331 research outputs found

    Relativistic predictions of spin observables for exclusive proton knockout reactions

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    Within the framework of the relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA), we investigate the sensitivity of complete sets of polarization transfer observables for exclusive proton knockout from the 3s1/2_{1/2}, 2d3/2_{3/2} and 2d5/2_{5/2} states in 208^{208}Pb, at an incident laboratory kinetic energy of 202 MeV, and for coincident coplanar scattering angles (28.028.0^{\circ}, 54.6-54.6^{\circ}), to different distorting optical potentials, finite-range (FR) versus zero-range (ZR) approximations to the DWIA, as well as medium-modified meson-nucleon coupling constants and meson masses. Results are also compared to the nonrelativistic DWIA predictions based on the Schr\"{o}dinger equation.Comment: Submitted for publication to Physicical Review C, 23 pages, 7 figure

    Small grid embeddings of 3-polytopes

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    We introduce an algorithm that embeds a given 3-connected planar graph as a convex 3-polytope with integer coordinates. The size of the coordinates is bounded by O(27.55n)=O(188n)O(2^{7.55n})=O(188^{n}). If the graph contains a triangle we can bound the integer coordinates by O(24.82n)O(2^{4.82n}). If the graph contains a quadrilateral we can bound the integer coordinates by O(25.46n)O(2^{5.46n}). The crucial part of the algorithm is to find a convex plane embedding whose edges can be weighted such that the sum of the weighted edges, seen as vectors, cancel at every point. It is well known that this can be guaranteed for the interior vertices by applying a technique of Tutte. We show how to extend Tutte's ideas to construct a plane embedding where the weighted vector sums cancel also on the vertices of the boundary face

    Relativistic predictions of exclusive 208Pb(p,2p)207T^{208}Pb(\vec{p},2p) ^{207}T\ell analyzing powers at an incident energy of 202 MeV

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    Within the framework of the relativistic distorted wave impulse approximation (DWIA), we investigate the sensitivity of the analyzing power - for exclusive proton knockout from the 3s1/2_{1/2}, 2d3/2_{3/2} and 2d5/2_{5/2} states in 208^{208}Pb, at an incident laboratory kinetic energy of 202 MeV, and for coincident coplanar scattering angles (28.028.0^{\circ}, 54.6-54.6^{\circ}) - to different distorting optical potentials, finite-range (FR) versus zero-range (ZR) approximations to the DWIA, as well as medium-modified coupling constants and meson masses. Results are also compared to the nonrelativistic DWIA predictions based on the Schr\"{o}dinger equation. Whereas the nonrelativistic model fails severely, both ZR and FR relativistic DWIA models provide an excellent description of the data. For the FR predictions, it is necessary to invoke a 20% reduction of sigma-nucleon and omega-nucleon coupling constants as well as for σ\sigma-, ρ\rho- and ω\omega-meson masses, by the nuclear medium. On the other hand, the ZR predictions suggest that the strong interaction in the nuclear medium is adequately represented by the free nucleon-nucleon interaction associated with the impulse approximation. We also demonstrate that, although the analyzing power is relatively insensitive to the use different relativistic global optical potential parameter sets, the prominent oscillatory behavior of this observable is largely attributed to distortion of the scattering wave functions relative to their plane wave values.Comment: 16 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Life path analysis: scaling indicates priming effects of social and habitat factors on dispersal distances

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    1. Movements of many animals along a life-path can be separated into repetitive ones within home ranges and transitions between home ranges. We sought relationships of social and environmental factors with initiation and distance of transition movements in 114 buzzards Buteo buteo that were marked as nestlings with long-life radio tags. 2. Ex-natal dispersal movements of 51 buzzards in autumn were longer than for 30 later in their first year and than 35 extra-natal movements between home ranges after leaving nest areas. In the second and third springs, distances moved from winter focal points by birds that paired were the same or less than for unpaired birds. No post-nuptial movement exceeded 2 km. 3. Initiation of early ex-natal dispersal was enhanced by presence of many sibs, but also by lack of worm-rich loam soils. Distances travelled were greatest for birds from small broods and with relatively little short grass-feeding habitat near the nest. Later movements were generally enhanced by the absence of loam soils and short grassland, especially with abundance of other buzzards and probable poor feeding habitats (heathland, long grass). 4. Buzzards tended to persist in their first autumn where arable land was abundant, but subsequently showed a strong tendency to move from this habitat. 5. Factors that acted most strongly in ½-km buffers round nests, or round subsequent focal points, usually promoted movement compared with factors acting at a larger scale. Strong relationships between movement distances and environmental characteristics in ½-km buffers, especially during early ex-natal dispersal, suggested that buzzards became primed by these factors to travel far. 6. Movements were also farthest for buzzards that had already moved far from their natal nests, perhaps reflecting genetic predisposition, long-term priming or poor habitat beyond the study area

    Expressed Protein Selenoester Ligation

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    Herein, we describe the development and application of a novel expressed protein selenoester ligation (EPSL) methodology for the one-pot semi-synthesis of modified proteins. EPSL harnesses the rapid kinetics of ligation reactions between modified synthetic selenopeptides and protein aryl selenoesters (generated from expressed intein fusion precursors) followed by in situ chemoselective deselenization to afford target proteins at concentrations that preclude the use of traditional ligation methods. The utility of the EPSL technology is showcased through the efficient semi-synthesis of ubiquitinated polypeptides, lipidated analogues of the membrane-associated GTPase YPT6, and site-specifically phosphorylated variants of the oligomeric chaperone protein Hsp27 at high dilution.Sameer S. Kulkarni, Emma E. Watson, Joshua W. C. Maxwell, Gerhard Niederacher, Jason Johansen-Leete, Susanne Huhmann, Somnath Mukherjee, Alexander R. Norman, Julia Kriegesmann, Christian F. W. Becker, and Richard J. Payn

    Some Consequences of Thermosolutal Convection: The Grain Structure of Castings

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    The essential principles of thermosolutal convection are outlined, and how convection provides a transport mechanism between the mushy region of a casting and the open bulk liquid is illustrated. The convective flow patterns which develop assist in heat exchange and macroscopic solute segregation during solidification; they also provide a mechanism for the transport of dendritic fragments from the mushy region into the bulk liquid. Surviving fragments become nuclei for equiaxed grains and so lead to blocking of the parental columnar, dendritic growth front from which they originated. The physical steps in such a sequence are considered and some experimental data are provided to support the argument

    75th Anniversary of ‘Existence of Electromagnetic-Hydrodynamic Waves’

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    We have recently passed the 75th anniversary of one of the most important results in solar and space physics: Hannes Alfv\'en's discovery of Alfv\'en waves and the Alfv\'en speed. To celebrate the anniversary, this article recounts some major episodes in the history of MHD waves. Following an initially cool reception, Alfv\'en's ideas were propelled into the spotlight by Fermi's work on cosmic rays, the new mystery of coronal heating and, as scientific perception of interplanetary space shifted dramatically and the space race started, detection of Alfv\'en waves in the solar wind. From then on, interest in MHD waves boomed, laying the foundations for modern remote observations of MHD waves in the Sun, coronal seismology and some of today's leading theories of coronal heating and solar wind acceleration. In 1970, Alfv\'en received the Nobel Prize for his work in MHD, including these discoveries. The article concludes with some reflection about what the history implies about the way we do science, especially the advantages and pitfalls of idealised mathematical models.Comment: 10 pages, accepted by Solar Physic

    Holocene landscape intervention and plant food production strategies in island and mainland Southeast Asia

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    In the areas adjacent to the drowned Pleistocene continent of Sunda - present-day Mainland and Island SE Asia - the Austronesian Hypothesis of a diaspora of rice cultivators from Taiwan ~4200 years ago has often been linked with the start of farming. Mounting evidence suggests that these developments should not be conflated and that alternative explanations should be considered, including indigenous inception of complex patterns of plant food production and early exchange of plants, animals, technology and genes. We review evidence for widespread forest disturbance in the Early Holocene which may accompany the beginnings of complex food-production. Although often insubstantial, evidence for incipient and developing management of rainforest vegetation and of developing complex relationships with plants is present, and early enough to suggest that during the Early to mid-Holocene this vast region was marked by different approaches to plant food production. The trajectory of the increasingly complex relationships between people and their food organisms was strongly locally contingent and in many cases did not result in the development of agricultural systems that were recognisable as such at the time of early European encounters. Diverse resource management economies in the Sunda and neighbouring regions appear to have accompanied rather than replaced a reliance on hunting and gathering. This, together with evidence for Early Holocene interaction between these neighbours, gives cause for us to question some authors continued adherence to a singular narrative of the Austronesian Hypothesis and the 'Neolithisation' of this part of the world. It also leads us to suggest that the forests of this vast region are, to an extent, a cultural artefact

    Refining and regaining skills in fixation/diversification stage performers: The Five-A Model

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    Technical change is one of many factors underpinning success in elite, fixation/diversification stage performers. Surprisingly, however, there is a dearth of research pertaining to this process or the most efficacious methods used to bring about such a change. In this paper we highlight the emergent processes, yet also the lack in mechanistic comprehension surrounding technical change, addressing issues within the motor control, sport psychology, coaching and choking literature. More importantly, we seek an understanding of how these changes can be made more secure to competitive pressure, and how this can be embedded within the process of technical change. Following this review, we propose The Five-A Model based on successful coaching techniques, psychosocial concomitants, the avoidance of choking and principles of effective behaviour change. Specific mechanisms for each stage are discussed, with a focus on the use of holistic rhythm-based cues as a possible way of internalising changes. Finally, we suggest the need for further research to examine these five stages, to aid a more comprehensive construction of the content and delivery of such a programme within the applied setting