1,407 research outputs found

    Reading ecosystem services at the local scale through a territorial approach: The case of peri-urban agriculture in the thau Lagoon, Southern France

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    © 2015 by the author(s). In recent years, the ecosystem services (ES) concept has become a major paradigm for natural resource management. While policy-makers demand “hard” monetary evidence that nature conservation would be worth investing in, ongoing attempts are being made to formalize the concept as a scientifically robust “one size fits all” analytical framework. These attempts have highlighted several major limitations of the ES concept. First, to date, the concept has paid little attention to the role of humans in the production of ES. Second, the ongoing formalization of the ES concept is turning it into a “technology of globalization,” thereby increasingly ignoring the socio-cultural context and history within which ecosystems emerge. Third, economic valuation has been shown to limit local stakeholders in expressing their daily and immediate ways of interacting with their environment over and beyond extrinsic motivation provided by financial gains. We address these three limitations by analyzing a social evaluation of the roles of peri-urban farmland from a territorial perspective. Our case study is the Thau lagoon in southern France. We conducted in-depth interviews with a broad range of stakeholders and ran two participatory workshops. Using a territorial meta-model that distinguishes three levels— physical, logical, and existential—stakeholder data were analyzed to unravel the interplay of territorial elements at these three levels that gives rise to ES in two broad categories: food production and aesthetic landscape. The coupling of ES and territory concepts opens up several novel analytical perspectives. It allows partitioning of ES in a manner that “re-contextualizes” them and gives insight about both their physical constituents and their meaning at the territorial level. Additional research should incorporate the dynamics of service demand and supply, and further investigate options for implementation

    A cohesive zone model for fracture initiation and propagation of fused silica direct bonding interface

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    International audienceFused silica direct bonding is of particular interest for optical system manufacturing for spatial applications. However, in order to validate the European Space Agency standards, a better understanding of the assemblies mechanical behavior is required. Therefore, it is important to develop some predictive tools to determine numerically mechanical strength of complex assemblies. In this paper, a cohesive zone model is proposed to model the direct bonding interface behavior. In order to determine the mechanical strength of the interface, a propagation test, and an initiation test on a free edge the cleavage test have been performed on direct bonded fused silica samples. The FIT test (Flexible Initiation Test) is also used to identify the properties of the direct bonding joint. At the end, a comparative analyses is proposed between experimental results and finite elements models of the propagation and initiation tests

    Automatic eduction and statistical analysis of coherent structures in the wall region of a confine plane

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    This paper describes a vortex detection algorithm used to expose and statistically characterize the coherent flow patterns observable in the velocity vector fields measured by Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) in the impingement region of air curtains. The philosophy and the architecture of this algorithm are presented. Its strengths and weaknesses are discussed. The results of a parametrical analysis performed to assess the variability of the response of our algorithm to the 3 user-specified parameters in our eduction scheme are reviewed. The technique is illustrated in the case of a plane turbulent impinging twin-jet with an opening ratio of 10. The corresponding jet Reynolds number, based on the initial mean flow velocity U0 and the jet width e, is 14000. The results of a statistical analysis of the size, shape, spatial distribution and energetic content of the coherent eddy structures detected in the impingement region of this test flow are provided. Although many questions remain open, new insights into the way these structures might form, organize and evolve are given. Relevant results provide an original picture of the plane turbulent impinging jet

    Creep stability of the proposed AIDA mission target 65803 Didymos: I. Discrete cohesionless granular physics model

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    As the target of the proposed Asteroid Impact & Deflection Assessment (AIDA) mission, the near-Earth binary asteroid 65803 Didymos represents a special class of binary asteroids, those whose primaries are at risk of rotational disruption. To gain a better understanding of these binary systems and to support the AIDA mission, this paper investigates the creep stability of the Didymos primary by representing it as a cohesionless self-gravitating granular aggregate subject to rotational acceleration. To achieve this goal, a soft-sphere discrete element model (SSDEM) capable of simulating granular systems in quasi-static states is implemented and a quasi-static spin-up procedure is carried out. We devise three critical spin limits for the simulated aggregates to indicate their critical states triggered by reshaping and surface shedding, internal structural deformation, and shear failure, respectively. The failure condition and mode, and shear strength of an aggregate can all be inferred from the three critical spin limits. The effects of arrangement and size distribution of constituent particles, bulk density, spin-up path, and interparticle friction are numerically explored. The results show that the shear strength of a spinning self-gravitating aggregate depends strongly on both its internal configuration and material parameters, while its failure mode and mechanism are mainly affected by its internal configuration. Additionally, this study provides some constraints on the possible physical properties of the Didymos primary based on observational data and proposes a plausible formation mechanism for this binary system. With a bulk density consistent with observational uncertainty and close to the maximum density allowed for the asteroid, the Didymos primary in certain configurations can remain geo-statically stable without including cohesion.Comment: 66 pages, 24 figures, submitted to Icarus on 25/Aug/201


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    En los últimos tiempos se han producido múltiples transformaciones en la Educación Superior, una de ellas lo constituyen el esfuerzo para la inclusión y la democratización del acceso a la misma, la permanencia y el término. Uno de los desafíos es la retención de los alumnos en los primeros tramos de sus estudios. Las carreras de ingeniería enfrentan hoy esta problemática y es uno de los principales temas en su agenda de trabajo. En la Universidad Tecnológica Nacional - Facultad Regional Resistencia se viene desarrollando desde el año 2006, un Sistema de Acción Tutorial cuyo objetivo apunta a consolidarse como una estrategia educativa de apoyo a los alumnos y como una acción orientada a diagnosticar y asesorar en aquellas problemáticas relacionadas al desempeño académico. Desde sus inicios hasta hoy el sistema se ha desarrollado y avanzado en etapas. Una de las instancias que influye positivamente fue la implementación del Proyecto de Apoyo para el mejoramiento de la enseñanza en primer año de las carreras de grado de ciencias exactas y naturales, ciencias económicas e informáticas (PACENI). Este programa considera necesario generar estrategias institucionales específicas para promover la motivación continua de los alumnos, apoyándolos en la adquisición de habilidades cognitivas, colaborar en la conformación del autocontrol de su propio proyecto académico y el logro de sus metas personales. En esta oportunidad se presentarán los resultados del trabajo de seguimiento realizado en la carrera de Ingeniería en Sistemas de Información y en la carrera de Ingeniería Química, en la que se ha intervenido desde el seminario nivelador de ingreso. Con la información obtenida se elaboró un diagnóstico situacional de los alumnos permitiendo una clasificación según su desempeño académico; el objetivo es trabajar en la prevención y detección temprana de las dificultades de los alumnos para poder brindarle un apoyo adecuado

    Evidence for nucleon pair breaking even in the coldest scission configurations of 234U and 236U

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    Primary fragment mass yields, measured at the highest values of the kinetic energy released in the thermal neutron induced fission of 233U and 235U, do not reveal any preference for splits into two even-mass nuclei. Moreover our data suggest that the mechanism of pair breaking would take place before scission, namely that the low energy fission would be a strongly dissipative process.Les rendements des masses des fragments primaires, mesurés pour les valeurs les plus élevées de l'énergie cinétique libérée dans la fission de 233U et 235U induite par neutrons thermiques, ne révèlent aucune préférence pour les fragmentations en deux noyaux de masse paire. Nos données suggèrent en outre que le mécanisme de brisure de paires interviendrait avant la scission, ce qui revient à dire que la fission à basse énergie serait un processus fortement dissipatif


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    Doubly differential cross-sections for Bremsstrahlung production have been measured in the reactions 40Ar + 197Au at 30 MeV/u and 86Kr +12C, AgNat and 197Au at 44 MeV/u. A qualitative analysis of the characteristics of the γ-ray emission suggests strongly that the initial proton-neutron collisions are the main source of nuclear Bremsstrahlung

    WISP-2 expression induced by Teriparatide treatment affects in vitro osteoblast differentiation and improves in vivo osteogenesis

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    The Osteocyte, recognized as a major orchestrator of osteoblast and osteoclast activity, is the most important key player during bone remodeling processes. Imbalances occurring during bone remodeling, caused by hormone perturbations or by mechanical loading alterations, can induce bone pathologies such as osteoporosis. Recently, the active fraction of parathormone, PTH (1-34) or Teriparatide (TPTD), was chosen as election treatment for osteoporosis. The effect of such therapy is dependent on the temporal manner of administration. The molecular reasons why the type of administration regimen is so critical for the fate of bone remodeling are numerous and not yet well known. Our study attempts to analyze diverse signaling pathways directly activated in osteocytes upon TPTD treatment. By means of gene array analysis, we found many molecules upregulated or downregulated in osteocytes. Later, we paid attention to Wisp-2, a protein involved in the Wnt pathway, that is secreted by MLO-Y4 cells and increases upon TPTD treatment and that is able to positively influence the early phases of osteogenic differentiation. We also confirmed the pro osteogenic property of Wisp-2 during mesenchymal stem cell differentiation into the preliminary osteoblast phenotype. The same results were confirmed with an in vivo approach confirming a remarkable Wisp-2 expression in metaphyseal trabecular bone. These results highlighted the anabolic roles unrolled by osteocytes in controlling the action of neighboring cells, suggesting that the perturbation of certain signaling cascades, such as the Wnt pathway, is crucial for the positive regulation of bone formation

    Controlled assembly of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore systems on DNA templates to produce fluorescence resonance energy transfer

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    The SNAP protein is a widely used self-labeling tag that can be used for tracking protein localization and trafficking in living systems. A model system providing controlled alignment of SNAP-tag units can provide a new way to study clustering of fusion proteins. In this work, fluorescent SNAP-PNA conjugates were controllably assembled on DNA frameworks forming dimers, trimers, and tetramers. Modification of peptide nucleic acid (PNA) with the O6-benzyl guanine (BG) group allowed the generation of site-selective covalent links between PNA and the SNAP protein. The modified BG-PNAs were labeled with fluorescent Atto dyes and subsequently chemo-selectively conjugated to SNAP protein. Efficient assembly into dimer and oligomer forms was verified via size exclusion chromatography (SEC), electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), and fluorescence spectroscopy. DNA directed assembly of homo- and hetero-dimers of SNAP-PNA constructs induced homo- and hetero-FRET, respectively. Longer DNA scaffolds controllably aligned similar fluorescent SNAP-PNA constructs into higher oligomers exhibiting homo-FRET. The combined SEC and homo-FRET studies indicated the 1:1 and saturated assemblies of SNAP-PNA-fluorophore:DNA formed preferentially in this system. This suggested a kinetic/stoichiometric model of assembly rather than binomially distributed products. These BG-PNA-fluorophore building blocks allow facile introduction of fluorophores and/or assembly directing moieties onto any protein containing SNAP. Template directed assembly of PNA modified SNAP proteins may be used to investigate clustering behavior both with and without fluorescent labels which may find use in the study of assembly processes in cells