138 research outputs found

    Recruiting Ethnically Diverse Participants into Qualitative Health Research: Lessons Learned

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    The inclusion of ethnically diverse populations in health research is crucial for addressing ethnic disparities in health status and care. Despite this need, non - dominant ethnic groups continue to be under - represented in health studies. The reasons may be at least partly du e to the difficulties inherent in recruiting such groups for research. In this article, we attempt to assist researchers , who are seeking to conduct inclusive qualitative health research , by sharing some of the lessons we learned in the process of recruiting ethnically diverse immigrant women for a qualitative study on the experience of developing weight - related concerns. Specifically, we discuss issues such as engaging gatekeepers, using cultural insiders, developing culturally - sensitive recruitment materials, offering payment, and developing trust with participants and their communities. We conclude the article by presenting practical strategies for addressing these issues based on our experience and the available literature on the recruitment of non - dominant research participant

    Community Capacity-Building in Schools: Parents’ and Teachers’ Reflections From an Eating Disorder Prevention Program

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    A pilot research study to examine the effect of a wellness-based intervention on improving students’ body image, personal attitudes, and eating behaviors highlighted the importance of a healthy school environment. Parent and teacher focus groups were conducted to explore the perceived influences of wellness-based interventions designed for parents, teachers, and students. Results support movement toward wellness-based programming and suggest that school-community capacity-building may be a worthwhile framework for continued study in relation to programming to prevent eating disorders. Excerpts from focus group data illustrate key themes in relation to change and demonstrate the importance of capturing both the content of the wellness-based interventions and the process of interaction in the schools. This pilot study found that interventions in schools that focus on wellness and target parents, teachers, and students are effective in terms of building capacity for promoting positive change in students’ attitudes and behaviors.Une étude pilote sur l’effet d’une intervention reposant sur l’amélioration de l’image de soi des élèves, d’attitudes personnelles et de comportements liés à l’alimentation a souligné l’importance d’un milieu scolaire sain. Des sessions avec des groupes de discussion impliquant des parents et des enseignants ont permis d’évaluer les perceptions quant aux influences des interventions reposant sur le mieux-être et visant les parents, les enseignants et les élèves. Les résultats appuient les efforts pour établir une programmation reposant sur le mieux-être et permettent de conclure que le développement de ressources scolaires et communautaires pourrait s’avérer un cadre utile pour poursuivre l’étude et y incorporer une programmation destinée à empêcher les troubles de l’alimentation. Des extraits provenant des discussions de groupe illustrent des thèmes-clés par rapport aux changements et démontrent l’importance d’exploiter tant le contenu des interventions visant le mieux-être que l’interaction dans les écoles. Cette étude pilote a permis de conclure que les interventions scolaires visant le mieux-être et impliquant les parents, les enseignants et les élèves constituent un moyen efficace de développer des ressources qui favorisent des changements positifs dans les attitudes et les comportements des élèves

    Application of the 1RM estimation formulas from the RM in bench press in a group of physically active middle-aged women

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    The 1RM is the standard measurement to value isotonic strength. Nevertheless, this type of test takes a lot of time, can expose evaluated individuals at a higher risk of injury, etc. Specialized literature recognizes that the use of a procedure which requires a smaller load than 1RM to estimate individuals maximal strength has, undoubted, a great attractive. Therefore, RM tests are the most commonly tool used with general population. Having the intention of proving these proposals among Spanish female population, 28 active women were evaluated in hers 1RM and RM before and after 8 training weeks. The results obtained put the predictive value of these formulas into question, especially regarding its individual predicting value

    Employing Polyethnography to Navigate Researcher Positionality on Weight Bias

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    Researchers often focus on the content of their research interests but, depending on the research approach, may pay less attention to the process of locating themselves in relation to the research topic. This paper outlines the dialogue between an interdisciplinary team of researchers who were at the initial stages of forming a research agenda related to weight bias and social justice. Using a polyethnographic approach to guide our discussion, we sought to explore the diverse and common life experiences that influenced our professional interests for pursuing research on weight bias. As a dialogic method, polyethnography is ideally suited for the reflexive work required of researchers seeking to address issues of equity and social justice. Beyond more traditional approaches such as journaling, personal interviews, or researcher notes, the intersubjectivity highlighted by this method affords a richer space for exploration, challenging ideas, taking risks, and collectively interrogating both self and society. Following a discussion of positionality, the dialogue between researchers is presented, followed by their critique of the discussion, informed by professional literature

    “I Am More than My Country of Origin”: An Arts-Based Engagement Ethnography with Racialized Newcomer Women in Canada

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    Many women immigrate with the hope that they will gain new opportunities for themselves and their families, however, they often face significant challenges due to the intersectional stigmas related to their gender, immigration status, and other aspects of their social location. In this study, we sought to understand the holistic experience of racialized newcomer women to better support their integration process. Using Arts-Based Engagement Ethnography (ABEE), we employed the use of cultural probes and qualitative interviews to gain an in-depth understanding of the experience of ten newcomer women. An ethnographic analysis of this data yielded four overarching structures which include (1) identity negotiation experiences, (2) process of integration and struggles with transition, (3) resiliency practices and processes, and (4) making meaning of migration experiences. Each of these structures included several patterns. Our results demonstrate the benefits of using arts-based qualitative methods with diverse communities to collect rich and varied data that highlights the multiple social identities of participants. These results also give an in-depth look at the numerous experiences, both positive and negative, that influence the well-being of newcomer women throughout the process of migration. The implications of this research emphasize the need to continue in our efforts to reduce systemic oppression, to create a more inclusive and equitable community

    Self-interest And Public Interest: The Motivations Of Political Actors

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    Self-Interest and Public Interest in Western Politics showed that the public, politicians, and bureaucrats are often public spirited. But this does not invalidate public-choice theory. Public-choice theory is an ideal type, not a claim that self-interest explains all political behavior. Instead, public-choice theory is useful in creating rules and institutions that guard against the worst case, which would be universal self-interestedness in politics. In contrast, the public-interest hypothesis is neither a comprehensive explanation of political behavior nor a sound basis for institutional design

    Positioning of Weight Bias: Moving towards Social Justice

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    Weight bias is a form of stigma with detrimental effects on the health and wellness of individuals with large bodies. Researchers from various disciplines have recognized weight bias as an important topic for public health and for professional practice. To date, researchers from various areas have approached weight bias from independent perspectives and from differing theoretical orientations. In this paper, we examined the similarities and differences between three perspectives (i.e., weight-centric, nonweight-centric (health-centric), and health at every size) used to understand weight bias and approach weight bias research with regard to (a) language about people with large bodies, (b) theoretical position, (c) identified consequences of weight bias, and (d) identified influences on weight-based social inequity. We suggest that, despite differences, each perspective acknowledges the negative influences that position weight as being within individual control and the negative consequences of weight bias. We call for recognition and discussion of weight bias as a social justice issue in order to change the discourse and professional practices extended towards individuals with large bodies. We advocate for an emphasis on social justice as a uniting framework for interdisciplinary research on weight bias

    M2 muscarinic receptor activation regulates schwann cell differentiation and myelin organization

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    Glial cells express acetylcholine receptors. In particular, rat Schwann cells express different muscarinic receptor subtypes, the most abundant of which is the M2 subtype. M2 receptor activation causes a reversible arrest of the cell cycle. This negative effect on Schwann cell proliferation suggests that these cells may possibly progress into a differentiating program. In this study we analyzed the in vitro modulation, by the M2 agonist arecaidine, of transcription factors and specific signaling pathways involved in Schwann cell differentiation. The arecaidineinduced M2 receptor activation significantly upregulates transcription factors involved in the promyelinating phase (e.g., Sox10 and Krox20) and downregulates proteins involved in the maintenance of the undifferentiated state (e.g., c-jun, Notch-1, and Jagged-1). Furthermore, arecaidine stimulation significantly increases the expression of myelin proteins, which is accompanied by evident changes in cell morphology, as indicated by electron icroscopy analysis, and by substantial cellular re-distribution of actin and cell adhesion molecules. Moreover, ultrastructural and morphometric analyses on sciatic nerves of M2/M4 knockout mice show numerous degenerating axons and clear alterations in myelin organization compared with wildtype mice. Therefore, our data demonstrate that acetylcholine mediates axon-glia cross talk, favoring Schwann cell progression into a differentiated myelinating phenotype and contributing to compact myelin organization

    The social meaning of social indicators

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    While new modes of data processing have provided reams of data, there has been relatively less effort in seeking to comprehend the social meaning of results of empirical work. A set of previously developed indicators of urban social structure is here examined for its link to theory, and to the social structure of the city itself. The original indicators (size, social class, racial composition and community maturity) were empirically derived. In this paper, each is taken in turn, and explored with respect to several possible social meanings. Size, for example, is considered to be itself an indicator, and an imperfect one, for system complexity; percent non-white is seen to be itself an indicator for a slowdown in the mobility process, or a slower social metabolism. These and other results are suggestions, with illustrations, but not conclusive support, from other than the original data. While it is hoped that the theoretical suggestions may themselves be of interest, it is also hoped that approach itself can indicate the fertility and usefulness of going back to theory once empirical measures have been developed.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/43687/1/11205_2004_Article_BF00304121.pd
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