133 research outputs found

    Presentación atípica de dolor abdominal y fiebre en paciente positivo para COVID19. Reporte de caso y revisión de la literatura.: Atypical presentation of abdominal pain and fever in positive patient for COVID19. Case report and literature review

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    The clinical case of a 38-year-old female patient, seen in an emergency room in a New York hospital, who consults for abdominal pain, fever and fatigue is presented. Complementary studies show lymphopenia and slight alteration of transaminases. Abdominopelvic CT scan visualizes images in the lung bases, reticulonodular type. A sample was taken for COVID-19. She was managed in emergencies with parenteral hydration, antipyretics, oral antibiotics are indicated and social isolation measures are instructed. Two days later, it cost again, confirming positive COVID-19. It is followed on an outpatient basis, one week later with good clinical evolution. Additionally, a clinical review and pathophysiological explanation of the involvement of the digestive tract by the virus and the atypical form of presentation with abdominal pain are shown.Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente femenino de 38 años de edad, vista en emergencia en un hospital de New York, que consulta por dolor abdominal, fiebre y astenia. Los estudios complementarios muestran linfopenia y leve alteracion de transaminasas. Por TAC abdominopelvica, se visuliza imágenes en bases pulmonares, de tipo reticulonodular. Se le tomó muestra para COVID-19. Fue manejada en emergencias con hidratacion parenteral, antipireticos, se le indica antibioticos por via oral y se instruye medidas sociales de aislamiento. Dos dias despues, cosulta nuevamente, confirmadose COVID-19 positivo. Es seguida de manera ambulatoria, una semana despues con buena evolucion clinica. Adicionalmente se muestra una revision clínica y explicacion fisiopatologica del compromiso del tubo digestivo por el virus y la forma atipica de presentacion con dolor abdominal

    ¿Qué Es La Psicología? Una Respuesta Con Pretensiones De Simplicidad. What Is Psychology? An Answer With Pretensions At Simplicity

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    RESUMEN Frente a la pregunta ¿qué es la psicología? Las posibilidades de respuesta podrían ser muy simples pero parciales o más abarcadoras pero complejas, dada la naturaleza diversa de la disciplina. El propósito del artículo es proporcionar una respuesta en un término medio de simpleza y complejidad, pero lo suficientemente abarcadora de lo que es la psicología como ciencia en el presente. A partir de la definición tradicional de la Psicología como ciencia que estudia la mente y la conducta y de una perspectiva histórica, se explica la complejidad de la disciplina debido a la naturaleza del objeto de estudio y, además, porque debe incluir e integrar en su cuerpo de conocimiento las bases biológicas de la mente y la conducta, el plano de las interacciones sociales y los diferentes cambios que ocurren a lo largo del ciclo vital. Este artículo puede ser de utilidad para quienes comienzan estudios relacionados con la disciplina o para profesionales de otros campos interesados en el tema.   ABSTRACT: What is psychology? To this question, the answer may be simple but partial or comprehensive but complex. The aim of this paper is an answer somewhere in between, describing psychology in the present tense. Explains the complexity of the discipline from the classic definition of psychology as a science that studies the mind and behavior, we discuss the complexity of the object of study, incorporating both biological and social aspects and life cycle. This article may be useful for those starting studies related to the discipline or professionals from other fields interested in the subject

    Estandarización de la técnica cromatografía de gases capilar para la identificación y cuantificación de fitoesteroles en semillas de luffa cylindrica

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    Se estandarizó la técnica por cromatografía de gases con detector de ionización de llama (GC-FID) para el análisis de fitoesteroles, se calcularon parámetros estadísticos, como la precisión, límite de detección, límite de cuantificación, sensibilidad, repetibilidad, linealidad, reproducibilidad, sesgo y exactitud, logrando valores tolerables para éstas medidas, permitiendo el uso de la técnica para el análisis de matrices oleosas. Se evaluó el porcentaje de recuperación de fitoesteroles con la técnica de extracción en fase sólida (EFS), utilizando cartuchos de silica, la técnica mostró un buen porcentaje de recuperación de 110,15% con coeficientes de varianza menores al 2%. Se realizó el análisis cromatográfico del aceite extraído de las semillas de luffa cylindrica como muestra real, la cual fue sometida al proceso de saponificación para la extracción de su materia insaponificable, posteriormente fue derivatizado, obteniéndose como fitoesterol mayoritario el ß sitoesterol reportando un contenido en el aceite de semillas de luffa cylindrica de 2551,1 mg de ß-sitoesterol por Kg de aceite y un contenido en las semillas base seca 222,91 mg ß-sitoesterol por Kg de semillas, seguido de estigmasterol reportando un contenido de 211,19 mg de estigmasterol por Kg de aceite y en las semillas de luffa cylindrica 18,45 mg de estigmasterol por Kg de semilla

    Finanzas y gestión pública local en Colombia : el caso de la hacienda en el municipio de Medellín

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    RESUMEN: La consolidación de la descentralización fiscal en Colombia ha permitido avances significativos en la gestión financiera de los municipios, evidentes en indicadores que permiten hacer seguimiento y evaluación permanente de la administración. Este artículo presenta un análisis de las finanzas públicas de Medellín realizado a través de algunos indicadores fiscales agregados y de la estimación de dos modelos econométricos de sensibilidad para los gastos de inversión y los ingresos tributarios. Se concluye que pese a que el municipio presenta un estado fiscal saludable, con un gasto de inversión creciente, hay evidencia de la presencia de los fenómenos de pereza fiscal y de relajación en el período 1998-2009, justificados por la dependencia cada vez mayor en los ingresos no tributarios.ABSTRACT: Fiscal decentralization process in Colombia has led to significant achievements in the financial management of municipalities, which can be followed using some main indicators. This article presents the fiscal performance of the municipality of Medellin through aggregated fiscal indicators and the estimation of two econometric models of sensitivity for investment expenditure and tax income. It is concluded that, although the municipality presents a healthy fiscal state, there is evidence for fiscal laziness and relaxation phenomena between 1998 and 2009 that can be justified by the increasing dependency of non-tax revenues

    Prevalence of Food Allergen Sensitization in Patients With Mugwort Allergy

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    La alergia a la artemisa se ha asociado con el síndrome de alergia oral con apio, mango, manzana, durazno, melón, pimiento, zanahoria, brócoli, coliflor, col, mostaza, ajo y cebolla

    Assessment of the IMERG Early-Run Precipitation Estimates over South American Country of Chile

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    Accurate rainfall measurement is a challenge, especially in regions with diverse climates and complex topography. Thus, knowledge of precipitation patterns requires observational networks with a very high spatial and temporal resolution, which is very difficult to construct in remote areas with complex geological features such as desert areas and mountains, particularly in countries with high topographical variability such as Chile. This study evaluated the performance of the near-real-time Integrated Multi-satellite Retrievals for GPM (IMERG) Early product throughout Chile, a country located in South America between 16°S–66°S latitude. The accuracy of the IMERG Early was assessed at different special and temporal scales from 2015 to 2020. Relative Bias (PBIAS), Mean Absolute Error (MAE), and Root-Mean-Squared Error (RMSE) were used to quantify the errors in the satellite estimates, while the Probability of Detection (POD), False Alarm Ratio (FAR), and Critical Success Index (CSI) were used to evaluate product detection accuracy. In addition, the consistency between the satellite estimates and the ground observations was assessed using the Correlation Coefficient (CC). The spatial results show that the IMERG Early had the best performance over the central zone, while the best temporal performance was detected for the yearly precipitation dataset. In addition, as latitude increases, so do errors. Also, the satellite product tends to slightly overestimate the precipitation throughout the country. The results of this study could contribute towards the improvement of the IMERG algorithms and open research opportunities in areas with high latitudes, such as Chile

    Ingeniería y ciencias aplicadas: evaluación de habilidades investigativas en estudiantes de primeros semestres

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    The technological and scientific development of society heavily relies on the education of engineers in sciences, where skills become crucial in addressing the inherent challenges of this field. The present study aimed to determine the level of research skills among first-semester students in engineering and science disciplines at an Ecuadorian university. The research conducted was non-experimental and cross-sectional. The approach is quantitative and descriptive in its scope, involving 163 students. Results revealed that over 50% of students consistently perceived these skills as "almost always" and "always" based on a Likert scale with five levels of assessment. This reflects a positive perception; however, a weakness was identified in the analytical and interpretative domain. Considering this data is from an early stage of education, this finding is deemed acceptable.El desarrollo tecnológico y científico de la sociedad depende en gran medida de la formación de ingenieros en ciencias, donde las habilidades adquieren una relevancia crucial para abordar los desafíos inherentes a este campo. El presente estudio tuvo como propósito determinar el nivel de habilidades investigativas en estudiantes de primer semestre de las carreras en el área de ingeniería y ciencias de una universidad ecuatoriana. El tipo de investigación realizada es no experimental y transversal. El enfoque es cuantitativo y descriptivo en su alcance, involucrando a 163 estudiantes. Se encontraron resultados que muestran que más del 50% de los estudiantes percibieron consistentemente estas habilidades en “casi siempre” y “siempre” según una escala tipo Likert con cinco niveles de evaluación. Esto refleja una percepción positiva, sin embargo, se identifica una debilidad en el dominio analítico e interpretativo, considerando que se encuentra en la etapa inicial de formación este dato es aceptable

    Functional coupling of sensorimotor and associative areas during a catching ball task: a qEEG coherence study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Catching an object is a complex movement that involves not only programming but also effective motor coordination. Such behavior is related to the activation and recruitment of cortical regions that participates in the sensorimotor integration process. This study aimed to elucidate the cortical mechanisms involved in anticipatory actions when performing a task of catching an object in free fall.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) was recorded using a 20-channel EEG system in 20 healthy right-handed participants performed the catching ball task. We used the EEG coherence analysis to investigate subdivisions of alpha (8-12 Hz) and beta (12-30 Hz) bands, which are related to cognitive processing and sensory-motor integration.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Notwithstanding, we found the main effects for the factor block; for alpha-1, coherence decreased from the first to sixth block, and the opposite effect occurred for alpha-2 and beta-2, with coherence increasing along the blocks.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>It was concluded that to perform successfully our task, which involved anticipatory processes (i.e. feedback mechanisms), subjects exhibited a great involvement of sensory-motor and associative areas, possibly due to organization of information to process visuospatial parameters and further catch the falling object.</p

    Infiltrating CD16 +

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    Our aim was to characterize glomerular monocytes (Mo) infiltration and to correlate them with peripheral circulating Mo subsets and severity of lupus nephritis (LN). Methods. We evaluated 48 LN biopsy samples from a referral hospital. Recognition of Mo cells was done using microscopic view and immunohistochemistry stain with CD14 and CD16. Based on the number of cells, we classified LN samples as low degree of diffuse infiltration (<5 cells) and high degree of diffuse infiltration (≥5 cells). Immunophenotyping of peripheral Mo subsets was done using flow cytometry. Results. Mean age was 34.0±11.7 years and the mean SLEDAI was 17.5±6.9. The most common SLE manifestations were proteinuria (91%) and hypocomplementemia (75%). Severe LN was found in 70% of patients (Class III, 27%; Class IV, 43%). Severe LN patients and patients with higher grade of CD16+ infiltration had lower levels of nonclassical (CD14+CD16++) Mo in peripheral blood. Conclusions. Our results might suggest that those patients with more severe forms of LN had a higher grade of CD14+CD16+ infiltration and lower peripheral levels of nonclassical (CD14+CD16++) Mo and might reflect a recruitment process in renal tissues. However, given the small sample, our results must be interpreted carefully