709 research outputs found

    The Smallest Mass Ratio Young Star Spectroscopic Binaries

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    Using high resolution near-infrared spectroscopy with the Keck telescope, we have detected the radial velocity signatures of the cool secondary components in four optically identified pre-main-sequence, single-lined spectroscopic binaries. All are weak-lined T Tauri stars with well-defined center of mass velocities. The mass ratio for one young binary, NTTS 160905-1859, is M2/M1 = 0.18+/-0.01, the smallest yet measured dynamically for a pre-main-sequence spectroscopic binary. These new results demonstrate the power of infrared spectroscopy for the dynamical identification of cool secondaries. Visible light spectroscopy, to date, has not revealed any pre-main-sequence secondary stars with masses <0.5 M_sun, while two of the young systems reported here are in that range. We compare our targets with a compilation of the published young double-lined spectroscopic binaries and discuss our unique contribution to this sample.Comment: Accepted for publication in the April, 2002, ApJ; 6 figure

    The Hipparcos observations and the mass of sub-stellar objects

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    The Hipparcos Intermediate Astrometric Data have been used lately to estimate the inclination of the orbital plane of candidate extrasolar planets. Whereas most of these investigations derive almost face-on orbits, we show that the astrometric data are seldom precise enough to undertake such studies and that the `face-on' result might be just a spurious effect of the method.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    HD 80606 b, a planet on an extremely elongated orbit

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    We report the detection of a planetary companion orbiting the solar-type star HD 80606, the brighter component of a wide binary with a projected separation of about 2000 AU. Using high-signal spectroscopic observations of the two components of the visual binary, we show that they are nearly identical. The planet has an orbital period of 111.8 days and a minimum mass of 3.9 M_Jup. With e=0.927, this planet has the highest orbital eccentricity among the extrasolar planets detected so far. We finally list several processes this extreme eccentricity could result from.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure included, submitted to A&A, final versio

    Hubble Space Telescope Transmission Spectroscopy of the Exoplanet HD 189733b: High-altitude atmospheric haze in the optical and near-UV with STIS

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    We present Hubble Space Telescope optical and near-ultraviolet transmission spectra of the transiting hot-Jupiter HD189733b, taken with the repaired Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS) instrument. The resulting spectra cover the range 2900-5700 Ang and reach per-exposure signal-to-noise levels greater than 11,000 within a 500 Ang bandwidth. We used time series spectra obtained during two transit events to determine the wavelength dependance of the planetary radius and measure the exoplanet's atmospheric transmission spectrum for the first time over this wavelength range. Our measurements, in conjunction with existing HST spectra, now provide a broadband transmission spectrum covering the full optical regime. The STIS data also shows unambiguous evidence of a large occulted stellar spot during one of our transit events, which we use to place constraints on the characteristics of the K dwarf's stellar spots, estimating spot temperatures around Teff~4250 K. With contemporaneous ground-based photometric monitoring of the stellar variability, we also measure the correlation between the stellar activity level and transit-measured planet-to-star radius contrast, which is in good agreement with predictions. We find a planetary transmission spectrum in good agreement with that of Rayleigh scattering from a high-altitude atmospheric haze as previously found from HST ACS camera. The high-altitude haze is now found to cover the entire optical regime and is well characterised by Rayleigh scattering. These findings suggest that haze may be a globally dominant atmospheric feature of the planet which would result in a high optical albedo at shorter optical wavelengths.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, 4 tables, accepted to MNRAS, revised version has minor change

    The `666' collaboration on OGLE transits: I. Accurate radius of the planets OGLE-TR-10b and OGLE-TR-56b with VLT deconvolution photometry

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    Transiting planets are essential to study the structure and evolution of extra-solar planets. For that purpose, it is important to measure precisely the radius of these planets. Here we report new high-accuracy photometry of the transits of OGLE-TR-10 and OGLE-TR-56 with VLT/FORS1. One transit of each object was covered in Bessel V and R filters, and treated with the deconvolution-based photometry algorithm DECPHOT, to ensure accurate millimagnitude light curves. Together with earlier spectroscopic measurements, the data imply a radius of 1.22 +0.12-0.07 R_J for OGLE-TR-10b and 1.30 +- 0.05 R_J for OGLE-TR-56b. A re-analysis of the original OGLE photometry resolves an earlier discrepancy about the radius of OGLE-TR-10. The transit of OGLE-TR-56 is almost grazing, so that small systematics in the photometry can cause large changes in the derived radius. Our study confirms both planets as inflated hot Jupiters, with large radii comparable to that of HD 209458bb and at least two other recently discovered transiting gas giants.Comment: Fundamental updates compared to previous version; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Dynamical Measurements of the Young Upper Scorpius Triple NTTS 155808-2219

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    The young, low-mass, triple system NTTS 155808-2219 (ScoPMS 20) was previously identified as a ~17-day period single-lined spectroscopic binary with a tertiary component at 0.21 arcseconds. Using high-resolution infrared spectra, acquired with NIRSPEC on Keck II, both with and without adaptive optics, we measured radial velocities of all three components. Reanalysis of the single-lined visible light observations, made from 1987 to 1993, also yielded radial velocity detections of the three stars. Combining visible light and infrared data to compute the orbital solution produces orbital parameters consistent with the single-lined solution and a mass ratio of q = 0.78 +/- 0.01 for the SB. We discuss the consistency between our results and previously published data on this system, our radial-velocity analysis with both observed and synthetic templates, and the possibility that this system is eclipsing, providing a potential method for the determination of the stars' absolute masses. Over the ~20 year baseline of our observations, we have measured the acceleration of the SB's center-of-mass in its orbit with the tertiary. Long-term, adaptive optics imaging of the tertiary will eventually yield dynamical data useful for component mass estimates.Comment: 6 Tables, 8 Figures, updated to match published tex

    A massive exoplanet candidate around KOI-13: Independent confirmation by ellipsoidal variations

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    We present an analysis of the KOI-13.01 candidate exoplanet system included in the September 2011 Kepler data release. The host star is a known and relatively bright (mKP=9.95)(m_{\rm KP} = 9.95) visual binary with a separation significantly smaller (0.8 arcsec) than the size of a Kepler pixel (4 arcsec per pixel). The Kepler light curve shows both primary and secondary eclipses, as well as significant out-of-eclipse light curve variations. We confirm that the transit occurs round the brighter of the two stars. We model the relative contributions from (i) thermal emission from the companion, (ii) planetary reflected light, (iii) Doppler beaming, and (iv) ellipsoidal variations in the host-star arising from the tidal distortion of the host star by its companion. Our analysis, based on the light curve alone, enables us to constrain the mass of the KOI-13.01 companion to be MC=8.3±1.25MJM_{\rm C} = 8.3 \pm 1.25M_{\rm J} and thus demonstrates that the transiting companion is a planet (rather than a brown dwarf which was recently proposed by \cite{b7}). The high temperature of the host star (Spectral Type A5-7V, Teff=85118020T_{\rm eff} = 8511-8020 K), combined with the proximity of its companion KOI-13.01, may make it one of the hottest exoplanets known, with a detectable thermal contribution to the light curve even in the Kepler optical passband. However, the single passband of the Kepler light curve does not enable us to unambiguously distinguish between the thermal and reflected components of the planetary emission. Infrared observations may help to break the degeneracy, while radial velocity follow-up with σ\sigma \sim 100 m s1^{-1} precision should confirm the mass of the planet.Comment: 7 pages, 5 figure

    A pair of planets around HD 202206 or a circumbinary planet?

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    Long-term precise Doppler measurements with the CORALIE spectrograph reveal the presence of a second planet orbiting the solar-type star HD202206. The radial-velocity combined fit yields companion masses of m_2\sini = 17.4 M_Jup and 2.44 M_Jup, semi-major axes of a = 0.83 AU and 2.55 AU, and eccentricities of e = 0.43 and 0.27, respectively. A dynamical analysis of the system further shows a 5/1 mean motion resonance between the two planets. This system is of particular interest since the inner planet is within the brown-dwarf limits while the outer one is much less massive. Therefore, either the inner planet formed simultaneously in the protoplanetary disk as a superplanet, or the outer Jupiter-like planet formed in a circumbinary disk. We believe this singular planetary system will provide important constraints on planetary formation and migration scenarios.Comment: 9 pages, 14 figures, accepted in A&A, 12-May-200