the biological processes and signaling pathways regulated by the differentially expressed protein-coding genes (DE-mRNAs) and miRNAs (DE-microRNAs) found in the organoids. Results. We obtained well-defined cell-aggregated organoids with a grape cluster-like morphology with a size up to 9.2 × 105 μm3. The transcriptomic assays showed that cell growth in organoids significantly affected (all p < 0.01) the gene expression patterns of both miRNAs, and mRNAs, finding 20 upregulated and 19 downregulated DE-microRNAs, as well as 49 upregulated and 123 downregulated DE-mRNAs. In silico analysis showed that a subset of 11 upregulated DE-microRNAs target 70 downregulated DE-mRNAs. These genes are involved in 150 gene ontology (GO) biological processes such as regulation of cell morphogenesis, regulation of cell shape, regulation of canonical Wnt signaling pathway, morphogenesis of epithelium, regulation of cytoskeleton organization, as well as in the MAPK and AGE–RAGE signaling KEGG-pathways. Interestingly, hsa-mir-122-5p (Fold Change (FC) = 15.4), hsa-mir-369-3p (FC = 11.4), and hsa-mir-10b-5p (FC = 20.1) regulated up to 81% of the 70 downregulated DE-mRNAs. Conclusion. The organotypic 3D cell-organization architecture of breast cancer SKBR3 cells impacts the expression pattern of the miRNAs–mRNAs network mainly through overexpression of hsa-mir-122-5p, hsa-mir-369-3p, and hsa-mir-10b-5p. All these findings suggest that the interaction between cell–cell and cell–ECM as well as the change in the culture architecture impacts gene expression, and, therefore, support the pertinence of migrating breast cancer research from conventional cultures to 3D models

    Biofunctionalization of hydrogel-based scaffolds for vascular tissue regeneration

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    Congenital and acquired tissular losses due to disease or trauma are a major world health problem. Regenerative therapy aims to fix damaged tissues by directing the natural capacity of a host organism to use biofunctionalized artificial tissue scaffolds. These three-dimensional (3D) scaffolds can be customized with cells and/or bioactive molecules to induce cellular homing and angiogenesis, essential to ensure successful tissue regeneration. Hydrogels (HGs) scaffolds are networks of hydrophilic homopolymers, copolymers, and/or macromers with chemical and biological activities that enhance their cell colonization. The use of HGs in regenerative medicine has shown to be advantageous since HGs can be prepared under clinical-grade conditions and tailored to the specific needs of the replaced tissue. They can be made to emulate native extracellular matrices (ECMs) including physical, mechanical, and chemical cues and resilience properties. These customized HGs can reproduce the natural hygroscopic capacity of the original tissue which improves cellular anchoring, nutrition, and waste disposal. They can enable host molecular and cellular modification conducive to a natural cellular microenvironment, modifying the properties of the scaffold, and improving chemotaxis, cell adhesion, migration, proliferation, differentiation, and angiogenesis; HGs can be created and biofunctionalized with linked growth factors and synthetic peptides tailored to positively influence scaffold colonization and functional biocompatibility. This review aims to collect the most relevant information regarding biofunctionalization of HGs used for vascular tissue regeneration, their biological effects, and their clinical implications. While most biofunctionalized HGs are still under investigation, some of them have been studied in vitro, ex vivo, and in vivo with promising results. In this regard, in vivo studies have shown that biofunctionalized scaffolds with peptides such as chitosan hydrogel with LL-37 promotes angiogenesis and healing of pressure ulcers. Also, the GHK tripeptide is widely used in trials focused on guided tissue remodeling


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    With the emergence of COVID-19, the educational community has needed to incorporate new methodological approaches to face the new forms of teaching required by the pandemic scenario. One of these approaches is gamification, which implies introducing educational content in a playful way. In Higher Education, gamification must have a level of complexity that the most popular programs can't provide. Mentimeter is a program that is based on an online audience software and allows a wide range of questions and questionnaires significantly suitable for the educational level analysed. It facilitates the active learning of students, increasing their attention, commitment and motivation, thus allowing the student to be the centre of the teaching-learning process. This article analyses the use of Mentimeter in a wide range of classes of various university disciplines and reviews its theoretical and practical potential for the improvement of teaching-learning processes, the acquisition of knowledge by students and the use of new teaching methodologies.Con la irrupción de la COVID-19, la comunidad educativa necesitado incorporar nuevos enfoques metodológicos para enfrentarse a las formas de docencia que ha requerido el escenario de pandemia. Uno de estos enfoques es la gamificación (introducir contenidos educativos de manera lúdica). En la Educación Superior, la gamificación ha de tener un nivel de complejidad que los programas más conocidos no tienen. Mentimeter es un programa que parte de un software de audiencia en línea y permite elaborar preguntas y cuestionarios muy adecuados para los niveles de educación analizados. Facilita el aprendizaje activo del alumnado, aumentando su atención, compromiso y motivación, permitiendo con ello que el/la estudiante sea el centro del proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. El presente artículo analiza el uso de Mentimeter en un conjunto amplio de clases de diversas disciplinas universitarias y revisa su potencialidad teórico-práctica para la mejora de los procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje, la adquisición de conocimiento por parte del alumnado y el uso de nuevas metodologías docentes.Com o surgimento do COVID-19, a comunidade educacional precisou incorporar novas abordagens metodológicas para enfrentar as formas de ensino que o cenário pandêmico tem exigido. Uma dessas abordagens é a gamificação (introdução de conteúdo educacional de forma lúdica). No Ensino Superior, a gamificação deve ter um nível de complexidade que os programas mais populares não possuem. O Mentimeter é um programa que parte de um software de audiência online e permite a elaboração de questões e questionários muito adequados aos níveis de ensino analisados. Facilita a aprendizagem ativa dos alunos, aumentando sua atenção, comprometimento e motivação, permitindo assim que o aluno seja o centro do processo ensino-aprendizagem. Este artigo analisa a utilização do Mentimeter em um amplo conjunto de turmas de diversas disciplinas universitárias e revisa seu potencial teórico-prático para a melhoria dos processos de ensino-aprendizagem, a aquisição de conhecimentos pelos alunos e a utilização de novas metodologias docentes

    Ciencia Odontológica 2.0

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    Libro que muestra avances de la Investigación Odontológica en MéxicoEs para los integrantes de la Red de Investigación en Estomatología (RIE) una enorme alegría presentar el segundo de una serie de 6 libros sobre casos clínicos, revisiones de la literatura e investigaciones. La RIE está integrada por cuerpos académicos de la UAEH, UAEM, UAC y UdeG