700 research outputs found

    Resolved Debris Discs Around A Stars in the Herschel DEBRIS Survey

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    The majority of debris discs discovered so far have only been detected through infrared excess emission above stellar photospheres. While disc properties can be inferred from unresolved photometry alone under various assumptions for the physical properties of dust grains, there is a degeneracy between disc radius and dust temperature that depends on the grain size distribution and optical properties. By resolving the disc we can measure the actual location of the dust. The launch of Herschel, with an angular resolution superior to previous far-infrared telescopes, allows us to spatially resolve more discs and locate the dust directly. Here we present the nine resolved discs around A stars between 20 and 40 pc observed by the DEBRIS survey. We use these data to investigate the disc radii by fitting narrow ring models to images at 70, 100 and 160 {\mu}m and by fitting blackbodies to full spectral energy distributions. We do this with the aim of finding an improved way of estimating disc radii for unresolved systems. The ratio between the resolved and blackbody radii varies between 1 and 2.5. This ratio is inversely correlated with luminosity and any remaining discrepancies are most likely explained by differences to the minimum size of grain in the size distribution or differences in composition. We find that three of the systems are well fit by a narrow ring, two systems are borderline cases and the other four likely require wider or multiple rings to fully explain the observations, reflecting the diversity of planetary systems.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, 6 tables. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Key Science Goals for the Next Generation Very Large Array (ngVLA): Report from the ngVLA Science Advisory Council

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    This document describes some of the fundamental astrophysical problems that require observing capabilities at millimeter- and centimeter wavelengths well beyond those of existing, or already planned, telescopes. The results summarized in this report follow a solicitation from the National Radio Astronomy Observatory to develop key science cases for a future U. S.-led radio telescope, the "next generation Very Large Array" (ngVLA). The ngVLA will have roughly 10 times the collecting area of the Jansky VLA, operate at frequencies from 1 GHz to 116 GHz with up to 20 GHz of bandwidth, possess a compact core for high surface-brightness sensitivity, and extended baselines of at least hundreds of kilometers and ultimately across the continent to provide high-resolution imaging. The ngVLA builds on the scientific and technical legacy of the Jansky VLA and ALMA, and will be designed to provide the next leap forward in our understanding of planets, galaxies, and black holes.Comment: ngVLA memo 1

    Predicting cognitive decline using neuropsychiatric symptoms in prodromal Lewy body dementia: A longitudinal study

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    Introduction: Neuropsychiatric symptoms (NPS) in Lewy body dementias (LBD) occur frequently and early in disease progression. Such symptoms are associated with worse quality of life, caregiver burden and functional limitations. Limited evidence exists, however, outlining the longitudinal relationship between NPS and cognitive decline in prodromal LBD. Methods: 123 participants were derived from three cohort studies. Patients with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) relating to probable dementia with Lewy bodies (MCI-LB, n = 67) and Parkinson's disease (PD-MCI, n = 56) completed comprehensive cognitive and neuropsychiatric assessment and were followed up longitudinally. Linear regression and mixed effects models assessed the relationship between baseline NPS and cognition at baseline and over time. Results: In MCI-LB, overall NPS burden was associated with declines over time in executive function (p = 0.026) and processing speed (p = 0.028) and baseline aberrant motor behaviour was associated with declines in attention (p < 0.025). Anxiety was significantly associated with poorer visuospatial functioning (p = 0.016) at baseline and poorer attention both at baseline (p = 0.017) and across time points (p = 0.024). In PD-MCI, psychosis was associated with poorer executive functioning at baseline (p = 0.008) and across time points (p = 0.002) but had no association with changes longitudinally. Conclusions: Core neuropsychiatric components of LBD are not strongly associated with cognition in prodromal disease. This may suggest that neuropathological mechanisms underlying NPS may not be the same as those underlying cognitive impairment. Non-core NPS, however, may be more directly associated with cognitive change. Future studies utilising neuroimaging techniques are needed to explore the neuropathological basis of NPS in prodromal LBD

    The balloon-borne large-aperture submillimeter telescope for polarimetry: BLAST-Pol

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    The Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope for Polarimetry (BLAST-Pol) is a suborbital mapping experiment designed to study the role played by magnetic fields in the star formation process. BLAST-Pol is the reconstructed BLAST telescope, with the addition of linear polarization capability. Using a 1.8 m Cassegrain telescope, BLAST-Pol images the sky onto a focal plane that consists of 280 bolometric detectors in three arrays, observing simultaneously at 250, 350, and 500 um. The diffraction-limited optical system provides a resolution of 30'' at 250 um. The polarimeter consists of photolithographic polarizing grids mounted in front of each bolometer/detector array. A rotating 4 K achromatic half-wave plate provides additional polarization modulation. With its unprecedented mapping speed and resolution, BLAST-Pol will produce three-color polarization maps for a large number of molecular clouds. The instrument provides a much needed bridge in spatial coverage between larger-scale, coarse resolution surveys and narrow field of view, and high resolution observations of substructure within molecular cloud cores. The first science flight will be from McMurdo Station, Antarctica in December 2010.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figures Submitted to SPIE Astronomical Telescopes and Instrumentation Conference 201

    Glucocorticoids promote Von Hippel Lindau degradation and Hif-1α stabilization

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    Glucocorticoid (GC) and hypoxic transcriptional responses play a central role in tissue homeostasis and regulate the cellular response to stress and inflammation, highlighting the potential for cross-talk between these two signaling pathways. We present results from an unbiased in vivo chemical screen in zebrafish that identifies GCs as activators of hypoxia-inducible factors (HIFs) in the liver. GCs activated consensus hypoxia response element (HRE) reporters in a glucocorticoid receptor (GR)-dependent manner. Importantly, GCs activated HIF transcriptional responses in a zebrafish mutant line harboring a point mutation in the GR DNA-binding domain, suggesting a nontranscriptional route for GR to activate HIF signaling. We noted that GCs increase the transcription of several key regulators of glucose metabolism that contain HREs, suggesting a role for GC/HIF cross-talk in regulating glucose homeostasis. Importantly, we show that GCs stabilize HIF protein in intact human liver tissue and isolated hepatocytes. We find that GCs limit the expression of Von Hippel Lindau protein (pVHL), a negative regulator of HIF, and that treatment with the c-src inhibitor PP2 rescued this effect, suggesting a role for GCs in promoting c-src–mediated proteosomal degradation of pVHL. Our data support a model for GCs to stabilize HIF through activation of c-src and subsequent destabilization of pVHL

    Comparison of prestellar core elongations and large-scale molecular cloud structures in the Lupus 1 region

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    Turbulence and magnetic fields are expected to be important for regulating molecular cloud formation and evolution. However, their effects on sub-parsec to 100 parsec scales, leading to the formation of starless cores, are not well understood. We investigate the prestellar core structure morphologies obtained from analysis of the Herschel-SPIRE 350 mum maps of the Lupus I cloud. This distribution is first compared on a statistical basis to the large-scale shape of the main filament. We find the distribution of the elongation position angle of the cores to be consistent with a random distribution, which means no specific orientation of the morphology of the cores is observed with respect to the mean orientation of the large-scale filament in Lupus I, nor relative to a large-scale bent filament model. This distribution is also compared to the mean orientation of the large-scale magnetic fields probed at 350 mum with the Balloon-borne Large Aperture Telescope for Polarimetry during its 2010 campaign. Here again we do not find any correlation between the core morphology distribution and the average orientation of the magnetic fields on parsec scales. Our main conclusion is that the local filament dynamics---including secondary filaments that often run orthogonally to the primary filament---and possibly small-scale variations in the local magnetic field direction, could be the dominant factors for explaining the final orientation of each core

    Glucocorticoids rapidly inhibit cell migration through a novel, non-transcriptional HDAC6 pathway

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    Glucocorticoids (GCs) act through the glucocorticoid receptor (GR, also known as NR3C1) to regulate immunity, energy metabolism and tissue repair. Upon ligand binding, activated GR mediates cellular effects by regulating gene expression, but some GR effects can occur rapidly without new transcription. Here, we show that GCs rapidly inhibit cell migration, in response to both GR agonist and antagonist ligand binding. The inhibitory effect on migration is prevented by GR knockdown with siRNA, confirming GR specificity, but not by actinomycin D treatment, suggesting a non-transcriptional mechanism. We identified a rapid onset increase in microtubule polymerisation following GC treatment, identifying cytoskeletal stabilisation as the likely mechanism of action. HDAC6 overexpression, but not knockdown of αTAT1, rescued the GC effect, implicating HDAC6 as the GR effector. Consistent with this hypothesis, ligand-dependent cytoplasmic interaction between GR and HDAC6 was demonstrated by quantitative imaging. Taken together, we propose that activated GR inhibits HDAC6 function, and thereby increases the stability of the microtubule network to reduce cell motility. We therefore report a novel, non-transcriptional mechanism whereby GCs impair cell motility through inhibition of HDAC6 and rapid reorganization of the cell architecture. This article has an associated First Person interview with the first author of the paper

    An Unbiased Survey of 500 Nearby Stars for Debris Disks: A JCMT Legacy Program

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    We present the scientific motivation and observing plan for an upcoming detection survey for debris disks using the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope. The SCUBA-2 Unbiased Nearby Stars (SUNS) Survey will observe 500 nearby main sequence and sub-giant stars (100 of each of the A, F, G, K and M spectral classes) to the 850 micron extragalactic confusion limit to search for evidence of submillimeter excess, an indication of circumstellar material. The survey distance boundaries are 8.6, 16.5, 22, 25 and 45 pc for M, K, G, F and A stars, respectively, and all targets lie between the declinations of -40 deg to 80 deg. In this survey, no star will be rejected based on its inherent properties: binarity, presence of planetary companions, spectral type or age. This will be the first unbiased survey for debris disks since IRAS. We expect to detect ~125 debris disks, including ~50 cold disks not detectable in current shorter wavelength surveys. A substantial amount of complementary data will be required to constrain the temperatures and masses of discovered disks. High resolution studies will likely be required to resolve many of the disks. Therefore, these systems will be the focus of future observational studies using a variety of observatories to characterize their physical properties. For non-detected systems, this survey will set constraints (upper limits) on the amount of circumstellar dust, of typically 200 times the Kuiper Belt mass, but as low as 10 times the Kuiper Belt mass for the nearest stars in the sample (approximately 2 pc).Comment: 11 pages, 7 figures (3 color), accepted by the Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacifi
