1,894 research outputs found

    Understanding current retrofit practices to prevent the unintended consequences affecting IEQ and health

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    The climate crisis demands an urgent societal shift, and the UK government has responded with a strong policy targeting energy retrofit to improve the energy performance of homes to achieve the net zero target by 2050. However, research has shown that standard retrofit measures have resulted in undesirable unintended consequences. Incorrect interventions such as using incompatible materials can affect the equilibrium of the building, increasing the risk of surface and interstitial condensation due to excessive humidity levels. Mould growth may develop under high levels of humidity, damaging the building fabric but also posing a risk to the occupants; it has been linked to asthma exacerbation and other respiratory infections. Therefore, what is needed is a well-integrated retrofit approach that not only reduces energy use but protects the building and the health and well-being of its occupants. This paper discusses the retrofit practices, the main challenges that retrofit practitioners face in the UK, and which guidance and tools they work with through the lens of the impact on occupants. A deeper understanding of the current practices is needed if those unintended consequences are to be avoided. For instance, replacing a 'fabric-first' mindset with a 'people-first' approach that considers more factors like the causes of thermal discomfort, and the gains to be made from passive and adaptive comfort approaches, could contribute to deliverer energy and carbon savings and increased building's indoor environment quality and usability justified

    Real-Time Impedance Monitoring of Epithelial Cultures with Inkjet-Printed Interdigitated-Electrode Sensors

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    From electronic devices to large-area electronics, from individual cells to skin substitutes, printing techniques are providing compelling applications in wide-ranging fields. Research has thus fueled the vision of a hybrid, printing platform to fabricate sensors/electronics and living engineered tissues simultaneously. Following this interest, we have fabricated interdigitated-electrode sensors (IDEs) by inkjet printing to monitor epithelial cell cultures. We have fabricated IDEs using flexible substrates with silver nanoparticles as a conductive element and SU-8 as the passivation layer. Our sensors are cytocompatible, have a topography that simulates microgrooves of 300 µm width and ~4 µm depth, and can be reused for cellular studies without detrimental in the electrical performance. To test the inkjet-printed sensors and demonstrate their potential use for monitoring laboratory-growth skin tissues, we have developed a real-time system and monitored label-free proliferation, migration, and detachment of keratinocytes by impedance spectroscopy. We have found that variations in the impedance correlate linearly to cell densities initially seeded and that the main component influencing the total impedance is the isolated effect of the cell membranes. Results obtained show that impedance can track cellular migration over the surface of the sensors, exhibiting a linear relationship with the standard method of image processing. Our results provide a useful approach for non-destructive in-situ monitoring of processes related to both in vitro epidermal models and wound healing with low-cost ink-jetted sensors. This type of flexible sensor as well as the impedance method are promising for the envisioned hybrid technology of 3D-bioprinted smart skin substitutes with built-in electronics.The work by D.M.-M. has been performed in the frame of an FPU Program, FPU015/06208, and a Mobility Fellows Program, both granted by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports. This work has been funded by the Comunidad de Madrid under the grant BIOPIELTEC-CM (P2018/BAA-4480) and the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación under the grant PARAQUA (TEC2017-86271-R)

    Exact solutions of a restricted ballistic deposition model on a one-dimensional staircase

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    Surface structure of a restricted ballistic deposition(RBD) model is examined on a one-dimensional staircase with free boundary conditions. In this model, particles can be deposited only at the steps of the staircase. We set up recurrence relations for the surface fluctuation width WW using generating function method. Steady-state solutions are obtained exactly given system size LL. In the infinite-size limit, WW diverges as LαL^\alpha with the scaling exponent α=12\alpha=\frac{1}{2}. The dynamic exponent β\beta (Wtβ)(W\sim t^\beta) is also found to be 12\frac{1}{2} by solving the recurrence relations numerically. This model can be viewed as a simple variant of the model which belongs to the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang (KPZ) universality class (αKPZ=12,βKPZ=13)(\alpha_{KPZ}= \frac{1}{2} , \beta_{KPZ}=\frac{1}{3}). Comparing its deposition time scale with that of the single-step model, we argue that β\beta must be the same as βKPZ/(1βKPZ)\beta_{KPZ}/(1-\beta_{KPZ}), which is consistent with our finding.Comment: 19 pages, REVTEX, 5 figures upon request, INHA-PHYS-94-00

    Imaging Inflammation - From Whole Body Imaging to Cellular Resolution

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    Imaging techniques have evolved impressively lately, allowing whole new concepts like multimodal imaging, personal medicine, theranostic therapies, and molecular imaging to increase general awareness of possiblities of imaging to medicine field. Here, we have collected the selected (3D) imaging modalities and evaluated the recent findings on preclinical and clinical inflammation imaging. The focus has been on the feasibility of imaging to aid in inflammation precision medicine, and the key challenges and opportunities of the imaging modalities are presented. Some examples of the current usage in clinics/close to clinics have been brought out as an example. This review evaluates the future prospects of the imaging technologies for clinical applications in precision medicine from the pre-clinical development point of view

    A Cross-Sectional Study of People with Epilepsy and Neurocysticercosis in Tanzania: Clinical Characteristics and Diagnostic Approaches.

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    Neurocysticercosis (NCC) is a major cause of epilepsy in regions where pigs are free-ranging and hygiene is poor. Pork production is expected to increase in the next decade in sub-Saharan Africa, hence NCC will likely become more prevalent. In this study, people with epilepsy (PWE, n=212) were followed up 28.6 months after diagnosis of epilepsy. CT scans were performed, and serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of selected PWE were analysed. We compared the demographic data, clinical characteristics, and associated risk factors of PWE with and without NCC. PWE with NCC (n=35) were more likely to be older at first seizure (24.3 vs. 16.3 years, p=0.097), consumed more pork (97.1% vs. 73.6%, p=0.001), and were more often a member of the Iraqw tribe (94.3% vs. 67.8%, p=0.005) than PWE without NCC (n=177). PWE and NCC who were compliant with anti-epileptic medications had a significantly higher reduction of seizures (98.6% vs. 89.2%, p=0.046). Other characteristics such as gender, seizure frequency, compliance, past medical history, close contact with pigs, use of latrines and family history of seizures did not differ significantly between the two groups. The number of NCC lesions and active NCC lesions were significantly associated with a positive antibody result. The electroimmunotransfer blot, developed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, was more sensitive than a commercial western blot, especially in PWE and cerebral calcifications. This is the first study to systematically compare the clinical characteristics of PWE due to NCC or other causes and to explore the utility of two different antibody tests for diagnosis of NCC in sub-Saharan Africa

    When Do Like Charges Attract?

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    We study the interaction potential between two polyions inside a colloidal suspension. It is shown that at large separation the interaction potential is purely repulsive, with the induced attractive interactions being doubly screened. For short separations the condensed counterions become correlated, what leads to an effective attraction between the two macromolecules.Comment: 4 pages, 1 Postscript figure, uses multicol.sty, axodraw.sty, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Tamoxifen induces cellular stress in the nervous system by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis

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    Background: Tamoxifen (TAM) is an important cancer therapeutic and an experimental tool for effecting genetic recombination using the inducible Cre-Lox technique. Despite its widespread use in the clinic and laboratory, we know little about its effects on the nervous system. This is of significant concern because TAM, via unknown mechanisms, induces cognitive impairment in humans. A hallmark of cellular stress is induction of Activating Transcription Factor 3 (Atf3), and so to determine whether TAM induces cellular stress in the adult nervous system, we generated a knock-in mouse in which Atf3 promoter activity drives transcription of TAM-dependent Cre recombinase (Cre-ERT2); when crossed with tdtomato reporter mice, Atf3 induction results in robust and permanent genetic labeling of cells in which it is up-regulated even transiently. Results: We found that granular neurons of the olfactory bulb and dentate gyrus, vascular cells and ependymal cells throughout the brain, and peripheral sensory neurons expressed tdtomato in response to TAM treatment. We also show that TAM induced Atf3 up-regulation through inhibition of cholesterol epoxide hydrolase (ChEH): reporter expression was mitigated by delivery in vitamin E-rich wheat germ oil (vitamin E depletes ChEH substrates), and was partially mimicked by a ChEH-specific inhibitor. Conclusions: This work demonstrates that TAM stresses cells of the adult central and peripheral nervous systems and highlights concerns about clinical and experimental use of TAM. We propose TAM administration in vitamin E-rich vehicles such as wheat germ oil as a simple remedy

    Clinical challenges and future therapeutic approaches for neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis

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    © 2019 Elsevier Ltd Treatment of the neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses, also known as Batten disease, is at the start of a new era because of diagnostic and therapeutic advances relevant to this group of inherited neurodegenerative and life-limiting disorders that affect children. Diagnosis has improved with the use of comprehensive DNA-based tests that simultaneously screen for many genes. The identification of disease-causing mutations in 13 genes provides a basis for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses, and for the development of targeted therapies. These targeted therapies include enzyme replacement therapies, gene therapies targeting the brain and the eye, cell therapies, and pharmacological drugs that could modulate defective molecular pathways. Such therapeutic developments have the potential to enable earlier diagnosis and better targeted therapeutic management. The first approved treatment is an intracerebroventricularly administered enzyme for neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis type 2 disease that delays symptom progression. Efforts are underway to make similar progress for other forms of the disorder

    Living in a machine: Experiencing the world through a robotic avatar

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    Telepresence has become a main focus of research fuelled by the technological advancements in virtual reality hardware. In this paper we approach telepresence as a collection of sensory modalities and identify what the current state of the art allows with respect to user devices, robotic hardware and the mapping from one to the other

    Small dielectric spheres with high Refractive index as new multifunctional elements for optical devices

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    The future of ultra-fast optical communication systems is inevitably connected with progress in optical circuits and nanoantennas. One of the key points of this progress is the creation of elementary components of optical devices with scattering diagrams tailored for redirecting the incident light in a desired manner. Here we demonstrate theoretically and experimentally that a small, simple, spatially homogeneous dielectric subwavelength sphere with a high refractive index and low losses (as some semiconductors in the visible or near infrared region) exhibits properties allowing to utilize it as a new multifunctional element for the mentioned devices. This can be achieved by taking advantage of the coherent effects between dipolar and multipolar modes, which produce anomalous scattering effects. The effects open a new way to control the directionality of the scattered light. The directional tuning can be obtained in a practical way just by a change in the frequency of the incident wave, and/or by a well-chosen diameter of the sphere. Dielectric nanoparticles with the required optical properties in the VIS-NIR may be now readily fabricated. These particles could be an efficient alternative to the widely discussed scattering units with a more complicated design.This research was partly supported by MICINN (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) through project FIS2013-45854-P and by the Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation through grant 14.Z50.31.0034